Guitar Player Reacts to Alip Ba Ta "My Heart Will Go On" Finger style

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 81

  • @TouchyReactions
    @TouchyReactions  9 дней назад +23

    This might be one of the most impressive things I've ever seen on RUclips. I love that RUclips gives people at platform who might never have had the opportunities to share with the world 🌎

    • @wntpreya7952
      @wntpreya7952 6 дней назад +2

      @@TouchyReactions lanjut tocixity cover alipbata kopi mana kopi

  • @MichaelJohn06
    @MichaelJohn06 4 дня назад +4

    Thank you very much, guys. Such a very nice reactions. Big love, peace, and appreciate from Indonesia to USA. Please keep making another reactions for Alip Ba Ta's covers. He's so awesome, fantastic, and out of this world. 🇮🇩❤🇺🇸

  • @olanmanila
    @olanmanila 9 дней назад +11

    Yes sir!.. he’s from my beautiful neighbor Indonesia… He’s so amazing! 😊👍🇵🇭

    • @TouchyReactions
      @TouchyReactions  8 дней назад +4

      Salamat Po

    • @olanmanila
      @olanmanila 8 дней назад +3

      @ Walang anuman.. (You’re welcome)… 👍😊🙏🇵🇭

  • @nuhabdullah5972
    @nuhabdullah5972 6 дней назад +3

    If you see in Alip's original video, if he uses alternate tuning, he always put the the tuning in his writing
    Alip is probably one of the best guitarist ever. He is from Indonesia.
    He has so many phenomenally high skill guitar techniques. He plays guitar in many genres songs.
    To know better about his skill you need to watch at least 20 of his videos.
    I have a list of videos for you to check and hopefully react :
    1. Bohamian Rhapsody. 2. Love of My Life ( both by Queen )
    3. Another Day ( Dream Theater)
    4. Pagebluk 5. CT43 6. Infected and 7. Sepur Tua ( Alip's Original)
    8. Final Countdown (Europe)
    9. Dear God and 10. Buried Alive (Avenged 7fold)
    11. Numb (Linkin Park)
    12. God Father Theme Song
    13. Goose Bump Theme Song
    14. Sweet Child Of Mine (Guns N Roses)
    15. Black Or White (Michael Jackson)
    16. No Woman No Cry (Bob Marley)
    17. Kiss From A Rose (Seal)
    18. Hotel California (Eagles)
    19. More Than Words (Extreme)
    20. Dance On The Floor (Jennifer Lopez)
    Believe me you will love the above videos.
    I am looking forward to watch your reactions on the above Alip's videos.
    All the best...

    • @TouchyReactions
      @TouchyReactions  6 дней назад +2

      Wow! Thank you so much for sharing all of this with us ❤️ 💕

  • @sabambanjarnahor5498
    @sabambanjarnahor5498 3 дня назад +1

    Alip not come from the eart. But he's come from galaxy or my be come from Cloudy...
    He's finger'style incredible.
    Speech less....
    He"s the best of the best.

  • @keithrichardson6836
    @keithrichardson6836 8 дней назад +4

    Alip has many outstanding performances on YT been following him for a couple of years now great rabbit hole to go down 👌

  • @AbiRealme-o8c
    @AbiRealme-o8c 7 дней назад +3

    Even when the Cevo moved, it was told to a friend. There definitely wasn't time.. Because the move was so quick.. to get a high vote.. 😅😅😅❤❤❤

  • @bonnykariem6602
    @bonnykariem6602 7 дней назад +3

    ☕kopi mana kopi☕

  • @DasamHudi
    @DasamHudi 7 дней назад +2

    King of harmonic

  • @AbiRealme-o8c
    @AbiRealme-o8c 7 дней назад +2

    Yes mister. Alip yang pertama didunia music meng cover sebuah lagu besar pakai suling 😊😅😂❤❤❤
    Memang lagu my heart Will go on manyoritas vocal suling..❤

  • @MohdNoor-d2f
    @MohdNoor-d2f 8 дней назад +4

    Simply amazing. His abilities are out of the general way.

  • @fahmibawazier6550
    @fahmibawazier6550 7 дней назад +2

    Great reaction 😊👍👍👍

  • @hi-jack
    @hi-jack 8 дней назад +3

    he ran out of battery on his cell phone 😀
    next bohemian rhapsody please by alip ba ta cover

  • @rt-nos7199
    @rt-nos7199 7 дней назад +2

    🎉Hi guys ...
    Indeed Alip use spesific tuning for spesific song 😊❤
    He plays music with his soul ❤❤❤
    He played lots of his original song, with acoustic, acoustic electric & electric guitar only, as well

  • @johnclarke8096
    @johnclarke8096 8 дней назад +4

    Hey you two, you need to hear Alip playing Bohemian Rhapsody you never heard anything like it, he's pretty amazing. Thanks for your reaction.😊

    • @TouchyReactions
      @TouchyReactions  8 дней назад +3

      Thanks John. I'll add it to my list.

    • @streetspirit5722
      @streetspirit5722 8 дней назад +3

      ​@@TouchyReactionsthere's two version of this rendition, try the first/earlier post. Thanks

  • @MrAdjoes
    @MrAdjoes 5 дней назад +3

    His battery low bat .. he don't want like a perfect but he want to share about like play guitar...thanks for assessment from musician guitar ..please react and assessment another cover and original music from Alip with guitar ...warm greeting from Alipers Indonesia..we appreciate and respect for you...

  • @DaniSudrajat-p3d
    @DaniSudrajat-p3d 6 дней назад +2

    Hello my brother greetings from Alipers Indonesia, good reaction MANTAP.
    Next song REORIEN
    Terima kasih.

  • @gagaming9786
    @gagaming9786 5 дней назад +2

    Good reaction. you know a guitar. you must be like ALIP BA TA.. more reaction pliss. Bohemian rhapsody by cover Alip bata version 1

  • @bobbyart2561
    @bobbyart2561 8 дней назад +2

    Well, Alip often changes the tuning of his guitar strings according to the song and technique he plays.... and the capo is very helpful, besides for reaching high notes, the capo also presses the strings tighter against the fretboard, making it easier to do hammer ons and pull offs.

  • @saprinsaprin-j4q
    @saprinsaprin-j4q 7 дней назад +2

    Nice sir..mantap kopi mana kopi❤❤❤

  • @MikeSmith-cl4ix
    @MikeSmith-cl4ix 8 дней назад +2

    Thanks that was great.

  • @adjieadjah
    @adjieadjah 8 дней назад +3

    React more often to Alipbata and the Alipers from around the world will supports your channel...Alipbata def the goat, the king of harmonics, the one man band and the god of metronome

  • @BabaAlip-n9u
    @BabaAlip-n9u 8 дней назад +4

    Great reaction to alip bata sirr.. next bohemian rhapsody by alip bata cover..god job sirr

  • @johankranggo1299
    @johankranggo1299 8 дней назад +2

    Mantap guys
    Nice reaction 👍

  • @madiloldireact
    @madiloldireact 7 дней назад +2

    Please rect another cover alif bata...he is interesting

    • @TouchyReactions
      @TouchyReactions  7 дней назад +2

      Folks have been suggesting Bohemian rhapsody

  • @ImamHanafi-br9xq
    @ImamHanafi-br9xq 6 дней назад +2


  • @aydhilfirdhan4783
    @aydhilfirdhan4783 8 дней назад +2

    ❤❤❤❤❤ thanks for reaction alip bro.... greeting from Indonesia n alipers ( alip fans comuniti )... hope u more reaction alip... many cover n original by alip... acoustic n electric guitar... ❤❤❤❤

  • @antonazra5165
    @antonazra5165 8 дней назад +2

    Next alip ba ta cover fingger style😊

  • @suparjatputt-c9b
    @suparjatputt-c9b 7 дней назад +2

    alip ba ta emang keren.. salam dari indonesia

  • @cholidnovrizal2032
    @cholidnovrizal2032 7 дней назад +2

  • @sanyandika1642
    @sanyandika1642 7 дней назад +2

    mantab bosku.❤

  • @JajangSumpena-pe9pi
    @JajangSumpena-pe9pi 8 дней назад +2

    Next many more alip ba ta choose cover bro.

  • @azami5567
    @azami5567 7 дней назад +2

    👍💛 it

  • @emastur9487
    @emastur9487 5 дней назад +2

    Utuy tasik hadir

  • @ilzelia4383
    @ilzelia4383 7 дней назад +2


  • @ludyhartoyo6880
    @ludyhartoyo6880 8 дней назад +2

    Alip ba ta ( One Man band)
    Alip ba ta The master harmonic
    Alip ba ta The king of guitar
    Next: Numb (Likin Park) finger style cover...

  • @Ojicon
    @Ojicon 8 дней назад +3

    Ooops...not finished...the mobile phone that recorded has lowbatt. Alip uploaded the tutorial in his channel to play these both music instruments

  • @AhmadFuad-gj7gc
    @AhmadFuad-gj7gc 8 дней назад +2

    Next...cover Alip bata Godfather song & Numb

  • @otne
    @otne 7 дней назад +2


  • @eryeky2898
    @eryeky2898 8 дней назад +2

    👍 mantap!
    next: Love of My Life

  • @IlhamBlack23
    @IlhamBlack23 2 дня назад +1


  • @pepenmcg2774
    @pepenmcg2774 2 дня назад +1

    Kraton Jogja hadir

  • @sarimulyo7279
    @sarimulyo7279 8 дней назад +2

    Alip is the best acustik

  • @gerilumentut3647
    @gerilumentut3647 8 дней назад +2

    Please react to Buried Alive, Kiss from a Rose, and Thank You for Loving Me by Alip Ba Ta. Thank's for nice reaction.

  • @rachmantoasmoro0103
    @rachmantoasmoro0103 5 дней назад +2

    Oooch alib....what are you made of....????!

  • @Bilikmassagespa
    @Bilikmassagespa 6 дней назад +2