alien alien_(franchise) anthro apollo_caelum blacked_hand breasts clothing coalcat dead_by_daylight female flashlight genitals gieeg hat head_grab headgear headwear low_res male meme nipples nude pussy squish thigh_gap thigh_squish wool_clothing wool_hat wool_headwear xenomorph xenomorph_queen

3 comments (0 hidden)

Sandvich_bag >> #17718909
Posted on 2024-01-20 02:59:14 Score: 16 (vote Up) ( Report comment )
That should have been me is not fair!1!!1!1!

a69x_reborn >> #21907461
Posted on 2024-08-10 01:43:29 Score: 3 (vote Up) ( Report comment )
^ just to let you know, this guy probably just had acid spit on him and is either about to have two things happen to him.
1.) be very painfully forced onto a hook through his shoulder, where he will bleed out and die, while having weird arms try to stab him
2.) have a tail forcefully jammed into his back and then having the xenomorphs inner jaw break through his face, breaking his brain, and coming out the back of his head

Yanniku-san >> #22464283
Posted on 2024-09-02 01:55:18 Score: 2 (vote Up) ( Report comment )
^very accurate. ( FUCK KEYSTROOOOKES )