A Heroic Move by VENOM in the Final Fight | VENOM: THE LAST DANCE
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Eddie and Venom are on the run. Hunted by both of their worlds and with the net closing in, the duo are forced into a devastating decision that will bring the curtains down on Venom and Eddie's last dance.
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Notice how eddies in the exact same position at the end he was was he first hurt himself on the bike in the first movie where venom says “ we are venom”
That’s what I told my dad no joke
We will always honor venom for what he did, it doesnt matter the outside but the inside hes still in fans heart
Venom is a true hero he deserve to live again
Agreed 👍
@@a.k.mnoormohammadshohelmon2214 Yes indeed
spoiler alert if u look into the end credits u can see that hes alive in the cockroach
@@sambitbiswal3144 Nice
A Hero is as a Hero does. I weep for the truly Heroic.
Venom is the best fictional hero. I'll never forget him 😢💔.
😂 and just to think he was the good in all of that ❤.
??? よっ!
Venom is probably the only superhero I've ended up feeling something for. Which is maybe messed up. But in the end, he really did care. I hope that the franchise find a way to bring him back.
Venom is not a super hero he is a anti hero like batman and punisher
Venom will be back. That tiny bit of him from the bar, survived the explosion and occupied a cockroach.
That was in a different universe tho, I feel this Venom and Eddie Combo are done, As if they bond again the Codex will still be there and will be a constant Threat of Knull escaping
@@ghosty21gaming4 No it's not. It was shown at the end of titles. There are two short clips. One after the end of the movie with Knull saying that he will kill everyone, and after the end of all titles there is another one with the barman coming out of the cave and then the camera shows a cockroach occupied by the leftover symbiote.
@@badseednut ahh my bad, I missed those
@@badseednut it's not venom. It's more like son of venom without this venom's memory.Who might get connected to Peter later.
This venom n Eddie are done.
@@demoncyborg5875 So if you chop your finger, your finger becomes a different entity? This piece was part of venom. Chances are he doesn't have the memories after they got separated but it's still part of Venom. Also nothing is done when it comes to cinema. They can make up any story they want and they don't even follow the comic. So the way I see it, nothing is done. We just need to wait and see.
At 2:41 when I saw what he was doing to me it look like this was what a fugitive on the run would do knowing that he can’t just run away from the cops forever when there’s too much of them or too much destruction or even too much sacrifices. Cause now I’m just imagining what it looks like for him knowing that he’s just going to turn himself in knowing that he’s done running and he’s ready for them to take him in.
This kind of fugitive surrender moment almost reminds me of that good ending of life is strange 2
He is not a fugitive he is venom he sacrificed himself to destroy the codex and keep knull locked away and save the world he isa good guy please watch venom the last dance
@@hreevan I know that I’m just saying that it feels like someone watching this would experience what it would’ve been like as a fugitive on the run and from the look of it you realize with all this collateral damage and lives on the line it makes that person realize that he can’t run forever so he decides to just turn himself in knowing it’s just the right thing to do
@@Emiliodelgado25 This relates more to suicide bomber terrorists.
Genuinely sad to see Venom sacrifice himself, eyes fot watery and everything x
I can't Stop crying 😭 😭 😭 Drops of Tears falling from my eye 😢😢 very emotional scene venom sacrifice
When Venom said it's just bye for now I was waiting for something else but he will return
“Goodbye Eddie” -Venom
@@mesuger ピーターかダークアベンジャーズのコミックみたいにホームカミングのラストなどにも登場したマック・ガーガン(原作でいうスコーピオン)に寄生されるのは賛否がありそうです😅
@@mesuger 紫のスクリーム(悲鳴)のようなシンビオートはアゴニー(激痛)というコミックと同じ女性に寄生しているシンビオートでコミック版だとライオット(暴動)とスクリームと同じヴェノムの一部で産まれた敵のシンビオートなので1作目の元になった日本語版ヴェノム リーサル・プロテクターというコミックを読むのがおすすめです
Well, at least one of them is still alive.
In the end, all Venom really wanted was to live in this world. He loved it
Let's hope he does return
Hope venom return again ❤
If venom does not return.. I ll never see this series ..
@@mukeshagarwal3467 I have watched the trailer for venom. 4 it’s good
@@mukeshagarwal3467 Google said there will be venom 4 in 2026
Love this series of movies 👊🏻
Made me cry😢😢😢😢
Venom might return in the next movie
he died end of no more
@RichyJMovies You are wrong. At the beginning of the movie, he left a piece of himself in the bar in Mexico
@RichyJMovies He's not dead
@rafaelzetterberg2741 Did you miss the scene where the military guy captured that piece before it could get to anyone? It was probably destroyed
If there is gonna be another one
Pobre venon nunca te olvidaremos 😢
Didnt see the movie. How did that woman turn into the venom flash lmao
Venom will came back ❤
Venom bonded with Eddie on the genetic level and will return .
This is the moment when Edie lost a friend
He said this is goodbye FOR NOW 😮😮
I won’t forget you buddy
Go Venom your the best friend
Tobey Maguire/Peter Parker: Whatever comes our way. Whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice. Venom taught Eddie that. He chose to be the best of himself. It's the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what's right.
This scene always brings a tear to my eye venom would come back right?
😢😢😢😢😢Ok cool ❤❤❤
dang he is strong
He also still lives in eddie as a part of the codex
I mean, we watched a little bit of the symbiote flick off a while back, I wonder what it's up to in the MCU now.
Heart Touching Ending
Venom Nooo!!!!😭4:31 / 6:11
Long live the heroes
He said, it's just bye for now.. Means he come back 😂
You are the best venom
Je t'aime fort vénom 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Poor venom 😢😢😢
Rip Venom. 4:36
5:39 cuando se te va el internet 😅😅😅
Esto es barriga, señor triste 😢😔
4:36 😢
Just makes me wish I has someone who cared about me.
Man don’t say that I’m sure there are people saying that to yourself just makes you believe if you really look at a positive side of things even when it’s hard you eventually find it trust me
@ApolloDegraff-pi6sg 🤜🤛
There is you just see them believe me it be like that
If you have friends and family, then someone cares about you. If not, then reach out and find people to connect to. Join a group or a community of like minded individuals like yourself and you’ll give people a reason to support you.
This Person is 100% Correct, I agree. I’ve seen this world and everything it’s become. There is not one chance to even meet somebody who cares, All this world is filled with is Narcissistic, Egotistical and self absorbed people. If they do show any slight of empathy, it’s a mask they wear to conceal their true intentions while lacking authenticity. So again this person is right.
まさかあのヴェノム がゼノファージと一緒に死んでしまうとは😭……。
Venom dying made me sad
Venom I love you you so kindness
4:34 Eddie esa fue su elección, el eligió hacer ese sacrificio y fue la correcta, si él se va entonces el códex se va con el, destruir el códex va a ser la única opción de que Knull no sea liberado y va a pasar toda la eternidad en su prisión eterna, Knull no solo puede poner en peligro la tierra, en su forma perfecta Knull puede ser una amenaza para todo el universo, asumiendo que es el dios de la destrucción, el creador original de los simbiontes no carece de esa ambición, podría destruir cualquier planeta a su paso
We are Venom 😭
Wow flash symbiote
😢😢😢😢😢😢 0:14
Lo arrastró y no se le ensució la camisa 😂😂
5:39 6:39 😬
Rip venom
Seguro que alguna parte del cuerpo de Venom se separa en mitad de la pelea
Жалко венома 😢
Venom not dead hate to say it . he be back . cause he the one who Kills the big one
Venom will I always come back at venom king in black
Did he change shoes at the very end?
Are people forgetting venom left a piece of himself in the mcu universe too
And the last symbiote from venom that is alive is... in the universe from Tom Holland Spiderman 😶
Cómo me duele esta parte 😢
Venom prt...
Me too
Isnt there a roach that has a part of venom infused with him? So he it finds its way back to Eddie does that mean the codex is still in him as venom still exists?
Strip the king weathers as venom
Jackson storm as eddie brock
Jeff gorvette and max schnell as themselves
tank you venom
good baby😢
We are venom
for real he might come
What is the cockroach in venom the last dance? The last scene is venom