Is Rinascita better than Fontaine? (WuWa 2.0)

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 267

  • @BakerBiscuit
    @BakerBiscuit  2 месяца назад +41

    I apologize if my voice over is harder to understand than It already is. I have no idea why but I kept messing up while recording it, so this is my best attempt T^T

    • @blueberry7478
      @blueberry7478 2 месяца назад

      You think you voice was the issue here? 🤨

  • @quanlinglingdingle6122
    @quanlinglingdingle6122 2 месяца назад +42

    -abby is cute
    -abby saves us multiple times even when we knew abby is getting weaker
    -abby yapping but not to speak on our behalf and the yapping is actually cute
    abby is the real best traveling companion ever

  • @crint23
    @crint23 2 месяца назад +235

    fountane is only the entrance of ragunna 😆

  • @jacksonwww5
    @jacksonwww5 2 месяца назад +63

    Since I started playing in Fontaine, I realized that there was a problem in exploring it, of course, I was amazed by the diving system for three days I think, but after a while this system just became common for me, from then on I started to notice some problems on the surface of Fontaine. The underwater exploration was really well thought out, but the surface exploration is completely insubstantial in most parts, the maps are generally very empty, straight, without much to do, it's almost a worse version of Mondstadt.
    While Rinascita's flying exploration can wear on you over time, I don't really feel that way, and although the excitement of flying isn't the same as the first time, it's still much more enjoyable go from one point to another flying, you see many interesting points on the map and find different things to do, while diving become just the same experience as walking on the ground, with the difference that you can do it vertically. Flight in Rinascita is a utility that will never stop being useful in exploration, while diving is just a different way of exploring in the same settings, and therefore doesn't age as well as flying.

  • @mites7
    @mites7 2 месяца назад +203

    Fontaine was the best Genshin story
    But I don’t think the comparison is valid at all
    Fontaine is based on France and ragunna is Greco-Italian
    And Rinascita is the entire region, it’s honestly unfair to Genshin to compare it
    Of course wuwa’s region better

    • @tatsumaki7829
      @tatsumaki7829 2 месяца назад +26

      its kinda valid because it shows era of Europe in general
      Fontaine: Neoclassicism (18th-century Europe)
      Rinascita: Renaissance period (14-17th century Europe)

    • @liukang114
      @liukang114 2 месяца назад

      typical hoyo shiller moment

    • @hoteng4750
      @hoteng4750 2 месяца назад +3

      Ahh.. Another hoyo cope😂, from Game engine to this, they still can't accept a fact. And what are you talking about risnascita is entire region? Rinascita is a City in Ragunna.

    • @tatsumaki7829
      @tatsumaki7829 2 месяца назад +9

      @@hoteng4750 brother its the other way around, Ragunna is a city in Rinascita - Rinascita is the whole region

    • @mites7
      @mites7 2 месяца назад +4

      @ ragunna is the city man
      I play wuwa far more than Genshin lol
      I like both games and also zzz, and I’ll play the new ark knights when it comes out. I have no tribal affiliation I just think it was a little bit of an unfair comparison that’s all

  • @7Teoem
    @7Teoem 2 месяца назад +36

    Saying Wuwa 2.0 is a copy of Fontain is like comparing Rinascira to a fish pool.

    • @armandojr.villarias9853
      @armandojr.villarias9853 2 месяца назад +4

      Fontaine is literally french aesthetic while rinascita is italian aesthetic. I mean, fencer echos and pizza are there to easily distinguishes their origin

    • @bigfootisreal_
      @bigfootisreal_ 2 месяца назад +13

      ​@@armandojr.villarias9853 not exactly. Rinascita not referencing just Italy. They took inspiration from many countries in Europe. As Pheobe mentioned, there is a mixture of different cultures in Rinascita. That's why there are a variety of accents as well.The city of Ragoona is mostly Italian reference with the Order giving more of an England vibe. I did notice some French dishes in the city and characters like Rosemary (Fisalia family) have more of a French vibe. And we have characters like Margherita with a Scottish accent. There's more but you get my point.

    • @marucic8967
      @marucic8967 2 месяца назад +4

      ​@@bigfootisreal_ don't forget Nyarla with the french accent

  • @emailsampahcegil
    @emailsampahcegil 2 месяца назад +60

    As i remember in fontain is just plain city with not much detailed NPC. Is just a same everywhere you go not to mention underwater expolration which wuwa still doesnt have. But to be fair RINASCITA more alive compare to Fontaine because in rinascita every corner is unique and so much detail on it like in the city of raguna, theres some NPC shop had giant mask that can sing, siroktopus who blow the trumpet every morning, a guy who sings opera, pizza corner when you can watch adv. Bunch of plushies who interact with each other, echo that do duel. Oh god there so much detail in one region to explore. While in genshin is just plain NPC with not much interaction and same asset in every place. For me WUWA>genhsin , wuwa=10/10 Genshin=8.5/10

    • @Gay_platipus
      @Gay_platipus 2 месяца назад +4

      So, IMO, I think you're trying to say that Genshin focuses more on the world than the NPCs, while Wuwas' NPCs are alive and have stories to tell?

    • @emailsampahcegil
      @emailsampahcegil 2 месяца назад

      @Gay_platipus yes

    • @Suc-Chii
      @Suc-Chii 2 месяца назад +1

      Which makes the game more alive, because lets be honest no matter much you try to glaze over the quests, the fact is that they will end eventually, so youre gonna be left with nothing but your surrounding

    • @Daddy_Of_soraML
      @Daddy_Of_soraML 2 месяца назад +3

      Tbh yeah Fontaine's design is nice considering genshin's artstyle .
      But wuwa.. it's like they are pro max version of genshin because whatever they do , be it skin , exploration, character design it's always next level compared to genshin.
      Yeah still ofc i like both ... Because as a gamer , why not?
      The only thing i hate is deaf devs of hoyo

  • @FrizFroz
    @FrizFroz 2 месяца назад +49

    I think Furina's story (and her as a character) is a lot more compelling than what we have with WuWa 2.0. My main gripe with it is that, outside of her story, the other content feel like a chore to get through. In terms of fun factor with the region itself it goes to WuWa for sure.

    • @devinroi3886
      @devinroi3886 2 месяца назад +5

      Wuwa devs needed to tie in the 2.0 story with how the story started in the beginning only because of the major changes they had to make so they were cleaning up the mess they started in the beginning. It's not perfect but it's 1.3 - 2.0 helped reinforce it. Hopefully it stays and continues to improve onward

    • @Suc-Chii
      @Suc-Chii 2 месяца назад +20

      ​@@devinroi3886lets be honest if wuwa actually went with Crownless going mahoraga on everyone in the begining the whole story on 1.0 would actually make sense.

    • @devinroi3886
      @devinroi3886 2 месяца назад +14

      @@Suc-Chii it's sad that CBT1 participants never saw the value of that

    • @ImpermanenceHeron
      @ImpermanenceHeron 2 месяца назад +12

      @@Suc-Chii Sadly the CN fanbase were not happy with the original story. They said Crownless tutorial fight was too hard and that they didn't like how Chixia was extremely aggressive towards Rover.

    • @Ribes99
      @Ribes99 2 месяца назад +5

      Stories are very very good in genshin, detailed and intriguing, BUT. The animations are the same from 4 years ago for every character (both playable and npc), the characters' models of body and face are the same only make up, hair and clothes are different. Genshin is allergic to lyp sinc. It's really painful to watch. So even if the story is good and interesting, the performance and quality is very very bad. I play both games, btw.

  • @ManhwaClipz
    @ManhwaClipz 2 месяца назад +16

    Another Future Zani Enjoyer joins our side.

  • @nguyenphuvinh-du3dr
    @nguyenphuvinh-du3dr 2 месяца назад +58

    i think 2.0-2.4 is only about ragunar, not about entire rinascita

    • @Pepegaphone--
      @Pepegaphone-- 2 месяца назад +9

      Nah, future patches would focus more on other state cities too, which all comprises the entirety of rinascita.

    • @echo3568
      @echo3568 2 месяца назад +3

      They are adding a new small island next patch

    • @ImpermanenceHeron
      @ImpermanenceHeron 2 месяца назад +1

      @@echo3568 Which is still within the province of Ragunna.

    • @ImpermanenceHeron
      @ImpermanenceHeron 2 месяца назад +7

      Yeah people sometimes forget that Solaris-3 map is going to be huge. Like Jinzhou that map from 1.0 is already huge yet it's only 1 of the 6 cities of Huanglong.

    • @ImpermanenceHeron
      @ImpermanenceHeron 2 месяца назад

      @@Pepegaphone-- Nope I've seen leaks, it's not another city, it's just some Island next to Ragunna

  • @yourservice01837
    @yourservice01837 2 месяца назад +33

    The first time I saw Christophoro I already thought he's with fractsidus .maybe because of the color of his outfit

    • @echo3568
      @echo3568 2 месяца назад +1

      I thought he was Brant’s friend that spoke with the sentinel at first but then he started talking

    • @yourservice01837
      @yourservice01837 2 месяца назад

      @echo3568 yeah he's sus afk

    • @Daddy_Of_soraML
      @Daddy_Of_soraML 2 месяца назад +1

      Yeah man always remember they don't spend time on good looking or well designed npc for nothing. There must be something with them.

    • @echo3568
      @echo3568 2 месяца назад

      @ have you seen the npcs in this game💀

    • @v3gà_0
      @v3gà_0 Месяц назад

      Same. Red is gonna be fractsidus signature color for sure!

  • @codex2621
    @codex2621 2 месяца назад +53

    Here's a detailed comparison. Don't have time to explain the reasoning behind each but, those who have played both can hopefully relate. For others, keep playing the one you play. Don't bother with comparisons.
    Story(Plot): Genshin
    Story(Pacing): WuWa
    Story(Execution): WuWa
    Sidequest(Design): WuWa
    Sidequest(Story): Genshin (although, fk that shit is long)
    Lore: Genshin
    Gameplay(Mechanics): Both
    Gameplay(Complexity): WuWa
    Gameplay(Enjoyment) {subjective}: WuWa {I'm more of a hack n slash guy}
    World Design: Genshin
    World Exploration: WuWa
    Design(Details): WuWa
    Design(Density): WuWa
    Endgame: WuWa
    QoL: WuWa
    Characters (Design): Subjective
    Characters (Personality): Subjective (I'll go with Genshin because Neuvi exists🗿)
    Physics: WuWa
    Game Engine: UE (personal preference...I prefer C++, the visual editor and the huge asset store that epic has over what unity offers. Although it's still pretty good and a preferable one for mobile games. But then again...any engine is fine be it ue, unity, godot, gamemaker, renpy, etc. Most companies use a custom version of them anyway)
    And before anyone says I'm being biased, sorry that you think so. I'm a day 1 player for both game and also a day 1 player for hi3 and pgr (am still playing pgr daily, left hi3 after end of part 1). And I also hate certain things in both wuwa and genshin that pisses me off way too much whenever I think about it so, I won't.
    Also, here's a small rant. (Completely subjective as there will always be those that like something you don't and vice versa): Natlan is pretty BAD. idk who was cooking this but they burned the kitchen. From the level design to character kit to the fking story. Everything about this region has made no sense to me. The only good thing to come out of it were certain characters I like (and no, Mavuika isn't one of them...)

    • @ShiningJoshnightcore
      @ShiningJoshnightcore 2 месяца назад +3

      based man. 🗿

    • @EmanatorOfRemembrance
      @EmanatorOfRemembrance 2 месяца назад +10

      Yea about Natlan, we all thought 5.0 would peak, i mean it's been 4 years surely they couldn't mess it up. Alas the entire think was a kids show. The world, the plot, the characters. They fumbled it all.
      Made me question why i should still keep playing. 4 years of revenue should be enough to hire a great writting team. Iansan the only character i looked forward to the most was benched and not voiced. A shame i won't be playing when her benner drops.

    • @tatsumaki7829
      @tatsumaki7829 2 месяца назад +2

      agree to this fontaine was undeniably peak( was the reason i cameback from the game after stopping for nearly 7 months) but got disappointed on natlan, i hope snezhnaya ends well

    • @echo3568
      @echo3568 2 месяца назад +2

      Valid for everything but I have a question with lore. Are you including the lore that can only be found through wiki pages or just the in game lore?

    • @codex2621
      @codex2621 2 месяца назад

      @@echo3568 I'm including both the in-universe bits that are scattered around in the game world as mats and books AND the referential connection to the old grimoires like Ars Goetia, which have no established proof and just refrence that people use to form connections.

  • @Layer-v5h
    @Layer-v5h 2 месяца назад +42

    Fontaine tried too hard but didn’t have much thought put behind it.
    A bit more polish and I would’ve rated it a 8/10

    • @amari7782
      @amari7782 2 месяца назад

      Wat do u mean by that?

    • @Layer-v5h
      @Layer-v5h 2 месяца назад +16

      @ some things would work better rethought out, Furina’s incompetence for me didn’t work well cause it made it too obvious too quickly. The lack of focus on her is a shame, would like more subtle hints to her mental state
      Focalors plan not being good at all, personally to me feeling unearned
      Fortress section sucking, i genuinely don’t know how they could improve this, maybe more focus on Childe?
      Not a issue but a bit disappointing for me that they didn’t make knave how I hoped
      Anyway those are the quick things that come to mind.

    • @amari7782
      @amari7782 2 месяца назад +4

      @ yea I agree with all of that cuz focalors plan was so ass and felt more like an excuse to develop furina in real time

    • @JustEverton
      @JustEverton 23 дня назад

      ​@@amari7782I felt like Furina lacked development because the arc wasted time on unnecessary stuff like building the ship and the jail arc. There's also the fact that Focalors definitely should've been revealed earlier in the arc so her and Neuvi can form a connection because the reveal and sacrifice scene where Neuvi is supposed to feel sad for someone he just met feels forced.

    • @amari7782
      @amari7782 23 дня назад +1

      @@JustEverton exactly, we had so much wasted time and a large chunk of the game didn’t even give her credit for anything to show furina was trying.
      Hell ficalors plan at the end of the day furina could’ve known nothing about the plan and still got to the same outcome cuz furina ultimately served 0 purpose

  • @Sketch-An1
    @Sketch-An1 Месяц назад +2

    I’m a simple man
    I hear Undertale music, I press the like button

  • @JJKMagic
    @JJKMagic 2 месяца назад +11

    I think the comparison is pretty wild honestly. It's also way too early to compare anything really.
    2.0 has a LOT of content, but it's still only the beginning of Rinascita and we honestly still don't have a clue what's really going on in the region.
    Although in terms of exploration we already have a pretty clear winner. Sure it was cool to dive in Fontaine... but "fighting" underwater, if you can even call it that, was a real drag.
    Also while we still don't know much about the story itself, the storyTELLING also goes to WuWa. How expressive the characters are, the effective use of camera angles depending on the scenes, it's just more interesting to listen to. We don't know if there will be "Meropide Arc" in Rinascita that drags down the entire story with it, but from everything we have seen in the first three acts it's pretty obvious Kuro has taken all the criticism to heart and improved their storytelling based on it.

    • @BakerBiscuit
      @BakerBiscuit  2 месяца назад +1

      Yeah I'm honestly just comparing them for the fun of it, like I said at the end. This wasn't really fair T^T

  • @BlaD-Arc
    @BlaD-Arc 2 месяца назад +4

    Honestly Wuwa 2.0 getting a 9/10 especially since its not yet done is pretty amazing on its own.

  • @v.emiltheii-nd.8094
    @v.emiltheii-nd.8094 21 день назад +2

    Fontaine walked, so Rinascita can sprint.

  • @ambulance-kun5915
    @ambulance-kun5915 2 месяца назад +5

    If things continue like this, the only bragging Genshin will have is their revenue.
    maybe like "Genshin 4.0 earned more revenue than WuWa 2.0 will ever earn so of course fontaine it's better"

    • @caeruleumluna9630
      @caeruleumluna9630 Месяц назад +3

      Genshid fans will always find some outlandish reason to cope and seethe harder.

  • @L1Y4maybe
    @L1Y4maybe 2 месяца назад +15

    "Rizzascita😼" STOP😭 1:45

  • @dhimmyjazzy696
    @dhimmyjazzy696 2 месяца назад +9

    Baguette vs. Pasta

  • @YoichiMutou
    @YoichiMutou 2 месяца назад +62

    Italy > France

    • @yurayura0603
      @yurayura0603 2 месяца назад +18

      a Wise Italian once said "French wine taste like mud"

    • @JiyanWuwa404
      @JiyanWuwa404 2 месяца назад +1

      Uk > Italy France

    • @averagemobileplayergfs7383
      @averagemobileplayergfs7383 2 месяца назад +2

      I mean…
      Fair point, have a good day sir 🎩

    • @PKMJyo
      @PKMJyo 2 месяца назад

      @@JiyanWuwa404 UK ? The place where cops let children to be raped by millions ?😢

    • @chocobocloudstrife5697
      @chocobocloudstrife5697 2 месяца назад +1

      J’espère bien que c’est une blague liée au contexte de la vidéo 🙃

  • @a4arick106
    @a4arick106 2 месяца назад +5

    didn't resembles Fontaine not even the slightest, maybe people should broaden their eyes that France and Italy is not the same nor it is to Great Britain. Another thing is that Ragunna city respects the Venetian culture very well and many of Rinascita's theme pays great tribute to the Opera Plays, MarcoMeatball himself were so proud of them referencing Mozart's Queen of The Night Opera during the Lorelei boss fights. I can't say the same for Fontaine, as they took France culture and civilization only in surface level, and they fictionalized the rest, although there are some similarities to other games like the Pneumosia and clockwerk technologies resembling Dwarven tech from Elder Scrolls series.

  • @Chockitkat
    @Chockitkat 2 месяца назад +3

    I am waiting for the day Wuwa releases a Korea/Japan inspired nation because I KNOW it will be better than Genshin for the simple fact that their characters look so mature!! I don't dare to compare Fontaine with Rinascita because nothing can beat the music of opera epiclese for me. That music has slayed me long and hard

    • @malikacs
      @malikacs 2 месяца назад +2

      Raiden, Yae and Sara in wuwa graphic will be the death of me

  • @choins187
    @choins187 2 месяца назад +4

    Fontaine story is just inspired from the story of the Bible.

  • @zekeaffy9647
    @zekeaffy9647 2 месяца назад +5

    Story and the actual exploration wise, I would tell ya but honestly Fontaine already had its expansions somewhat done (hearing rumours they might expand from Natlan to Fontaine). The story of Fontaine has reached its climax (since I actually finished it prior to the release of WuWa 1.0 back in last year) so it was kinda too early to actually rate Rinascita against it.
    For me Rinascita is just a start of a crisis (the Nation's problem or missing thing) to come in the next patches, I doubt its the actual crisis thats done, we barely settled our pact with Imperator and solved the actual nation's crisis with its Sentinal's Resonator (Likely Cartethyia judging based on her appearance having 6 reverberation marks on her forehead similar to Jinhsi having it on her back).
    Its likely that they are still having a few more acts before the actual crisis is mitigated.
    Rinascita as of now feels like the crisis is partially mitigated as in equivalent to Fortress of Meropide act where Neuvi seals the Primordial sea from reaching or flooding the entire world.
    I would of honestly stopped at there (the part mentioned above) to actually rate it if I were you. But fair enough, I think its a pretty good Idea to make an honest review for these 2 patches.

    • @devinroi3886
      @devinroi3886 2 месяца назад +3

      2.1 is gonna introduce another map expansion for Rinascita and it might be the same for 2.2 and 2.3 seeing we got that giant structure floating in the sky.

    • @cyberxter5382
      @cyberxter5382 2 месяца назад +3

      Fun fact: The structure you see in the sky is actually where the Sentinel resides.

  • @cookycutie
    @cookycutie 2 месяца назад +4

    as a 4 years genshin player , fontaine story and natlan are cringe AF , the amount of googling and lore related videos i had to consume made me burn out , remuria is way better than the archon weeping shit , but sadly bc it wasnt voice no one cared for it , personally i had a massive disconnect with furina as a whole i didnt care for her or her faith , i found wrio and neuvi and chevreuse , navia more interesting than the main archon , i get it it was meant to be genshin's version of marie antoinette , but it didnt land , i think the fortress of meropide was more interesting as well , how wrio manage to give a 2ND life to these criminals is admirable ,anyway , now back to wuwa , i connected more with the rinascita story 1 bc phrolova delivered , and 2ND no unecessary shit added , we had a clear goal ,and the envirement followed , every major event had a cinematic instead of genshins yapping and unecessary long dialogs , i loved the rinascita way wayyyy better than fontaine , i also enjoyed the exploration more , the fontaine under water was a HELLLLLLL I SPENT months to get that 100% to get few primos , compared to rina where every turn had something for you , i dont wanna keep going bc damn rinascita delivered way better , when phrolova split the sky open my jaw dropped

    • @JustEverton
      @JustEverton 23 дня назад +1

      The stellar camera angles on Phrolova performance during the Carnavale alone clears Fontaine AND Natlan combined💯😭

  • @raoni00111
    @raoni00111 2 месяца назад +1

    2:47 I feel ya, man, I feel ya... Aalto is my most used character in the game. Why? He's just too fun to play as. I never use Jinhsi even though I have her, and I only use her whenever I'm lazy or I don't want to try hard on Tower of Adversity...
    I showcase Aalto a lot on my channel, if you're interested in maining him feel free to watch those. 🥳

  • @unloyal4847
    @unloyal4847 2 месяца назад +4

    Went through the "amazing" story that fontaine had and honestly as an rpg player and novel reader it was mid at best, I don't really see why anyone would highly praise it.

  • @Mr.Spiller27
    @Mr.Spiller27 2 месяца назад +8

    For fellow wuwa players here, when using immersion mode, how do you know your forte is already full, or your resonance skill and liberation are ready to use? I wish they just removed all the menu icons and left the skill buttons

    • @meme-wz8zl
      @meme-wz8zl 2 месяца назад +2

      I know for the ultimate the character marks move and are big

    • @rolandmclovin1499
      @rolandmclovin1499 2 месяца назад +13

      that's the neat thing, you don't!

    • @Rel_WW
      @Rel_WW 2 месяца назад +8

      Some resonators have visual indication for their forte but i dont know for the concerto

    • @ZerSes-uw1yi
      @ZerSes-uw1yi 2 месяца назад +5

      I think there is a sound cue but it gets muffled due to combat sfx being loud.

    • @Mr.Spiller27
      @Mr.Spiller27 2 месяца назад

      @@ZerSes-uw1yi yeah it's a hassle without any visual indications. I hope kuro will do something about it

  • @ryankwon8785
    @ryankwon8785 3 дня назад

    In my opinion, it’s unfair to compare Rinascita and Fontaine directly. The writers of Wuthering Waves likely studied Fontaine’s strengths and shortcomings to create something even more refined with Rinascita. The similarities between the two stories are undeniable-Cartethyia, for instance, reminds me of Focalors. It’s likely that Fenrico, much like Neuvillette, will eventually uncover the full truth behind Cartethyia’s struggles and hardships-an experience that could profoundly alter his perspective. Meanwhile, Cristoforo bears a strong resemblance to Arlecchino; both characters display a firm moral compass despite holding high-ranking positions in their respective organizations, and both are notably good with children.

  • @hijodelsoldeoriente
    @hijodelsoldeoriente 2 месяца назад +2

    Environmental-design wise, I did not like Fontaine (the city) itself. It felt like very pastiche. It reminds me of Universal Studios amusement parks. Like a fake city.
    Maybe it's the NPCs especially compared to Ragunna's NPCs. Or the actual urban planning itself. That's why I prefer the underground than the city above.
    As for the rest of Fontaine, they're amazing but I wouldn't compare them to Ragunna's environment cause holy shit Rinascita gave me hope for open-world gachas.

  • @cultureddoggo5606
    @cultureddoggo5606 25 дней назад

    LMAO, unironically the quick time events in the rehearsal is the hardest part.

  • @RetroW1zard983
    @RetroW1zard983 2 месяца назад +1

    The way I cringed so hard that it hurts upon seeing all of your notifications

  • @Giacomo_112
    @Giacomo_112 2 месяца назад +2

    Abby is just cuter than paimon

  • @Frozengermz0629
    @Frozengermz0629 2 месяца назад +3

    Notice how Rover always went for the neck when it comes to Phrolova? 😂

    • @joemahoma
      @joemahoma 2 месяца назад +1

      He learns from thanos always aim for the head

    • @DepressedSKK
      @DepressedSKK 2 месяца назад +3

      Subtle signs of Rover getting tired of her yapping bullshit

  • @TheNicestPig
    @TheNicestPig 2 месяца назад +1

    AFAIK wings limitations is just due to technical reasons and there are no lore about them at all. Older areas were not designed with the wings in mind, so you could break the game, go where you're not supposed to be able to, and see things you weren't supposed to see.
    Maybe they will come back and fix these areas so that wings can be used there.

    • @BakerBiscuit
      @BakerBiscuit  2 месяца назад

      I really hope they fix it 🙏

    • @asura8971
      @asura8971 2 месяца назад

      It's kinda lore related tbh. Montelli family invented the flying gadget(an echo just like the glider) and they wanted to export their tech to other countries but the Order prohibited them. Hope rover overthrows the order later.

    • @caeruleumluna9630
      @caeruleumluna9630 Месяц назад

      Best shid is that Kuro finds a way to implement them lore-accurately like, maybe we get the permit to use Gliderwings on Jinzhou-Huanglong later?

  • @DeepbloodFang
    @DeepbloodFang 2 месяца назад +2

    It still baffles me how people actually loved Fontaine, I kept telling everyone that at the time of release it was the worst region of them all, and people called it cap only because they enjoyed the story, but take out the story and it's the most bland, boring unimaginative region there is.

    • @omeganoelf.6173
      @omeganoelf.6173 2 месяца назад +2

      i literally deleted gensgin during fontaine release cause i hated it so much, especially the story and its pacing. wdym i have to go back and forth to certain areas just to talk to npcs which ads only little relevance to the main story.

    • @enviousdragon9109
      @enviousdragon9109 Месяц назад +1

      I've noticed people praise Fontaine's story, but by "story" they mean only the final act (Masquerade of the guilty). I vividly remember people complaining about the detective part of the Archon Quest and then hating Fortress of Meropide, but as soon as the finale came out, everyone switched up.

    • @v.emiltheii-nd.8094
      @v.emiltheii-nd.8094 21 день назад +2

      Reverse Inazuma issue.

    • @omeganoelf.6173
      @omeganoelf.6173 21 день назад

      @@enviousdragon9109 i wasn't able to survive the intro part. The one with lyney and the missing person case

  • @hito-sama
    @hito-sama Месяц назад

    Shorekeeper is confused watching rover rizzing every woman he meet

  • @R094_Kenshin
    @R094_Kenshin 2 месяца назад +4

    I agree Fontaine was peak but there was a part in the story where you have to underground prison, to me that arc was insufferable, And this is coming from a person who enjoyed aranara quest 😂.

    • @jacksonwww5
      @jacksonwww5 2 месяца назад +2

      I also like the Aranaras quest and Meropide managed to be the worst experience I've had in a game

    • @owenlee7146
      @owenlee7146 2 месяца назад

      Ye that arc drag out way too long

  • @Deca777-g3o
    @Deca777-g3o 2 месяца назад +2

    Also Lorelei is not an echo, shes a remnant being like Shorekeeper

    • @cyberxter5382
      @cyberxter5382 2 месяца назад

      Not quite. Shorekeeper is an artificial creation made up of 'Sonoro'. As for Lorelei, i forgot what she's supposed to be. 😅

  • @ManhwaClipz
    @ManhwaClipz 2 месяца назад +2

    8:05 So True!

  • @averagemobileplayergfs7383
    @averagemobileplayergfs7383 2 месяца назад

    Let the comparing war begin! Bwhaha 😈

  • @imcat1236
    @imcat1236 2 месяца назад +1

    is that 10 pulls 😀
    Kuro : yes and another 10 pulls after Carlotta banner Enjoy

  • @northstar67
    @northstar67 Месяц назад

    Objectively rinascita is just better in some things, the engine definitely helps make it look better cause no way unity will beat UE4.
    The only points I can give fontaine for are the following:
    Music: (lets be objective here, hoyo-mix is just a beast on music composition, the diversity on background music also helps despite being on the same area for hrs, every piece are different despite having the same motif)
    Furina: one of the best characters ive seen in media, her story I think is just better compared to WuWA 2.0 (not to say Rinascita main quest is bad cause it is very good.
    Other than that rinascita is better in every other aspects.

  • @misskeishaa
    @misskeishaa 2 месяца назад +1

    I find Fontaine to be the best patch for Genshin. There is this one thing tho, I feel like Genshin’s story telling has SO many plot holes (or im just dumb idk, i mightve missed it bcz paimon just talks sooo soo much.) For example in Fontaine, everyone is focused on this “prophecy” that is going to take place which is understandable. However if u venture into the city, you also go there during the story I believe, there is this underground part below the city that is screaming poverty. Like its just a bunch of people living in an underground community surrounded by crappy houses and dirt. Either I missed it completely or it actually does not exist, but it was never mentioned in the story. Nobody explained why there is such a class difference between the upper and the lower parts of the city. It felt like Arcane without the clash between two cities. Are they criminals maybe is that why they are there? But why is nobody mentioning or explaining anything about it?

    • @SwanPrncss
      @SwanPrncss 2 месяца назад

      Because if there was a clash, realistically the poor would just be arrested and sent to prison since they can't do much about the mech guards. I think you're more looking into WANTING a clash where it's the poor vs. the rich and the poor would win because the rich are corrupt - a classic story trope as old as time. However, there isn't a war between Fleuve Cendre and above ground. It's just a ghetto next to a rich neighborhood in the same town.

    • @mstrikerwildrift
      @mstrikerwildrift 2 месяца назад +1

      They just wanted to copy Arcane but didn't have the talent to make a compelling enough story.

    • @misskeishaa
      @misskeishaa 2 месяца назад

      @@SwanPrncss I did not mean there to be a war. I gave Arcane as an example cuz that just popped up in my head. It was just weird to me how nobody bats an eye that here is such a class difference between these two locations. It is NEVER mentioned in the story. Nobody explains the reason. You cant just throw two very economically different cities together, call them neighbours and move on with your life day in my opinion. How is there no grudge or anything man idk, makes no sense in my head. But i respect ur response!

    • @SwanPrncss
      @SwanPrncss 2 месяца назад

      @ I mean it's the same in real life too. There's affluent parts of a town and there's ghetto places of the same town. You don't see people in the ghettos going on a rampage in the rich places on the news. And when it does happen, it's usually because they're robbing a house there rather than some personal grudge because these two worlds of people barely intermingle with each other. Just because someone's well-off doesn't mean they're suddenly a villain to all the poor folks. Like not all the well-off people are dicks; some studied really hard to live up on the surface or sold their skills in a craft that people would pay good money for.
      I think Chiori's story quest did a good job in giving you a hint. There was a guy who started his business there and moved up in the world, but his clothes harmed people due to their manufacturing because he decided to cut corners since he grew up with that mentality. Chiori didn't grow up in a ghetto, but her fashion is wanted by a lot of the wealthy and so you don't see her business down there because she has money to support herself on the surface. Same thing with Lyney and Lynette who make their living as magicians by doing shows for the wealthy when they were once street rats.
      I think it definitely helps that the Spina is down there to make sure law and order is in place, and to make sure that people are doing okay enough for survival. I think this is the main reason why there's no grudge for the most part because it's snuffed out by the Spina before it can even begin.

    • @SwanPrncss
      @SwanPrncss 2 месяца назад

      @ Nah, they didn't want a rich vs. poor story because too many people did that trope. Heck, even HSR did it with Belobog. The underground is just a place for people to live if they don't got the money to afford housing on the surface or else they got nowhere really else to go. Plus, if you talked to the NPCs down there, some of them are rejects or shady people. It's not like you can't walk on the surface if you live down there because they're still free to go anywhere.

  • @Usagi-SS
    @Usagi-SS 21 день назад

    Like comparing a glass of stale water to a lake bro.

  • @Jikuri
    @Jikuri 2 месяца назад

    YES. It's like Comparing Dishonored to an asset flip in steam

  • @shreksimp69
    @shreksimp69 16 часов назад

    fontaine story slams rinascita however rinascita is not complete

  • @MaRuU_0
    @MaRuU_0 2 месяца назад +10

    For someone that already play both game i will say it like
    Wuwa 2.0 : 8.5/10
    After Fontaine i don't play it anymore 😅

    • @HeyItzRaiderZ
      @HeyItzRaiderZ 2 месяца назад +4

      Played 5.0 archon
      Didnt touch after that
      Downloaded 5.1
      Didnt even touch at all

    • @LutheRin1
      @LutheRin1 2 месяца назад +3

      agree but im gonna put
      wuwa 2.0 : 9/10
      fontaine : 8.5/10

  • @babukhanra5369
    @babukhanra5369 2 месяца назад

    ''Italians fuming noises''

  • @Deca777-g3o
    @Deca777-g3o 2 месяца назад

    A spoiler, if you see the movie the borderlands, basically the fisalias and the order has a new master since the beginning

  • @NorthWolf97
    @NorthWolf97 2 месяца назад +14

    4:35 the goddess descend upon us! All praise the bakery queen!
    I was gonna sub, but then you said this 15:36. Nah get that tourist shit outta here. That was full on romance.

    • @KNME-
      @KNME- 2 месяца назад +3

      "get that tourist shit outta here."
      tf do you even mean by that

    • @ShiningJoshnightcore
      @ShiningJoshnightcore 2 месяца назад

      @@KNME- dw it is just a 'gacha players that are terminally online' term. It is good you stay away from bs like these.

    • @ImproperStandby
      @ImproperStandby 2 месяца назад

      Using tourist as an insult is kind of cringe.

    • @ShiningJoshnightcore
      @ShiningJoshnightcore 2 месяца назад

      @ true. Being tourist is the best way to play gachas

    • @a4arick106
      @a4arick106 2 месяца назад +1

      a single opinion and it halts you to sub the channel lmao what a kid you are, the fact that you need to state that you're going to sub as if you were looking for an approval and that this channel regrets for not making you subbed to it is so childish.

    @ANOMALY_PLAYS 2 месяца назад

    Whimsical ahh Lamps

  • @LUCAS420BLZ
    @LUCAS420BLZ 2 месяца назад

    We have like 4 more places to go to for wuwa that haven't been added yet so it's not solid to say anything yet
    Better pacing than Fontaine though

    @ARIV4RSAL Месяц назад

    to put it simply: no. but wuthering waves is better than genshin even if rinascita isnt better than fontaine

  • @joao17282
    @joao17282 2 месяца назад

    I love how theres people who play games with no brain like me lol "dont mind me im just here for the experience"

  • @venjaminffxi
    @venjaminffxi 2 месяца назад

    damn , now I want to listen to Persona OST

  • @oddychan
    @oddychan 2 месяца назад +2

    Huanglong bigger than fountaine

    • @Deca777-g3o
      @Deca777-g3o 2 месяца назад +1

      Oh yeah, also has a lot of war sites where you can see the destruction against the TDs

  • @alvinnugraha5264
    @alvinnugraha5264 2 месяца назад

    Exploration and world, yes better than fontaine, by a mile.. fly > swim
    but characters and story is, nope, at least not yet prob.
    This is me playing both games and unbiased, so far no one in wuwa beats furina story and character

    • @ezster12
      @ezster12 2 месяца назад +2

      whats the point of good story when the game in itself is dogshit

    • @SwanPrncss
      @SwanPrncss 2 месяца назад +2

      @@ezster12 Because for some people the "new" content is only story and new maps. Combat mechanics will never change in these games and will be eventually samey once you play the game for 2 years or more. I love WW's combat mechanics more than Genshin, but without a good story I have no reason to stay to a liveservice game asking for your longitudinal loyalty. Played FF14 for 1 year, and I left because the story was uninteresting where all the good parts were locked out to expansions that required you to play for hours to get to it even though the gameplay was okay.
      If I only care about gameplay and not story, I wouldn't be playing JRPG-like games at all and just go play Mario Kart or Fall Guys where there's no story - but I only played at most a few hours of those games.

  • @cucumbers366
    @cucumbers366 2 месяца назад


  • @Minmin_alt
    @Minmin_alt 2 месяца назад

    Fontaine 4.1 was pure pain 😅

  • @ven.at98
    @ven.at98 2 месяца назад

    At least Fontaine is better than Natlan.

  • @RaydoesRoblox
    @RaydoesRoblox 2 месяца назад

    TBH, I've kept tabs on Genshin for it's story and lore, it's creators make really great fan fiction. I've always enjoyed the characters, however, i played Genshin once. And i will never touch it again. Far too mind numbing and slow.
    Fontaine was the peak of Genshin storytelling and lore. While some parts felt distorted, it was an excellent plot, hence why so many people use it as the base for Genshin crossover stories.
    Ragunna was a whole new peak for WuWa storytelling wise. While 1.x's story wasn't bad, and too many people are having a go at it, it's start was so mid i skipped all the dialogue of the first 3 chapter the second time around. 1.X shines in its character stories with open ended expectations in terms of character relations, and Scar's reveal caused a MASSIVE (looooww taaappeeer fade) uptick in the story's quality. Grand Warstorm, Thaw of Eons and To the Shore's End were the best parts of WuWa 1.x
    Ragunna is a single city state, and it's story isn't finished yet. I'd put them on around the same level story wise, with WuWa's storytelling taking the cake. Obviously Ragunna tales design.
    Ragunna: 8.5/10
    Fontaine: 8/10

  • @k-BlazeWW30
    @k-BlazeWW30 2 месяца назад

    iplayed fontaine quest its bad actually and rinacita quest is on another level

  • @giddelgaming
    @giddelgaming 2 месяца назад

    Ur genshin vids are low views but wuwa wth

  • @ThatGuyWithNoLife
    @ThatGuyWithNoLife 2 месяца назад +1


  • @generalplayz6533
    @generalplayz6533 День назад


  • @aloydea3540
    @aloydea3540 2 месяца назад +9

    This video is full of story spoilers -_-

    • @codesymbi
      @codesymbi 2 месяца назад +6

      Of course it is, what were you expecting? 😂

    • @nemasisdemarini8339
      @nemasisdemarini8339 2 месяца назад +1

      Yes... Obviously... It's talking about major story patches... What did you expect?

  • @rahmatwahyuhidayat3421
    @rahmatwahyuhidayat3421 2 месяца назад

    Aalto boat 😭

  • @landove1486
    @landove1486 2 месяца назад

    Short answer : Absolutely !
    Not just about the world building but also every thing, every one seems so alive in Rinascita, not to mention the freedom of exploration you get. I can fly aimlessly for hours just to enjoy view, witness interactions among those NPCs, TDs, Echos.

  • @nguyennhatkhanh4408
    @nguyennhatkhanh4408 2 дня назад

    haha, Vedal =))

  • @victorcarvalho742
    @victorcarvalho742 2 месяца назад


    • @DeepbloodFang
      @DeepbloodFang 2 месяца назад +1

      No, he wasn't piloting the boat.

    • @rayzen119
      @rayzen119 2 месяца назад

      Aalto could never die... also my headcannon is Aalto is similar to Rover, since he has the same golden eyes. Look at his character trailer at the end, the man means business. xD

    • @BakerBiscuit
      @BakerBiscuit  2 месяца назад


  • @GigaChadDuolingo-p8j
    @GigaChadDuolingo-p8j 2 месяца назад


  • @eeteeeeki
    @eeteeeeki 2 месяца назад

    Comparing Fontaine and Rinascita is the same if you compare France and Italia

  • @seaweedbanana4663
    @seaweedbanana4663 2 месяца назад

    not even close

  • @razofjhgrdc
    @razofjhgrdc 2 месяца назад

    Fintain is good but tha prison story is fking boring

  • @deathnote3283
    @deathnote3283 2 месяца назад

    Fountain story is better than Wuwa But Wuwas visual is better than genshin. The end stop fighting everyone I played both games on my pc so yeah I experience both from the ground up.

  • @TheSupremeMedjay
    @TheSupremeMedjay 2 месяца назад


  • @raulsalazar05
    @raulsalazar05 2 месяца назад


  • @arminkir9389
    @arminkir9389 2 месяца назад +1

    Story wise so far Fontaine>wuwa not even close wuwa has good story telling but the story itself falls flat sometimes rinacista is a massive improvement but still has al ong way to go
    Gameplay wise wuwa>fontaine not even close no explanation
    World wise
    Tie people hate Fontaine’s map but the lore the WORLD QUEST that whole underwater section yeah no it’s definitely up to date with wuwa
    Charecter gameplay Carlotta>everybody not close
    Charecter writing furina,neuvilette,navia>>>>>>>>carlotta not close
    So far rinacista isn’t finished so obviously this isn’t the full rating.

    • @MrBentalton777
      @MrBentalton777 2 месяца назад +8

      story and story telling for rinascita are far better than fontaine already its not even close lol. genshin just has way too much yap and 0 stakes ever cause no one ever dies unless its some random npc no one cares about. also the underwater does not even begin to compare with rinascita either as everything lo9oks more or less the same.

    • @arminkir9389
      @arminkir9389 2 месяца назад

      @ well I’m sorry but no I can say wuwas story telling is better because it keeps you more engaged Genshin story as of right now is better while Genshin has a lot of Yap the actual story is pretty well written the charecters are good so is the plot is straight forward with nuance and depth something wuwa as of right now is lacking.
      Also if Genshin has no stakes neither does wuwa? Nobody has died excluding 1 npc either? I mean they were talking about how the frascidus is tryna ruin eve try thing and create this massive storm yet once it actually happens nobody gets hurt nothing changes
      Also wuwa has it moments where it’s a yap fest for example that scene with Brant and his leader could’ve been like a minute we didn’t need this whole exposition in his life considering we probably won’t ever see him again.
      Also the whole dragon scene felt so unecessary.
      The world while I belive wuwa world looks a lot more beautiful and the gameplay is nice the lore for Fontaine’s world and the overall variety makes me like fontaines a lot but I think their both equally good.(also the world quest are indeed PEAK espically that sympany one)

    • @MrBentalton777
      @MrBentalton777 2 месяца назад +9

      @ the yap is literally proof the story is NOT well written as you dont have lots of yap in a story that is well written and you dont have talking to random npc number 947 that no one cares about.ww people actually die not playable characters YET but coming from pgr they probably will at some point and ww has had near death experiences for characters while genshin hasnt even had that. hundreds if not thousands of people die regularly in ww dealing with tacet discords. not 1 scene in ww has been yap as yap is telling a bunch of unimportant nonsense or doing what paimon does ALL THE TIME and thats repeating what was just said like 5 times back to back.kuro was building up lore with brant as they should its called character development. the whole dragon scene was the pilgrimage like do you not even pay attention to the story?

    • @arminkir9389
      @arminkir9389 2 месяца назад

      @ yeah uh yap doesn’t mean it isn’t well written just poorly executed even then Fontaine compared to all other acts does not have as much of a gap fest as the other nations like liyue or sumeru the charecters in Fontaine are very well written with conssisivd charecter arcs and depth something you simply can’t deny
      Also the Brant part made us learn nothing abiut his charecter or give us any charecter development? Sooo idk what your talking about also navia had a near death experience focalors Litterally died if we’re talking about all of Genshin signora died capitano died xiao almost died Genshin has tension just not a lot of it and I have only seen 1 person died on screen in wuwa just becuase it says that it happens doesn’t mean it adds tension using that logic I can say that half of the archons died so now Genshin has stakes. Also the pilgrimage section I didn’t say it needed to be removed I said it could’ve been shortened the talking with the npcs honestly didn’t need to happen and could’ve been easily switched to Brant’s dialogues or Rocco’s since just like the npc their both castaways of society
      It seems to me your confusing Genshin story with wuwa neither is bad yet wuwa simply doesn’t have as much depth or quality writing as Genshin I can say It’s more consistent but it doesn’t reach the highs Fontaine does furinas entire charecter should say enough

    • @MrBentalton777
      @MrBentalton777 2 месяца назад +2

      @arminkir9389 not written well and poorly executed are literally the same thing you cannot have something written well and being poorly executed lol thats not how that works.navia did not have a near death experience lol as in she was never at any point nearly killed at worst she would have fallen into the water reverting back to her true form. also focalors no one cares she was literally there for like 5 minutes 0 character development equals dont care.sginora again unimportant npc capitano isnt "dead" more so frozen.xiao was never in any danger of dying cause of zhong li. there was a literal war that YOU as the player partake in where alot of the soldiers die like how dumb are you lol.ww as a whole far surpasses genshin considering its plot has not progressed in 5 years and is written for children with short term memory loss based on the existence of paimon being a narrator and nothing more. furinas arc was hot trash except for the last 5 minutes only thing good about that arc was her sitting on the chair crying cause thats the way i felt having no skip button

  • @stevenys234
    @stevenys234 2 месяца назад

    Fontaine is the greatest patch in gacha history, wuwa still need work harder to compete that

    • @doggomation
      @doggomation 2 месяца назад +10

      Lol. Don't compare that fishpoolshit with Rinascita.

    • @lucifer8021
      @lucifer8021 2 месяца назад +8

      Nah. It's great but not THE greatest. Reverse 1999 x Ac Collab and PGR x DMC5 patch will be 😂

    • @nguyenphuvinh-du3dr
      @nguyenphuvinh-du3dr 2 месяца назад +2

      its only 2.0. the main dishes havent served yet

    • @JoanRally
      @JoanRally 2 месяца назад +2


    • @Izz_Tokisaki
      @Izz_Tokisaki 2 месяца назад +3

      can fly in Fontaine ?

  • @cunny_connoisseur_42
    @cunny_connoisseur_42 Месяц назад +1

    genshin is a clear example of first to market. it doesnt matter the quality of genshin right now, they released first and their playerbase will be force fed slop and they will praise it

  • @arominized
    @arominized 2 месяца назад +2

    Carlotta is the better iced-based character of a 2.0 patch we've ever had... and I'm an Ayaya main. 🫢

  • @DartNguyen
    @DartNguyen 2 месяца назад

    ww alway, stunning graphic qol, but story... nah alot of thing happen but easy solve with force. A daughter of monteli gang not doing any thing like a gang , play around with stranger. i know this game think itali gang is cool but the cool of those made by dark side, she even not like giorno giovana who want to be gangstar. This girl like a kid act like gang she have no skill to manage a gang. You know this game still for kid it not dark like limbus company never they let she do anything criminal or hard to choice like what happen to Sofia Falcone in the penguin
    Gacha kid game never can mimic a single cool side of a gang man and that just cringe. If he exist in any realife gang she will die in ep 1 like a fool

    • @ImpermanenceHeron
      @ImpermanenceHeron 2 месяца назад +3

      Okay.... so first of all who said Montelli is a gang/Mafia? they are a noble family that's trying to preserve and maintain the livelihood of Ragunna. Not some drug dealing Italian style cartel. Just because you saw Italian-style country doesn't make it suddenly have to do with Mafias and Gangs or whatever you're talking about lol.

    • @resfeber4749
      @resfeber4749 2 месяца назад +2

      Yapp yapp, but still not giving a crucial point.

    • @Affadel_
      @Affadel_ 2 месяца назад +1

      blud not playing da game but act like he did😭🙏

  • @Carlotta25
    @Carlotta25 2 месяца назад +1

    Rinascita 2.0 is already good. How much more if we get 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and the Finale. My god Kuro Games really put love into the game. I hope they dont turned like HOYO