Understanding the relationship between Sleeve Cap Height & Bicep Width [Pattern Making Tutorial]

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Sleeve Cap Height and Bicep [Pattern Making Tutorial]
    In this video, I explain the relationship between sleeve cap height and bicep. You also learn how the sleeve cap height effect to movement. Understanding of relationship among the sleeve cap height, bicep, and inseam length will bring you the next level of sleeve drafting.
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    My name is Jin Kim and I have been a professional pattern maker for over 20 years.
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Комментарии • 113

  • @lisac5184
    @lisac5184 2 года назад +25

    I love your cat assist.

  • @Sandra_HereToSeeTheDuctTape
    @Sandra_HereToSeeTheDuctTape 21 день назад

    I know I this is a good video and everything you explain is correct because you have an excellent, trustworthy, beautiful supervisor! 😁

  • @Knittyneeds
    @Knittyneeds Год назад +3

    Greetings from France 🥰 LOVE your HELPING PAWS. Absolutely gorgeous. Soooo cute your PAWS kept touching you to say he was HUNGRY 🤣.EVERY VIDEO WITH YOUR PAWS PLEASE. It removes the stress in me. Great tips on sleeve caps and well l explained. I had 14 rescued cats, sick to the limit of dying. With the help of our Vet gave these poor adorable loving furries a very long comfortable life INDOORS with NO RESTRICTIONS and also accepted by my Gentle Giant my Newfoundland, and Labrador. Thanks for sharing caring and making me SMILE 😊🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍🌹🌹🌹

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  Год назад +1

      Thank you for watching my videos! I tried not to have him in my videos, but I couldn't stop him. He is the boss!!

    • @Knittyneeds
      @Knittyneeds Год назад


  • @dianneunderwood8456
    @dianneunderwood8456 2 года назад +10

    Thank you for a good overview of the Sleeve - it helped to clarify the cap height & bicep width and how that affects the length of the inseam. I am learning to draft pattern blocks and this was most helpful.

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  2 года назад +1

      I'm so happy my video is helpful ☺️ Thank you so much for watching my video!

  • @oluwapelumiadebiyi667
    @oluwapelumiadebiyi667 5 месяцев назад

    God bless you😢. I have been trying so hard to detect why sleeves I sew have less mobility. Thank you❤

  • @Myriadcosplay
    @Myriadcosplay Месяц назад

    Thanks so much for explaining this, I found it incredibly helpful

  • @ivividly
    @ivividly 2 месяца назад

    First time I ever understood this. Thank you ❤

  • @elnazmoghanlou2509
    @elnazmoghanlou2509 2 года назад

    You are great, I will take notes from all the videos and enjoy them. Thank you

  • @tattooedmomma
    @tattooedmomma Год назад +1

    This is the first video of yours I've seen. It's very thorough and explains things in a way that my literal brain can understand. Thank you!

  • @thamdinh1227
    @thamdinh1227 3 месяца назад

    Thank you. Your explanation was so knowledgeable!

  • @ThuyNguyen-mv2dg
    @ThuyNguyen-mv2dg 3 года назад +4

    Tks so much, and can you tell about the calculation of sleeve cap height for the best, jackets, shirt....? Tks

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  3 года назад +3

      Hi!! I'm gonna cover all that in the future episodes. Stay tuned 😉 😎

  • @phucnhahuynh4477
    @phucnhahuynh4477 3 года назад +8

    Wow thank you for your video. I've watched many pattern making videos before and none of them really show the examples so i'm ending up very confusing but after watching your video, it's easy to understand. Hoping for more videos like this ♥️

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  3 года назад +2

      Hi, Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad that my video is helpful 😊

  • @jsjc600
    @jsjc600 2 года назад +2

    That's what I am looking for.
    Thanks a lllooottt.😍😍

  • @roxannlegg750
    @roxannlegg750 2 года назад

    Thankyou thankyou thankyou!!! I have been sewing for years - and altho I kind of knew this, you have articulated it so well, i understand a lot more - the pictures of the different sleeve results was the BEST demonstration of the effect of ease...ive always mis-interpreted ease as the sleeve not fitting properly. Alll my sewing has been historical not modern, as modern has been too hard to understand. thankyou!!!!

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  2 года назад

      Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad it helped ☺️

  • @kimbrachet5695
    @kimbrachet5695 Год назад

    thank you so much, I have had a horrible time custom drafting my own sleeve, fitting for RTW is no problem, however my body is very different from industry standards. I am excited to experiment with cap height to get a balanced sleeve for a bigger bicep.
    This is very important for people working to expand into "plus size", grading up alone does not create the best result and reduces sales.

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  Год назад

      Plus size patterns are NOT the same as graded patterns from regular size.
      If we grad size 2 blazer to 16 or 18, it never works for someone who is actually size 16 or 18.

  • @TreasureShama
    @TreasureShama 2 года назад

    I am very happy to watch this video, it has really made me understand the diff between sleeve cap height and bicep.
    Thank you so much. God bless you.

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  2 года назад

      Thank you for your kind comments 😊 I'm happy that my video is helpful!

  • @harpreetwalia9527
    @harpreetwalia9527 Год назад +1

    HI, this is really helpful video. can you tell me what is the formula of sleeve cap height? thank you

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  Год назад

      I have several videos on making sleeve patterns. I don’t calculate sleeve cap height, so there's no formula for that. Each video explains a little different way. So watch those sleeve videos. It will helps. Thank you 😊

  • @muhammadrehman7947
    @muhammadrehman7947 6 месяцев назад

    Hello, you instructions are very good and easy to understand. You mentioned about the charts on your website for free but there aren't any patterns or charts there.
    Please help

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  6 месяцев назад

      @@muhammadrehman7947 Join my email list, then you will get it via email.

  • @georgiegrelis
    @georgiegrelis 26 дней назад

    Fantastic video thanks Jin

  • @sarair3656
    @sarair3656 6 месяцев назад

    I really could not listen och pay attention because of all my focus was on your cat 😻😻😻
    I subscribe och hope she/he will be on all your videos 🌹❤🥰😍

  • @RachelShadoan
    @RachelShadoan 7 месяцев назад

    This was so incredibly helpful, thank you!

  • @harunaoluremiodusan4348
    @harunaoluremiodusan4348 2 года назад +2

    Thanks a lot for this video.

  • @chrisfromtx9089
    @chrisfromtx9089 2 года назад

    Thank you for this video. Best explanation I have ever seen.

  • @jayanthamanori
    @jayanthamanori 7 месяцев назад

    This video is so helpful.Thank you.

  • @chamalabesinghe1763
    @chamalabesinghe1763 Год назад

    Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🧚🏼‍♀️🧚🏼‍♀️🧚🏼‍♀️

  • @julieb400
    @julieb400 3 года назад +1

    Ohhhhhh it's best of best!! Big thank you!

  • @DivinaGraciaRodriguez
    @DivinaGraciaRodriguez 5 месяцев назад

    this is very helpfulthank you so much

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  5 месяцев назад

      @@DivinaGraciaRodriguez You’re welcome ☺️

  • @lordfrivolous9839
    @lordfrivolous9839 2 года назад +1

    this was super easy to understand! thank you so much :)

  • @PikitaniPhiri
    @PikitaniPhiri 6 месяцев назад

    I like your explanation it is clear and now I'm able to differentiate sleeve height and bicep . Why is called bicep line?

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  6 месяцев назад

      @@PikitaniPhiri People use all different terms. Bicep line, sometimes I call it underarm line.

  • @Hanni57611
    @Hanni57611 Год назад

    Hi, may i want to know why we add sleeve cap ease even though we can attach sleeve to the body by flat sewing without adding sleeve cap ease. Thank you so much and ur fan from thailand ❤️❤️❤️

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  Год назад

      Yes you don’t have to have ease on the sleeve cap. It's your design. Especially you make shirts or drop shoulder tops. But if you make blazer, you need ease to make the shape of the shoulder.

  • @patriciaingraldi4719
    @patriciaingraldi4719 11 месяцев назад

    Excellent sleeve analysis

  • @MsMoe44
    @MsMoe44 2 года назад

    I had to watch twice because I was only paying attention to your beautiful cat!

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  2 года назад

      Hahahaha I know. Sometimes I have to wait until he let me record 😆

  • @monoversalfashionAcademy
    @monoversalfashionAcademy 11 месяцев назад

    Wow this video is very helpful thank you so much

  • @Betterthingswecanachieve
    @Betterthingswecanachieve Год назад

    Excellent explanation. My only critique is to ask that your cat assistant is always present ❤

  • @rebeccaherrera6006
    @rebeccaherrera6006 3 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for this!

  • @smartcad5338
    @smartcad5338 3 года назад +1

    It was very helpful.... thank you Jin.. always good video published.

  • @Bohemenian
    @Bohemenian Год назад

    Wonderful video! I draft my own menswear shirt patterns and have heard that sleeve cap ease is absolutely necessary, but the explanations have often been confusing to me. Sometimes, it has seemed to be more dogma than active choice. This is very helpful to understand the logic behind sleeve cap ease.
    Would you say that it's more common for RTW menswear shirt patterns to have sleeve cap ease or not? If so, what's a common amount of ease?

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  Год назад +1

      Hi, if your drass shirt has pretty high sleeve cap height with slim bicep, then about 3/8" - 1/2" ease would be okay. but if your shirt has a drop shoulder with wide bicep sytle, no ease or less then 1/4" ease would be good. Hope it's helpful!

  • @TheMichbo
    @TheMichbo 2 года назад

    I’m curious on fit of armscye x sleeve cap x bicep relationship on a coat especially when raising up the arm. Is having a small armscye and bigger sleeve best option to have most comfortable sleeve movement?

  • @haladraj
    @haladraj Год назад

    that was very useful, thank you

  • @farimahmalihi782
    @farimahmalihi782 10 месяцев назад

    Hiiii thank u it was soooo usefulll can i ask what the name of the software is

  • @BouncyBunny-h2v
    @BouncyBunny-h2v 2 года назад

    This is very helpful, thnx.

  • @amsa1992
    @amsa1992 Год назад

    Your kitty is so cute!

  • @jyotitiwari2336
    @jyotitiwari2336 2 года назад

    All class very superior
    Ap online bhi sikhate ho maim.?????

  • @level2456
    @level2456 2 года назад

    Thanks for the great video. How to we solve skewed short sleeve

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  2 года назад

      Hi, can you explain more detail? What is skewed short sleeve?

    • @level2456
      @level2456 2 года назад

      @@PatternStudio101 The sleeve that is not horizontal or level. It looks up or elevated on the outside and down on the inside (by armpit)

  • @rosecraft70
    @rosecraft70 2 года назад

    Thank you so much for this video 🙂 I really like to design my own clothes but I don't know how to start. Is there any book or course that can help me learn to draft patterns?
    Do you have any suggestions?

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  2 года назад

      Hi Rose, Thank you for watching my video. I have a online course [Mastering Pattern Blocks]. It teaches you how to make skirt, pant, and bodice pattern blocks. If you enjoy my teaching style, you'll love my course. Simple, easy and concise! But the course is closed now. If you sign up waiting list on my website, I'll email you when my course enrollment is opened. www.patternstudio101.com/blocks

  • @SH-kp3ux
    @SH-kp3ux 2 года назад

    Could you explain how to draft sleeve using bicep measurement? Thank you!!

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  2 года назад +1

      Hi, I'm going to make the video on that soon!!

    • @SH-kp3ux
      @SH-kp3ux 2 года назад

      @@PatternStudio101 thank you!!

  • @gailnel8812
    @gailnel8812 11 месяцев назад

    Love watching ur cat trying to interact by touching u on ur arm. ❤❤❤❤❤😂😂❤❤

  • @SandhyaWork-y3v
    @SandhyaWork-y3v Год назад

    Hey Jin, please make me understand how cap height and bicep affect each other. I am still a little confused.

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  Год назад

      That's whole video is about. Please watch the video again, and if you have a question, please let me know in detail.

  • @آلاءإبراهيم-ظ9ف
    @آلاءإبراهيم-ظ9ف 2 года назад

    Thank you a lot

  • @venkateshvenkatesh3933
    @venkateshvenkatesh3933 Год назад

    Nice 👍

  • @backstagecam5082
    @backstagecam5082 Год назад

    I'm super ignorant in anything related pattern making and sewing, and only a couple of days ago started viewing these instructional videos. Will someone please tell me should the sleeve cap be SYMMETRICAL? Some videos show them being symmetrical, this one doesn't.

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  Год назад +1

      Hi, you can make the sleeve cap symmetry front & back when you make simple t-shirts. But if you use woven fabric, the front sleeve curve and back sleeve curve shouldn't be the same.

    • @backstagecam5082
      @backstagecam5082 Год назад

      @@PatternStudio101 Thank you!
      So: woven fabric doesn't stretch, unlike knitted fabric. These words when translated into my native Finnish give two words that are commonly used as synonyms (in hand knitting world). Only now have I learned they are actually two different things.
      If I may ask, is there any suitable needle to use when hand sewing knitted fabrics? I've sewn two skirts with a normal needle and noticed it tends to tear the fabric.

  • @sameer899
    @sameer899 Год назад


  • @TCPAC
    @TCPAC Год назад

    Hi! do you sell patterns?

    • @PatternStudio101
      @PatternStudio101  Год назад

      Hi, I sell patterns only for the companies. DXF or STY files. Thank you 😊

  • @dabbys_fashion_house
    @dabbys_fashion_house 2 года назад +1


  • @Woilimsong
    @Woilimsong 2 года назад

    Good vedio

  • @garmentscadpattern7209
    @garmentscadpattern7209 2 года назад


  • @rashidchicchicrashid9586
    @rashidchicchicrashid9586 Год назад

  • @ArifArif-jk5yr
    @ArifArif-jk5yr Год назад

    i lost my 9 years but any teacher not trained me..

  • @Chandra.c
    @Chandra.c 2 года назад

    Hi வணக்கம் மேடம்

  • @ArifArif-jk5yr
    @ArifArif-jk5yr Год назад

    i want teach all about of pattern but there is nobody to teach me. beacause people have narrow mind here...

  • @ArifArif-jk5yr
    @ArifArif-jk5yr Год назад


  • @Woilimsong
    @Woilimsong 2 года назад
