- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
#genshinimpact #Furina #fontaine
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Archons Arts (thumbnails) by:喵太Miota
• [Genshin Impact 2nd An...
Genshin Impact,genshin,azuremaxx,neuvillette genshin impact,neuvillette genshin,about neuvillette,characters talk about neuvillette,genshin neuvillette,about genshin impact,about character genshin,neuvillette voice lines,character talk about neuvillette,neuvillette talks about other character,genshin impact neuvillette,neuvillette,neuvillette talks about the archons,neuvillette talks about zhongli venti raiden nahida furina,neuvillete talks about focalors furina Игры
FURINA Got Her VISION & NEUVILLETTE Asked Her to Return:видео.html
"5 HOURS" FURINA Archon Quest FULL STORY:видео.html
"2 HOURS" FURINA Story Quest FULL STORY:видео.html
🔥🔥NOTES: By The Profile Voice Over... ALL THE ARCHONS are "Named" based on Their Respective Archon Elements, not by their name.
Only FURINA does not have the Archons Element Name like others, just FURINA... She is no longer The Hydro Archon...
Furina: I think some distance might be good since me and Neuvillette don't work anymore
Neuvillette: So anyway, I got tickets to Furina's next concert and her album and her photocards-
"Here's a LITTERAL VISION by the way, notice the reverse waves and four tiny fangs.
Oh and PLEASE stay away from sharp objects for a while, my heart can't take it. "
She is the only non-mortal close friend of his if we don't count melusines so no wonder he can't let her go that easily
@@ИмяФамилия-ф2д8шyeah since she no more cursed she will age and die like a mortal. At least all Neuvillette can do do something for her before she gone.
yet Furina doesn't see him as a friend, as she says over and over in her quest that she has no friends... @@ИмяФамилия-ф2д8ш
Even someone whose mission it is to enact justice on the gods cannot find it in his heart to criticise Nahida. She truly is the best.
Nahida is Teyvat's no. 1 cutie. To slander her invites the wrath of her 'grandfather' the yashiro commissioner of Inazuma
"She hasn't done JACK SHlT your honor!"
"I know! It's so cool!"
@@shanedoesyoutube8001Teri Teri reference?!
@@ruter3001 YES SIR!!!
@@shanedoesyoutube8001everyone gangsta till the rascal start talking about Redacted-devatha
I really love that both Furina and Neuvillette when talking about each other, complimenting and respecting their hard works for this past years. Furina wanted to rest, while Neuvillette is hoping she can return to the stage again which being fulfilled in her Story Quest.
It's also very suspicious that Furina's vision has the reverse waves and four little fangs.
And Neuvillette's last lore entry (talking about visions) says he "sets parts of himself aside" and "recognizes human will".
@@burnoutcat2387nuevilette still gives around his power but now not in the behest of celestia but he himself. Thats why i find it cute that furina is the first case in which he does his word.
@@GGameBois_o7right? Like he quite litteraly went
"I am immensely proud of THIS ONE no matter whay the usurpers in the heavens think."
Is it weird a part of me wants Furina to return as the Hydro Archon? Of course, she wouldn't actually be the Archon, as she possesses no Archon powers, but still.
@@SaiyanGamer95I think she deserves rest, tho I would have loved if the people appreciate her after her sacrifices, tho unfortunately it's not possible, some even hate her since they don't know the truth
If Neuvillette and Zhongli ever have a trial session, the discussions/arguments would be music to the ears of all Daddy Voice Lovers.
Fountaine would be confused who is the judge 😂🎉.
Only thing zhongli would be accounted for is using Childe as his walking credits
They would have to use Yugi-Oh cards for the duel, since both are masters of rules and bureaucracy.
@@ilucasz ,
If that happened, Cyno would somehow be at the trial as a fellow -referee- judge
They will have order
imagine zhongli pulls out piles of contract he signed to prove his innocence 😂😂
After playing the archon quest,im starting to understand his beef against the heavenly principles.
Ah. Watching you Friend Guilottine herself to defy the heavenly principles really does that to a man.
Not only that but the Heavenly Principles work to the person that genocided his race... He really has reasons to dislike them as much as Apep.
He might remember the execution everytime he looks at Furina's face so I like to think he gets way more worried about her than before.
"Scion of Permanence" never bow to any invader
It took you that long?
I already understood why ppl would have a beef with the Gods.
I mean one of their agents seperated the siblings.
And then there is the suffering of the Hillichurls....
Neuvillette: Puts Zhongli on Trial.
Traveler: Better call Yanfei.
Ngl I would like to see yanfei(along with kuki if possible l vs Neuvilette on court
@@Scy416 A very steamy and electrifying trial. One might dare say it will be.... explosive.
Help I remembered that fic in ao3 where all the archons were put on trial 😭
Neuvillette: Order
Zhongli : Order
Neuvillette: Order
Zhongli : Order
Neuvillette: Order
Zhongli : Order
Better Say Yanfei
Neuvillate view to Furina completely change. Furina is literally the sole reason why Fontaine is still exist. Is just sad that no one other than him and us know what actually furina has gone through.
right omg 😭it reminds me of wanderer's story but ngl i thought this was much more sad. furina is tied with him for my favorite, gosh this writing was absolutely incredible and way too heartbreaking.
@@lilichaii Furina literally replace wanderer from my most fav character. Furina is just a really good character. Unlike wanderer, she really become a hero without no one noticing. She might not be an archon, but she was a great leader. I just hope she will get more recognition from events. I just want her to be happy more.
not just her, Neuvillette did all the things Furina couldn't in 500 years, if not for him, Fontaine could have been probably in war, invaded, etc, she had 0 powers, and even so he still had to stop the primordial water, it's not only Furina who did the work here.
@@MysticAstrea yesss i hope she gets more recognition as well :') she suffered far too much to be pushed aside or forgotten, i'm so hyped for her story quest since it will focus on her and hopefully show her some of the acknowledgements and love she deserves
@@Aurumis_ I know, but if not for furina, neuvillate would have never gain his power to make Fontainian true humans. Both have their role and they play it out perfectly.
I love how he tries to act all imposing but then falters when the Traveler just tells him the archons are just people and mostly chilling
He could judge Ei for so many things yet even he goes
"aight I'll give her a few centuries since it seems she's already reflecting"
@burnoutcat2387 or, he doesn't have a way to get into that realm yet. I bet he would have a FIELD DAY with her Record.
@@Strykerx31 What Record is that?
Many many many years of peace and love then she utterly shuts herself away in fear and sadness after everyone she loved died at the hands of the heavenly principles and gave away the Gnosis?
Even the Vision Hunt wasnt deaths. Ya'll forget the war was entirely Fatui and corrupt officials. She didnt really care if the Vision taking made people depressed and give up. Aslong as they were safe from getting killed by their ambitions or starting something that Celestia would call down judgement.
@@Strykerx31 "I tried my best"
Even in face of Ei he would likely forgive her. In a sense WE already inacted judgement for him.
Love that not even he could truly be angry at Nahida, everyone loves her
if neuvilette really get physical judgement on her, i bet all the archon would step up and assist her, like damn rukhadevata is basically gone, and if he still has a grudge after that, it would be really #fuckyouinparticular to all archon, the lightest judgement should all the archon giving him the authoriities, ok maybe ei will need to think about it for a moment
@@theguyitself apep would pull up
@@theguyitself If he did, none of them would be able to stop him.
@@F1ll1nTh3Blanks eh atleast they tried
Wanderer: Listen here you piece of sh-
I imagine neuvilette meeting zhongli one day, and then sees Hu Tao pestering him and then they come to a mutual agreement
Yeah, Team up and kick hu tao into next century
Hu tao gonna be dead when that happens lol
@@blade3181 Nah, she'll just annoy both of them from the afterlife lol
Gremlin dad unity
Or he starts crying
I like that in regards to judging Venti the response Neuvilette gives after we snitch on his alcoholic friendly bard persona is ''Uuuuh, i'll still have to see the guy for myself just to be sure.''
And Venti will 100% be very happy when he visits. I can already see him serving Neuvillette with water from Cider Lake in a pristine wine glass. 😂
@@xeanluxcrille6847 But Zhongli maybe wouldn't XD MARK MY WORDS, HE WOULD PROBABLY TRY TO AVOID NEUVILLETE!
@@user-tx3zl5np1q after this year's lantern rite, we can now confidently say that you called it
And it was true!
Neuv sounds like he's about to Spawn camp Ei as soon as she comes out of the Plane of Euthymia.
Imagine her preparing for a fight and he just blocks her attack and goes
"Take a seat. We have A LOT to talk about."
@@burnoutcat2387 dot see that happening but it would be interesting to see how other dragons interact
@@burnoutcat2387 She wouldn't attack, and he wouldn't black it with his hand. You're placing him way too above just because he's a man lol
@@kyero8724 nothing to do with him being a man
Dragon sovereigns are juste that strong.
Apep is female and she would wipe the floor with the archons.
@@kyero8724 Bruh one thing that I loved about the otherwise obnoxious genshin community is that there is hardly any complains about sexism.
Both male and female characters in the game are awesome and loved equally.
But here you are, a pathetic moron who brought the victim card and stared crying over a imaginary story.
Guess what?? All the archons except zhongli and Venti are female. The strongest archon is confirmed to be a female. The sustainer of heavenly principles is a female.
Most of the meta characters in game are female.
I don't see anyone complaining about that.
Get a life. Stop crying over the gender of imaginary characters.
Zhongli and Neuvillette are 100% gonna have a duel. Also Deus Auri is a badass name.
Zhongli's ideal of Order and Neuvillette's ideal of Justice are like 2 sides of the same coin.
Neuvillette is too busy to deal with a retired archon. He has his duties as an elemental dragon as well was Iudex. Plus he cannot leave Fontaine due to his mastery of Pneumaousia keeping all the technologies in check.
@@RaikaKoshiba650 He could attempt to summon Zhongli to appear in the Opera Epiclese. Might actually be extremely funny, imagine one day a Melusine just appears at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor with a letter addressed to "Deus Auri". Hell of an awkward conversation for Zhongli to have with Hu Tao probably.
The difference between them is that if someone does wrong. Zhongli will side with those he benefits from. For Neuvillette, even if it causes loss to him, he'll follow justice.
@@zylieacaria4601 what? when has zhongli sided with someone in the wrong just because it benefits him? The liyue quest only has him fake his death to see if the people can go on without him and give up his gnosis as compensation for the help. Zhongli is really more focused on the upholding of contract than what will benefit him the most
If I'm not mistaken I think Deus Auri translates to "golden god". Fitting since Rex Lapis is also the god of wealth along with contracts.
When Neuvillete said he is going visit the Archons👀 why i do feel he is going to take a vacation😅
That's probably how it will be. He's only doing this out of Obligation and even than I think he'll just find excuses to not bother. Would be a cute thing he learned from Furina.
@@silverhawkscape2677They just gonna travel together
Would be nice to see them visit next festival in Mondstadt
hmm he isn't that tardy though and he literally said he cant just leave fontaine easily become in place of Indemnitium, he's using his powers to power the nation
Bro it's gonna end up organizing water tasting sessions with them
I wasn't paying attention on some dialog he said, but did he say anything of him can't leave Fontaine. Like literally can't leave Fontaine.
Bro absolutely fucking *wheezing* at the idea of Archons larping as vision holders
neuvillettes laugh is so funny it makes my day😭
at first i thought it was edited lmao
I love Neuvillette! I’m really happy he took over Fontaine completely. He’s officially the hugest power in Fontaine and its ruler. He regained his dragon hood!
I think he is now the strongest being in Teyvat ..
He now has complete control of the Authority of Hydro
@@MohamedAshraf-fv8jkYeah that really might be true!!!
@@MohamedAshraf-fv8jkunless there's more hidden entity we didn't know of , yes the dragon's sovereign is teyvats strongest being
@@kimssamuu9963yaa, but all the dragons have just a fraction of their original power .. so I think he is far stronger than any other elemental dragon at this point
Is it just me or does neuvillette sound fonder and gentler talking about furina compared to the other archons, and even maybe other charas too
Well she is not really an archon so...
even though furina was just the human vessel of the hydro archon playing that role, she still worked with neuvillette for five hundred years. he's obviously greatly fond of her
Neuvillette really said.
W H E E Z E 😂
Find it interesting how out of All the Gods he really only respects nahida because he knows what happened to her was pretty messed up
Yes but that’s because he doesn’t know what the other archons went through. I bet he doesn’t know that Ei and Makoto are different people and that there have been 2 different electro archons. He doesn’t know anything about Zhongli and Venti’s pasts either
Yeah, he is clearly partial to those he's met or has at least heard good things about from reliable sources; I was quite surprised by Furina coming up, at first I was like she's not an archon & only ever pretended she was plus she was already tried, only for him to acknowledge her & she that he wants to see her perform again. I was kinda surprised he didn't bring up the true Hydro archon Focalors, in the cut scenes he was obviously not happy with her fate, so line about her being clever & expressing dissatisfaction with her fate & how the people may never know what lengths that she & Furina went to save them from the prophecy
Nah, innocence as she is he probably gonna yeet her.
@@Kuramenoright as if what happened to Raiden and Furina wasn't " messed up" and they were living a happily ever after disney life .
Hoo, judgement vs freedom. Yeah, I can see Neuvi and Venti butting heads. I don't think he'd be able to put Venti on trial, he's too slippery, practically the god of gaslighting.
That's one way to put it haha
I'm looking forward to a Zhongli vs. Neuvillette clash now. Make it happen Hoyo! 😭😭Maybe that judgement clash can release Morax of his Contracts and he can finally, FINALLY give my MC some answers! ACTUAL answers of the things HE OBVIOUSLY KNOWS! Damn those contracts of his... I'm still bitter about them since Azhdaha.
I'd say Zhongli will defeat Neuvillette but I don't know now. He might just be willing to take up the judgement if it means being free of that contract.
Neuvillette gain all his power back and Zhongli had long passed his prime and haven’t been in a fight a long time I highly think he will corporate with Neuvillette rather fight him
@@Nakuweed-samuraiMeanwhile Zhongli beating Azhdaha with not much effort:
@@skell6134 lol Full power zhongli cant seal azdaha he said it himself and azdaha let himself to be sealed
@@mhav1933 Still beat Azhdaha's ass tho
Yep, nahida is out of the book of grudges
I feel like neuvillete will judge not only archons but also usurpers in celestia at the end of time (end game) since he now represents justice. He will give justice for the selfless sacrifice of focalors.
There will be no more hydro archon but neuvillete would still stand trials and acts as chief justice. He now holds the highest authority in Fontaine not as an archon but a hydro dragon sovereign.
Not only that but also mention with whole genocide and wiping out nations. They got alot on lists that even he personally beef with celestia
I get the feeling he will be the most plot relevant sovereign when time comes for the battle against celestia
Judging the usurpers is his top priority, I think he judges the Archons based on what they will accomplish and how they align with the Usurpers while the latter is already set in stone as enemy.
@@Rhyhmximagine if neuvillette find the truth of why Celestia does what they do, and declare them not guilty because they don't have a choice
Fatiu, archons, traveler, neuv vs celestia. This is gonna be fire
Zhongli and Venti: young man be careful how you speak to me, i lived 10 of your lifetimes.
Zhongli, maybe. Venti, not so much.
At least according to Furina in the Lantern Rite Festival, Neuvillette has been alive for thousands of years, so at least 2000 years.
@@MansMan42069 That was a translation error. The primordial Dragon could not be reborn until Egeria died, and that occurred in the cataclysm.
@@rafaelhuarte9645 then what did the original text say?
@@MansMan42069 My mistake, it's not that it doesn't say that in Chinese.
What I mean is that Furina mistakenly thinks that Neuvillette is more than a thousand years old, when we know from the lore of Remuria and the Fontaine glider that the Dragon Hydro could not revive until Egeria disappeared, since Egeria had been created using the heart of the primordial sea as a base, which directly interfered with the reincarnation process.
Neuvilette could not be reborn until the cataclysm, and even then it was only 400 years ago that he arrived at the court of Fontaine and became Iudex.
@@rafaelhuarte9645 My reading of the Fontaine glider is that the "heart" of the "Primordial Sea" is an allegory for the Authority over Hydro.
"When the first heart was removed" = Hydro authority usurped by the First.
"the leader (...) came to the great primeval sea, and there she created another heart."
It wasn't created from the first heart. It means a new being now had Authority over Hydro. This is how Egeria came to be the Hydro Archon.
That's going to be fun when he meets the other Archons.
Neuvillette: "You're just a drunk bard? REALLY?!"
Venti: "yeah I get that reaction a lot, hey I hear you're friends with a performer! Wanna hear a song?"
Neuvillette: "You have a lot to answer for."
ZhongLi: *slams down books upon books and receipts* "I hereby submit the following contracts as evidence leading to my land's current situation..."
Neuvillette: "...Okay I like you. You know how to do things right."
Neuvillette: "Your people were suffering under your actions."
Ei: "My robot handled that business, I locked myself in and my fox girlfriend sometimes delivered food on the odd decade. That's all."
Neuvillette: "Somehow you're sadder than the drunk bard I met earlier."
Nahida: "You're going to put me on trial I guess? Go on, it's okay, I can take it."
Neuvillette: "No dear smol, I'll put your people on trial. You're innocent, no further notes needed."
Nahida: "I am the people's Archon, therefore you will put me on trial."
Neuvillette: *thinking of Furia* "I've already seen one well meaning smol cutie suffer, I really don't need another doing this."
Furina: "Neuvillette, I'm not the Archon really what more must I endu----"
blame hoyo they made EI that way lol ( complaining to a in-game object, that's rich KEKW)
Technically Ei admitted that she knew what was happening, but didn’t do anything since she said it didn’t interfere with eternity.
@@andytorres6052 technically mihoyo programmed her that way LMAO XDDDD
I think a lot of people are misunderstanding Neuvillette’s intentions with judging the archons. Based on his role as a sovereign, he’d want to judge them for their complicity in the dominion Celestia built with the power stolen from his kind and put into the Gnoses/divine seats.
That being said, I don’t think he has much of a case against any of them. The archons don’t like Celestia any more than he does, generally speaking, and consistently care more about their people and nation than Celestia’s decrees. Zhongli is also retired, Ei specifically didn’t wield the Electro Gnosis and severed all ties to Celestia, and Nahida went as far as assisting Apep in a time of need, even when Apep resisted and fought her over it. Ironically, his strongest case is against Venti, who’s STILL not aligned with Celestia.
This is just my opinion, of course, but I think him putting them on trial would result in him seeing they’re on the same side and working out agreements with them. As for the remaining two archons, we’ll have to see.
The funny thing is that when I realized that the Gnosis's are stolen from the dragons, Venti is the one that gave Dvalin, the anemo dragon, the "Anemo Archon's" power, which turns out was rightfully Dvalin's in the first place right before La Signora mugged him. Man knows, he's playing 4d chess with us lol.
3:49 His voice changed from 👿 to 😳
"I'm not going to intrude on a lady's litteral mind palace!"
I wonder what he thinks of Dvalin. hope they'll have an interaction in the future.
Zhongli: Goes on trial
Zhongli: Preparations have been made neuvillette
Also zhongli: YANFEI!
Do you think someday Neuvillete and Apep gonna interact? Id like to see Neuvillete talking to a fellow dragon.
"Tomato ketchup is to be consumed in restaurants as a condiment, never on its own"
Based fontainian law
I wish they give venti, nahida, and Ei more titles. Bc it seems like only zhongli is getting dozens of them
Ei has many titles too , since she has Ei , Raiden shogun , Beelzabul , Baal ( i know it was for her sister , but people called both of them by that name and still do ) and Narukami ogosho god of thunder
He the archon of title after all lol
I mean it's a given. He's the oldest archon.
Dude's been living for at least 6000 years lol
He's 6000 years old, it'd be weird if Ei or Venti had more titles than him
@@mysticdemon6339 I’m not saying they should have more than him, just that they should have a bit more. Zhongli has so many, Ei has a few, nahida and venti barely have any.
Not even one of the Seven Dragon Sovereigns can hate Nahida. She's just too pure
only Apep though
Neuvillette's judgement on each Archon:
Venti: Sobriety for a whole year!
Zhongli: seminars on how to keep money in your pocket
Ei: Forced to exit her room
Nahida: a room full of pillows and a table full of sweets.
Zhongli vs Neuvillette… would be a truly legendary fight
Not really when you think about how zhongli was actually one of the descender .
Can you imagine Zhongli and Neutvellete dueled, but with Genius Invokation TCG cards? 😅
Damn you hoyoverse! It's already hard enough getting the archons n the harbingers and some more cool characters n now you will make me roll for the dragon sovereigns!
Neuvillette on Ei: "I sentence you to touch grass/dendro."
5:28 Sans overdosed on ketchup so much that they have made it a law in Fontaine XD
Venti and Zhongli are fine
Nahida's probably not guilty of anything anyway
Ei... Well she tried her best even though her best wasn't perfect. Maybe HE can get her to drop her dango milk a minute and touch grass.
Neuvillette: May the First witness take the stand, a Mr. Hatman?
Scaramouche: Grr. That wasnt funny Nahida
@@Strykerx31 when you think about it he canonically writes essais for fun
Dude must have a LIBRARY worth of things he wants Ei to apologize to him for
Neuvillette proceding to judge the archons:
Venti - "I can't even bother, your current state already serves as a sentence."
Zhongli - "My deepest respects for you as a fellow master of rules and bureaucracy... but we shall settle your trial via a Yugi-Oh duel!"
Ei - "Guilty! No need to ponder, you're charged of so many crimes that I can't even care to list or judge them out. I mean, look at your own child! Do you think I do not care for a single Melusine?! You're a failure as a mother!"
Nahida - "You've suffered enough by the hands of your own people, even though your actions were so pure and well-intended... and you also helped Apep. Totally innocent! Free of charge! Become one of my Melusines, I can adopt you and Ei's son to treat you both properly as my children, since you both need proper parenting!"
Fire Archon - "If you ever show to be a red-haired woman with yellow eyes and named 'Murata'... You will be put on a sentence to never be allowed to die! And I'll never let you go!"
Tsarisa - "First, we beat the shit out of Celestia, then we can discuss how my gratitude on helping with the prophecy."
i really satisfied with the Ei' section
Ei does care for Scaramouche. Though she doesn't consider him to be her child.
The Fact Neuvillette was able to get Murata into a court room of all places is an achievement in of itself.
If Focalors is still alive after Archon Quest Act V, I wondered what his voice lines to be?
She got guillotined unfortunately
@@thecommentguy9380you mean standard french procedure
Probably similar to Zhongli
Aw dude... how do I put it... you said the wrong name...
Neuvellette on Furina: Let's watch her play~
Neuvellette on Nahida: wdym she will get a guilty verdict? HAHAHAH no, its for the whole Academiya because they hurt Nahida. no one gonna hurt our cutie server admin
Nuevellete on other archons: fuck you all, guilty verdict!
They really teasing neuvillette vs zhongli
Tcg card duel tournament 😂 two old men fighting for supremacy
Neuvillette: The Anemo Archon-
Traveler: He has done nothing wrong
Neuvillette: I-
Traveler out here defending Venti like their life depends on it while not really interjecting when Neuvillette talks about the others-
Bias Buffoon. Why would the Traveler defend him and not Nahida? Traveler would defend them all and win.
@@kyero8724 probably the best friend privileges-
Amongst the Archons and the characters they've met, Venti's the only one who holds the title of "Best Friend" canonically
@@andyandanadraws eh. Traveler would still defend them all.
@@kyero8724seems like Nahida doesn't need defending, Neuvillette has a pretty high opinion of her
Now I cant wait for tsaritsa waging war with the the heavenly principles
I mean if you think about it non of the seven actually so far wanted the position as archon:
venti was just an archon because of the rebellion
zhongli was protecting the guili plains and getting revange on guizhong
ei and mokoto we dont know much
rukkedevata everyone just died
and elgeria was created to replace the hydro dragon
Love that Neuvi would want to Judge Zhongli but mans even as a sovereign dragon doesn't want to engage in conflict with him knowing how powerful he is (allegedly).
why do they even tell him to wear a counterfeit vision? he literally has HORNS dangling on his hair
I would love to look at Neuvillette kicking Ei's ass. Go go monsieur Neuvillette ! She never paid anything for her wretched actions!
I hate Inazuma, Neuvillette can go ahead and flood the entire nation for Eternity just as Ei likes it 😂😂😂😂
And Ei is at a disadvantage considering Inazuma is a nation made up of islands surrounded by water. This is child’s play for Neuvillette lol
@@RaikaKoshiba650Nah Ei will slay neuvellette like how she did with the snake... She already cut throught dimension so she will have no difficult to cut a dragon...
@@faizalfeiz8826 you forgot that the dragons got their power stolen by Celestia, and neuvillette get back his. So goodbye kim jong ei
@@RaikaKoshiba650 fr just burry her Monsieur Neuvillette ✨✨✨
How I imagine each trial going (apologizes this may be long)
Neuvilette travels to Mondstadt to put Venti on trial for being an absentee archon
Venti: My people are fineeee~ *proceeds to explain his point via musical poetry*
Neuvilette: 🤨
Takes a trip to Liyue to put Zhongli on trial
Neuvilette: so you had a sea monster awaken and it attacked your people and you did nothing?
Zhongli: 🤷🏻♀️ *proceeds to explain the history of Liyue and the contracts that lead to the Liyue chapters end*
Takes a trip to Inazuma and learns of all Raiden's dictatorship
Neuvilette: 🤨 You tried taking everyone's visions and created war crimes
Ei: For the sake of eternity... yes...
*battle proceeds to break out*
Meanwhile in sumeru
Neuvilette: I heard what happened.
Nahida: it's fine- my people learned 😁
Do tell what War Crimes Ei did? I expect to hear a bunch of shitty recollection and false accusations.
@@kyero8724 War crimes was probably a wrong terminology to use, but of all the archons was Ei not the only one who quite literally had a civil war due to her acceptance of the vision hunt decree, while also nearly executing someone over not giving their vision up(the first Raiden cutscene we get with Thoma infront of the electro statue). Idk if either or would count as war crimes, but I just lumped it together since it did play a part in their lil war if I recall correctly.
Also it would be much appreciated if you'd just simply ask or disagree without being rude about it. No harm in a harmless debate over lore or theories, but no need for unnecessary disrespect either.
@yanderebeast Fine. Im use to unfiltered idiots acting like shes more of a villain than Signora. The one who Orgistrated the Vision Hunt and fabricated stuff about the war.
There were no reports of Deaths when taking the visions. And she did so for good reasons as misguided as they were. The forcefulness was just a precautionary thing with the 100th vision ceremonial moment.
Kazuhas friend wanted to face her attack otherwise he would be alive right now.
And people need to remember there was many many years of peaceful before the vision hunt and closing Inazuma.
By the end of him listening to her and likely Yae and civilians he would end it with "If you ever faulter this new enlightened path to redemption yadayada I will inact judgement" then likely chat a storm with Yae and get tricked to buying her food lol
@@kyero8724 Oh I 100% agree with the fact that Ei was very misguided from Signora. I actually love all the archons, I'm just not a fan that will turn a blind eye at the mistakes/bad things some do. They weren't any deaths stated, but I assumed from Raiden's first cutscene that when the hunt happened, if you kept resisting and was wanted then you'd be put in a public execution which, while she may have been misguided, as a An Archon I felt that was something that she could've prevented. Now if Thoma was tied up for something else and not a public execution when that cutscene happened than dismiss all statements I've made about that specifically.
And I remember them saying Inazuma was once peaceful, correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it after Ei lost her sister to the heavenly principles and created the Raiden Shigun that things started becoming less peaceful, thus Signora took the opportunity to derail Raiden to agree to her plans?
What I will also agree with is that during that trial, Yae would mostly be one of the funniest yet anxiety inducing lawyers, especially for Ei considering she helped us (the traveler) defeat Ei(even though it was valid reason why)
@@kyero8724 Its true that Ei may not have done anything on purpose. But thats kinda the point, its criminal negligence. And even if people didnt die from the vision hunt decree, it pretty much drove some people to insanity when they lost their visions. And she is also responsible for a civil war happening in her nation due to her negligence. As a god she should have been more responsible, she could have easily drove out the Fatui if she wanted to, but she didnt.
For a law regarding the consumption of ketchup to be made... Just what matter of a messy event has occured for that law to be passed... Lol~
Someone drank Ketchup and caused a fight with the manager which then turned into a Brawl. All over Drinking Ketchup.
I mean, my brother drinks ketchup straight from the bottle...
@@LenoViburnum I suppose that's not impossible...
I mean my little brother practically makes soy sauce his broth or soup when it's available ~
He doesn't just put some on rice it's more like the rice was added to the soy sauce at some point ~
The only thing that information does for me is to support Furina's laws for people like our siblings.
I just cannot focus the dialogues, Background music is too loud
Really sorry about that, last check with my headphone there were no problems...
But, I will lower the bg volume in the next video...
You can turn on the caption when watching the video😁😁
Now i imagine neuvillete hosting a party in fontaine so you invite everyone then he just starts judging the archons the second they come in
Neuvillette will fold zhonglis clothes with him in them 🤣
I wonder how Neuvillette scales compared to Zhongli and Ei, I know the easy answer is to say he outscales them, but Venti, Zhongli, Ei, and Nahida we now know all still posses the elemental authorities of their respective elements, so the gods with actual combat abilities like Zhongli and Ei shouldn't be pushovers. I also think Neuvillette being in no rush to try them in court is actually pretty telling. Remember he is still a really young dragon. All that said I still don't get why any of the archons need to be judged for being given the sovereign authorities, the archons didn't exactly have a choice, the archon war was basically kill or be killed and none of them are responsible for the primordial one's actions against the sovereigns.
Yes! Finally smb agrees with me about that! The Archon war happened years after Souvereigns fought their war, archons have literally nothing to do with that. And refusing the Gnosis would mean death.
And also the whole idea of Neuvilette judging Archons is kinda wrong from the law standpoint Neuvilette is so fond of - he is not impartial in this matter, he is, like, the most concerned party
Judging doesn't mean being automatically guilty. The Archons may not have been the ones to commit the theft, but they have been I'm possession of stolen property and have been using said stolen property as they see fit.
Prime Zhongli+Authority over Geo + Gnosis > FP Neuvillette
Prime Zhongli + Authority over Geo = FP Neuvillette
Prime Zhongli < FP Neuvillette
Base Zhongli < FP Neuvillette
Base Zhongli > Base Neuvillette
@@angelkotttactually no, King Deshret and Andrius were offered to seat of Archon and the Gnoses but they refused and it was given to Rukkadevata and Venti respectively
@@matrinezkevin11492 And then we come to the point of Gnoses being forced on archons
But that's not the main point for me, tbh. The arguments about who is guilty and of what could take place if there was a just trial. But considering the fact that in this case Neuvilette claims the positions of both judge, jury and prosecutor, dismissing the idea of impartiality - and all that just because of power he was born with... In my opinion, justice has nothing to do with that.
Aw... no voice line about Apep? That's sad...
She'd probably a bitter old lady from his point of view and I think he mektionned that the other sovereigns wouldn't be thrilled about him visiting
She’s dying in her tunnel she can’t have possibly met him
@@Kurameno we'll thanks to Nahida she's not dying anymore!
But she's still in her tunnel and still hates Nahida despite the help.
@@burnoutcat2387 That was about the dragons of Natlan, but that can be interpreted as "I'm water, they're fire and I'm a old man".
@@Kurameno But I thought he may have known about her survival somehow?
Neuvilette: lmao same (wheezes remembering that this old geezer carries counterfeit Vision)
Zhongli: Retired Grandpa
Venti: Drunk Bard
Ei: Otaku
Nahida: Troll
Neuvi: "Welp, looks like they ended up judging themselves"
But seriously He aint gonna do a ding dong thing to them if people are suspecting Battles lol
In half of the video I was going like "what are you saying?! I can't hear you! It's too loud here!"
I only realized now...the weird laws of Fontaine. They're parodying real french laws that make no sense 😭😂
Lol he is scared of a physical confrontation with zhongli
Do Neuvi know Apep or not ? I'm surprised he didn't mention her but only the Pyro Sovereign from Natlan
Pyro Sovereign? When and where?
@@Shiva-bi9in Voicelines, I think it'a name is Xabalanque or something close to that
@@Wolf-vy7et Which voiceline tho cuz I don't recall seeing one for them?
@@Shiva-bi9in If I remember right the voiceline was named Natlan
@@Wolf-vy7et uhh he has no such voice line I'm afraid.
The wheeze in the beginning 😭
"Tomato ketchup is to be consumed in restaurants, and only used as a condiment, never on its own."
That HAS a context xD
(Remember. Behind every weird sign, theres a weirder backstory.)
Neuvilette: "I will judge all archons, because they are the right hand of the usurper"
Traveler: "Well...
One is drunk all the time.
The other sips tea and goes on walks.
Another has been meditating away from the world for centuries.
One wasn't even a archon to being with.
And the last one is a lively little girl that dances with fairies and gives kids wonderful dreams.
Good luck I guess"
6:50 I'm rooting for those two... although the age difference is enormous and it would count as some weird kind of bestiality...
But, Neuvilette has a human body and mind, though, he only got the Hydro Sovereigns powers back
Yes, original he was a dragon, but got reborn into human form
@@LNRspeakshe wasn’t reborn, he’s kind of like Nahida to Rukkhadevata, same being and position but not the exact same person
I feel like Neuvillete and Zhongli would get along with each other quite well after speaking to each other lol
Neuvillette and Zhongli's trial would be in complete "ORDER"
XD, I can't wait for the final arc , everyone will be there. I can finally make the smash meme then.
Its impossible to trial Zhongli because has an arsenal in any occasion can call yanfei , and other adeptus just to prove his innocence .
And zhongli can't talk because he has a contract with heavenly principals .
He can mic drop by saying :
we have contract between me and heavenly principals , i will not talk until the both parties are present. Now try to attend the heavenly principals here . 😂😂
Out of all the Archons, I feel Ei and Morax would actually put up a fight if Neuvillette confronts them
No domestic pets shall be named after Furina, for it to be a law it should've had to be a problem at some point...Bruh
The only thing i see that neuvillette and archons would be their opinions about celestia and the heavenly principles
the background music was a bit too loud, it was difficult to hear the lines sometimes, even with headphones 😖
I can't wait to see Zhongli and this dragon to meet lol
I love how one of his best teams is one with all the other archons
Imo Venti is quite underrated. He is as sweet and as benevolent as Nahida, but tabibito talks about him like: "HAH, HE IS JUST A DRUNKKARD LOL" Maybe he wanted to show that Venti is innocent cuz he didn't harm anyone, but i can't help with the feeling that everyone just giving a big disrespect to Venti, while he did a lot for mondstadt and his people (and to Xiao with Dvorak too)
THANK YOU you get it 😭
I love to see neuvillette try and judge zhongli he's was said to be a war god
"Barbatos has blunder allegations agaikst you"
Why yes let us review them."
The sorvereign drangon is much more power full than the archon so i dont know what you talking about😂
Zhongli is a warrior god, but fighting is NOT his real passion lol. The one who is a true warrior at heart is actually Raiden Ei.
if they meet, there is a big possibility that they will settle it through your everyday bureaucratic trial.
@@tranduclong4642we are still talking about zhongli, he's not your average archon, neuvillette is still quite young and only recently got all of his powers back, but let him have some more centuries to practice and then for sure he would neg diff zhongli
@@tranduclong4642what do you mean? Zhongli has the Authority over Geo making him on par with a Sovereign XD.
You kinda made a music too loud this time for me. Some replicas are not clearly heard
can someone explain me why neuvillette still remembers nahida mistreatment for 500 years?Wasn’t Greater Lord Rukkhadevata existence replaced with her?
Yes. He thinks she shrunk and lost power. What he says still makes sense because before she “shrunk”, she was not mistreated and respected as the archon
I think the music should lower a bit since i can barely hear the voice over the music
Mate, the music is too loud, sometimes we can barely hear the characters
I almost cant understand anything with the music beeing loud
I really appreciate you posting these.
I feel odd asking, but if possible, could the background music be a bit lower? I'm sure it isn't like this for everyone, but I have a lot of trouble making out many of the lines when the music is mid-strength or higher.
Zhongli and neuvillette meeting would be kinda cool
For future videos, turn the music down so we can hear what he is saying.
It obvious why he feels animosity towards the archons since they hold the authority taken away by Celestia, zhongli in particular since he used to literally be an archon assassin, he used to be a branny meathead back in his prime, but what I find really interesting is that even if neuvi is finally back as the frydro sovereign he’s still young in terms of reincarnation, his actual age hasn’t been disclosed but he doesn’t seem to be too aware of all things prior the cataclysm, that means the ei zhongli and venti are all older than him.
So... Why is there just random really loud music throughout the video?
So the power level of all characters that has been shown right now probably :
Skirk > neuvillette/apep > archons = the top 3 fatuis
Skirk isn't suprised about neuvillette being a hydro sovereign dragon even after he regain his authority. She even call the elemental power that belongs to teyvat is considered weak
Well im not sure about skirk if she stronger since she said that narwhale already used all of it power when she capture it also azadaha need to be above archon level also since zhongli said himself that he cant be stronger than azadaha and azadaha got sealed because he let zlongli and the yaksha do that
@@peak407 skirk said she doesn't talk to the weak and she also called the 7 elements that belongs to teyvat is considered weak. Also the abyss element is harmful to the sovereign dragon which is strengthen my theory skirk is more powerful than dragon sovereigns
@@yezhumeme she also said that traveler and nevullette is not the same that why she talk to them
Archons like Zhongli in their Prime with the Authority and Gnosis are stronger than Sovereign btw.
@@nothmm8582 prime zhongli cant win azadaha and he said that himself that azadaha stronger than him also azadaha let zhongli and all the yaksha seal him
"Though the day might come when I must put [Nahida] on trial..."
Not even Kusanali or Rukkhadevatta are safe from the Hydro Dragon's judgments.
You could lower the volume and it'd be a much more pleasant watch
Sorry about that, last check with my headphone there were no problems...
But, I will lower the bg volume in the next video...
You can turn on the caption when watching the video😁😁
bro what’s up with the fucking infernally loud ass music i can’t hear my man without it sounding like i’m in a slipknot concert
I have a request can tone down the bg? I have difficulty hearing clearly because of it
Turn on captions
Sorry about that, last check with my headphone there were no problems...
But, I will lower the bg volume in the next video...
You can turn on the caption when watching the video😁😁
Dude the music is way too loud. You need to lower it hard to hear what he’s saying
Neuvillette: "I will put Venti to the trial!"
Venti: *spawns the knights of favonius lead by klee who threatens to blow up the court if he hurts mr tone deaf bard
Neuvillette: "ok but the geo archon...!"
Zhongli: *Takes out yanfei who will explain him the rights of mr zhongli
Neuvillette: "fine... but the ei..."
Ei: *gets Miko which threatens to write a light novel about the crying hydro dragon and publishes the book with a cover like ms hina, just with neuvillette
Neuvillette: "What about..."
Nahida: *just swings on her swing and asks if they want to play hopscotch after the trial
neuvillette: "I'm not getting paid enough for this..."
How funny his voice change when he talk about ei
Just like with Nahida, but that doesn't mean anything
Why was bro wheezing 💀