eric speaking the truth. Whether they are all putting on act to be in some exclusive club or it is real, something is going on with these fuckers.
eric speaking the truth. Whether they are all putting on act to be in some exclusive club or it is real, something is going on with these fuckers.
eric speaking the truth. Whether they are all putting on act to be in some exclusive club or it is real, something is going on with these fuckers.
Does anyone take Satanism seriously? Anton is long gone out the news! It is like tying Christians too "White Surpremists", both are just fringes of society. But I know who I fear more!
I am an atheist and i think the concept of satan is as absolutely absurd as the concept of a god. you cant believe in satan and not believe in god. that is just the view by those who are uneducated and just trying to piss off their parents.
just like if you proclaim your dedication and devotion to ****** (hey-sooooos) and yet you punch your midget to porn. its against god to do such things according to your big book of fairy tales. thou shalt not covet, commit adultery, etc etc etc
its all rubbish that is just for the weak minded to believe so they can do as they wish and be forgiven for it no matter what.
because the satanic establishment if there were such a thing, is about as relevant as the vampire establishment. laws arent written based on satanic beliefs. I dont have to deal with satanic politicians forcing their bullshit on my life. the same cannot be said for christians.
you are so bat shit crazy that its well past funny. it's scary.
and if you haven't figured out yet, I don't do a fucking thing that I don't wanna do. When I was on set everyone knew not to even ask me to do extras, even when I was 18 and brand new. I walked off sets more than a dozen times because I refused to do what they told me. I never did a gang bang even though I was offered $10,000 which is about as high as anyone has been paid. I never did a DP even though I was offered $7,500 which again is at the top.
So not only are you more crazy and a shithouse rat, you're facts are just as crazy
and the former head of the FBI you mean bible thumping John Asswipe Ashcroft who spent millions of dollars to bust Tommy Chong? The same John Ashcroft who resigned before he could be prosecuted? The very same who prosecuted porn distributors and focused on censorship?
yeah, good resource lol
ok I have 40 minutes before my hot young girls get here...and you and your insane delusions aren't entertaining enough to keep me any longer.
Get help Eric. Seriously.