I am not as proficient in ORS as in a certain other game (

), but seeing Alison on second place puzzles me to be honest.
In my previous answer to
Samzuki Hydaiko i was tempted to point towards Alison instead of Cindy, because i believe 'Attention Seeker' fits her like a glove.
Alison is the one who constantly butts into any conversation and tries to force her issues on the agenda, she changes her fashion style, when she feels she is outshined by Cherry, she humps Jeremy every single time Ian isn't giving her what she wants from him, which could be interpreted -because it lacks any discretion- as an attempt to make him jealous. If i remember correctly Alison is the one who keeps texting Ian after her trysts with Jeremy and she regularly leaves early all the get-togethers of Ians (and her?) friends when she feels like she isn't the center of Ians interest. I don't know, but going for a spitroast with a well-known player and someone she literally met like one or two days ago
after she asked her alleged crush to accompany her to this trip doesn't look like a healthy behaviour to me.
Whereas on the other side Cindy is really being neglected by her boyfriend, so trying to get his (Wades) attention and time isn't out of the ordinary. She doesn't cheat on Wade at the very first occasion, in fact Ian has to work quite hard to make that happen. Both can have serious and fun, platonic and nice times together: playing pool, dancing, having a good and deep conversation at the gallery and Ian can even protect her going too far at Axels first photo shoot. These are activities and obligations Cindys
boyfriend should have done with her, and every girl in a relationship can expect these from their partners without them being 'Yes Men'.
While technically Cindy is cheating and Alison is free to do as she pleases, because she isn't in a relationship, Cindys hesitation and Alisons 'Well fuck you Ian, i'll fuck someone else then...' looks to me like the former is better girlfriend material. If Alison was Wades girlfriend she definetly had not waited as long as Cindy to act out.
So my personal line-up would be like:
- Holly: because she has genuine feelings for Ian and they share a common passion.
- Cindy: they can enjoy each others company also in a non-sexual way, which is always a good sign.
- Lena: only a good fit if she takes the singer/songwriter route, and like already mentioned Lena can be a minefield
- Cherry and Emma perhaps even Louise, i think every one of these have qualities going for them
- Alison: i can think only of one scenario in which she would be a good fit. Apparently she wants to settle down and sees Ian as the best of her options to be the father to her children. I don't believe Ian is at this stage in his life, so she isn't a good match.
- Ivy: well, there may be Ians out there in some peoples playthroughs who might think that's a good idea, but i believe he shouldn't poke her with a stick.
Of course this all depends strongly on how a players specific Ian evolved throughout the game, so this ranking is by no means absolute. It is solely based on my experiences of ORS so far, and i have by no means tried out all the possible routes.
How do you guys feel about it?