Helping Your Boyfriend Through An Anxiety Attack [M4F] [Reverse Comfort]

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • "You promise you won't leave me... right?"
    #m4f #reversecomfort #nyxmoonreads
    You notice something off about your boyfriend and you're getting a bit worried about him. Soon you find him having an anxiety attack and you're there to help him through it.
    Avatar made by: / vibesswithjaz
    Twitter: / nyxmoonreads
    Discord: / discord
    Art Pieces for Intro made by: My Girlfriend
    / starthatbxtch
    Improv by me.
    Microphone: Neumann TLM 102
    Recording Software: Adobe Audition
    Editing Software: Premiere Pro

Комментарии • 637

  • @NyxMoonReads
    @NyxMoonReads  2 года назад +1135

    This was all improv.
    This audio was a bit of a heavy one for me as I have gone through an anxiety attack before. I love you all so much.
    Don't worry, I am not in any tearful pain, it was all acting. ❤️

    • @deadmoth9354
      @deadmoth9354 2 года назад +87

      This is astronomical acting. I genuinely was worried-

    • @Yoshi-qd6nv
      @Yoshi-qd6nv 2 года назад +46

      Nyx take care of ur self

    • @emounicorn1361
      @emounicorn1361 2 года назад

      🫂 here's a hug

    • @Lxajwl
      @Lxajwl 2 года назад +25

      that was amazing acting that i cried aswell-

    • @kellyjones4561
      @kellyjones4561 2 года назад +18

      @@Yoshi-qd6nv i agree if he need it he should but one thing is he should remember is he doesn't have to push himself to hard =)

  • @ellawolfuwu3525
    @ellawolfuwu3525 2 года назад +835

    Nyx: “S-She’s gonna be so mad!!”
    Me: *Mama mode activated* I MUST PROTECT THE CHILD

  • @littlemissmaefaye
    @littlemissmaefaye 2 года назад +1066

    Nyx: *whimpers while crying*
    Me: *goes absolutely feral*

    • @purpleflame337
      @purpleflame337 2 года назад +15


    • @datbishjae5882
      @datbishjae5882 2 года назад +17

      @@flummicookie909 This is me 💀💀

    • @MC-cq8jd
      @MC-cq8jd 2 года назад +18

      @@flummicookie909 i feel called out- 💀

    • @mammon3311
      @mammon3311 2 года назад +11

      @@MC-cq8jd Wait- Mc why are you here? 🙄😐
      Caught in 4K 😐📸

    • @MC-cq8jd
      @MC-cq8jd 2 года назад +10

      @@mammon3311 no no why are YOU here? 🌚📸

  • @nuo99
    @nuo99 2 года назад +1596

    This is the most realistic anxiety attack audio I've ever listened to

  • @aslanlyn
    @aslanlyn 2 года назад +1293

    this dude deserves a freaking oscar

  • @alex.thenonbinarynerd5951
    @alex.thenonbinarynerd5951 2 года назад +538

    My heart started breaking at the “ don’t be mad at me” to the point I started crying. I know how horrible anxiety attacks can get and I’ve had to comfort so many others through them.

    • @jessicablocher6001
      @jessicablocher6001 2 года назад +5

      I have had so many anxiety attacks it isn’t even funny

    • @alex.thenonbinarynerd5951
      @alex.thenonbinarynerd5951 2 года назад +5

      @@jessicablocher6001 I’m sorry to hear that

    • @jessicablocher6001
      @jessicablocher6001 2 года назад +2

      @@alex.thenonbinarynerd5951 it’s ok it is kind of a normal thing now

    • @AnErrorHasOccurred11
      @AnErrorHasOccurred11 2 года назад +1

      I wish someone comforted me, my parents call me mentally insane and I don’t have friends let alone ones that would care

    • @alex.thenonbinarynerd5951
      @alex.thenonbinarynerd5951 2 года назад +2

      @@AnErrorHasOccurred11 same, I seem to comfort others but when it comes to me everyone turns their backs

  • @sxarlettz8900
    @sxarlettz8900 2 года назад +598

    I like these audios not because i enjoy the noises of someone in pain lol but because it feels nice to help people and be needed every once and awhile

  • @simpforsho27
    @simpforsho27 2 года назад +83

    Nyx: She's gonna be so mad!
    Me: *protective mode activated*

  • @emounicorn1361
    @emounicorn1361 2 года назад +276

    Sometimes if I have an anniversary:
    I wouldn't care about gifts or anything
    I wouldn't want jewels, clothes, or anything
    I only want to make memories with them and the greatest gifts I want is their love, smiles, laughter, hugs, and joy from them

  • @ksprivate196
    @ksprivate196 2 года назад +37

    i was literally like “take deep breaths!”
    and then you said “deep breath?”
    my face rn: 😦

  • @YoursTrulyNova
    @YoursTrulyNova 2 года назад +327


  • @NyxMoonReads
    @NyxMoonReads  2 года назад +293

    I had to push it to Saturday to help people get prepared. My apologies.

    • @cassnt21
      @cassnt21 2 года назад +21

      No worries, take your time

    • @color4178
      @color4178 2 года назад +13

      Nothing to apologize for 👍

    • @Just_a_SillyWilly
      @Just_a_SillyWilly 2 года назад +13

      No need to apologize ❤️

    • @thel.i.m.c.s9472
      @thel.i.m.c.s9472 2 года назад +8

      Its fine nyx there's no need to apologise

    • @lunabee1313
      @lunabee1313 2 года назад +8

      I would just like to say thank you for inherently giving me advice on what to do if somebody I know is having an anxiety attack cuz now I know a proper grounding technique to use even for myself if I'm having an anxiety attack.

  • @stealchanslaptop0325
    @stealchanslaptop0325 2 года назад +67

    Him : *crying*
    Subtitles : "[Music]"

    • @cathycasinger3197
      @cathycasinger3197 Год назад +3

      Me: *dies*
      Subtitles: 🦗🦗🦗

    • @eza9771
      @eza9771 9 месяцев назад +4

      Him : Cry
      Subtitle : [Laugh]

  • @RozovoLilavo
    @RozovoLilavo Год назад +8

    If I were his girlfriend, I too would have to apologize to him for forgetting our anniversary.

  • @silentscorpio2286
    @silentscorpio2286 2 года назад +277

    This is so realistic it’s actually scaring me a bit but great job 😭❤🥹

    • @moominageanga7005
      @moominageanga7005 2 года назад +13

      Same I genuinely felt bad even tho I know it’s acting,, I kept saying I don’t give a fuck about the first day we kissed bruh 💀

    • @cas7109
      @cas7109 2 года назад +3

      @@moominageanga7005 LITERALLY SAME BRO

  • @Sachiko217
    @Sachiko217 2 года назад +495

    nyx: " hOw diD yoU forget!! she is gonna hate me , she is gonna hate me !!"
    me *brusts into the bathroom* : what's wrong I'M NOT MAD I'M NOT GONNA HATE U !! calm down booiiii and let's go get some ice cream or something..😋

    • @whatamidoingwithmylife2166
      @whatamidoingwithmylife2166 2 года назад +33

      I heard "She's gonna hit me" and thought he had an abusive ex as well.

    • @sophiebonham3117
      @sophiebonham3117 2 года назад +4

      @@whatamidoingwithmylife2166 LOL SAME I KINDA WANTED TO LAUGH

    • @bigfacts8603
      @bigfacts8603 2 года назад +10

      @@sophiebonham3117 girl what-

    • @Alex-vc2vp
      @Alex-vc2vp 2 года назад +3

      @@sophiebonham3117 wha-

    • @Alex-vc2vp
      @Alex-vc2vp 2 года назад +1

      @melaniethesquid . com it's not meant to be funny-

  • @project-cj
    @project-cj 2 года назад +107

    Dude.. This feels so real, I had an anxiety attack in school and I could feel the emotional pain on this character so badly, this is such amazing acting, I hope you're OK as well btw

    • @NyxMoonReads
      @NyxMoonReads  2 года назад +42

      Don't worry, it was all acting. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  • @elphieofkiamoko
    @elphieofkiamoko 2 года назад +218

    This was great--the way you acted the attack felt (and sounded) *so* real, and I love that the listener employed effective grounding techniques and encouraged him to seek professional help.
    Very well done, Nyx!

  • @whitinuiruatara2670
    @whitinuiruatara2670 2 года назад +170

    Nyx: crying
    Me : crying with him while giving him a hug
    Also me : my baby boy come on lets eat our food that I got

  • @hiiloveu1521
    @hiiloveu1521 2 года назад +45

    I knew he was holding back tears as soon as we asked if he's okay

  • @KarateGirl999
    @KarateGirl999 2 года назад +150

    My god this was so realistic I could feel my own heart race. What else can I say? You never ever miss.

  • @sxnnychryss4797
    @sxnnychryss4797 2 года назад +480

    Nyx: *starts breathing heavily*
    Me: *also breathes heavily*
    Also me: *chokes on my ramen*

    • @idk.805
      @idk.805 2 года назад +53


    • @sxnnychryss4797
      @sxnnychryss4797 2 года назад

      @@idk.805 bitch wtf 😭😭😭

    • @evelitapisces366
      @evelitapisces366 2 года назад +37

      I literally cackled and choked on my pork chop as i was reading that-

    • @sxnnychryss4797
      @sxnnychryss4797 2 года назад +24

      @@evelitapisces366 damn I didn’t know I was that fuckin funny-

    • @urnanslifesupport4316
      @urnanslifesupport4316 2 года назад +13

      ITS 1AM PLS 😭😭

  • @ulilliareinhart3659
    @ulilliareinhart3659 2 года назад +335

    This was too realistic omg😭😭 This was really good Nyx!

  • @makimaki891
    @makimaki891 2 года назад +24

    *you crying*, captions *laughter*

  • @lmao23155
    @lmao23155 2 года назад +12

    As someone who has anxiety and a friend with anxiety, Anxiety attacks can be very bad. I won’t compare them to panic attacks because for me, they’re both bad but daily reminder that anxiety attacks, panic attacks and etc. Aren’t a joke/ someone being dramatic, they r serious.

  • @alexmaple4319
    @alexmaple4319 2 года назад +31

    Him: Crying
    Captions: laughter

  • @thebookofdestiny8201
    @thebookofdestiny8201 2 года назад +27

    My heart just sank at one point

  • @cleesz
    @cleesz 2 года назад +33

    bro this guy deserves an oscar holy crap this is acting?

  • @nikauru
    @nikauru 2 года назад +68

    man, I remember my cousin's girlfriend, she had the same experience as this one in the video. he told me his girlfriend was always frantic and kept apologizing all little things especially when they get to their first monthsary because my cousin went to surprise her. I just found out that the girlfriend went through 3 abusive exes. all of them were verbally abusive and kept gaslighting her. The girlfriend became clingy (in a good way) to my cousin because she said that he is the gentleman and kind.... and now they are going to marry this july.
    anyway good job bro!

    • @Jemini4228
      @Jemini4228 Год назад

      Aw. Glad your cousin is helping her heal. Hope the wedding was lovely :)

    • @sparklpugtea
      @sparklpugtea Год назад

      Omg that’s such an amazing story 😭 Congrats to your cousin and their new family

  • @beckyysollinger1914
    @beckyysollinger1914 2 года назад +99

    I think this made me realize what an anxiety attack actually looks like. I’ve had similar experiences of these in the past and thought they were just like mental breakdowns? This was really eye-opening to see, but this so was well done! Very very sad but extremely well done! 😭💕

  • @Edit_audios11118
    @Edit_audios11118 2 года назад +64

    I swear I've never heard something more realistic from an Asmr creator like yourself:)

  • @carolinaphoenix175
    @carolinaphoenix175 2 года назад +61

    I kinda get mad at myself because I have panic and anxiety attacks really often, I used to go through them almost daily.
    This audios helped me a lot to practice, because anxiety attacks on others really triggered me and started my own anxiety attack.
    Soooo, I'm happy to say that I'm not longer in that dark place and I can help people to go through it and calm down without me falling into the same shit.
    Thanks for helping, Nyx

    • @everyytchanelnameistaken
      @everyytchanelnameistaken 2 года назад

      Omg girly u okay if u need anyone im here!

    • @Hesgotitss
      @Hesgotitss 10 месяцев назад

      Same I start to try to control them that's why I watch it but it makes me so nervous

  • @ItzVintagePastel
    @ItzVintagePastel 2 года назад +79

    I'm actually screaming and crying this shit is so realistic, and as someone who's had many panic attacks I'm like so shocked, I'm very impressed new sub 😭💖

    • @NyxMoonReads
      @NyxMoonReads  2 года назад +23

      It was all improv too! Thanks for subscribing!

  • @Sakura-ud4fb
    @Sakura-ud4fb 2 года назад +31

    If my future boyfriend (or girlfriend) have an anxiety attack like that, i swear i will snuggle them, comfort them, give them snacks, cover them with kisses, reasure them, give them all of my attention and i will try my best to give them the feeling of being safe. And another amazing acting as always Nyx !! 💓✨

    • @Akira_samaa
      @Akira_samaa 2 года назад +2

      They gon be lucky as H E C K

    • @Sakura-ud4fb
      @Sakura-ud4fb 2 года назад +1

      @@Akira_samaa what if YOU will be ?? Get it ?? 😏

    • @Akira_samaa
      @Akira_samaa 2 года назад +2

      @@Sakura-ud4fb :0
      **screams in happiness**

    • @Sakura-ud4fb
      @Sakura-ud4fb 2 года назад +1

      @@Akira_samaa PLS YOU'RE SO KIND-

    • @Akira_samaa
      @Akira_samaa 2 года назад +2


  • @Catatria
    @Catatria 2 года назад +33

    Anyone else wanna give Nyx a really big hug or is it just me?

  • @just_ari56
    @just_ari56 2 года назад +12

    The anxiety attack is really on point, the moment when he goes into the bathroom and starts panics it’s so real, I’ve gone through a bunch of anxiety attack and it hits hard when he just breaks down not wanting us to see him
    It remind me so much of me I got scared 💀
    Edit: when he said calm down and he’s just going through it, it feels so real I just needed to say that, help 😭

  • @melodymac447
    @melodymac447 2 года назад +31

    Girlfriend: Oh there there. It's ok, you helped me get through my anxiety attacks, let me help you. *Hugs* it's ok, please don't cry. It hurts my heart to see you like this. Here, take my hand, close your eyes, and breathe. You're important, you matter, you are wonderful, you are a light in the deep, darkest part of our paths. Never let anyone burn your light out. Sweetheart, I love you, I will never leave you, I made a promise to you that I will always be there for you. Meaning sick or health, rich or poor, good or bad, I will never leave you. Please don't cry honey, it'll be ok. I'm always here for you. Just keep holding my hand, and breathe slowly five times. There, that's good. I love you sweetie 😘

  • @yourlocalwif3y
    @yourlocalwif3y 2 года назад +16

    As a girl with lots of anxiety attacks and not having someone to comfort me you have no idea how much I loved this video

  • @ironlady83
    @ironlady83 Год назад +3

    Him: Crying
    Me: hey lets watch The Outsiders

  • @_Jalana_
    @_Jalana_ 2 года назад +22

    Him: Crying
    Me: Angel, don't cry...I'm not angry at all...let's eat, and afterwards we can watch a movie and relax, okay?
    In all seriousness though, I used to have panic attacks, and at one point, one got so bad, I ended up in the hospital. This wasn't too long ago, but I've learned new coping strategies, singing and drawing...
    Edit: You know what I think? I think the tears could be a little real, as in, just thinking about forgetting an anniversary is scary...I think you thought about it, channeled the fear and applied it to this short, I get it...stay strong friend!

    • @everyytchanelnameistaken
      @everyytchanelnameistaken 2 года назад

      I'm so sorry that would happen to u if u need anything I'll be here i pinkie swear :)

  • @JustYourAverageFemale
    @JustYourAverageFemale 2 года назад +74

    THIS WAS SO GOOD OMGGG!!!! you literally made me cry with you!! TwT

  • @scary..TJ_
    @scary..TJ_ 2 года назад +45

    The most realistic anxiety attack audio ever great job Nyx 💖hope your doing well

    • @NyxMoonReads
      @NyxMoonReads  2 года назад +12

      Thanks so much! I'm doing well!

  • @storiesforyou777
    @storiesforyou777 2 года назад +54

    Awww poor thing, attacks like that are no fun. I've been through them before. This one sounded so real, me made me want to grab you and hug you. GREAT JOB NYX!!!👏👏👏👏👍👍👍🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @kye9222
    @kye9222 2 года назад +12

    When you had a mental breakdown I was like
    “Bro calm down I’m not gonna start hating you for forgetting something. I forget anything I’m told two minutes after they tell me 😭”

  • @your_local_killer578
    @your_local_killer578 2 года назад +4

    I'm gonna cry- that's how real but fr he was so scared- I can't- 😭

  • @astronliwka
    @astronliwka 2 года назад +18

    This dude needs an Oscar right know!😧❤️ YOURE AMAZING!!!!

  • @edits_7228
    @edits_7228 2 года назад +36

    You are literally the best asmr actor I've ever heard, this panic attack is so realistic 😮

  • @StudyEnem-s3t
    @StudyEnem-s3t 2 года назад +7

    Nyx:"I dont now what to do" *crying*
    Me:Mode confort activeded
    Also me:: come here baby boy (hug the boyfriend and giving him some head pats)

  • @adelka4900
    @adelka4900 2 года назад +7

    okay this hurts my heart. i remembered when my bf had one anxiety attack like this too, then he started being abusive, and now i am the one who is crying all the time. love u, stay strong

  • @mollyhudson6429
    @mollyhudson6429 2 года назад +15

    Anyone else want a reverse where he helps us through an anxiety attack?

  • @OKU333
    @OKU333 2 года назад +20

    I am beyond impressed by how well you did this. I'm a very very picky person and I usually hate these kinds of videos because the crying is so off and sounds more life laughing or it's more sniffing than anything. But with this, you can clearly hear and easily tell that you're crying and I didn't get annoyed because it sounded genuine and real. A bit too real I thought you were actually breaking down. This has been, as I can say with confidence, the most realistic anxiety attack audio I've ever heard and I'm so so impressed by your work. And this was fucking improv? You've earned a sub.

  • @mollydockter4396
    @mollydockter4396 2 года назад +65

    I literally cant wait for this. Your audios are AMAZING!!! Thank you so much!

  • @mega_milliee
    @mega_milliee 2 года назад +56

    This is too realistic like omg- like don’t get me wrong I love this audio. Once I had a panic attack before going into school and everyone was like omg are u ok and that stuff but anyway this audio was amazing and keep up the good work 💜

    • @whereiswall9486
      @whereiswall9486 2 года назад

      i love your name, hope that attack was just once, theyre pretty difficult to go through:((

  • @magsmad101
    @magsmad101 2 года назад +3

    how does this sound so real, and i did not cry at this..

  • @hiiloveu1521
    @hiiloveu1521 2 года назад +7

    I knew he was holding back as soon as we asked if he's okay

  • @Xeven_Emerge
    @Xeven_Emerge 2 года назад +72

    to the reverse comfort playlist! ❤️ and this audio is so amazing, and realistic. i wish everyone a lucky day/night!

  • @alanjakuiters5558
    @alanjakuiters5558 2 года назад +29

    Nyx: *starts crying*
    Me who is really emotional and cries when others cry: 😭

  • @mxchi_gutz
    @mxchi_gutz 2 года назад +4

    When you were crying, i started crying, this is so realistic. EVERYONE WE MUST PROTECT HIM AT ALL COSTS

  • @chloesutherlin7174
    @chloesutherlin7174 2 года назад +18

    Omg nyx you just made me cry this is exactly what my anxiety attacks are like I always think someone is gonna disown me or not like me anymore and knowing that some other people have the same problems so I do it makes me feel a lot better thanks for making this video nyx!

  • @KrBk13.
    @KrBk13. 2 года назад +12

    3:51 this got me really just- heart breaking.. JUST- i just started crying- i love your voice acting dude, just the part.: “She’d gonna hate me, she’s gonna hate me” that part got me hard- and “Please don’t be mad” like.. i couldn’t stop crying-

    @ITSRXAH 2 года назад +6

    This felt so real. As a person that has suffered from anxiety attacks, this felt so realistic. Amazing job on these audios. I hope your doing okay. ♥️

  • @wafflebutalt8903
    @wafflebutalt8903 2 года назад +6

    omg absolutely no way ok so storytime that nobody asked for. me and my boyfriend does monthsary type of anniversary for over like a year now and there are times where he forgot during the date, and he would feel really guilty and often down talk about himself, eventually we would talk it out together and i'd comfort him to sleep, and he has a pretty severe anxiety and sometimes he would act like this or worse, he would mumble to himself and stutter every now and then, but gosh i love him so much, listening to these wholesome audios remind me of the times of me and my boyfriend together. keep it up nyx

  • @heyitsme6089
    @heyitsme6089 2 года назад +4

    Idk why but I cried while listening to this. Your girlfriend would only hate you for forgetting your anniversary if she is a bad girlfriend. People forget things, even if it’s very important to them.

  • @didi-dk6dr
    @didi-dk6dr 2 года назад +4

    As someone who gets an anxiety attack at the most simple things this really helps understanding myself and how to make my bad time not as bad for others

  • @Lennya_lenno_hussein
    @Lennya_lenno_hussein 2 года назад +2

    Ok the video, but at 6:28 when he was like “please I don’t know what to do” that’s was it I was crying

  • @thelifeofacajun2037
    @thelifeofacajun2037 2 года назад +6

    For personal with anxiety I love this I don’t feel so alone anymore

  • @MikeyKunAudios.
    @MikeyKunAudios. 2 года назад +7

    Nyx: "s-shes ganna be so mad"
    Me asf: "no I'm not ganna be mad, stfu I've experienced this like 40 times."
    This isnt an insult, I loved the audio! ;)

  • @V4mp-wife
    @V4mp-wife 2 года назад +4

    If my partner ever got a panic/anxiety attack they would have all my attention for the rest of the day, no work, not tasks, nothing will get me to leave their side. I will comfort them, tell them everything is ok, hug them, kiss them, hold them and remind them that i love them and that whatever is causing them to have this panic/anxiety attack isnt going to happen or that i wont get mad at them or leave them over a little mistake. My partner, my top priority.

  • @willow2470
    @willow2470 2 года назад +6

    Ok wow this voice acting is insane!! I have panic attacks often, and this was a little *too* accurate, I hope everything is ok

  • @angelle191
    @angelle191 Год назад +2

    Nyx: she's gonna be so mad
    Me: i must protect the child at all costs

  • @lizaricks5487
    @lizaricks5487 2 года назад +5

    You deserve a fricking oscar man omg you should be an actor

  • @Arcticfoxgirl00
    @Arcticfoxgirl00 2 года назад +5

    My whole body and my heart was aching when I heard the pain in your voice and during the breakdown.....this video is amazing......I think i had two attacks before idk but I had some breakdowns but I try to hide breakdowns by going to my room but sometimes I just breakdown and accept the help from others

  • @kozuminq
    @kozuminq 2 года назад +11

    i’ve been listening to asmr audios for about 3 years now and this is the first one that genuinely made me cry, your acting is absolutely amazing!! keep up the great work nyx!

  • @hyrulemythology6055
    @hyrulemythology6055 2 года назад +12

    Duuude your acting keeps getting better and better! Keep up the good work man!

  • @kaithatcher1193
    @kaithatcher1193 2 года назад +28

    first this is gold. bro you deserve an Oscar.
    my friend: do u have a boyfriend?
    me: yesn’t

  • @lexi818
    @lexi818 2 года назад +15

    I'm not crying you are 🥺

  • @BoxCatShad
    @BoxCatShad 2 года назад +10

    has someone who has been through anxiety attacks before I can't help but feel protective over shy boi

  • @moonhalo4000
    @moonhalo4000 2 года назад +4


  • @lookatyoustrawberrybrunette
    @lookatyoustrawberrybrunette 2 года назад +15

    The Boyfriend: "I forgot our anniversary she's gonna hate me!"
    Me, with crap memory: *Head empty, Mom spaghetti* "This dinner's gonna slap"

  • @violet_demon_girl1064
    @violet_demon_girl1064 2 года назад +5

    Dude I actually started crying like I feel you bro

  • @sophiebonham3117
    @sophiebonham3117 2 года назад +7


  • @Fishy_ig
    @Fishy_ig 2 года назад +4


  • @ttcee_
    @ttcee_ 2 года назад +2

    Seriously, I’m shocked, I even cried when he said “don’t be mad at me” bro, I cried real, congratulations!! What a perfect performance

  • @viperion8665
    @viperion8665 2 года назад +25

    Not my heart breaking hearing this audio. I know how scary attacks like these are. Anxiety sucks. It can feel like everything is collapsing in on you. Like you can't breathe and there's no escape. But having a grounding technique is so important. This audio is so realistic that it hurts. But if you ever feel like this in real life, I'm here. Even if you just need a listening ear

  • @Cards_is_Elsewhere
    @Cards_is_Elsewhere 2 года назад +16

    Ain’t no way you expect me to wait for this…/j

  • @cathycasinger3197
    @cathycasinger3197 Год назад +1

    Never had an anxiety attack before, unless you count... 'seeing a full black figure at sometime in the night with heavy breathing and basically me shaking, heart going fast, and sweating', and yes this has happened before, i remember it so vividly.

  • @rosie151
    @rosie151 2 года назад +7


  • @FisheyeChilde
    @FisheyeChilde 2 года назад +20

    Im late but omg this sounded so real- good job Nyx! When you started crying i literally wanted to give u a hug like COME HERE GIVE ME A HUG U DESERVE I LOVE YOU YOURE FINE.
    Edit: Also, when you did the color thing that is what my mom does for me! AHHH THIS IS SOO ALSKLAKSPALS

  • @Liv-ic2eh
    @Liv-ic2eh 2 года назад +6

    This literally made me cry 😭 this sounded so genuine it was so sad 😞💗 I just wanted to give you a hug💖

  • @bsfrr.lyssss
    @bsfrr.lyssss 2 года назад +25

    Omggggg I’m gonna miss this premiere sadly because I have a huge audition but I will definitely watch it when I’m backk
    I bet this will be an impeccable video as always nyx

  • @youngee-2889
    @youngee-2889 2 года назад +2

    Man, I just realized that i am not a maniac and so are not the people who experience panic attacks like this... Praying for everybody who experiences them like this :(((

  • @gabriellam2495
    @gabriellam2495 2 года назад +3

    “I’m so sorry” -> Mommy mode activated. It’s all good, mommy’s here ♥️

  • @SELENEE09
    @SELENEE09 2 года назад +4

    The fact your acting skills are on point, just- *chefs kiss* It's beautiful! I love this audio so much because of how much emotion this shows, and how relatable it is to me and other people. I just had an anxiety attack today, and hearing this made me happy because it made me imagine how you were able to calm down with the help of your S/o. While I had to struggle alone and calm myself down which was not easy. I love you, this account, and everyone here, and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!

  • @Writer3625
    @Writer3625 2 года назад +1

    I suffer from chronic anxiety and have had a panic attack for years, and your acting makes me feel like panic attacks. Well done..God bless you

  • @whyareyoulookingatme804
    @whyareyoulookingatme804 2 года назад +2

    nyx: *also crying and whimpering*
    subtitles: *laughs.mp3*

  • @nayeoniee611
    @nayeoniee611 2 года назад +7

    the fact that i felt too bad that i started crying instead 😭

  • @ratboygirl
    @ratboygirl 2 года назад +41

    sheeeeesh i almost had to stop watching because this was honestly really accurate. unfortunately a lot of reverse comfort audios come off really insincere and cringe but this felt too real at times 😭 well done lmao

    • @NyxMoonReads
      @NyxMoonReads  2 года назад +16

      Thanks so much! This was all improvised and I took after the one anxiety attack I had when I was a kid. It was long ago, but I never forgot how horrifying it was.

    • @ratboygirl
      @ratboygirl 2 года назад +4

      @@NyxMoonReads ofc 💞💞💞💞

    • @windst_Gayle
      @windst_Gayle 2 года назад +2

      Same. I actually had to go off of the video. Good acting

  • @theimpostersqaud2269
    @theimpostersqaud2269 2 года назад +2


  • @kate_grey
    @kate_grey 2 года назад +6

    Man this is amazing! You need an Oscar for this

  • @Midojka
    @Midojka Год назад +3

    "Deep breath? Okay"