
Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Lemme make some calls...

Oh please do. It's getting a bit pathetic at this point. It's always the idiots who think they're so smart and don't think I have any clue when it's patheticaly predictable.. I keep ignoring and they keep at it like maybe if they just post enough or bigger that I will play into their stupidity. I'm not opposed to bio warfare at this point. hahaha
Nikki Nova
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I must possess all, or I possess nothing.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

whoa! Look at this pic. FrankFire tweeted me this pic. He got hit with a snowstorm super bad and has been without power for a day already and they're telling him it won't be restored for several more days. He's freezing his balls off. Poor thing! He has his cell for now..until it dies and he hasa fireplace thank God but still...
Nikki Nova
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What the hell is that white stuff? I've never seen it in my life! :eek:
Must be some kind of frozen water?? :dunno:;)

Oh please do. It's getting a bit pathetic at this point. It's always the idiots who think they're so smart and don't think I have any clue when it's patheticaly predictable.. I keep ignoring and they keep at it like maybe if they just post enough or bigger that I will play into their stupidity. I'm not opposed to bio warfare at this point. hahaha
Nikki Nova
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"You wish." An apt quote at this juncture! :cool:


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

What the hell is that white stuff? I've never seen it in my life! :eek:
Must be some kind of frozen water?? :dunno:;)

"You wish." An apt quote at this juncture! :cool:

Yes. The craziniess has been deleted for the most part but I know you know the deal and it just never stops. I've said it many times before and I will say it again. If certain people would take the time they spend fucking with other people and use it to better themselves then they might be less miserable fuckers.
Nikki Nova
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Torn & Frayed.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

This is completely off-topic; but I'd just like to say that of all the threads on this board this one is now my favorite. I even bookmarked it. :cool:

I may even have to change my sig.....


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

This is completely off-topic; but I'd just like to say that of all the threads on this board this one is now my favorite. I even bookmarked it. :cool:

I may even have to change my sig.....

ahahaha. Well I'm glad you are here my rockin' friend. Other than the couple of freaks and the removed posts about fucking a dead female corpse and other psyhco and mean shit and what's usually a fun place to be...and yayyy for the mods that help keep it that way! Good lookin' out Supa and P+D+D and what not. Keep it up and I will call in the rest of my squad. hahaha
Ok..back to my laundry and vegan pizza.
Nikki Nova
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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I'm glad to be here.:cool:

It's like sitting in a small corner bar and shooting the shit with everyone, just letting conversation evolve.

Okay; I have to ask: What's on a vegan pizza?
Well the crust is made of hemp flour and sauce with garlic and fresh basil and daiya (vegan cheese) and mushrooms and more basil leaves. I have to make all of my food from scratch due to all of the food restrictions but it's good as fuck.
Nikki Nova
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Torn & Frayed.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well the crust is made of hemp flour and sauce with garlic and fresh basil and daiya (vegan cheese) and mushrooms and more basil leaves. I have to make all of my food from scratch due to all of the food restrictions but it's good as fuck.
Nikki Nova
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It must be. I just got hungry....
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I have to make all of my food from scratch due to all of the food restrictions but it's good as fuck.
Nikki Nova

I don't know...I've had fuck before and even the bad stuff was great!
So your homemade vittles must be pretty awesome! :D
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Oh sweetie. I'm so happy to see you here...even if it's only for a minute. I'm glad our goofy asses could at least spread a tiny bit of sunshine your way. ;)

Nikki, out of all the adjectives that I would have come up with to describe your ass, goofy may have been one of the last ones.

WHO???!!! uh-oh, you post again, that means you have to keep posting everyday. its in the constitution. look it up.

I don't know about everyday, but I'm guessing this one counts for something.

You're getting closer. Throw in a flame thrower, a shot gun, and some slow turture devices..and of course..a muzzle..and I think we're there. hahah

You and Elwood should come visit me.....that's all I'll say. :elaugh:
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Miss Nova, I really did think you were talking about me earlier, and when I said I thought you were talking about Jon in the things that piss me off thread I though you were talking about him. That's why I said that there. I only sent Jon an e-mail because I thought you were saying that you thought he was me or I was him & I didn't want to cause any trouble. But, it looks like I caused more trouble for everyone. I'm sorry if my actions got you pissed at me or even at Jon for that matter. Jon explained everything to me and pointed out the posts I wasn't aware of and your message explained things too. I'm so sorry for any problems I caused you or anyone from my wrong assumptions. I've been a big fan of yours for 10 years or so, so I hope you can find it in you to forgive me. I say you too fine to stay pissed. Happy Halloween again, and thanks for all of your treats.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Good God. More B.S. Seriously? I'm outta here folks. G'night. I need a break. I signed on early this morning and the very first thing I see is one person posting crap he had been asked not to several times and new person talking about fucking a dead female corpses cold pussy while telling me my tattoos look like shit and now this? And Elwood you wonder why I am open to upping the anty on our bush and weapons stake out. Haha. Larss saw what posts were removed if you would like to confirm it Xammons. I don't even know you. You've been nice and I've been nice to you. Jon and I talk all of the time and have for a long time now and when I have a problem with something Jon or anyone else does I go to them and tell them. Have I ever had to have those talks with Jon yes...and that's between Jon and I and I still consider him a friend and I like hima lot. I think he is a good person. Read my thread. It says it all throughout freak. Right now you're pretty irritating. No guesswork there. You see how straight forward I am? Thank you for your apology but instead of assumptions in the future and shit talking based on those assumptions then why don't you ask first? Oh and here's a thought instead of posting piblicly and ruining the vibe of the thread for everyone else with your assumptions and the trouble casued by them...then private message and ask. Sorry to everyone else having to deal with this as well. I hope you all have a Happy Halloween. I will be back soon and if I'm ignoring anyone when I come back it's probably because you're being a douche.
Nikki Nova
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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I don't know...I've had fuck before and even the bad stuff was great!
So your homemade vittles must be pretty awesome! :D
Well I HAVE to make all of my food now being vegan AND gluten free AND wheat free etc and so on. I:ve always cooked anyhow..but now I HAVE to.

Nikki, out of all the adjectives that I would have come up with to describe your ass, goofy may have been one of the last ones.

I don't know about everyday, but I'm guessing this one counts for something.

You and Elwood should come visit me.....that's all I'll say. :elaugh:
It's so good to see you here.

it counts for everything, mi amigo.

you want to haggle? ok, how about 5 posts a week?
I don't think we should pressure him. It could casue performance anxiety. haha

and on that night. Sweet Dreams folks!
Nikki Nova
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Torn & Frayed.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Good God. More B.S. Seriously? I'm outta here folks. G'night. I need a break. I signed on early this morning and the very first thing I see is one person posting crap he had been asked not to several times and new person talking about fucking a dead female corpses cold pussy while telling me my tattoos look like shit and now this? And Elwood you wonder why I am open to upping the anty on our bush and weapons stake out. Haha. Larss saw what posts were removed if you would like to confirm it Xammons. I don't even know you. You've been nice and I've been nice to you. Jon and I talk all of the time and have for a long time now and when I have a problem with something Jon or anyone else does I go to them and tell them. Have I ever had to have those talks with Jon yes...and that's between Jon and I and I still consider him a friend and I like hima lot. I think he is a good person. Read my thread. It says it all throughout freak. Right now you're pretty irritating. No guesswork there. You see how straight forward I am? Thank you for your apology but instead of assumptions in the future and shit talking based on those assumptions then why don't you ask first? Oh and here's a thought instead of posting piblicly and ruining the vibe of the thread for everyone else with your assumptions and the trouble casued by them...then private message and ask. Sorry to everyone else having to deal with this as well. I hope you all have a Happy Halloween. I will be back soon and if I'm ignoring anyone when I come back it's probably because you're being a douche.
Nikki Nova
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I never wondered....I see it firsthand. If you're out of here for the night what am I gonna do now? It's 11:28 PM here,and I have to leave at 4:30AM...another all-nighter for me.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I don't think we should pressure him. It could casue performance anxiety. haha

well we wouldnt want that. i dont want Who???'s posts to become flaccid. you just make those posts when you're good and ready.
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