10 minutes compilation of mark & haechan showing his act of service


Комментарии • 22

  • @psychedelicacynical
    @psychedelicacynical Год назад +110

    It's crazy when you think about how long they've known each other (most of their lives). and since they're in the exact same 2 nct units, live and travel together, they have been together literally 24/7 most of their lives. they're closer than some family members are lol. you can see how mark is subconsciously very protective over haechan.

  • @haechanwillbethedeathofme
    @haechanwillbethedeathofme Год назад +100

    Oh my Markhyuck heart😭😭. So glad they have each other. Uri strongest duo.

  • @markchan-i9j
    @markchan-i9j Год назад +49

    Im going crazy when acts of service more strong then a words. Im melting now for them😅😊

  • @Teresahkp
    @Teresahkp Год назад +45

    My two favorite duo 🐻🐯🫰

  • @Seoljige
    @Seoljige 4 месяца назад +5

    Their personality are so quit opposite yet they get along so well….sometimes mark seems to avoid haechan and many drama involving skinship which is hc love language but i swear they are deeply connected inside,They depends on each other alot and i don’t think they can go without each other.
    Those days when hc was hurt n exempted from activities, mark looks so empty specially in 127..And when graduated from dream hc misses him alot as we all fan do

  • @genroRobbins6941
    @genroRobbins6941 Год назад +39

    Markhyuck keeps me sane🤣🤣🤣

  • @НурайАйнабекова-ъ8к

    OMG can't help loving them, they are so cute and comfortable, they are really lucky to have each other😍😢

  • @markchan-i9j
    @markchan-i9j Год назад +17

    Markhyuck are so cute. I love it.

  • @marvinraphaelmonfort8289
    @marvinraphaelmonfort8289 7 месяцев назад +9

    my fave is when mark unsuccessfully put the glasses on top of his head to copy heachan but he had a hoodie on so nope😂 by the end of this i was so soft, lips pursed, about to cry lol

  • @jannafreudenberg1878
    @jannafreudenberg1878 5 месяцев назад +2

    Mark is a Gentleman only for Haechan and Haechan for Mark

  • @existentialcrisis4592
    @existentialcrisis4592 10 месяцев назад +6

    The acts of service x physical affection duo

  • @MIN-holic30
    @MIN-holic30 11 месяцев назад +9

    Mark: Thrice a day, say no to Haechan.
    Me who saw this compilation: oh, really Mork?? 🤣🤣🤣

  • @anakarolinafreitas9122
    @anakarolinafreitas9122 10 месяцев назад +3

    So cuuutieees 🥺🥺😍😍💖💖💖💖

  • @mariasmith3906
    @mariasmith3906 Год назад +11

    Great job on the video- appreciate all your work!!!

  • @myhappylife1087
    @myhappylife1087 Год назад +4

    Mereka memang manis sekaliiii 😭

  • @phisutthiporn
    @phisutthiporn Год назад +8

    น่ารักกก ขอบคุณคลิปค้าบ ดีใจที่มีแอดอยู่เรือเดียวกันมากก ฮ่าา รักษาสุขภาพด้วยนะค้าบบ❤❤

    • @Amib124
      @Amib124  Год назад +4

      ขอบคุณค้าบ 🫠

  • @vanillamatchalatte
    @vanillamatchalatte Год назад +3

    my loves 😩

  • @multifandomgeek9441
    @multifandomgeek9441 Год назад +3

    Really love this video, thanks so muvh!

  • @Mflover504
    @Mflover504 Год назад +3


  • @yeolliepop9017
    @yeolliepop9017 Год назад +4

    Does anyone know where the clip at 6:17 was from? 💚💚💚

  • @Jahnnnnn5
    @Jahnnnnn5 2 месяца назад

    1:50 where is it from?