Why Do White Men Love Asian Ladies So Much?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Both of my ex-fiances are of the Asian persuasion. One was Vietnamese and the other Filipina. Both of them are fantastic people who, Lord knows, put up with waaaay too much of my shit. I still think well of both and it kind of hurts to think about it much. Thanks for dredging this up, fuckface.
Both of my ex-fiances are of the Asian persuasion. One was Vietnamese and the other Filipina. Both of them are fantastic people who, Lord knows, put up with waaaay too much of my shit. I still think well of both and it kind of hurts to think about it much. Thanks for dredging this up, fuckface.


Little Red Wagon Repairman

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Both of my ex-fiances are of the Asian persuasion. One was Vietnamese and the other Filipina. Both of them are fantastic people who, Lord knows, put up with waaaay too much of my shit. I still think well of both and it kind of hurts to think about it much. Thanks for dredging this up, fuckface.

I've learned my lesson in life. My little girl from The Philippines is staying with me right by me for keeps. I told this fifty-something black fella in the gym who's been married to a blackk lady since his early 20s, "No woman will give you more Mulligans than a Filipina." He looked puzzled but he always looks that way.


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For some reason, it seems that the only women who don't get along with me are American. I'm lucky in that the area I live in it's almost like The United Nations.


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They are another group that has the accent that grates on my nerves. And to top it off, I had a Russian neighbor and although she was nice looking she would start every sentence out with "You know, it veddy guud! (very good)

Well you are just a hater of Russians such a pity...You know, America and Russia were once allies remember?

As for me, I love the way how they speak. The best part is when a Russian woman says "Um..How you say? Whisk? Whisk?" I go gushing crazy happy over hearing them talk like that
In general, I'm not into Asian girls.
I find some beautiful, very attractive, but usually I'm not really into Asian girls.
Why men are attracted to asian girls ? For the same reason girls are attracted to black men : Black men are said ot have big cocks, asian girls are said to have tight pussies

In America you break law..

In Russia law breaks you!

“In England, everything is permitted, except that which is forbidden.
In Germany, everything is forbidden, except that which is permitted.
In France, everything is permitted even that which is forbidden.
In the Russia, everything is forbidden, even that which is permitted.”
~ Winston Churchill
One of the previous posters hit it on the head when mentioning how loyal and "feminine" most Asian women are. For those guys who are looking for a relationship, you'd have to do a lot to fuck up that kind of a deal. If you get one that hasn't been "Americanized", when she says she loves you, she means it. For those looking simply for a lay, Asian women seem to have that "it" factor when it comes to an exotic look. In many ways, at least to me, they're the perfect storm.