I no longer do, as the old wives' lessons are either perverted or glossed over; which is the point of these morality plays to begin with, not entertainment.
I just wanted to confirm about the Little Mermaid remake. It was on television tonight. My daughter of 5 years old watched half of it before saying she was sleepy and asking if she could go to bed. Congratulations, Disney!
I saw the original when I was a lil guy. It was and still is amazing. Like a lot of those movies during that Disney heyday, they were all better than the last. We were spoiled rotten. Take a look at the 90's releases, its mostly classics.
@ They certainly didn't have communist apple pie plots. If anyone says "Snow White is a kids movie, why so critical?" just ask who was that particular dead end for? Everyone remembers the classics, no one remembers there was a remake of Cinderella and this version of Snow White is so full of modern day messaging, it was out of date on release.
@ From an instant classic to a forgettable instant. Sucks. When a kid doesn't like your kid movie, you fucked up. When adults and kids alike like your movie, you have achieved. Lets write more of the latter.
It makes me think of the great C.S. Lewis's quote about material written for children, “I am almost inclined to set it up as a canon that a children's story which is enjoyed only by children is a bad children's story."
Wilbert Awdry (Thomas the Tank Engine) had a similar take as to why he wrote his books more mature than other children’s media. “I’m not just writing for the children. I’m also writing for the parents that get to read my books to their children.”
Exactly and everything about this movie bugs me but two things especially, one Rachel Ziegler is terrible just downright terrible and too the thing about the apple pies. They just proved that they can’t even remember their own plot line because Snow White never made apple pies she made gooseberry pies and it was never with her parents because they were both dead. These people are morons. Absolute morons.
"It's just a movie for kids! Who cares if it's any good!" Jim Henson and Mr. Rogers never got that memo. They put insane amounts of care and attention to detail in their craft - even though it was "just for kids."
Not only that, but one of the best ways to get kids' movies to sell well is to make it entertaining for the parents as well. All of the best kids' films are ones that have subtle jokes that only the parents will understand, because it keeps them entertained And they are the ones who control the purse strings.
I still can't gets over Rachel's Lord Farquad haircut. I mean that couldn't give her a better hairstyle? No one looked at her and said, "Rachel you look like Lord Farquad from Shrek. Get a new hairstyle."
Really her whole build is more reminiscent of a young boy than an adult woman. It's probably why she's so desperate to strip off now in magazines and try and prove she actually is female. Which only made her problem worse because of all the back hair.
Germany is not suing because they are too busy arresting online trolls. However, ASSassin's Creed Shadows is on full blast from the Japanese, including its prime minister.
I just watched the original with my 2 little girls. When did kindness, compassion and hard work become outdated. These are the traits I want my daughter's to inspire to have. These chracteristics are what makes a person great. Not being a violent girl boss
Being a violent girl boss takes nothing - you just have to be lazy, rude and selfish. Having compassion and supporting others demands effort and sacrifice.
@@joshuamueller3206 I bought my first DVD player back in 1999 and I might be able to tell you all the films which at that time where available on DVD, that is how few there where
@@zombifiedpariah7392Totally agree. The only live action adaptation they’ve done that I actually thought was pretty decent was The Jungle Book as it took the basic story and expanded upon it by adding some lore to the law of the jungle and Mowgli’s backstory and connection to Shere Khan. It also nailed the look of the animals where they weren’t too photorealistic. It’s just a shame that its success led Disney to believe they could do the same with every other one of their classic animated properties.
@@jacktorrance3522 That's neat! I also heard Cinderella (2015) was good too. That's about it, though. Everything else has just been modern Disney being modern Disney. Lol
Drinkers last point is the important thing here: that the reason then give these remakes the exact same name as the classic is so that they can replace them anywhere that you would look up a movie. So that when you type in Ghostbusters, you get the 2016 version and when you type in beauty and the beast, it's Hermione vs. the town full of bigots. Basically their goal is to make all of society a Netflix adaptation.
That’s what I realized as well. The people remaking these movies do not love the originals like the public does, or at least they find that the originals are problematic. They realize how impactful these movies are for a generation so their goal is to replace the originals with remakes that align with their political and societal philosophies in an effort to brainwash the next generation of kids growing up on Disney movies. Kathleen Kennedy seems to have a similar goal with Star Wars.
I enjoyed the proper Ghostbusters sequel, which bookended everything nicely, and gave a touching sendoff for Egon. That was all we needed... but of course then we got Frozen Empire that missed the mark with sloppy writing and a horribly over-crowded cast that doesn't allow time for any real development.
Walt Disney even said it himself: his films are meant for everyone to enjoy, children and adults alike. If he saw what his company has become, he'd throw a ghost fit.
I was lucky to be born at a time when Disney movies weren't trash. I'm not sure what kind of experience I would have had if I grew up during the Woke Disney era. I guess I just wouldn't watch movies and play outside.
While spending holidays with the family I ended up seeing a Paw Patrol movie, which was like Citizen Kane compared to what Disney has been putting out these last 10+ years.
@@thisismyname3928I like Endymion for the most part but he needed to log off. I wish he would’ve contributed because he came off as… idk like he was too good to talk about this bad movie
So Snow White is trying to help her deprived people by feeding them with apple pie, a sweet desert. This movie is metaphorically saying “let them eat cake”.
@@KopperNeoman actually, the quote is not something Marie ever said. It was actually a line from a play performed some time either before Marie married or very early in their reigns when things weren’t bad yet. I can’t remember who started that rumor, but that play line was placed into Marie’s mouth to make it seem like she was dismissing the poor when the family’s reputation was being dragged down by revolutionists.
@jendoe9436 Poor Marie was hated for being Austrian. Yes, she spent money, but it was expected of her, and she spent less than the rest of the royals. She was unfortunately always going to be a scapegoat. Doesn't matter she personally helped orphan children. She was slandered as a monster who didn't care about the poor, who molested her own children, and all because she was royal and Austrian.
@reheyesd8666 I really get annoyed when folks use the kids arguments to deflect blame on bad writing. As if kids shouldn’t be exposed to good writing. Heck I argue it’s especially important for them to be exposed to good writing because they often absorb information like sponges. And also we have plenty of great kids media past and new. Land before time is an incredible film that kids and adults can watch. Same with last wish and the slew of good Disney animated movies.
It's a daft argument isn't it. The biggest animated films appeal to both, generally. Look at Pixar, Shrek, even How to Train Your Dragon. The effort in the music for HTTYD is probably more than the entire production of these Disney remakes.
Cars, O.G. Lion King, Toy Story 1, A Bug's Life etc. etc. those were "kids movies" still good to this day. they simply don't have the talent they used to.
If even The Guardian thinks they've ruined the story with "tiresome pseudo-progressive additions" and described it as "exhaustingly awful" and gave it one star, you know you're in trouble.
I'm surprised a Guardian reviewer was allowed to get away with writing that. Things may be finally looking up if there can be a bit of truth telling in entertainment reviewing.
As someone who sews and loves fabrics, her dress was cheap. They should have used a yellow satin for the skirt for that billowy effect and velvet for the puffy sleeves and satin for the bodice. Not only has Disney got horrible writers, but their costume department has gone to shit too. These people don’t know what they’re doing. It’s really sad expertise I know how is no longer a requirement at Disney. They’ll just hire anybody off the street to check boxes and that’s disgusting. Disgusting because people with skills and craft are getting pushed to the side.
Ah, fascinating to hear your take on something I know ZERO about 😂 Out of curiosity, what were your thoughts on the costuming for Belle in the Beauty and the Beast remake??
Maybe that's why Zegler was so irritated about getting paid for every minute streamed while she is in that dress :) But it's funny that only in music and movies/tv shows do you get paid for working and keep on getting paid. Could you imagine that model being used everywhere? Buy your house and then have to pay for every minute you lived in it? By a painting and you have to pay for every minute you look at it. It has a camera that keeps track of eyes and if it looks in that direction it keeps track and send the information off to pay the artists ;) IMO, we need to get rid of that model and you get paid for the work you do and that is it. That way a movie company has to decide...Do I want someone like Zegler in my movie which will tank it? But if I do can I get away with paying her minimum wages? Or do they go for the big names and pay them big and then hope the movie does not tank? I wonder...If a movie loses money and then goes onto streaming...Do the actors get residuals based on the streaming no matter if it made money or lost money in the theater? Or does all money for streaming go to cover the losses and if it breaks even finally then the actors get residuals? I personally think it should be the latter...
If the Gremlins had gone in to watch this version of Snow White; Kate and Billy wouldn't have had to blow up the theater. The Gremlins would have just walked out into the daylight.
Zegler: "I don't want your business!!" Audience: "As you wish." Zegler: "YOU"RE ALL ISTS AND PHOBES AND THIS MOVIE ISN'T FOR YOU ANYWAY!" Audience: "Okay." Zegler: "Please come see my movie."
Can we talk about the fact that one of the most iconic song of the original "Someday my prince will come" has been ditched in this new version? Because of course it was...
It is an allegory about the French revolution, you had the dad giving away apple pies(the cake) like Mary Antoinette, the evil queen is the communist uprising destoying itself by guillotine, and then you have Snow White bringing back order using the militairy like Napoleon
I dont what you are talking about, the queen doesnt break the mirror. Whoever said that either didnt watch the movie, either watched it with the eyes closed. Dumb people not understanding what they are seeing.
So wait wait wait .... the mirror gives the queen her power by reinforcing that she is the most beautiful and thus her power comes from her beauty? So .... they perpetuate that a woman's "power" only comes from her looks? How .... feminist of them? 🙄🙄
These companies don’t see that the stuff they claim to defend is exactly what they’re blatantly crapping on. Same with Ubisoft trying to “combat” racism even though they’re doing the most racist thing they could lol. I’m so over it. They’re just blinded
And shouldn’t that mean she IS the fairest of them all, since the power from the mirror is based on a physical beauty standard? Maybe she just needed to rephrase the question.
Drinker's point at the end there was important. This isn't just a bad Disney flick, those are a dime a dozen, it's a deliberate attempt to rewrite history through the use of better stories produced by better men. And this isn't some conspiracy theory, the people involved straight up tell us that's what they're attempting to do. They're proud of it!
I rewatched Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave in honour of its 30th anniversary, and what particularly struck me was Wendolene’s introduction. When Wallace meets her, she tells him the wool shop among other things was passed down to her by her late father. This clearly and concisely reveals she can be trusted to carry on a family legacy/business. Equally, Wallace is shown to be a competent businessman who can plan on his feet and take swift action, and in a way that is shown to us rather than told. Further proof you can write a strong female character without tearing down everyone else around them.
I've met people in Southern states absoltely convinced that yellow tint is what you see if you walk around in Mexico. They literally told me they wouldn't want to visit because of the 'air' and then told me everything 'looked different' in Mexico and that's why the US is 'better'. I told them the truth and they screamed back 'just look at the TV". It's at that point you realize just how ignorant people actually are and how unwilling they are to think for more than a second. It was Geroge Carlkin who said 'remember the Bell curve of intelligence, now think of how dumb the average person is, now imagine that half the population are even more dumb than him. OMG".
@@bennewnham4497 Southern people think Mexico is yellow because of a TV show......yeah, that's not true. You've lost it and should take a break from the internet.
@@bennewnham4497 The part about people in southern states thinking the "air" in Mexico is yellow sounds like bs. Even with how dumb some people can be, I find it incredibly hard to believe that a conversation would unfold that way, not only once, but multiple times. If you had that conversation multiple times, you might find a simple way to show them the reality of things, like taking 10 seconds to google photos of Mexico on your phone and show them.
you say that, I thought about buying this on blu-ray and putting it on display because of the anomaly it is, what scorn and mockery it produced, and how no one wanted to see it as a result, but probably a used copy, no way I'm buying one fresh through a vendor that will have to pay Disney royalties
There is nothing funnier than watching someone "course correct" by pivoting around their *excuses* for not succeeding - all while completely denying any fault in the first place.
@ephraimwinslow Right?! It's been such a catastrophic failure the minute Rachel opened her mouth.. and let's not forget Mr Dinklage on his high and mighty perch.
The "it's for kids" argument will always bring me back to movies like lilo and stitch or the iron giant, that were phenomenal movies that even an adult could see the charm and effort put into them. Bring me back to that era when they actually cared about kids media
That’s been the go-to defense by superfans for ANY geek-oriented IP that gets called out for underachieving or just plain sucking. I remember people using it ad nauseum to defend the Prequels. But of course these same adult superfans are so invested in these films “just for kids,” they might as well be fanatical religions.
Yesterday, the user rating for “Snow White,” which has had many advanced screenings and is now in theaters, was a ridiculously low 2.3/10 on IMDb, with over 2K votes. Today, IMDb has decided to hide the rating entirely. It doesn’t show up on its page anymore.
6:00 - The evil monarch gets sucked into a mirror - The evil monarch has magic - The protagonist is a young woman who wants equality and fairness for everyone - The protagonist has a song about wishes - The protagonist wants to overthrow the ruler Sure as hell sounds like they tried to turn Snow white into a live-action Wish.
I think every review I’ve seen has neglected to mention that the Disney parks have been able to make up women to look like Snow White for meet and greets with way better hair and dresses. They could have done Rachel up exactly like the women in the parks and she would have looked so much better.
Excellent point. I wonder if they're going to acknowledge the film at all in their parks or are they just going to pretend it never happened? (the latter, I'm sure)
What would have been interesting would have had this in one theatre and the 1937 version in the one next door at the multiplex and check ticket sales after the weekend.
Rachel Zegler can sing. However, it could be the best movie of all time and I wouldn’t pay to see it because of Rachel Ziegler’s anti-marketing efforts.
I've never understood the 'argument' that we shouldn't criticize movies like this because 'they're for kids!! It's a kid's movie!" Children deserve good stories! They deserve stories with memorable characters, great morals, beautiful art and important lessons. They deserve good stories more than adults, I would argue. Such a stupid take to excuse for this slop.
The Goonies. I defy any person of any age not to find something relatable in that script. I've seen it with my kids now with grandkids, it stands the test of time.
That kind of statement is just a pathetic excuse the cultists usually make as a last resort when they have no more brain power left for mental gymnastics.
All Disney has to do was put the original in theaters and sit back to collect the money. But stupidity and need to appease the mythical modern audience by reading history prevails.
"I was half the audience in my theater". I'm using this for future discussions. Normally my go-to when discussing bad movies is calling them a wet fart but every extra quip certainly helps. So stupid to know the movie was being _narrated_ and by Dopey of all characters. You remember all those times he talked in the original? The only time he actually spoke was after gaining a wish or something in a comic (I think) which was calling Snow White "mama". Even that was weird.
There’s no way I can be convinced that the “bandits” weren’t intended to be the replacements for the dwarves. There are seven of them? C’mon. The cgi monstrosities were definitely added after the backlash.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. THEY/THEM were definitely the band of Merry Heroes. Especially, if they are there to save her?!? Seems like they just put in weird animated dwarves. And with that, all animals should be the same animated to believe its just the world they live in together. Definitely think, these were the guys. They wouldn't have gone on the, let's double down and ruin the hype. They would immediately come to fhd rescue. Movie would have been out years ago. To believe anything else is "Bonkers."
@@RuailleBuailleyeah, but dwarves don't do the jobs that nobody wants... Bandits do. They Bandits built 'Merica....ask the Mirror. It works, it's from TEMU.
Werent they in one of the photos that introduced them as "magical creatures" and created a shitstorm which led Disney to backpedal to include the cgi dwarves?
@kiiltochii1607 that's how I remember it. Probably kept to not get rid of the footage, totally...but then do a small, "Huh...see, thry were just these guus... psssst??!" They were pretty proud as they introduced them. I dont think Zegler was getting as ratio'd as she did later...since she kept egging and egging it on.
I maintain there is sluckery going on somewhere in the whole deal. Like they'd helplessly let an actor flush millions of dollars down the drain on them? Like NDAs aren't a thing? I'm calling shenanigans.
Seriously? You are tougher than me. I started not watching it the millisecond the opportunity presented itself, and I am glad I did not wait. Not seeing this film is going to be my "...regular Friday night thing."
Thing is, it's not for children, it was intended for *families*. And even if it was for children, just because a film is made for children does not mean it is acceptable for the quality to be 🐕💩
Can you really say this film was for families when the star actress put so much effort into offending men, romance, traditional storylines, folks with traditional values...?
Parents wouldn’t waste money going to a family movie that they think their kids would hate. Ultimately kids’ opinions come first and parents have to suffer when it comes to most things. So many times parents have said I hated it but the kids love it so it was worth sitting through garbage.
@@MintakaSaiph I feel like it was the opposite with me and my kids. I took my kids to the movie theater to watch Up. Halfway through, I was getting bored, but I paid for the movie, and I didn't want my kids to be bored, so I started joking with them about any part of the movie I could joke about, and my kids had a great time. Years later, my daughter said it was one of her favorite movies. In choosing what my kids were allowed to watch, I chose those shows that annoyed me the least. It wasn't my only criteria, but it ranked high on the list.
It's paradoxically interesting to see so many people say Ziegler is the least worst part of the film and yet she's the main reason this film is going to lose money.
@@zombifiedpariah7392 I was born four years later and I feel exactly the same. It’s so sad we didn’t grow up with the same entertainment older generations had.
@@zombifiedpariah7392I was born in 81. All the stuff I grew up with in the 80's and 90's still exists... you just have to seek them out, and ignore the bullshit they try to present to us as "entertainment" these days.
The irony is that the evil queen in real life is kind, refined and good-natured, and the supposed sweet innocent princess in real life is a narcissist, cold-hearted, self-centered individual. The irony of life.
Bad news from Europe. Koimoi reports: "In France, Snow White clocked just $480K (estimates) on its opening day. This made it one of the lowest Wednesday openings for a Disney live-action entertainer. In Italy, the magnum opus raked in $378K on its opening day, again making it one of the country’s lowest openings for Disney live-action." 😂😂😂
Lady Gravemaster, I can see a sequel - in the future, Snow White's daughter, Dust Brown because she born during a dust storm (conceived by parthenogenesis since Snow White don't need no man), is confronted by the Evil Queen who has been able to resurrect herself with the help of the Queen of Hearts (re: Alice in Wonderland - Through the Looking Glass). DB then elicits the help of Cinderella's daughter, an East Asian of indeterminate background, to help defeat the Evil Queen, whom we find out was really a man in drag. Have I checked all the boxes?
I didn't see any differently abled bodies in that script. Bring it back when you have a wheelchair in it.😅 The CGI dwarves don't count since they aren't there. I mean maybe Rachel's mental disability could count. But visually being represented is sooo much better. 😂😂😂😂
Snow White is exactly like Dorothy Gale. She is the (now lost) archetype of a heroine who wins in the end... simply by being kind enough to rally & inspire the people around her to action on her behalf. THAT'S. IT. That's the whole & entire point.
Giving credit where credits due, Baum gave Dorothy the initiative to melt the Wicked Witch herself in the book. But yeah, Dorothy needed others to do practically everything else
@ That's the major improvement from book to movie IMHO. Dorothy shouldn't *want* to hurt anybody. It kinda goes against the point of her character. It's not a question of initiative but restraint. (Exception for giving Cowardly Lion a bop on the nose because she was protecting Toto.)
The yellow filter is the first thing I noticed in the trailer, thank you for mentioning it. Some of these scenes looked like they were filmed on Coffeezilla's $10 million green screen.
Seems like no one is talking about the race swapping of Snow White as the primary reason they dislike this movie. It's still is for me. That was my first and biggest complaint with the movie then, and it still is now. I don't care what names I get called, I stand by my contempt for any and all race swapping.
I just read on rotten tomatoes, and I am paraphrasing here... ' ......it's message to 'fight fascism'....' That is pathetic and HILARIOUS at the same time. The term 'fascism' has been so overused and used incorrectly, so much so, that most people wouldn't know fascism if it bit them in the 'nads!
Will, you NAILED it!! The goal IS to replace what came before and make people forget the original films! It's so bizarre to see this happen to what used to be an animation powerhouse even by 2001.
So why is it that trashing german fairytales isn't called out as cultural appropriation by Hollywood?
3 дня назад+1
What could possibly be in Germany's past that makes people less sympathetic to the appropriation of their culture? Hmmmm. Let us ponder that for a moment.
Tbh, just swapping out the Germans for other cultures, but actually still following the story would be cultural appropriation. Exploiting the established name for your own narcissistic "reimagination" would be more like cultural bastardisation.
@Derek McCumber… so in the 1940’s Hitler and a branch of the German army the SS did some terrible terrible things… So from there on in they can’t claim cultural appropriation? Every country has some terrible things in their history but you can bet they claim cultural appropriation. I’m not in anyway giving the horrors of the 1st or 2nd wars a pass, it was a dark mark in history. But that wasn’t the whole German nation. Hating on them isn’t the answer.
@Derek McCumber The only way this comment would make some sense is if you think that Snow White is a nazi story and then respecting the story appropriates national socialism while simply exploiting the established title somehow doesn't. Otherwise the historically literate conclusion is just that it isn't cultural appropriation with any culture.
Ich lese jetzt nochmal das Original "Schneeweißchen" aus der Erstausgabe der Gebrüder Grimm von 1812, um mich von der Beleidigung des modernen Machwerks zu erholen. 😂
@@Chrissy0850 Ist es auch. Es sind zwei völlig unterschiedliche Geschichten. "Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot" tauchen erst viel später in den Kinder- und Hausmärchen auf. "Schneewittchen" hieß in der ersten Ausgabe noch hochdeutsch "Schneeweißchen". 😉
"The music was fine." "Zegler had a decent voice." Dude..really? I heard a clip of her and it was awful. Supposedly she's a "singer"? I guess with all the popular music out there no one seems to have any taste anymore anyway so it tracks.
Out of curiosity I looked over my local theater, Friday night 7PM had the most seats occupied at 18, or around 15% occupancy. Nearly every showing had between 2 and 5 seats filled, a LOT were completely empty. With that in mind, and knowing I’ve never believed box office opening numbers, how in the world did this bring in what they claim it has?
IMAX here is almost completely empty. The smaller screens look full, but the bigger screens have quite a few empty seats still an hour before most popular showing time.
I have a young colleague with 2 little kids. I feel sorry for them, because they never saw the classic disney movies, just the live action ones. They are not into them too much :D Funny how 7 year olds have better taste than half of hollywood.
The 7 Bandits WERE supposed to REPLACE the Dwarfs! The 7 Dwarves were later added back in after the immense backlash the early shots of the "DEI-Warfs" received. Think about it, 7 dwarfs, 7 _-butt-_ bandits? coincidence? I think NOT!
Rotten Tomatoes has it at 44% for critics and 28% for viewers. BUT, they're not showing the 28% on the page for the movie. The viewer reviews are completely diametric. Those giving a bad review hated it. Those giving it good reviews say it's the best thing since sliced bread.
Honestly the funniest part of this film is the fact that the music parody made up of denigrating comments to the trailer quite possible could make more money (certainly if we calculate cost:profit). For those unaware: Mirror Mirror On the Wall is hilarious.
Never saw it, but I'm surprised Lady Gravemaster likes Mirror Mirror. I had the displeasure of sitting through that, and story-wise and dialogue-wise if nothing else, it was just as bad.
The whole "Why do you even talk about a movie meant for kids?" argument is silly. Who do people think is paying for the movie? Exactly because it is made for kids, it is important to find out if it is a movie that you want your kids to watch. I am not that person that is incredibly precious about what kids watch, but obviously parents need to make up their own minds and make informed decisions for their kids. I would just pop on the original for my kids (If I had any). So, it is not a real argument. And the same people that use that non argument are people that would talk about the movie with you if you liked it. So it is not only invalid, but it is entirely bad faith dishonesty too.
I heard it said somewhere...can't remember and I'm paraphrasing a bit here: "Why should we excuse low quality stuff for our kids? Why should we assume our kids deserve less?"
Yeah it’s like saying “why do you care what kids eat”. Kids are developing, they shouldn’t be raised on junk food or junk food media. What they watch has a big impact on them, and Disney knows that. It’s why they target kids with their movies.
Why does Hollywood insist on giving women a boys haircut. Are you not sure if the female lead is a strong female role? Does she have a boys haircut? Check.
Can she even be a strong female if she doesn't have a bow or crossbow? Like, is that even _possible_? I personally am so into the tomboy vibe and always have been, same with alt/punk styles, and women with haircuts above the collar totally does it for me. Unfortunately for me, everybody I've ever met like this either bats for the same team or is just wildly delulu toxic. I've learned that dogs are a far better emotional investment.
thats what im noticing too outside of anime, were there any female leads that doesnt have a short haircut or trying so hard to look like a boy who is also likely a character hellbent on being sexists towards boys?
I heard something funny today at the local mall today. I saw a kid with a mommy watching the poster for the Snow White movie and the kid asks: Mommy where is Snow White in the poster. It was funny how the mum started to explain she is in the poster 😅😂😂
Lip synch in the Spanish castle, to a very small gathering of cold unenthusiastic people. And who remembered West Side Story!? That bombed too. She's just not an on screen lead. Also ran as friend to Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Not even up to that!
To be fair, this is true for almost all vocals. Some people need more help than others, but what you're hearing is almost always lip-synced to an in-studio performance engineered to hell and back.
It has to be mentioned. RACHEL'S antics, and the resultant demise of the film, has had an enormous financial impact on Gal Gadot's earnings. I think all this BS and box office fallout has seriously affected HER reputation and earnings. She SHOULD be pissed.
The evil queen is the second most beautiful woman when Snow Whites comes of age. That has the queen's panties in a twist. How is this so hard for Disney? I know, because all the woman at that company are now past their prime, but still.
They said that nowadays, no male hero can slay a female villain, but other than Maleficent and Ursula, I can't think of any other times, Disney ever portrayed that. Hasn't it generally been taboo for a man to kill a woman, even a villainous one, on the big screen, since the beginning of cinema? I'd like more examples to the contrary, but in this case, I don't think it's just a woke thing. It also occurs to me that both of these women were in monster form when slain also.
Google Emma Myers (from the show Wednesday) as Snow White. Disney had the PERFECT casting and blew it big time, all to score woke points with the mythical "modern audience".
I wouldnt be surprised that the Bandits were meant to be the dwarfs, but with all the Backlash they received, they made the Nightmare Fuel CGI Dwarfs and changed the others to Bandits.
"i was half the audiance in my theater"
That is SUCH a good line!
It's true. I went with my girlfriend and her friend and there was 7 people total in the theater. We went to an 8pm showing the night it came out
Despot has a ton of good lines in this session - seems like a genuinely funny bloke.
loL I had a flashback when I was in Benigni's Pinocchio (2002 version), I know shame on me. I was the whole audience.
My husband is dying to know what “That drunk Scottish guy and his friends” think of it.
Lady Gravemaster and the Drunken Europeans
This is me, was tempted to go watch it and see for myself......but i don't hate myself that much so I await the drinker to take the bullet for me
@@-Ryu I feel like "lady" is kind of a trap.
I bet it’s really bad. But still better than Rogue Elements.
Ur husband needs to find better youtubers
Don’t cry because it happened, smile because it’s over.
Who is cares about a stupid old wives tales?
@@torecastillo3366 wut???
I no longer do, as the old wives' lessons are either perverted or glossed over; which is the point of these morality plays to begin with, not entertainment.
For now. I can’t wait to see what Chernobyl-level meltdown we’re going to see them make next.
That’s a hilarious spoonerism of a Dr. Seuss quote
I just wanted to confirm about the Little Mermaid remake. It was on television tonight. My daughter of 5 years old watched half of it before saying she was sleepy and asking if she could go to bed. Congratulations, Disney!
Yep how soulless it is it made the kids unfocused and sleepy 😂 I agree though. It's just so pointless and shallow.
I saw the original when I was a lil guy. It was and still is amazing. Like a lot of those movies during that Disney heyday, they were all better than the last. We were spoiled rotten. Take a look at the 90's releases, its mostly classics.
@ They certainly didn't have communist apple pie plots. If anyone says "Snow White is a kids movie, why so critical?" just ask who was that particular dead end for?
Everyone remembers the classics, no one remembers there was a remake of Cinderella and this version of Snow White is so full of modern day messaging, it was out of date on release.
@ From an instant classic to a forgettable instant. Sucks. When a kid doesn't like your kid movie, you fucked up. When adults and kids alike like your movie, you have achieved. Lets write more of the latter.
You're part of the problem, letting your kids watch that trash. Put your goddam foot down once. There's a million other things they can watch.
It makes me think of the great C.S. Lewis's quote about material written for children, “I am almost inclined to set it up as a canon that a children's story which is enjoyed only by children is a bad children's story."
Best comment.
I’m 49 and re-reading the Narnia Chronicles as we speak. I haven’t read those books since I was 10 or 11 years old
Wilbert Awdry (Thomas the Tank Engine) had a similar take as to why he wrote his books more mature than other children’s media.
“I’m not just writing for the children. I’m also writing for the parents that get to read my books to their children.”
@@ChrisSuperDude I'd not heard that, but love it! Thomas and friends the originals were *huge* favorites of my boys.
C.S. Lewis is one of the Greatest Of All Time!
Snow white is not an adaption of the classic children's tale.
It's a description of what Disney were snorting when it was greenlit.
Accurate LOL
Nah the movie would be wayyy more fun and interesting if that was the case.
That explains why the lead is half colombian.
Exactly and everything about this movie bugs me but two things especially, one Rachel Ziegler is terrible just downright terrible and too the thing about the apple pies. They just proved that they can’t even remember their own plot line because Snow White never made apple pies she made gooseberry pies and it was never with her parents because they were both dead. These people are morons. Absolute morons.
"It's just a movie for kids! Who cares if it's any good!"
Jim Henson and Mr. Rogers never got that memo. They put insane amounts of care and attention to detail in their craft - even though it was "just for kids."
Yea, but who’s ever heard of those guys…..
*internal screams* 😀
Pixar used to be like that...
Yeah didn't Henson do that Dark Crystal thing? That dark fantasy that everyone loved?
Not only that, but one of the best ways to get kids' movies to sell well is to make it entertaining for the parents as well. All of the best kids' films are ones that have subtle jokes that only the parents will understand, because it keeps them entertained And they are the ones who control the purse strings.
@@christophergirardi8145 I wouldn't say everyone loved it, but The Dark Crystal was and still is a cult favorite, and so is Labyrinth.
I still can't gets over Rachel's Lord Farquad haircut. I mean that couldn't give her a better hairstyle? No one looked at her and said, "Rachel you look like Lord Farquad from Shrek. Get a new hairstyle."
Really her whole build is more reminiscent of a young boy than an adult woman. It's probably why she's so desperate to strip off now in magazines and try and prove she actually is female. Which only made her problem worse because of all the back hair.
They could have just done her up the way that the parks do for their Snow White meet and greets.
@@kwangsoo515She would have looked so much better if they had done exactly that.
That's assuming it wasn't intentional …
Nothing they could've done would have made her head look less like a rugby ball.
Germany should sue Disney for cultural appropriation.
Well, Egypt did sue Netflix for that Cleopatra horror, didn't they? What came of that?
Germany is not suing because they are too busy arresting online trolls. However, ASSassin's Creed Shadows is on full blast from the Japanese, including its prime minister.
Germany ? ,,, its circling the drain in all ways , they have nothing , not even the people care about this carp !
There's no more Europe
It's Europistan now
@@Erasmus2166 We don't care enough
I just watched the original with my 2 little girls. When did kindness, compassion and hard work become outdated. These are the traits I want my daughter's to inspire to have. These chracteristics are what makes a person great. Not being a violent girl boss
Being a violent girl boss takes nothing - you just have to be lazy, rude and selfish. Having compassion and supporting others demands effort and sacrifice.
This looks like the type of film that used to come free with a mid priced DVD player
Did not think I was old enough to remember that 😂
@@joshuamueller3206 I bought my first DVD player back in 1999 and I might be able to tell you all the films which at that time where available on DVD, that is how few there where
Straight to VHS on discount rental from Blockbuster 😂😂
Surely you mean Street Fighter with Van Dam
@ If someone has given a Van Dam film away for free they need to take a long hard look at themselves
The OG Snow White stands undefeated.
ALL Disney classics do. Lol
@@zombifiedpariah7392 Ikr
Well obviously it does , it won Oscar's including the first feature length animation in color
@@zombifiedpariah7392Totally agree. The only live action adaptation they’ve done that I actually thought was pretty decent was The Jungle Book as it took the basic story and expanded upon it by adding some lore to the law of the jungle and Mowgli’s backstory and connection to Shere Khan. It also nailed the look of the animals where they weren’t too photorealistic.
It’s just a shame that its success led Disney to believe they could do the same with every other one of their classic animated properties.
@@jacktorrance3522 That's neat! I also heard Cinderella (2015) was good too. That's about it, though. Everything else has just been modern Disney being modern Disney. Lol
Snow White and The Huntsman did the whole rebellion against Evil Queen to retake the kingdom schtick better than Disney did.
I look back at that film and now think "perhaps I treated you too harshly".
And they cast a white girl to play Snow White. Imagine that.
Mirror, Mirror is better
hallmark channel Snow White made the most believable romance between Prince and Snow.
@@Skitdora2010 not to mention *Once* *upon* *a* *Time*
Drinkers last point is the important thing here: that the reason then give these remakes the exact same name as the classic is so that they can replace them anywhere that you would look up a movie. So that when you type in Ghostbusters, you get the 2016 version and when you type in beauty and the beast, it's Hermione vs. the town full of bigots. Basically their goal is to make all of society a Netflix adaptation.
Disney and Co are the new Ministry of Truth, airbrushing anything which clashes with the DEI dogma out of existence.
That’s what I realized as well. The people remaking these movies do not love the originals like the public does, or at least they find that the originals are problematic. They realize how impactful these movies are for a generation so their goal is to replace the originals with remakes that align with their political and societal philosophies in an effort to brainwash the next generation of kids growing up on Disney movies. Kathleen Kennedy seems to have a similar goal with Star Wars.
I enjoyed the proper Ghostbusters sequel, which bookended everything nicely, and gave a touching sendoff for Egon. That was all we needed... but of course then we got Frozen Empire that missed the mark with sloppy writing and a horribly over-crowded cast that doesn't allow time for any real development.
I also HATE that argument. Kids deserve goodmovies too. They're not stupid & shouldn't be raised on garbage
absolutely agreed, case in point - avatar the last airbender
Walt Disney even said it himself: his films are meant for everyone to enjoy, children and adults alike. If he saw what his company has become, he'd throw a ghost fit.
I was lucky to be born at a time when Disney movies weren't trash. I'm not sure what kind of experience I would have had if I grew up during the Woke Disney era. I guess I just wouldn't watch movies and play outside.
While spending holidays with the family I ended up seeing a Paw Patrol movie, which was like Citizen Kane compared to what Disney has been putting out these last 10+ years.
They should be raised like true brainwashed zombies, like good little sheep 🐑
No need to worry about spoilers.
Firstly nobody is going to see it and secondly it's too rotten to spoil any further.
Watch that Endy dude. He is completely checked out through the entire stream. Why did he even show?
@@thisismyname3928I like Endymion for the most part but he needed to log off. I wish he would’ve contributed because he came off as… idk like he was too good to talk about this bad movie
Folk's will have either left or be engrossed on their phones by the time that happens anyway
@@lacm81 Thanks, I was hoping someone would know who he is!
So Snow White is trying to help her deprived people by feeding them with apple pie, a sweet desert. This movie is metaphorically saying “let them eat cake”.
It's a celebration of oligarchy.
Not understanding that Marie Antoinette was a figurehead and a sweet girl who was actually giving an ignored order to feed the people.
so...snow white gets the kingdom diabetes, then profits off the insulin?
@@KopperNeoman actually, the quote is not something Marie ever said. It was actually a line from a play performed some time either before Marie married or very early in their reigns when things weren’t bad yet.
I can’t remember who started that rumor, but that play line was placed into Marie’s mouth to make it seem like she was dismissing the poor when the family’s reputation was being dragged down by revolutionists.
@jendoe9436 Poor Marie was hated for being Austrian. Yes, she spent money, but it was expected of her, and she spent less than the rest of the royals. She was unfortunately always going to be a scapegoat. Doesn't matter she personally helped orphan children. She was slandered as a monster who didn't care about the poor, who molested her own children, and all because she was royal and Austrian.
"It's a movie for kids"
So is puss in boots 2 and that was enjoyable for adults and children.
@reheyesd8666 I really get annoyed when folks use the kids arguments to deflect blame on bad writing. As if kids shouldn’t be exposed to good writing. Heck I argue it’s especially important for them to be exposed to good writing because they often absorb information like sponges.
And also we have plenty of great kids media past and new. Land before time is an incredible film that kids and adults can watch. Same with last wish and the slew of good Disney animated movies.
And children deserve good movies not slop garbage like this and all the other remakes. They haven’t made a good movie since the early 2010s
So was the animated Beauty and the Beast and it was nominated for a Best Picture Oscar and is still beloved to this day.
It's a daft argument isn't it. The biggest animated films appeal to both, generally. Look at Pixar, Shrek, even How to Train Your Dragon.
The effort in the music for HTTYD is probably more than the entire production of these Disney remakes.
Cars, O.G. Lion King, Toy Story 1, A Bug's Life etc. etc. those were "kids movies" still good to this day. they simply don't have the talent they used to.
If even The Guardian thinks they've ruined the story with "tiresome pseudo-progressive additions" and described it as "exhaustingly awful" and gave it one star, you know you're in trouble.
I'm surprised a Guardian reviewer was allowed to get away with writing that. Things may be finally looking up if there can be a bit of truth telling in entertainment reviewing.
I thought the same,i think they're going to be sacked soon and punished with a new job at the Daily Mail.
As someone who sews and loves fabrics, her dress was cheap. They should have used a yellow satin for the skirt for that billowy effect and velvet for the puffy sleeves and satin for the bodice. Not only has Disney got horrible writers, but their costume department has gone to shit too. These people don’t know what they’re doing. It’s really sad expertise I know how is no longer a requirement at Disney. They’ll just hire anybody off the street to check boxes and that’s disgusting. Disgusting because people with skills and craft are getting pushed to the side.
9:19 respect! this is what i consider optimal criticism. I love this channel, thanks homies!!
oops i didn’t mean to respond here, apologies friendo 😅
Ah, fascinating to hear your take on something I know ZERO about 😂 Out of curiosity, what were your thoughts on the costuming for Belle in the Beauty and the Beast remake??
Nice insight. Thanks for the comment
Maybe that's why Zegler was so irritated about getting paid for every minute streamed while she is in that dress :) But it's funny that only in music and movies/tv shows do you get paid for working and keep on getting paid. Could you imagine that model being used everywhere? Buy your house and then have to pay for every minute you lived in it? By a painting and you have to pay for every minute you look at it. It has a camera that keeps track of eyes and if it looks in that direction it keeps track and send the information off to pay the artists ;)
IMO, we need to get rid of that model and you get paid for the work you do and that is it. That way a movie company has to decide...Do I want someone like Zegler in my movie which will tank it? But if I do can I get away with paying her minimum wages? Or do they go for the big names and pay them big and then hope the movie does not tank?
I wonder...If a movie loses money and then goes onto streaming...Do the actors get residuals based on the streaming no matter if it made money or lost money in the theater? Or does all money for streaming go to cover the losses and if it breaks even finally then the actors get residuals? I personally think it should be the latter...
If the Gremlins had gone in to watch this version of Snow White; Kate and Billy wouldn't have had to blow up the theater. The Gremlins would have just walked out into the daylight.
As a Gremlin’s fan, this is the best comment yet.
Underrated comment
There watching Snow White
And they love it
That's Hilarious 😂
Don't say gremlins, don't need them to get another shitty reboot idea
Zegler: "I don't want your business!!"
Audience: "As you wish."
Audience: "Okay."
Zegler: "Please come see my movie."
"If I wanted to help out a woman who yells about what a horrible person I am, I'd go visit my ex-girlfriend."
@@TestAcct46 BEST comment here LOL
I am the king of phobes
She is a professional victim.
How bout no!!!
I'm honestly shocked that they kept the kiss in the movie. I thought for sure they'd do some obnoxious lecture about consent instead.
“You gotta do better Huntsman!”
@@drumsandroses22 Wait, wasn't the Huntsman the black one? If so that doesn't work.
It was re shot and edited after all. Probably was not in the original cut.
yeah, but only after asking what her pronouns were first.
I was thinking maybe they'd have him kiss her and then she wakes up and smacks him or something. 😂
Can we talk about the fact that one of the most iconic song of the original "Someday my prince will come" has been ditched in this new version? Because of course it was...
Wait. . . So the mirror gives the evil queen power. . . She knows this. . . And breaks the mirror herself? That doesn't make sense.
I think you just summed up the entire film.
It is an allegory about the French revolution, you had the dad giving away apple pies(the cake) like Mary Antoinette, the evil queen is the communist uprising destoying itself by guillotine, and then you have Snow White bringing back order using the militairy like Napoleon
The movie wasn't made to make sense. It was made to eat DEI loans and push the message.
Women ☕
I dont what you are talking about, the queen doesnt break the mirror. Whoever said that either didnt watch the movie, either watched it with the eyes closed. Dumb people not understanding what they are seeing.
So wait wait wait .... the mirror gives the queen her power by reinforcing that she is the most beautiful and thus her power comes from her beauty? So .... they perpetuate that a woman's "power" only comes from her looks? How .... feminist of them? 🙄🙄
These companies don’t see that the stuff they claim to defend is exactly what they’re blatantly crapping on. Same with Ubisoft trying to “combat” racism even though they’re doing the most racist thing they could lol. I’m so over it. They’re just blinded
And shouldn’t that mean she IS the fairest of them all, since the power from the mirror is based on a physical beauty standard? Maybe she just needed to rephrase the question.
The queen is a mirror. Holding up herself to society. Or something, who cares.
Does the Queen have an OF account?
All of their talk about "change" and "progress" is just a ruse. They're just as shallow as the queen, they just want us to think they aren't.
Drinker's point at the end there was important. This isn't just a bad Disney flick, those are a dime a dozen, it's a deliberate attempt to rewrite history through the use of better stories produced by better men. And this isn't some conspiracy theory, the people involved straight up tell us that's what they're attempting to do. They're proud of it!
Tolkein pointed this out decades ago:
Evil cannot create, only destroy/corrupt.
No, Disney just out for a quick buck. 15% return guaranteed. Every year. For ever...
I rewatched Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave in honour of its 30th anniversary, and what particularly struck me was Wendolene’s introduction.
When Wallace meets her, she tells him the wool shop among other things was passed down to her by her late father. This clearly and concisely reveals she can be trusted to carry on a family legacy/business.
Equally, Wallace is shown to be a competent businessman who can plan on his feet and take swift action, and in a way that is shown to us rather than told.
Further proof you can write a strong female character without tearing down everyone else around them.
"it's just for kids it doesn't have to be good"
-person who grew up in the golden age of children's entertainment
The yellow filter they put on it is ironically similar to what Breaking Bad does every time they show a scene in Mexico
I've met people in Southern states absoltely convinced that yellow tint is what you see if you walk around in Mexico. They literally told me they wouldn't want to visit because of the 'air' and then told me everything 'looked different' in Mexico and that's why the US is 'better'. I told them the truth and they screamed back 'just look at the TV". It's at that point you realize just how ignorant people actually are and how unwilling they are to think for more than a second. It was Geroge Carlkin who said 'remember the Bell curve of intelligence, now think of how dumb the average person is, now imagine that half the population are even more dumb than him. OMG".
@@bennewnham4497that’s a great quote btw.
@@bennewnham4497 Southern people think Mexico is yellow because of a TV show......yeah, that's not true. You've lost it and should take a break from the internet.
@@bennewnham4497 The part about people in southern states thinking the "air" in Mexico is yellow sounds like bs. Even with how dumb some people can be, I find it incredibly hard to believe that a conversation would unfold that way, not only once, but multiple times. If you had that conversation multiple times, you might find a simple way to show them the reality of things, like taking 10 seconds to google photos of Mexico on your phone and show them.
Never been so happy saving my money. 💰
you say that, I thought about buying this on blu-ray and putting it on display because of the anomaly it is, what scorn and mockery it produced, and how no one wanted to see it as a result, but probably a used copy, no way I'm buying one fresh through a vendor that will have to pay Disney royalties
Disney just has no clue anymore, by trying to appeal to everyone, it appealed to no one.
almost no one in the west has the will desire or brain power to produce something of quality entertainment.
There is nothing funnier than watching someone "course correct" by pivoting around their *excuses* for not succeeding - all while completely denying any fault in the first place.
@ephraimwinslow Right?! It's been such a catastrophic failure the minute Rachel opened her mouth.. and let's not forget Mr Dinklage on his high and mighty perch.
But they haven't tried to appeal to everyone. That's a big part of the problem.
@michaelreich4827 They certainly tried in their failed attempts to course correct
The "it's for kids" argument will always bring me back to movies like lilo and stitch or the iron giant, that were phenomenal movies that even an adult could see the charm and effort put into them. Bring me back to that era when they actually cared about kids media
Ughhhh and MULAN 😭😭😭
That’s been the go-to defense by superfans for ANY geek-oriented IP that gets called out for underachieving or just plain sucking. I remember people using it ad nauseum to defend the Prequels.
But of course these same adult superfans are so invested in these films “just for kids,” they might as well be fanatical religions.
IRON GIANT!YES a fantastic movie that every kid should see
Yesterday, the user rating for “Snow White,” which has had many advanced screenings and is now in theaters, was a ridiculously low 2.3/10 on IMDb, with over 2K votes.
Today, IMDb has decided to hide the rating entirely. It doesn’t show up on its page anymore.
- The evil monarch gets sucked into a mirror
- The evil monarch has magic
- The protagonist is a young woman who wants equality and fairness for everyone
- The protagonist has a song about wishes
- The protagonist wants to overthrow the ruler
Sure as hell sounds like they tried to turn Snow white into a live-action Wish.
bruh did they try to ripoff fucking kingdom hearts?
to be fair - protagonist wants to overthrow the ruler is kind of standard for movies. and so is the whole equality and fairness trope.
I think every review I’ve seen has neglected to mention that the Disney parks have been able to make up women to look like Snow White for meet and greets with way better hair and dresses. They could have done Rachel up exactly like the women in the parks and she would have looked so much better.
Ha! This is an excellent point I didn’t even think about. Their FAFO meter is clearly higher for their films than their parks.
Still won’t fix the fish eyes and a voice like nails on a chalkboard 😂
Very true. As much as I hate Disney these days, they do always do a good job with their meet-and-greet princess outfits and such.
She probably insisted on looking horrible to subvert the "male gaze" or some such nonsense that only pampered first worlders think of.
Excellent point. I wonder if they're going to acknowledge the film at all in their parks or are they just going to pretend it never happened? (the latter, I'm sure)
In about a decade:
Snow White 1937, still in memory.
Snow White 2025, "Snow Who?"
"2025 Snow White? Isn't that the movie Rachel Ziegler was in before she was in Showgirls 4?"
I thought it was the movie where she went on a Cocaine binge and began ranting about toxic masculinity and girl power
Snow Skywalker
The way it should be.
Should call it "Snow What?" instead.
My young niece tried watching _The Little Mermaid_ remake, and she turned it off after 20 minutes.
When he said why wasn’t a bandit in a wheelchair I laughed so much. I’m a wheelchair user of 43 years. Sooo funny.
You shouldn't be able to call a movie live action if 90% of it is CGI
Augmented Live Action or simply Uncanny Eye Bleed
What would have been interesting would have had this in one theatre and the 1937 version in the one next door at the multiplex and check ticket sales after the weekend.
I would absolutely vote for this experiment!!!!
I grew up with classics like The Land Before Time. Being a "kid's movie" isn't a free pass to be shit.
That damn movie has been making me cry for 30 years. Good stuff.
To be fair, there were a dozen shitty Land Before Time sequels.
And series
The original land before time made me cry as a kid and cry as an adult. Good stuff.
Yeah, nobody ever watched all of them. The original is iconic, though. A kid’s movie in which the first plot point is the protagonist’s parents dying.
Thanks for the speech at the end. History changes slowly and Disney is attempting it at every turn
Rachel Zegler can sing. However, it could be the best movie of all time and I wouldn’t pay to see it because of Rachel Ziegler’s anti-marketing efforts.
She’s a terrible actress though. Her acting was horrendous.
@ No disagreement from me.
I've never understood the 'argument' that we shouldn't criticize movies like this because 'they're for kids!! It's a kid's movie!" Children deserve good stories! They deserve stories with memorable characters, great morals, beautiful art and important lessons. They deserve good stories more than adults, I would argue. Such a stupid take to excuse for this slop.
The Goonies. I defy any person of any age not to find something relatable in that script. I've seen it with my kids now with grandkids, it stands the test of time.
That kind of statement is just a pathetic excuse the cultists usually make as a last resort when they have no more brain power left for mental gymnastics.
All Disney has to do was put the original in theaters and sit back to collect the money. But stupidity and need to appease the mythical modern audience by reading history prevails.
"I was half the audience in my theater".
I'm using this for future discussions. Normally my go-to when discussing bad movies is calling them a wet fart but every extra quip certainly helps. So stupid to know the movie was being _narrated_ and by Dopey of all characters. You remember all those times he talked in the original? The only time he actually spoke was after gaining a wish or something in a comic (I think) which was calling Snow White "mama". Even that was weird.
Misha Petrov made a similar joke in her review.
I said to my Mom last week, “Just watch, it’s gonna be so far off from the original that Dopey is gonna talk.” I am so saddened to be right 😔
Wait, WHAT??? what the actual hell
'I was half the audience'. 👍👍🤣🤣
The other person lost a bet!
There’s no way I can be convinced that the “bandits” weren’t intended to be the replacements for the dwarves. There are seven of them? C’mon. The cgi monstrosities were definitely added after the backlash.
They did that in Mirror Mirror too - the dwarfs were bandits iirc. So they sound like they ripped off another "retelling", too.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
THEY/THEM were definitely the band of Merry Heroes. Especially, if they are there to save her?!? Seems like they just put in weird animated dwarves.
And with that, all animals should be the same animated to believe its just the world they live in together.
Definitely think, these were the guys.
They wouldn't have gone on the, let's double down and ruin the hype.
They would immediately come to fhd rescue. Movie would have been out years ago.
To believe anything else is "Bonkers."
@@RuailleBuailleyeah, but dwarves don't do the jobs that nobody wants...
Bandits do.
They Bandits built 'Merica....ask the Mirror. It works, it's from TEMU.
Werent they in one of the photos that introduced them as "magical creatures" and created a shitstorm which led Disney to backpedal to include the cgi dwarves?
@kiiltochii1607 that's how I remember it. Probably kept to not get rid of the footage, totally...but then do a small, "Huh...see, thry were just these guus... psssst??!"
They were pretty proud as they introduced them. I dont think Zegler was getting as ratio'd as she did later...since she kept egging and egging it on.
I genuinely dont understand why Disney has not sued Rachel Zegler
You vastly underestimate how incestuous and nepotistic that organism's native ecosystem is.
I maintain there is sluckery going on somewhere in the whole deal. Like they'd helplessly let an actor flush millions of dollars down the drain on them? Like NDAs aren't a thing? I'm calling shenanigans.
@@ephraimwinslow I don't understand your implication.
Well that's too bad, because this platform literally won't let me go into 'tistic detail for your benefit.
@ Damn, it sounded kinda interesting.
Personally I'm going to wait until the film is on a streaming service in order to not watch it...
I'm looking forwards to not downloading it of the bay of pirates
That will be 'next week'. 😂
Seriously? You are tougher than me. I started not watching it the millisecond the opportunity presented itself, and I am glad I did not wait. Not seeing this film is going to be my "...regular Friday night thing."
..On a streaming service I am not subscribing to.
Thing is, it's not for children, it was intended for *families*. And even if it was for children, just because a film is made for children does not mean it is acceptable for the quality to be 🐕💩
Can you really say this film was for families when the star actress put so much effort into offending men, romance, traditional storylines, folks with traditional values...?
Parents wouldn’t waste money going to a family movie that they think their kids would hate.
Ultimately kids’ opinions come first and parents have to suffer when it comes to most things.
So many times parents have said I hated it but the kids love it so it was worth sitting through garbage.
@@MintakaSaiph I feel like it was the opposite with me and my kids. I took my kids to the movie theater to watch Up. Halfway through, I was getting bored, but I paid for the movie, and I didn't want my kids to be bored, so I started joking with them about any part of the movie I could joke about, and my kids had a great time. Years later, my daughter said it was one of her favorite movies.
In choosing what my kids were allowed to watch, I chose those shows that annoyed me the least. It wasn't my only criteria, but it ranked high on the list.
22:22 What was the question?!
Probably just Endymion yapping
lady gravemaster had good takes
It's paradoxically interesting to see so many people say Ziegler is the least worst part of the film and yet she's the main reason this film is going to lose money.
To be fair, she was up against stiff competition😂
She’s pretty terrible in the movie. I’m surprised people aren’t talking about how bad of an actress she is!
Modern Disney is getting it’s karma and as a 2001 Gen Z, I think Rachel Zegler is bonkers.
Zegler is “hot” you’d have to be drunk, stoned, and high at the same time, I agree she is a terrible choice to be considered the Fairest of them all.
I was born the same year. I'm pissed off that I missed out on all the glorious past eras of entertainment and all we have is the woke DEI era. 😤😤😤
@@zombifiedpariah7392 I was born four years later and I feel exactly the same. It’s so sad we didn’t grow up with the same entertainment older generations had.
@@eeveeeTV Hope one day, I can try making my own entertainment. Don't know if it'll be any good, but surely, a toddler could do better at this point.
@@zombifiedpariah7392I was born in 81.
All the stuff I grew up with in the 80's and 90's still exists... you just have to seek them out, and ignore the bullshit they try to present to us as "entertainment" these days.
Peter Dinkless didn't want to have any other competition in Hollywood....he'd have 7 new little people in hollyweird looking for praise
Peter Dinkless 😂😂😂😂😂 my inner 13-year-old liked that one
Peter Dinkless isn't even Hollywoods original dwarf. Lmao. Warwick Davis is the man!
That's actually a good working theory...
Seems like it was only a tiny problem for him
He pulled up the stepping stool after him.
The irony is that the evil queen in real life is kind, refined and good-natured, and the supposed sweet innocent princess in real life is a narcissist, cold-hearted, self-centered individual. The irony of life.
Kind refined and good natured? Yeah, no.
do you know her personally? you can hate Zeigler all you want but how are you now sucking off an idf solider
Bad news from Europe. Koimoi reports: "In France, Snow White clocked just $480K (estimates) on its opening day. This made it one of the lowest Wednesday openings for a Disney live-action entertainer. In Italy, the magnum opus raked in $378K on its opening day, again making it one of the country’s lowest openings for Disney live-action." 😂😂😂
I did not know i could get drinker and despot in the same place how long have I been sleeping on this!
Lady Gravemaster, I can see a sequel - in the future, Snow White's daughter, Dust Brown because she born during a dust storm (conceived by parthenogenesis since Snow White don't need no man), is confronted by the Evil Queen who has been able to resurrect herself with the help of the Queen of Hearts (re: Alice in Wonderland - Through the Looking Glass). DB then elicits the help of Cinderella's daughter, an East Asian of indeterminate background, to help defeat the Evil Queen, whom we find out was really a man in drag. Have I checked all the boxes?
You have missed aliens with triple mammaries bro😂
But do not give Disney ideas😂
I didn't see any differently abled bodies in that script. Bring it back when you have a wheelchair in it.😅 The CGI dwarves don't count since they aren't there. I mean maybe Rachel's mental disability could count. But visually being represented is sooo much better. 😂😂😂😂
Wicked Bald Witch as Rupunzal?
You forgot the part where they depose a white male king and replace him with a non-binary black disabled trans man 😂😂😂
"They finally did it, they made a movie that nobody' going to pirate~"
wasn't that already released?
It's called *Captain Black Africa and the evil White Hulk*
Tbf...this was suppose to come first@@beastmaster6943
Snow White is exactly like Dorothy Gale. She is the (now lost) archetype of a heroine who wins in the end... simply by being kind enough to rally & inspire the people around her to action on her behalf. THAT'S. IT. That's the whole & entire point.
The idea of a Karen-in-training solving problems by being overtly judgey about stuff is RISIBLE by comparison.
in anime we call it talk no jutsu
Makes way more sense than expecting a 105lbs teenage girl to physically fight her way out of a situation.
Giving credit where credits due, Baum gave Dorothy the initiative to melt the Wicked Witch herself in the book. But yeah, Dorothy needed others to do practically everything else
@ That's the major improvement from book to movie IMHO.
Dorothy shouldn't *want* to hurt anybody. It kinda goes against the point of her character. It's not a question of initiative but restraint.
(Exception for giving Cowardly Lion a bop on the nose because she was protecting Toto.)
Drinker you HAVE to make a standalone video for this movie on your main channel. We've all been waiting for it for so long
The yellow filter is the first thing I noticed in the trailer, thank you for mentioning it. Some of these scenes looked like they were filmed on Coffeezilla's $10 million green screen.
Seems like no one is talking about the race swapping of Snow White as the primary reason they dislike this movie. It's still is for me. That was my first and biggest complaint with the movie then, and it still is now. I don't care what names I get called, I stand by my contempt for any and all race swapping.
*golf clap*
Yeah, another comment already said but it deserves repeating Emma Myers would have been a WAY better casting.
The great awakening has begun.
@@Britbaby961 it was my comment too lol.
Damn I didn't even notice 💀🤣
I love how no one actually understands what happens at the end to Queen! Great storytelling Disney 👏
I just read on rotten tomatoes, and I am paraphrasing here...
' ......it's message to 'fight fascism'....'
That is pathetic and HILARIOUS at the same time. The term 'fascism' has been so overused and used incorrectly, so much so, that most people wouldn't know fascism if it bit them in the 'nads!
The target audience for this film didn’t have parents who fought real fascists in WWII.
Gail Gadot: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all. Mirror: You are. THE END.
I remember seeing people say that their children were terrified by the cgi dwarves, so no this is not enjoyable by children.
Will, you NAILED it!! The goal IS to replace what came before and make people forget the original films!
It's so bizarre to see this happen to what used to be an animation powerhouse even by 2001.
So why is it that trashing german fairytales isn't called out as cultural appropriation by Hollywood?
What could possibly be in Germany's past that makes people less sympathetic to the appropriation of their culture? Hmmmm. Let us ponder that for a moment.
Tbh, just swapping out the Germans for other cultures, but actually still following the story would be cultural appropriation. Exploiting the established name for your own narcissistic "reimagination" would be more like cultural bastardisation.
@Derek McCumber… so in the 1940’s Hitler and a branch of the German army the SS did some terrible terrible things… So from there on in they can’t claim cultural appropriation? Every country has some terrible things in their history but you can bet they claim cultural appropriation. I’m not in anyway giving the horrors of the 1st or 2nd wars a pass, it was a dark mark in history. But that wasn’t the whole German nation. Hating on them isn’t the answer.
@Derek McCumber The only way this comment would make some sense is if you think that Snow White is a nazi story and then respecting the story appropriates national socialism while simply exploiting the established title somehow doesn't.
Otherwise the historically literate conclusion is just that it isn't cultural appropriation with any culture.
It's totally cultural appropriation
Ich lese jetzt nochmal das Original "Schneeweißchen" aus der Erstausgabe der Gebrüder Grimm von 1812, um mich von der Beleidigung des modernen Machwerks zu erholen. 😂
Ich dachte Schneeweisschen und Rosenrot ist nochmal was anderes als Schneewittchen
@@Chrissy0850 Ist es auch. Es sind zwei völlig unterschiedliche Geschichten. "Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot" tauchen erst viel später in den Kinder- und Hausmärchen auf. "Schneewittchen" hieß in der ersten Ausgabe noch hochdeutsch "Schneeweißchen". 😉
@jensino interessant.. Danke!
"The music was fine." "Zegler had a decent voice." Dude..really? I heard a clip of her and it was awful. Supposedly she's a "singer"? I guess with all the popular music out there no one seems to have any taste anymore anyway so it tracks.
I was going to take my niece but she said "I'm not seeing that nonsense" which is crazy bc she's 7 months old.
Despot: "I was half the audience in my movie theatre" 😂
Out of curiosity I looked over my local theater, Friday night 7PM had the most seats occupied at 18, or around 15% occupancy. Nearly every showing had between 2 and 5 seats filled, a LOT were completely empty. With that in mind, and knowing I’ve never believed box office opening numbers, how in the world did this bring in what they claim it has?
Lies. It’s called lies.
IMAX here is almost completely empty. The smaller screens look full, but the bigger screens have quite a few empty seats still an hour before most popular showing time.
disney buys the tickets. also how much is a prime movie ticket these days??
I have a young colleague with 2 little kids. I feel sorry for them, because they never saw the classic disney movies, just the live action ones. They are not into them too much :D Funny how 7 year olds have better taste than half of hollywood.
The 7 Bandits WERE supposed to REPLACE the Dwarfs!
The 7 Dwarves were later added back in after the immense backlash the early shots of the "DEI-Warfs" received.
Think about it, 7 dwarfs, 7 _-butt-_ bandits? coincidence? I think NOT!
that's right, the pepperpeterpiper just blew your mind
wait, what I wrote made no sense, let me fix it.
Rotten Tomatoes has it at 44% for critics and 28% for viewers. BUT, they're not showing the 28% on the page for the movie. The viewer reviews are completely diametric. Those giving a bad review hated it. Those giving it good reviews say it's the best thing since sliced bread.
Honestly the funniest part of this film is the fact that the music parody made up of denigrating comments to the trailer quite possible could make more money (certainly if we calculate cost:profit).
For those unaware: Mirror Mirror On the Wall is hilarious.
*Looks at "Snow White and the Huntsman"*
- "Perhaps I treated you too harshly"
This garbage makes that film look like a masterpiece.
Never saw it, but I'm surprised Lady Gravemaster likes Mirror Mirror. I had the displeasure of sitting through that, and story-wise and dialogue-wise if nothing else, it was just as bad.
The whole "Why do you even talk about a movie meant for kids?" argument is silly. Who do people think is paying for the movie? Exactly because it is made for kids, it is important to find out if it is a movie that you want your kids to watch. I am not that person that is incredibly precious about what kids watch, but obviously parents need to make up their own minds and make informed decisions for their kids. I would just pop on the original for my kids (If I had any). So, it is not a real argument. And the same people that use that non argument are people that would talk about the movie with you if you liked it. So it is not only invalid, but it is entirely bad faith dishonesty too.
I heard it said somewhere...can't remember and I'm paraphrasing a bit here:
"Why should we excuse low quality stuff for our kids? Why should we assume our kids deserve less?"
Yeah it’s like saying “why do you care what kids eat”. Kids are developing, they shouldn’t be raised on junk food or junk food media. What they watch has a big impact on them, and Disney knows that. It’s why they target kids with their movies.
Nice work lady Gravemaster. It's a good reminder these stories have deeper stories.
"I will now destroy the source of my power because it said something that hurt my feelings"
modern Disney writing
Why does Hollywood insist on giving women a boys haircut.
Are you not sure if the female lead is a strong female role? Does she have a boys haircut?
Hey, let's give them credit, at least they didn't make it purple.
Because they think in order for a woman to project strength and competence, they need to look and act like man.
It was commented "looks like a medieval Squire boy". Since the back hair photo they've asked is it a trans?
Can she even be a strong female if she doesn't have a bow or crossbow? Like, is that even _possible_?
I personally am so into the tomboy vibe and always have been, same with alt/punk styles, and women with haircuts above the collar totally does it for me. Unfortunately for me, everybody I've ever met like this either bats for the same team or is just wildly delulu toxic. I've learned that dogs are a far better emotional investment.
thats what im noticing too
outside of anime, were there any female leads that doesnt have a short haircut or trying so hard to look like a boy who is also likely a character hellbent on being sexists towards boys?
I heard something funny today at the local mall today. I saw a kid with a mommy watching the poster for the Snow White movie and the kid asks: Mommy where is Snow White in the poster. It was funny how the mum started to explain she is in the poster 😅😂😂
I'm willing to bet money that Rachel Zegler's voice was ProTooled and AutoTuned to the hilt for the musical numbers.
Easy bet
Lip synch in the Spanish castle, to a very small gathering of cold unenthusiastic people. And who remembered West Side Story!? That bombed too. She's just not an on screen lead. Also ran as friend to Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Not even up to that!
To be fair, this is true for almost all vocals. Some people need more help than others, but what you're hearing is almost always lip-synced to an in-studio performance engineered to hell and back.
@@TheJohn8765Remember when auto tune didnt exist and singers had to actually have talent ?
Pepperidge Farm remembers...
@stevepalpatine2828I miss the music from the 60s, 70s, and 80s (and small parts of the 90s)
It has to be mentioned. RACHEL'S antics, and the resultant demise of the film, has had an enormous financial impact on Gal Gadot's earnings. I think all this BS and box office fallout has seriously affected HER reputation and earnings. She SHOULD be pissed.
My heart goes to her, she’s kind & honest and didn’t deserve that.
Drinker nailed it at the end their. "Why does it matter? It is a kids' movie."
It matters the most BECAUSE it is a kids movie
I want a sequel, battle royale style, 7 dwarves vs 7 bandits. Winner gets 1 night with gadot. Loser gets 1 night with zegler.
Very strange that the Evil Queen has 10 times the appeal.
Someone please do it
Brilliant idea! I'll pay for that!
The magnificent 3 and a halfs.....?
The evil queen is the second most beautiful woman when Snow Whites comes of age. That has the queen's panties in a twist.
How is this so hard for Disney? I know, because all the woman at that company are now past their prime, but still.
But did we ever learn why Lord Farquaad was playing snow white.
But he's taller, nicer and much better looking (as he shaves). I think it's his evil ugly sister in the role
Most impressive comment by Drinker at the end "this is an attempt to change culture." Powerful insight.
They said that nowadays, no male hero can slay a female villain, but other than Maleficent and Ursula, I can't think of any other times, Disney ever portrayed that. Hasn't it generally been taboo for a man to kill a woman, even a villainous one, on the big screen, since the beginning of cinema? I'd like more examples to the contrary, but in this case, I don't think it's just a woke thing.
It also occurs to me that both of these women were in monster form when slain also.
Google Emma Myers (from the show Wednesday) as Snow White. Disney had the PERFECT casting and blew it big time, all to score woke points with the mythical "modern audience".
Shes the one in minecraft right
Omg…I hate Disney more now 😂😂 she looks perfect lol
Could she sing?
@ who cares. Her singing can be dubbed over.
@@safy907unknown tbh. But looks wise and acting ability she is perfect for that role but instead we got “Weird, Weird!” the person
It's the way Zegler walks. She does not have a graceful walk. Watch her at the oscars. She has a clunky stomp and bad posture.
Like a stroppy 8 year old
She slouches and her arms are awkwardly straight down. She walks like the woman from Seinfeld who doesn’t move her arms.
No White? No Green.
Disney is making a sequel. Snow white moves to the big city gets a Boss Babe job, and supports herself, the dwarfs, and her trans lover.
Just in: Amandla Stenberg to play Snow White in 2027 sequel!
I wouldnt be surprised that the Bandits were meant to be the dwarfs, but with all the Backlash they received, they made the Nightmare Fuel CGI Dwarfs and changed the others to Bandits.