Full Live Stream - Hulk Hands | Individual Event 7 - 2023 Rogue Invitational
- Опубликовано: 7 мар 2025
- Full coverage of CrossFit Event 7, "Hulk Hands," from the 2023 Rogue Invitational in Round Rock, Texas (Sunday, October 29). This includes the Women's division at 3:00 and the Men's division at 43:00.
As the first of three Sunday workouts, Hulk Hands had a very difficult impact on the two CrossFit leaderboards. On the women's side, defending champ Laura Horvath used the event to solidify her position, while for the men, this grueling gauntlet opened up a door for Jayson Hopper, Roman Khrennikov, and Dallin Pepper to gain some ground on the Canadian trio of Vellner, Adler, and Fikowski.
Workout Details:
30 Echo Bike Cals
20 Double FatBell G2OH (70/50)
75' FR Lunge to Zeus (135/95) -
Bag Drag Up Hill
75' FR Lunge
20 Double FatBell G2OH (70/50)
30 Echo Bike Cals
Check out all leaderboards, competitor info, event details, and more at the official Rogue Invitational page here: www.roguefitne... Спорт
I haven't watched crossfit in years and man, has it "progressed"! These women are bigger than the men from like circa 2012!
It's cool, good training seems to be a pleasure
Well, women have barely just started entering more types of sports and things are slowly developing after all these years, they had to catch up after being absent from most sports for most of the post-modern era.
@@JamesRindall steroid womens
Aren't drugs cool kids?
@@JamesRindall They haven't not 'barely' just started dude, its years of practise. and these women are doing it for ages. the difference between men and women, will never be closed, if that's what you meant by your comment. the Men's arena is of more well shaped dudes. diet, researches and advancement in training has helped everyone.
That stadium should be full of people. Such amazing type of training, athletes, performance, exercises. So good, healthy and clean.
you joking who would pay to watch this crap
@@bobmiller7502 its an excellent demonstration of physical prowess. not a shameless display of enslaved majority-black men giving themselves concussions.
Lies again? Health Hub USD SGD
@@bobmiller7502 Lmao!
Apparently people are not interested.
The rain is making this event even better! Go Tia!
It’s amazing how the popularity of this sport has plummeted!
you for real ? there no body watching except their family sitting in the rain.
@@majestytdTell me you don't know the meaning of plummeted without saying you don't know the meaning of plummeted...
@@horsebattery9243 lol indeed I didn’t read all. All I see was you said amazing and popular and I automatically say really ?
@@horsebattery9243 Well tell us why "the popularity of this sport HASN'T plummeted?"
These are so fun to watch. Thank you❤
Doing this in the rain probably felt dangerous, but it looked really cinematic…
The Fatbells may LOOK like a new take of the KB, but as it has its centre of gravity inside the bell, in your hand, it is much closer to a DB in effective use. The biggest difference between KB and DB is the placing of the centre of gravity - in your palm in the DB, shifted several inches away in the KB which changes the balance and the levers during lifting.
FB are much more DB-alike than KB-alike.
Yep, the FB is just a more balanced DB and makes the lifting easier. They are nothing like a KB.
Are those 53 lbs each or 53 lbs total? Men are 70 but it doesn't say if they are pressing 70 or 140...
I really wish they would show the bike meter. It’d be fun to compare their output to normal humans. Yes, normal humans are certainly crap in comparison but it would be interesting to know just how crap. Ditto for other events involving skierg, rowers, etc.
You should also add yourself into that normal human category 😒
As for skiers and rowers, you don't have to worry about them - everything is as it should be. But in crossfit, I don't understand at all - why do people need it? There is "iron man", there is pentathlon, triathlon.... apparently this is not enough or something
annoys me seeing empty stadium every Crossfit event. Bring it to England and you'd fill it out.
thumbnail girl:
dani speegle
and the thumbnail is not in the video.
These videos need more disclaimers like you :)
cause she was ALMOST last place in this video
Thank you. I leave.
What a clickbait😂
That's sad therefore i leave
It's cool, good training seems to be a pleasure
i can barely do a lunge without falling let alone a weighted one 😂
Loved the slide from Roman!
And from Laura, even though she said it was unintentional
Very disappointing. Should be mandatory to have extended footage on Dani whenever she is squatting/lunging etc
Hahaaha why
@@kuntakintewarrior7391 she's a beautiful beast with thighs to die for
I second that notion, fellow man of culture.
Give the people what they want!!@FITNESSOVER45
You don't "Love" these Women, these Women "Love" you.😁
Nice event.
Is that 70lbs per ball? Or 70lbs total. Because 70lbs for 80 reps is insane 😮
Awesome fun stuff! They're all so beautiful and strong. A strong man's paradise
Really beautifull? Pharm machines and nothing else
beautiful? you mean the big angry swollen deca faces? I prefer high jumpers and long jumpers. These toxic grotesque chemistry sets do nothing for me.
@@Evgeniy87kz he definitely has a fetish lol
Never give up
The prize purse was at a minimum of $1,275,000, and reached over $1.6 million. With the winners of the crossfit competitions receiving $280,304.30 and the winner of the strongman competition receiving $146,159.14.
after tax???
Não sei se no Brasil existe esse evento ou algum brasileiro participa mas seria legal
Mis respetos para estas mujeres😊
This looks like it was fun even though they all look like they're suffering, I'm down for it😂
Beautiful and fit just the way it should be
They are neither.
With all due respect, I can not help myself wondering how it feels to be loved by these types of women.
for starters. you oil your own arse
Y'all should do a winter event!
Where do they get the gear from?
There's a reason the stadiums are almost empty.
Normal people aren't interested in seeing "women" jacked like men.
Food for thought.
feel like they should let the crowd stand right down there on the field
I agree.
I think that could turn up the intensity of the event and make spectating way more fun. Also more visually appealing.
@@stevepascheI agree. They gotta step it up to match other sport stadium and excitement. I loooove CrossFit but for me to book a ticket I’d need more than just a tired announcer…
💪🍑Dani Speegle💪🍑 is all that mattered
Genial 😂🎉
That is why the stadiums are empty these days.
what purpose do the belts serve?
Отлично 👍👏😆
Hola renmen toutetan sakfè ,A mwen pakonnen BonDieu, wi vreman
32:39 , estamos locos ?
Русский красава. Всё спортсмены молодцы. А организаторам которые решили не показывать флаг России нашего спортсмена, вам позор за дискриминацию.
Потому, что он не русский
ты сам не русский@@sergeikap7211
@@sergeikap7211 А какой? Почему тогда флаг не показали?
Needs to do this in a Jungle! Climbing coconut trees.
lol :)
Por favor traducir al Español gracias Bendiciones
Sean Woodland has it down. I think other guy bad chats too much about the competitor's while they're performing. We know it's difficult, but we respect the difficulty, no need to put athletes who train all year down about their obvious weaknessess.
Sean just knows how to focus on the event, the performances, the leaderboard, who is in the lead and what's happening on the field while adding little stories about athletes and their personal shxt that gives context to who they are and what they come from.
Big rant i know but it's rubbish to hear someone continue to analyse and critique every little thing, that's a coach, go coach. But don't commentate, that's for additional energy, information, context and hopefully a healthy charater that adds to the sport. Sean just needs a studio partner who maybe has more reaction energy and doesn't get in the way of the event in real time.
Very stong girls!
Can someone please tell me what these young women are taking to look like teen age bodybuilders in the 80s 😅
if i knew i would start it too but at a later stage of life.
they rename this game now ? All of this seem to be CrossFit
those dudes rocks
Good on Rogue for keeping male and female events separate. Its a shame though to see so many women using male hormones to win though.
Real steroi8d testing would end the these games
Absolue Units
Nice and strong girls😉😘
these girls must give a hell of a handy.
thats hard
Should've been called Super Bomberman
Роман - красавчик!!!
Are these athletes tested?
Definitely Juiced.
I like strong women!
You're zesty
Tia is a weapon of mass destruction
Everyones juiced to the gills and thats just the women holy wow what am i witnessing
Dani speegle
.. looks good in video. But it ends here
I don't trust those stationary bikes. Too easy to tamper with.
What killed crossfit? It was immensly popular. Was it just a gimmick that phased out?
Роман - красава!!!
powerful women woow amazing😶🌫
These women are beautiful beasts
Sean woodland is the best!
There is no way the black guy in the blue shirt bet the other guy! He was last on the bike and pointed out there was something wrong with his bike and was no way cycling faster than the other guy!
He cheated!!
obviously no roid testing
Unfortunately A Terrible video .!!! 😢 Bad workout 🏋️ form
arriba los anabolizantes!!!
Thats a whole lot of chicken and broccoli
and Rice
i enjoy doing crossfit it is truly exhilarating but it really isn't a great spectator sport at all
Хренников отличная игра👏👏👏
Quick burst strength and zero endurance. Formula for failure, they should work for a fire department
A bunch a man women
Crossfit 🤣
the only similarity i do have with these competitors is we all have nuts.
Ромыч Зверюга! Верните ему Флаг!⬜🟦🟥
Животным флаги не нужны. Пусть скажет спс, что его допустили
Вот это бабищи! Жесть! Монстры!
Everyone here is on Anavar lmao
Yep probably a lot more than just var 😂😂😂
why is that womans torso so thick? her ribs and everything look super thick
Симпатичные мужички до 42-й минуты
В красных трусах и чёрной футболке с двумя белыми чёрточками с косичкой мне понравилась красивая❤
This is a f*cking cult..!!
All natural vegan lifters
if they pay me 100K euros i event dont sleep with this girls / its freak show, but in the other way they are so beautifull !
Depends.. Emma Lawson is a snack
Such bullshit they dont put Roman's flag.
there is only like 45 people in the stands ahahahahaha!!!!!
Physical therapists around the world rejoice! That yacht you've been wanting is soon within financial reach.
haha what if they did this but added it with a lil violence, like charging eachother at the hill area lmfao . jk
is lega to use esteroids in this competitions?
i mean.... these girls are big
불법약물 대회인가요?