Joanie Takes Revenge

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Joanies organizes a special party with a twist, for revenge.
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Part 11 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/19/2016
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This is the fourth of my series on Joanie. It is better to have read the others first, but it can be read independently. Feedback is encouraged.


If you have been reading these recountings of my insane freshman year in college, you may recall that I am a computer science major. Since I was a geek almost since birth, I was mostly self-taught when I entered college.

I knew how to program, knew lots of languages (Java, Python, C, C++, etc.; even the old fashioned ones like Fortran and Algol) and had taken a course at a local two-year college on object programming, a subject not taught (not even close!) at my high school.

I read the book and studied hard and probably could have taught the class better than the professor. Or at least I thought so at the time.

The upshot is that upon entering college I was an advanced student, and my adviser placed me in upper level (junior/senior) computer science classes. I became fascinated with the idea of protecting computers against hackers.

One of my professors once said actually that perhaps the best way to protect against hacking is to have already been a hacker, so you know how to think like one and anticipate what a hacker might do. It was a casual comment, a side point suring his lecture. His remark resonated with me.

At first I was amused, because extending the logic one should first be a criminal before becoming a policeman, or better, a police detective. That sounds nuts. But that is because I was thinking of blue collar crime; it made sense, I thought, for white collar crime, such as financial fraud.

Anyway, all this is to explain when I had my epiphany in my dream about how to take revenge on the men (Frank, Adam, Josh, Stu, Zach, Jack and some others) who tried hard to destroy my reputation and sexually objectify and degrade me back in my hometown over vacation, I was already an accomplished hacker.

Maybe I was not ready to hack the defense department or the NSA, but modesty aside, I was damn good. And this skill/talent was integral to my revenge plan.

I worked out the plan in my head, but I needed a sounding board.

There were only two people I could trust with my idea: my best friend Mary and my boyfriend Mike. I had already told both of them most of what had happened to me. I told a little more to Mike because he kept getting me drunk to loosen my tongue.

I ran my plan by best friend Mary first. Her first reaction was horror, and as she calmed down from her shock at my idea, her horror slowly turned to massive disapproval and worry.

I should point out that Mary had a strict Catholic upbringing. She is enormously sweet, generous, and always is there for me. She is the best friend I could ask for. She is however very conservative about things sexual. I have reasons to believe she has a weakness in favor of exhibitionism just like me, but there are two differences between us in this regard.

The first is that my boyfriend is Mike, and hers is Tony. Tony is a bit of a jerk and one of those boys who likes sexual conquests, even if he truly cares for Mary, and is always there for her. He is also amazingly good looking in a classical Roman way. But his sexual tastes are tradition male tastes.

But when Mary gets drunk, just like me her conservatism tends to weaken and if Mike were her boyfriend I am sure she would be a full-fledged exhibitionist. But Tony is not Mike, alas.

Mike is a wonderful guy, but he is twisted sexually, and actually continuously pushes me towards exhibitionism. When I am drunk I am often willing to comply.

When Mary is drunk, if the stars are aligned just right, she too can be a little exhibitionist, and there was that one time (never repeated) when she fucked Tony and then let Mike take her as soon as Tony came and pulled out. I know, because Steve, John and I were there watching. I'll never forget that scene. So Mary is complicated.

All this is to explain her more calm reaction: "Are you nuts?" Mary had said. "Surely you see how dangerous your idea is, not to mention the possibilities of being degrading and humiliating. How and why did you ever think of such a crazy idea?" Mary went on like that for a good five minutes.

This was not the reaction I had hoped for. Finally, when she saw the disappointment in my face, she did manage to say she would think about it, and asked if she could discuss it with Tony, now her boyfriend.

I told her yes, since I may want Tony's help to pull it off, in any event. But mentally, I had given up on Mary. This was sad, because I needed her moral support, and also complicated things, because she was an integral part of my plan.

Then I discussed it with my boyfriend Mike in a quiet corner of a coffee house near campus. This particular coffee house did not have wifi, so it was never overly crowded. If Mike did not agree, I had to give up; I could not do it without him. I also wanted his approval.

His reaction was different from Mary's, to say the least. Mike said to me, "Joanie, your plan is a stroke of genius. And you are the unique person I know who could pull it off, and have a good time doing it. Wow."

To emphasize his enthusiasm, he pulled me forward and kissed me passionately, right there in the café where we were sitting, sipping coffee, and drinking. Fortunately he did not knock over my coffee cup.

When I broke the kiss he leaned back, beaming at me. I think what I saw in his eyes was pride, as if I were his student or something. In some sense maybe I was. Mike's reaction was more what I was looking for.

We sat there and discussed it for a long time, further fleshing out the details together, until Mike had to leave to go to class. I left too and went to the lab. I wanted to begin work on my project right away.

The idea was a construction of a very particular kind of computer virus, along with a defense against it. I went to the professor to tell him my idea, leaving out all the sexual details. Well, mostly I did.

"So these boys in your hometown are passing around compromising pictures of your friends, you say?"

"Yes," I replied to my professor, who was a thirty something man. He was not especially handsome, and dressed like a geek, but he clearly liked his students, and since I was one of the best of his students, and the only girl who was one of the best, he also liked me. No, it was not in that way. He liked me as a professor likes his top students. I continued, "and videos, too."

Professor van Morgan (we called him Prof VM) looked at me, and he saw me as a sexual young woman I think for the first time since he had met me. Before that moment I had been just another student; but apparently I actually had a real life with hopes, dreams and fears, and a sexual life, unrelated to my studies.

Prof VM said, "Well." I noticed as he paused he was checking out my body, even if he tried to be discrete. But a girl always knows. I no longer dressed like a geek, and I was wearing body-fitting clothes. They were not at all revealing, but they fit my curves like a glove.

And I have excellent curves. I have large breasts, but not too large, a tiny waist, proportional hips, and long, shapely legs. I am a walking hourglass. After he had checked me out while lost in thought, he continued, "This is most irregular, and may be illegal, you know."

A piece of advice my mother gave me when I became a teenager was that when I found myself in an awkward situation and did not know what to do or to say, I should just smile. She said, "You have a great smile, especially when you show your pretty teeth. Try to smile as much as possible." I never actually did, being a somewhat morose geek. But just then I heard her words in my head, and I gave Prof VM a big smile.

"Oh Prof VM, this is just an exercise. I have no plans to use it," I lied. "It is just a wish fulfillment fantasy. But I think I could really enjoy it, and you always say in class that if we enjoy what we are doing, we do a better job."

He was sold on the idea, my smile, on my figure, I could tell. I was beginning to think he was lusting to see those mysterious pictures; he had seen through my pathetic ruse that they were pictures and videos of my friends, and not of me.

But bottom line: He gave me his approval. I thought about what picture I could show him if it ever came to that, and it was fun to daydream as I found the idea erotic, but of course I knew that I never would show him anything. Once he saw such a picture, it could never be taken back.

Now I had official approval to go ahead with the virus and its antidote, and what's more I could use it as my class project, making my school work that much easier than if I had to both construct my own virus, and also do a separate project.

That had been worrying me, but it turned out to be easy to get permission. No doubt it would be less easy successfully to construct a virus, but I thought I could do it. What was more worrying was getting the cooperation of Connie and Susie. I decided to tackle that next.

My plan was to make an irresistible sex video of us girls, and arrange to have Adam, Frank or one of the assholes become aware of its existence and steal it. They would no doubt pass it around to the usual suspects, and embedded in the video would be one hell of a computer virus, designed by yours truly, just for them.

As I suspected, Connie was the easier one. She liked sex, that was clear, and she desperately wanted revenge. She had been completely humiliated by Adam's secret recording of her gangbang and his subsequent distribution of the resulting video. She was scared to date men at her own college.

She strongly suspected, but basically she knew, that the WTC Club (standing for "We Tapped Connie") at her school was angling to gangbang her themselves, in some sort of reenactment of the video. They were inspired by Adam's video, and indeed, that is why they had dated her in the first place.

This had hurt her a lot, since initially she liked all of them, which is why she slept with them, one after the other. Two of them she had liked more than the others. When she learned that they had all seen the video before they even asked her out,. she had the anger of the cruelly deceived.

Connie was so enthusiastic she was immediately ready to go and did not pay attention to the risks. Nevertheless I felt morally compelled to remind Connie of the huge risk she would be taking. Connie was an English and French literature major and knew next to nothing about computers, other than how to use her phone, Facebook, and the like .

When I explained to Connie that it might not work and there would be another degrading and humiliating video of her circulating, she replied,

"So what? How much worse can it get? Joanie, if we can get these sons of bitches, I am all for it! And with your scheme, we will even have some fun doing it. Besides, I know how smart you are with computers and I have confidence in you."

So Connie was in. Indeed, she was all in, enthusiastically so. Now came the part I was dreading: I had to contact Susie and convince her to participate. Without her, the scheme's success was much more in doubt. She was the key to getting back at her evil brother Adam.

I waited a few days to summon up the courage and called Susie with some trepidation. I need not have worried. She had called Connie just to chat, and Connie had gushed to her about my plan.

Susie is not as promiscuous as Connie (few people are), and the idea kind of shocked her at first and it certainly scared her half to death. But they talked a long time, and by the end of their call Susie was in! So Connie had done all of my work for me.

I realized this was going to happen. I spoke to Mike that we needed a place. Mike works at local gym to make some extra money. The gym is open 24 hours except Saturday nights, when few people want to use it, and they use the time to clean and fix any machines that need fixing and stuff like that.

Mike was sure he could get permission to rent it one Saturday night for our private party. The rent was steep, $500 with Mike's employee discount, but we had the money thanks to my prize money from the wet tee shirt context.

We were short one girl. I could change the plan but did not want to. Mike said not to worry, he had already asked Tony to work on Mary. I was not sure I liked that idea, I felt that Mary was more fragile than was I.

But Mike was so relaxed I decided not to worry. The next day Mary told me she was in, but that she had to remain in control when the event happened. I replied "Of course!" We were now set.

A few more phone calls and we had set a date for the party. Susie and Connie were each to invite two guys who had carnal knowledge of them, and with whom they would not mind repeating the experience. Mary and I were to do the same.

Susie's college was in another small town, only 30 minutes drive away. Connie's college was about 90 minutes away by car, and I arranged places for them and their guests to spend the night after the party with friends Mike and I had at our school.

We stressed to everyone that this party was by invitation only, and to keep it secret. Indeed, we had to keep it top secret!

For Susie, the choice was easy; she had slept with only two boys in college so far, and still liked them both. The only other man she had sex with was at her party and as it turns out he was one of Adam's creepy friends, and she never wanted to see him again.

Connie too did not have a problem choosing, since two members of the WTC club she liked a bit more than the others. For me, I chose Mike and Steve, the only two men at my college I had slept with. Only Mary had an issue: she only wanted to invite Tony. I was so happy she had agreed, I said fine, that should not be a problem.

The obvious video man was John, but I knew it was too much to ask him to do all that and to remain chaste. I also knew he lusted after me big time.

So after talking it over with Mike, we decided to bribe him by promising he too could have his way with me, either when the filming was over, or at a separate time, but after the party. This idea floored him and he was so eager he resembled a puppy dog with his tongue hanging out.

All the boys the girls invited agreed right away to participate. They did not know what the party was about, but Susie's boys still lusted for her, and so did Connie's.

This was easy to understand since both girls had four traits: they were pretty, had great bodies, were sweet, and were sexy. What's not to like?

There was an adult bookstore in the seedy part of our college town, and Mike and I went there to look for props for the party. We found almost everything we needed, although they did not have enough handcuffs, but Mike said he thought he could order the extras on line. The clerk overheard this, and said he could order more that same day, and he would have them two days later. We happily agreed.

I could tell the clerk was very curious, and he was checking me out, even though I was dressed in a non-revealing way. But I was wearing body-hugging clothes. He volunteered a tour of the bookstore, and we ended up at the back where the peep show rooms are.

To be honest, I was a bit grossed out by the store, the smell, and the whole idea. I knew however men had needs, and often this sort of thing was an easy solution, and it was harmless. The clerk said I could use the peep show rooms for free, if I entered topless. It was clear he was making this up in the hope he could get a free leer at my boobs.

I told him I was not interested. He looked a bit crestfallen, but understood. However Mike popped up with saying that he was sure I would show him my boobs if he sold us all the stuff at the employee discount price. He said he could get fired doing that, but he agreed. In any event, he was going to make a big sale. I glared at Mike, but did not protest.

So we went up to the front of the store where the register is, and I took off my blouse and my bra for him and stood there. He asked to touch them, and I nodded assent. He caressed them lovingly and I could feel some arousal in spite of my disapproval of the store and everything around me. Mike was looking up and I followed his eyes and saw a security camera and thought, "Oh Shit."

I pulled away and noticed my bra was missing and Mike was smiling. Mike is incurable. So I went braless and arranged myself, just in time as it turns out. Seconds later a customer entered. Mike paid the bill and we saved $65 with the employee discount. Mike was disappointed that I had found the time to button up before the new customer had entered. Mike is sick.

I had my computer virus ready, and had tested it out. It was going to wait two weeks, and then destroy all the pictures and videos on any computer that played it.

The virus would enter the computer when anyone played the video. This would give the assholes time to view the video and to sell or give it to the others who did not have it yet.

We hoped the exact same network as originally used to distribute Frank's picture and the videos of the party would apply.

The virus had one more devious feature. I arranged it also to be spyware, so that I would know on whose computer it was installed. That way we would know on whom we were taking revenge.

Finally, yes, I had tested it! And yes, it worked. Indeed, it worked perfectly. Before I tested it I had backed up all the files it was going to destroy, so I did not do any harm to my own stuff.

We were ready, and just had to wait for the agreed upon date. I was very nervous something would go wrong, but excited about the possibilities. Connie was nervous too, and she kept calling me, almost daily, wanting to talk about it. She said she was getting amazingly horny.

The first thing to go wrong was when Mike showed me the gym he worked at. This is the one we rented for the party for this coming Saturday night. The gym had huge picture windows, and we could see all the people (mostly women) riding stationary bicycles furiously in the windows.

At night it would be as if they wanted to be seen on the bicycles. This meant the party would have no privacy at all unless we covered up the windows, and that would be a major undertaking.

Mike, who anyway was always happy to show me off to the world, was not worried. I was so angry. He said to look at the girls on the elliptical trainers. I could not see any elliptical trainers. But all gyms had them; I knew they must be there.

"Where are the ellipticals?" I asked.

"Exactly, Joanie dear. You can't see them. They're in the back, and some are in the back room," Mike replied, smiling.

"You could have said that more directly," I replied with a combination of annoyance and relief.

"Yes, but you look so cute when you are angry, I could not resist." Then Mike pulled me close, kissed me, and mauled away at my breasts through my clothes as we kissed, right there on the busy street outside the gym.

Mike did not tell me that from the second story window of the building across the street one could see everything. He even knew some guys who lived in one of the apartments that had "a room with a view."

The day of the party finally arrived. Susie and friends arrived early, and while the boys got settled I enjoyed some girl time with Susie, talking about clothes and school. She was pre med and we did not have much school stuff in common, except we were both able to complain about too much work and incomprehensible professors.

We also discussed how the male professors (and most were male) did not have a clue how to dress in a way that flattered them. Connie came in; she had also sent her boys to get settled. All the boys were curious about this private party and excited, too.

As agreed, Susie had brought the music, and I knew it would be great. Mike told me he once had a job as a bartender until he was fired for being underage.