CL Walthall, J Hatfield, P Backlund, L Lengnick, E Marshall, M Walsh, S Adkins, M Aillery, EA Ainsworth, C Ammann, CJ Anderson, I Bartomeus, LH Baumgard, F Booker, B Bradley, DM Blumenthal, J Bunce, K Burkey, SM Dabney, JA Delgado, J Dukes, A Funk, K Garrett, M Glenn, DA Grantz, D Goodrich, S Hu, RC Izaurralde, RAC Jones, SH Kim, ADB Leaky, K Lewers, TL Mader, A McClung, J Morgan, DJ Muth, M Nearing, DM Oosterhuis, D Ort, C Parmesan, WT Pettigrew, W Polley, R Rader, C Rice, M Rivington, E Rosskopf, WA Salas, LE Sollenberger, R Srygley, C Stöckle, ES Takle, D Timlin, JW White, R Winfree, L Wright-Morton, LH Ziska
Publication date
USDA Technical Bulletin
Contents: Chapter 1: US Agriculture and Climate–Chapter 2: An Overview of US Agriculture–Chapter 3: An Overview of the Changing Climate–Chapter 4: Climate Change Science and Agriculture–Chapter 5: Climate Change Effects on US Agricultural Production–Chapter 6: Climate Change Effects on the Economics of US Agriculture–Chapter 7: Adapting to Climate Change–Chapter 8: Conclusions and Research Needs–Appendix A: References Cited (by Chapter)–Appendix B: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms–Appendix C: Report Authors and Affiliations
Total citations
Scholar articles