Custom Scrambler Supermoto - GoPro POV | THORNTON HUNDRED MOTORCYCLES

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
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    Welcome back, in this video Jody and the team take you on a 1st person, point of view adventure showing the process first hand of what goes into building a custom Thornton Hundred Triumph Scrambler 1200cc XE Supermoto.
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    Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one!
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Комментарии • 172

  • @michaelmclarney1994
    @michaelmclarney1994 2 года назад +13

    Beautiful build, nice job guys. My Initial thought was that I would change the colour but seeing it complete, the green is starting to grow on me. Otherwise everything else was spot on for me.

  • @kmxc1613
    @kmxc1613 2 года назад +80

    It’s only missing piece in this video is sound of this exhaust. Brilliant motorbike I love it.

    • @tactisquatch
      @tactisquatch 2 года назад +9

      RIGHT!! I waited the whole video

    • @paulgrossodesign
      @paulgrossodesign 2 года назад +3

      Literally logged in to say this exact same thing. I watched the whole video waiting for the exhaust sound 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles
      @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles  2 года назад +7

      Thanks for the feedback, will have to let you guys hear it next time!

    • @X_CHILLer_X
      @X_CHILLer_X Год назад +1

      @@ThorntonHundredMotorcyclesyou think! We had to hear that shitty habid mumble rap remix and not hear wtf the custom exhaust sounded like. The video centered around that in particular (the exhaust). Now the Candy Man is going to come pay you a visit from Rhode Island USA.

    • @GusAguillar
      @GusAguillar Год назад +1

      😢 Yeah, it was like a first date with a beautiful woman, at the end her mom arrived to pick her home. This amazing video should be called "sorry bro".

  • @davewash50
    @davewash50 24 дня назад +1

    Absolutely stunning Scrambler build guys. The colour is amazing. Another stunning TH creation. Thank you

  • @HoagesMoto
    @HoagesMoto 2 года назад +2

    I've realised what is is that I like so much about your channel Jody: you work on machines the way I do. What I mean by that is you show every part you handle respect and care. Fresh microfibres on bench tops not to scratch stuff, clean workspace, clean and ordered tools - Nice to watch a professional take true pride in every item he handles to put a bike together. Customers should consider themselves lucky to have one of your bikes mate, those who have been in the industry will know very very few dealers/shops take this amount of care. Even very premium cars and bikes where many owners would think otherwise, they'd be wrong to think this kind of attention to detail occurs by virtue of the brand they buy. Thanks again for another great vid.

    • @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles
      @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles  2 года назад

      Thanks for the great feedback dude! really appreciate the support 🙏🏼

    • @jjnewman65
      @jjnewman65 2 года назад

      Agreed. A true motorcycle surgeon at work.

  • @AndyNC
    @AndyNC 9 месяцев назад +1

    It is always a pleasure to watch experts at work. Great craftmanship and it looks awesome!

  • @shark2075
    @shark2075 2 года назад +9

    Well mate I absolutely loved the POV build format of this vid, need more of these for sure ! Brilliant vid & build

  • @jeffattak
    @jeffattak 2 года назад +1

    The sound of this beauty pleasssssse !!!!!

  • @joe_Solo1.deVista
    @joe_Solo1.deVista 8 месяцев назад +1

    Awesome work!!!!! Loved the Diamond to straight line design on the seat!!!

  • @MisterCHonline
    @MisterCHonline 12 дней назад +1

    Great build, looks epic!
    I love mine and seeing this made my mind tick….! Unfortunately my wallet and or skillset doesn’t match up to you guys!Haha!
    Only things I was thinking could’ve been added to the video was mirror options? Did you go bar end (under)?
    A better view of the new no plate position/bracket?
    And as a few others have said the exhaust sound. But I loved the situation of the pipes under the seat! Perfection!
    Great job!

  • @djundaground2007
    @djundaground2007 Год назад +1

    Just wished you showed how it ride and sound other than that great video! I really love the way it turned out about how much will it cost for a build like that? I really want one

  • @sonicbacon666
    @sonicbacon666 8 месяцев назад +1

    Another great looking build, wasn’t sure about the colour when you unwrapped the tins but it does look good on the bike 👍🏻🔥

  • @eddiedante3356
    @eddiedante3356 Год назад

    Absolutely amazing exhaust design👏

  • @mrfede3344
    @mrfede3344 2 года назад +1

    Amazing! Super relaxing

  • @sandrobiaggi508
    @sandrobiaggi508 2 года назад

    Bellissima moto come tutte le tue fantastiche preparazioni, sei veramente un grande, inventiva e manualità le triumph più belle che abbia mai visto

  • @erkojun111
    @erkojun111 2 года назад +1

    I'm Vietnamese 🇻🇳🇻🇳, I really like your youtube channel. also like triumph cars

  • @rusipathan
    @rusipathan 2 года назад

    Absolutely beautiful! You guys deserve a million subscribers.

  • @richardchubb3917
    @richardchubb3917 2 года назад +1

    The placement of those pipes 👍👍

  • @stepheneldridge6998
    @stepheneldridge6998 2 года назад

    What a great bike!..and the pov film 🎥 of the build is excellent. Love the thoroughness and neatness of your dismantle and rebuild. The finished bike, in that colour is superb 👌. Cheers Steve

  • @clique53
    @clique53 2 года назад

    Brilliant format for this episode. More pls!!!

  • @reubenmosley4925
    @reubenmosley4925 2 года назад

    Love it.. great build great vid. Even the colour works.. I want that exhaust on mine now… damn.

  • @colingoldthorpe5918
    @colingoldthorpe5918 2 года назад

    Watching from western Canada and I have to say guys the work is just incredible. When I think Triumph have nailed the design your team just takes the models to another level. After watching this I just want to go sit on my Bonneville T120 gold line edition and fall asleep on her 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ whilst whispering sweet nothing into her tailpipe 😍😍😍 I know I have issues but I’m only here once 😂😂😎😎

    • @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles
      @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles  2 года назад

      Thanks Colin we really appreciate the support, not sure about the other stuff though 😂

  • @unit1905
    @unit1905 2 года назад

    Well done! I always look forward to each video but POV recording obviously makes this video so engaging. Beautiful bike with clever enhancements.

  • @lukethomasmods
    @lukethomasmods 2 года назад

    Wow this was an awesome watch

  • @Clint_the_Audio-Photo_Guy
    @Clint_the_Audio-Photo_Guy 3 месяца назад

    Looks awesome. The exhaust looks awesome. The seat looks great. I'm a little fascinated by the seat pan molding process. Like the paint color and the blacked-out silver parts. Only tiny thing that looks weird to me is the left side blacked out badges. I feel like the Scrambler lettering needs painted white or to match the bodywork or something. I'm interested to know more about those carbon fenders. Who makes those?

  • @RagsLab
    @RagsLab Год назад

    It is beautifully done mite

  • @bikefever3569
    @bikefever3569 2 года назад

    Top notch boys.
    Can not wait to see what you are going to do to the 1200RR.

  • @adgjlqetu2
    @adgjlqetu2 2 года назад

    Dude you are an artist insane work

  • @AlwaysSearching..
    @AlwaysSearching.. 2 года назад

    Unreal content mate 👌🏼 could watch this stuff for hours!

  • @whitneyrides
    @whitneyrides 7 дней назад

    That final exhaust set up was gorgeous under the tail. 2 questions though, Why did you guys go with STR tires on the 17's and not a proper supermoto tire like conti attacks? since the STRs are already so common on 21/18 set ups for a more 50/50 tread. I loved them on my Tenere but on a 17" sumo set up I would go full on supermoto rubber! what was the final weight of the bike? nice build!

  • @jamesfairmind2247
    @jamesfairmind2247 2 года назад +1

    Really love the exhaust! Best version yet although personally I would have left the standard headers now they no longer have a cat in them and welded the new section on from halfway but that is just a matter of personal choice, I know some people like that "sectioned" look of custom built pipes. Would have loved to have heard the sound they made!

  • @constantinslotty5309
    @constantinslotty5309 3 месяца назад

    So brilliant how you guys hand crafted the seat! I wonder how long it took you to really nail this process :D

  • @somchanokmontha7476
    @somchanokmontha7476 2 года назад

    Awesome Bike Well done 👍,Hopefully to hear sound of this exhaust next time

  • @cj340284
    @cj340284 2 года назад +6

    How are you able to run these smaller wheel n tire sizes without throwing off the ABS / Traction Control / Speedo sensors? Are you needing to reprogram something on the ecu? I'm looking to run a smaller front on mine n I'm trying to get things sorted out before I get the wheels.

    • @gagelaflesh5358
      @gagelaflesh5358 Год назад

      Did you ever end up going with the smaller wheel? I’ve been looking to do the same and I have the same questions as you.

    • @cj340284
      @cj340284 Год назад

      @Gage LaFlesh I believe it can be done in the TuneEcu program. I haven't done anything with different wheel / tire sizes yet myself, but I did research it a bit more. I use a similar program called Forscan for Ford vehicles that would allow for similar modifications on those vehicles. From what I understand, TuneEcu is somewhat equivalent. You'd need a OBDII dongle and a computer that can run the program, but I think it's doable with that software.

  • @JoseT73Biker
    @JoseT73Biker 2 года назад

    Absolutely fantastic video !!!! .Where can i buy that flyscreen ?

  • @kvman50
    @kvman50 2 года назад

    Incredible workmanship... well done!

  • @deepgurung1091
    @deepgurung1091 2 года назад

    Overally I really like this bike and process of making this bike so awesome 👏 👏👏

  • @shadyvito
    @shadyvito 2 года назад

    Beautiful bike😍 I checked out the sponsor’s watches, also very beautiful.

  • @HoagesMoto
    @HoagesMoto 2 года назад +1

    IDEA - think about getting some shock work done in-house prior to delivery to you prospective buyers for 1200XE's. I'm a 1200SMQ(XE) owner and most owners will attest that the rear shocks have some of the weakest compression damping of any bike I've ever ridden - to be blunt - the suspension setup on these bikes, while gorgeous looking, rides like shit on poor surface quality irrelevant of what you do setup wise (sag/preload/clickers) for any one in the normal weight category 80-100kg. It's not something many would notice in a 5-10minute test ride because it's a lot of motorcycle to appreciate, especially one as nice as your builds are but any switched on owner will know.
    Given how much effort and time is in the rest of this bike, it would be well worth the meagre investment on your end to have some basic shock work sorted out prior to delivery - irrespective of how educated the new owner is, it will really set your bike apart from a stock 1200XE riding experience - take an XE to your preferred suspension tech just once if you don't believe me.

  • @jjnewman65
    @jjnewman65 2 года назад

    Nice one 👏 boys. Love the paint job. Would prefer a low mudguard and I like my scrambler pipes along the frame rather than under the seat but appreciate the work you have put into this. Well done 👍

  • @english.ricardo
    @english.ricardo 2 года назад

    Excellent video and awesome idea to use the cameras like this.

  • @erickroman1885
    @erickroman1885 2 года назад +2

    I have been to your website and some of the best stuff you put on your bikes, you don’t sell. Love to super moto my bike but the rims are not on your site. Love the carbon fenders, not on your site. If you put it on your bikes, should be in your site, cause you guys make beautiful stuff, and those if us who cant go to you can at least buy from you to DIY that perfect bike. Keep it up guys.

    • @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles
      @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles  2 года назад

      Hi Erick, we're great full that you are a fan of our work! A lot of the parts we use for our full build projects have been kept separate to keep our builds as unique as possible. Our webshop is forever growing with custom parts for people that cart get to us directly. Hopefully we will have some more scrambler options soon 😊

  • @garyrobinson4847
    @garyrobinson4847 2 года назад

    Looks awesome as always thank you 😃🤙

  • @sventowers
    @sventowers 2 года назад

    love that bike.....nearly perfect! the only thing I think looks wrong are the white stripes on the side panels, they don't run parallel with the tank stripes... seat is awesome...cathedral stitch i believe.

    • @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles
      @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles  2 года назад

      Thanks Steve, we went with lining up the rear stripe with the angle of the shock but I guess each to their own. Appreciate the support!

    • @sventowers
      @sventowers 2 года назад +1

      @@ThorntonHundredMotorcycles no means a criticism, the work you guys do is spot on...i just have an ocd thing for lining things up..😂

  • @noxmas74
    @noxmas74 Год назад

    Question. Did the abs worked properly from 21 to 17 inches wheel?

  • @DC1008
    @DC1008 2 года назад

    Hi what is the seat mild you lay down before the carbon fibre. Doing my own cafe racer and need to make a seat base. You made it look so easy

  • @flynn_rocky618
    @flynn_rocky618 2 года назад

    What a beauty!

  • @HaKa-vg2fu
    @HaKa-vg2fu 2 года назад

    Brillant build. Keep up the good work. 👍🏻😎
    The only thing I don't like about the bike is the license plate holder. I like it more when the license plate is mounted on the fender. But once again keep up the work.

  • @howardtetlow3282
    @howardtetlow3282 2 года назад +1

    Love the pov format. Really like the exhaust. Hate with a vengeance the green with the ohlins yellow. Any reason not to seal the wheels to go tubeless?

  • @theo180195
    @theo180195 2 года назад

    Beautiful bike and good job on it.

  • @robynmolle5842
    @robynmolle5842 2 года назад +1

    How can I get one of those 17” front wheels?

  • @bonheurderouler6486
    @bonheurderouler6486 Год назад

    VERY Beautiful, could you tell me what brand is the windshield ?

  • @heathsmith10telco90
    @heathsmith10telco90 2 года назад

    Doing the pipes as a saleable product?
    Would definitely buy those. Hate the side pipe on mine

  • @matthewyaron5827
    @matthewyaron5827 2 года назад +1

    Looks great!! I would just go tubeless! Cheers

  • @miker6516
    @miker6516 2 года назад

    When are you folks going to do a speed twin ?

  • @ducatimonster1429
    @ducatimonster1429 2 года назад

    masterpiece 🙌

  • @Jmort93
    @Jmort93 2 года назад +1

    How can we (the general diy public) do a 17” (or 19”) wheel swap on our Scramblers? I feel the 21” on the XC is excessively big for the on-road version of the scrambler.

    • @cj340284
      @cj340284 2 года назад +1

      Yes. Exactly this. I'm looking to run a 17" or 19" or mine up front, but not sure what needs to be done for the electronic aspects to maintain proper function. I've reached out to several groups on this to no avail.

    • @Jmort93
      @Jmort93 2 года назад +1

      @@cj340284 or a 19”! Definitely would pay over $1k for a well engineered 19” wheel kit for the Scrambler

  • @zaqsanara5839
    @zaqsanara5839 2 года назад

    One of the best custom work...But how much does that all cost?

  • @peterpvath
    @peterpvath 2 года назад

    Great content, anyone know what brand tires those are?

  • @robertglen5484
    @robertglen5484 2 года назад

    Your videos are brilliant.. keep up the great work. 👍

  • @d.Cog420
    @d.Cog420 2 года назад

    Great vid and new sub here. A question on the pipes there enough clearance for the rear wheel with big rear loads like when you near bottom out off trail?

  • @paulrobertson2915
    @paulrobertson2915 2 года назад

    Love the build bike looks awesome but no sound disappointed ride free FTW brother

  • @mattmccallum2879
    @mattmccallum2879 10 месяцев назад

    Any particular reason why you started with an XE vs an XC?

  • @tigerzero9939
    @tigerzero9939 2 года назад

    Hey Jody! Does Thornton Hundred make high lift cams?

  • @woodymfc2415
    @woodymfc2415 2 года назад

    Nice looking bike. How much will it cost to convert a scrambler to a supermoto

  • @q-bigwerkstatt2
    @q-bigwerkstatt2 2 года назад

    Love your piecut weldings, it's pretty wel(l)d 😉

  • @thomas241266
    @thomas241266 2 года назад


  • @pesterov
    @pesterov 2 года назад

    Nice job,guys.what about triumph trident ?)

  • @georgemilburn6213
    @georgemilburn6213 2 года назад

    number plate, front mudguard, indicators ? they have a lot of Police in the channel islands.

  • @CPF-cv4so
    @CPF-cv4so 20 дней назад

    Hi, can the display be replaced with a more simple one, just asking as they cost $2500 to replace when broken..

  • @bbdoook
    @bbdoook 2 года назад

    What tires are those?

  • @rl_31123
    @rl_31123 Год назад

    Who does work like this on the west coast of the US? This is awesome

  • @Jarrckk
    @Jarrckk 27 дней назад

    Epic build. Anticlimactic not hearing the exhaust note though 😭

  • @thorout8377
    @thorout8377 2 года назад

    Nice nice nice, send me one too Australia 🇦🇺

  • @nttu8x
    @nttu8x 2 года назад

    How can I buy this one in Vietnam? Tks!

  • @ThrillaPark
    @ThrillaPark 2 года назад

    Great vid. I would have preferred more ASMR over the repetition music but that’s just me. Incredible build as always!

  • @tonyking8928
    @tonyking8928 2 года назад

    Love the bike, 👌

  • @tigerzero9939
    @tigerzero9939 2 года назад

    I would have black TiN or Diamond-like Carbon coated the front forks

  • @phammanh2689
    @phammanh2689 2 года назад

    Wait, if the exhaust is under the seat like that, where's the rear brake light and indicators?

    • @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles
      @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles  2 года назад

      Hi Pham, our rear lights are built into our carbon mudguards, I believe there is a brief shot of them at 15:29

    • @phammanh2689
      @phammanh2689 2 года назад

      @@ThorntonHundredMotorcycles Oh yes, i see them now. Thanks mate, they look incredible

  • @markgregg4216
    @markgregg4216 2 года назад

    I would have went for carbon wrap on the fork legs and why didn't we hear those twin exhausts burbling.

  • @emmanueltavares7821
    @emmanueltavares7821 2 года назад

    Men, this bike is awesome

  • @KevBoughen
    @KevBoughen 2 года назад

    Back lights anywhere? Without those it isn't ever going to be road legal. Hope the new owner has enough land to use it on.

  • @massimolazzaroni5346
    @massimolazzaroni5346 6 месяцев назад

    Mi piacerebbe sapere il prezzo per questo cambiamento

  • @chris8949
    @chris8949 2 года назад

    Absolutly lovely creation, but we definitly need to hear the sound of the bike ..

  • @michalklus3533
    @michalklus3533 Год назад

    Triumph motorcycle Is best in world 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  • @Fran-vi6hp
    @Fran-vi6hp 2 года назад

    Brutaaaaaallllll!!!! Te la cambio por mi scooter!!!

  • @มดแดง-ฃ3ข
    @มดแดง-ฃ3ข 2 года назад +1

    ทำไมผู้ชายถึงชอบรถมอเตอร์ไซค์เพราะเขาชอบแกนั่นซ่อมนี่ถ้าเป็นรถยนต์ super car คันนึง 300 ล้านกูไปแกะน๊อตตัวแรกออกรับรองมึงไล่ออกกูออกจากบ้านแน่นอน เลี้ยงไม่ได้ทำไมชิบหายหมด

  • @massimosoranzo7306
    @massimosoranzo7306 2 года назад

    Goood job

  • @Fran-vi6hp
    @Fran-vi6hp 2 года назад


  • @stephanechevalier6175
    @stephanechevalier6175 2 года назад


  • @pitoniakcycle
    @pitoniakcycle 2 года назад


  • @tomatotatopotatotato4143
    @tomatotatopotatotato4143 2 года назад

    Sound test?????????

  • @jaredmotopnw
    @jaredmotopnw Год назад

    All incredible except the color. ;)

  • @chuckbaker8413
    @chuckbaker8413 39 минут назад

    Yes… pipes are better this time…I would still go for down pipes…🤷🏽

  • @budisantoso-qj9pc
    @budisantoso-qj9pc Год назад

    hello, I'm your subscriber from Indonesia, 🇲🇨 I like all your videos, my dream motorbike, but what can I do, I only have a small 1973 Honda CB 100 motorbike 😌

  • @spencersmith8362
    @spencersmith8362 2 года назад

    Thornton Hundred build beautiful bikes and are very talented! But who builds a bike with a lovely exhaust like this and doesn't let the viewers hear it? I've just read the comments and they haven't replied to a single comment or questions. Come on guys, you want people to view and subscribe to this channel, it's very rude and ignorant!

  • @Juuul89
    @Juuul89 2 года назад

    Bit of a strange choice going for a supermoto look and 17 inch wheels but still fitting off-road rubber, if you want to do any sort of offroading the old wheels would have been way better.

  • @marknevitt1746
    @marknevitt1746 2 года назад

    Can’t believe you didn’t start it!!! Really disappointed 😔 Great bike though 👍

    • @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles
      @ThorntonHundredMotorcycles  2 года назад +1

      Sorry to hear that dude, thanks for the feedback though we'll see what we can do about that next time

    • @marknevitt1746
      @marknevitt1746 2 года назад

      @@ThorntonHundredMotorcycles No worries mate, I understand. Being a bit of a bike builder myself, it’s easy to forget stuff so carry on doing what you do, it’s awesome fellas 👍

  • @jeffattak
    @jeffattak Год назад

    The sound please !!!!!!!

  • @amitkumarshah4881
    @amitkumarshah4881 9 месяцев назад

    Can you modify a Scrambler 400x 🤪

  • @volbeat676
    @volbeat676 3 месяца назад

    Makes no sense but looks great