Fakes - Kpop Deepfakes (Com2star, MondoKpop, OnceFake, Etc) | Page 38 | Social Media Girls

Fakes Kpop Deepfakes (Com2star, MondoKpop, OnceFake, Etc)

Let's keep the revival going

Here's is the link to the previous folder, but I added a few more into the folder for you guys.

Trinitee commented
might be delusional but does nagi hikaru looks like eunbi sorry if oot
Deleted member 5623282 commented
Do you have more gwfakes? I would love to see some from W107
nazeemus commented
yep. s1 keeps getting the ones with big tits lol
fuups commented
Got jisoo version?
Sharing my DF for the sake of reviving this thread :PepePerfect:

I know it's trash cause of the model's low iteration, I'm only sharing this once don't spam dm me.
Deleted member 3927778 commented
Ionic Spark
Ionic Spark commented

**Reminder: This is my way of getting facesets, there are more efficient ways to do it.**

1. Download the necessary apps: Deepfacelab, Topaz Giga pixel AI (DL it here - getintopc.com), Any video editor, youtube video downloader.

2. Look for recent videos of which you're trying to make DFs, in my case I have Sana (Twice) - so I look for videos with sana (look for MVs, Comeback week, Behind the Scenes, brand advertisements, etc.)

3. Pick the videos with good angles facing left to right - up and down (with close up scenes the better, so you'll get the face details). Download the videos then edit and compile the exact scenes you want. Export in high settings and rename it to "data_src"

4. Place the compiled video on the 'workspace' folder then click "2) extract images from video data_src", go to workspace/data_src folder then browse the photos and delete the photos that are too blurry.

5. Run "4) data_src faceset extract" and choose your preffered settings, in my case I choose PNG, WF (Whole Face), 100%, 512x512px.

6. Open Topaz Giga pixel app and select the folder with the aligned images "workspace/data_src/aligned" select all the images (Ctrl + A). Select the best settings that enhances face details (but don't change the size,it should still be 512x512px) then export it with the same name like this "00001.jpg".

7. After the image enhancement check and delete poorly enhanced photos, then delete the photos in the "data_src/aligned" folder and replace the enhanced images. Then run "5.XSeg Generic) data_src whole_face mask - apply".

8. Ta-da! you have made a faceset :>

It's a long process but it gets what I need so it's fine I guess.
dpdpdpdp commented
what original code you use in this vid?
Ionic Spark
Ionic Spark commented
I forgor the exact code, I only saving the results but I know it's Suzu Honjo.
Wondering if anyone has signed up with Com2Star before? Says $5 to get the link, but wondering if the other content is also hidden behind more pay walls?

estebenz commented
you can see anything new they post until your subscription runs out
estebenz commented
no, the one time fee just allows you to sub
eviled commented
ah gotcha, thank you.

Do you know how much a sub is per month?
penguinfromhell commented
Com2 is 20 a month, DFidol is 20, gdf main is 25, gdf sub is 15

Deleted member 4181263

New member
Deleted Account
Getting Addicted Newbie
Nov 24, 2022
Let's keep it going

Password: revive
dio_brando_wry commented
cherryrin commented
Anyone recognize the jav code for the Karina one in this folder~?
fuups commented
Link doesn't work anymore
hevaz commented
You are very lucky. I had all videos from that folder and could reupload them. You guys should upload not only to gofile as it has really poor file retention.
My 44 pmv video colection , most were here before (i recomand to dw thme the link will expire after a while)

spikeblitz commented
is there a password you can share :)
hhhhll commented
is there a password you can share,please
retaredEtephante commented
please provide the password
ValhallaEnjoyer commented
anybody have the full version of the com2star perfect night pmv?
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Reactions: jmadmad
ValhallaEnjoyer commented
its not out yet , just the trailer
social-media-girls-forum commented
Mar 17, 2024
bobjimmy69 commented
blink_5 commented
Fakeguysadge commented