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Final Fantasy XIV’s Curvaceous 2B Butt Reward Flattened

Final Fantasy XIV’s Curvaceous 2B Butt Reward Flattened

People mindlessly grinding away in Final Fantasy XIV were dismayed greatly after discovering that the special Nier: Automata 2B outfit awarded from a raid had its butt-boosting properties diminished.

For those unaware, MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV is collaborating with Nier: Automata and introducing raids inspired by the game – a reward attainable from “The Copied Factory” grants loot that allows players to wear the outfit of 2B (in several pieces), the beautiful android heroine from Nier: Automata.

A significant boon to the outfit was its ability to provide female characters with a more shapely, appealing bottom:

Final Fantasy XIV’s Curvaceous 2B Butt Reward Flattened

This gluteal enhancement did not affect male characters wearing the attire:

Final Fantasy XIV’s Curvaceous 2B Butt Reward Flattened

Final Fantasy XIV’s Curvaceous 2B Butt Reward Flattened

A recent patch apparently wrought chaos however, causing the butt buff to be dispelled when specific items are equipped at the same time (top image is when the effect is working, bottom is when a conflicting item is equipped):

Final Fantasy XIV’s Curvaceous 2B Butt Reward Flattened

Final Fantasy XIV’s Curvaceous 2B Butt Reward Flattened

The bug was purportedly addressed on a special Final Fantasy XIV broadcast, where Director Naoki Yoshida stated the issue had to do with the character sitting down and that it will be fixed.

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