Never said she was a great person! I could tell you some stories from my friend who worked sound for Ray Charles.
You want stage stories? You've come to the right place. :thumbsup:
She's a bitch. One of the times I worked her show she did the worst thing an artist can do to her fans. There was a meet 'n greet backstage for 15 of her fans. One of them was a retarded 12-year-old girl whose dream was to meet Avril Lavigne. The tour manager thought it would be a nice gesture if the girl had her picture taken with the bitch, so he asked her to hug the girl for the picture. The look on the bitch's face immediately changed from boredom and antipathy to disgust and revulsion, as if she would've just been asked to touch a leper. "Ew! No way!" was her response, as she stormed off from catering, where the event was held. After 2 or 3 minutes, and some convincing by the tour manager, she came back out and half-assedly put her arm around the girl, keeping as much distance between them as possible, and had the picture taken. I just can't have any respect for someone who pulls that kind of bullshit.
pretty ^^
'Zat mean you wanna hear a story? Ok, how's this one from a sound guy that I've worked with? So, this guy was in D.C. mixing monitors at a theater for some band that I can't remember. As we all know you can't have sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll without the drugs, right? So this guy's at the monitor desk cutting up a line, when the backstage security guy approaches him. He thought the guy would be like any other backstage security guard in the country and want some of his blow, but it turned out that the guy was an off-duty D.C. cop that worked part-time at the theater. So the cop approaches him, flashes his badge, and asks what he was doing. Then, in the greatest display of quick thinking on your feet that I've ever heard of, he tells the cop that it was fader powder, used to keep the faders on the board running smoothly. He pushed the blow into the faders and showed the cop how nicely they worked after being dusted with the powder. The suspicious cop walked away, trying to believe what he had just been told, while the guy tried to snort as much blow as he could out of the faders. :rofl:
I Cannot fuckin stand her! IMO she's a ugly, skanky lookin punkA$$, over-rated, untalented, fuckhead, piece of shit, bitch, that I think she truly is.. is that derogatory enough of a connotation to what I really think of that nastiness I am talking about? & since she did, what my dude, "gsb" describes above she can go play in fuckin traffic for all I care. FUCK avril Lavigne & her music.:thefinger:cussing::2 cents: