13 years ago
Sam is your typical Collage aged, emoistic, "tortured soul." as a child her parents told her she came out wrong. They wanted a boy, so in desperite attempts to keep her from growing into a woman they gave her antifemhormones to counteract her natural growth, cut her hair short, and kept telling her that she was supposed to like cars and sports. around age 15 thats when things really got bad. her parents told her she was going into get a check up but really they were going to screw her up even more. when they arrived they put her under heavy drugs and when she came out she had muscles. her father came over to her and said "see? now you can play football" at age 18 she ranaway or "moved out" she called it. had enough money in her collage fund to pay for someone to take the muscles out leaving behind perminant scars on both her arms. a few months later a man took her in. he gave her everythig she wanted. he even paid for an operation to have what her parents did to her reversed. she was now the woman she wanted to be. it was all fine up untill it was time to pay the man back for all his kindness. he forced her to do things to him and to herself for a couple years and if she didnt do it he'd lock her up untill she would "promise to play nice" untill one day she swiped a pair of headge clippers from the gardeners van and went to service her "master" she cut him...where it counts. as he rolled in his blood she ran away again. now shes on her own.