With all the talk about dreams and destiny, you forget about karma.
Zoey has a dream. Whether it is meaningful or not is up to you. But everyone will want to realize their dream if they have the opportunity, and everyone has their own dreams. You can't equate them.

Fate befalls Zoey. The beloved grandmother dies. Zoey herself says to the MC afterwards that she feels nothing at the moment. In the face of grief over the ultimate loss of a loved one, this is normal behavior. She inherits some money from her grandmother. She does not like her stepfather and somehow does not feel understood by her mother. Fate, external influences, give Zoey the opportunity to realize her dream, which she has at the age of 19. At this point I would like to emphasize that she is 19 years old and therefore has little experience of life. Who among us can say that when they were 18-19 years old they didn't make mistakes that they later regretted? I have definitely made mistakes. The question everyone should ask themselves once is whether they would have made a different decision with a certain amount of life experience, at the age of 30. For me, I have to answer yes. Zoey's age definitely plays a role.
Now let's move on to karma. What is karma?

Karma is a spiritual concept according to which every action - physical and mental - inevitably has a consequence. In Buddhism, karma is understood as the law of cause and effect, according to which every action results in a certain reaction. (Matrix sends its regards)
Jacob said that karma is a bitch, and it is. What is Zoey's karma? Zoey's karma is Emma's Rooster Cluck and a bitch at that. If Zoey hadn't gone to San Diego, this Rooster Cluck of Emma's would have never happened. Cause and Effect. The Rooster Cluck makes the MC move on. Cause and Effect. DPC leaves us to decide whether Zoey forcibly removes this cluck from Emma's phone or whether Zoey calms Emma down so that Emma removes this cluck from her phone herself. Oops, a new karma pops up. What do you guys want to see in terms of Zoey? Should she be aggressive or passive towards the MC and his LI. That's not the MC's decision, that's us players' decision.