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Jul 2, 2010 3:59 AM
Jun 2007
SwordWielder said:

I agree... I was like... uh.... wtf he nailed him to the ground and yet he still lives... wtf? i mean naruto killed the first pain just by smashing him to the ground... and that pain easily died from that hit...

Dude I totally agree, I just decided to pretend that because he was like the last Pain, the Pain hiding in the mountain was channeling more chakra into him, making him stronger(?). That also appears to be Pain's favorite body, he's the one we've seen the most so far.

Another thing, how did Hinata not get smashed in all of that?

I can't wait to see the expressions on people's faces when they come back and see what the hidden leaf looks like right now. Especially those like Anko and team Gai who are away, it's like the freaking apocalypse and strangely I'm just glad they haven't damaged the Kage face monuments.

Is it Pain or Pein, my subtitles read Pein, I think.
Jul 2, 2010 4:01 AM

Sep 2009
Drone3 said:
The animation was terrible, however the story of the episode was awesome. Hated the laser part and whole Tom and Jerry "catch me if you can" stuff, but because of the story and the ending I give it 3/5.

Perfect summary of what i think
Let's just hope for the normal animation next week.
Jul 2, 2010 4:04 AM

Mar 2008
i mean, ive already read the manga... so i know what would happen etc, but this animation... is so bad.... oh man
but the ending was pretty cool... meaning when the music starts, when yamoto says "eight...this is bad" blabla :D
Jul 2, 2010 4:11 AM
Jul 2010
pokymon said:
i really appreciate the idea that they've added stuff which wasn't in made the atmosphere more epic... and yeah to all shit-talkers out here..the animation was super just seemed blur cause they've wanted to show the speed of the battle..)

HAHA, the worst thing in this episode was the animation to begin with. I don't get it, HOW can u like this kind of animation? "I really appreciate the idea that they've added stuff which wasn't in manga.. it made the atmosphere more epic..."
That was the worst thing u could ever say. Those who haven't read this piece in the manga should do it right now instead of watching this shitepisode.
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Jul 2, 2010 4:20 AM
Jun 2008
Joined: Jul /2 /2010
Posts: 1
......sometimes people in MAL really hate to loose their pride.
Jul 2, 2010 4:33 AM
Jul 2010
dr-o-ne said:
Drone3 said:
The animation was terrible, however the story of the episode was awesome. Hated the laser part and whole Tom and Jerry "catch me if you can" stuff, but because of the story and the ending I give it 3/5.

Perfect summary of what i think
Let's just hope for the normal animation next week.

People who hated on this episode not only have awful taste but they also don't know anything about animation, so deal with it.

You may claim you aren't fond of the artstyle, which i can understand somewhat, but saying the animation was crap is just pure stupidity. This episode is on par with the usual Gurren Lagann animation and that's a huge feat in itself.

Next episode will go back to the usual mediocre artstyle with the usual shitty animation you're all so used to. So I guess some of you ignorant people will be satisfied.
Jul 2, 2010 5:11 AM
Jul 2010
Psychodrake20 said:

People who hated on this episode not only have awful taste but they also don't know anything about animation, so deal with it.

You may claim you aren't fond of the artstyle, which i can understand somewhat, but saying the animation was crap is just pure stupidity. This episode is on par with the usual Gurren Lagann animation and that's a huge feat in itself.

Next episode will go back to the usual mediocre artstyle with the usual shitty animation you're all so used to. So I guess some of you ignorant people will be satisfied.

so animation in which bones, metal and skin are treated as if they were gummi and can be readjusted and put back into position at will without any casulties are awesome animations? as this pic clearly shows...

sure its animated but its not good animated. if it were only half good animated the skin surely would be affected but at the least the bones and the metal bars which were near impossible to break in the previous episodes would keep their shape even at higher speed.

what we saw was mashing a potatoe to make a "speed effect", forming it again into a ball and treating it as if nothing happened and that repeadetly.

i wont say it was bad or horrible animated but the surrealismus of this episode compared to the other episodes of naruto was of the scale.

sure one can like it, but this seemed to be more appealing to the likes of people that also like flubber and modern art in the points of animation and drawing style.

---- after edit ----

also note that as in 1 of my earlier posts mentioned there are also some good ones.

at 6.18-6.20 there is also a deformation but there its reasonable. there is no deformation of the skull or metal-pins (well pins at the very end if i were nitpicking) its reasonable from the heavy airpressure...its awesome.
RuyiweiJul 2, 2010 5:27 AM
Jul 2, 2010 5:25 AM
Jul 2009
Slowdude said:
So I'm guessing there budget was running low now and they had to down grade the quality at one of the most important parts.

Dude that was most likely more expensive the usual.
That episode had some of the best animation ever.
It was a brilliant fight stop hating just love it for what it is.
Jul 2, 2010 5:28 AM

Jul 2009
Well this was a strange episode. The animation was totally messed up, it reminded me of TTGL or FLCL with some of the facial expressions Pain made. I definitely preferred Naruto fighting in Sage mode where it was tactical and refreshing instead of the mindless destruction of the Nine-tails.
Jul 2, 2010 5:57 AM

Feb 2009

If you have to put fillers in a fight you do it like THIS! Pretty much like they did with the fight with Hidan and Kakuzu.

Lol at the people complaining about the animation, too bad for you, you don't get it much more fluid than this. You've had it before in Sarutobi Vs. Orochimaru and Naruto Vs. Sasuke. It looks like it will return to the former "pretty" style next episode though... shame really.

Great episode, superb fight, best fight scene from this arc with no doubt, if Naruto was always like this it would be so much better. I liked the twist in the end even though I'm already spoiled, I just hope they can end the arc in a good note.
Jul 2, 2010 6:31 AM

Jun 2009
-Voltekka- said:
That's the problem i have with it. I could forgive the bad art style if the fight made sense, which it didn't at all. By the time the filler fight is over Pain should be dead at least 20 times.


To addition to that... There is "artstyle" (how things look like, the faces, background, strokes used to draw and the sole concept/idea of each anime/manga) and there is "animation" (how things move, fluency, pace and so on). The animation was superb, the style was uttelry terrible. I bet this was 100% on purpose (which I can't think of any logical explanation "why?"), not beacuse of the low budget. It is totally possible to make the exact same animation with normal artsyle. The grotesque style was unnessesary and ugly beyod imagination (it looked almost like the drug delusions from Samurai Champloo). It's also stupid to compare this fight to any other fight in the series cause it's the first and only one so screwed up. For example I absolutelly loved the Sasuke vs. Bee episode. It shows that both, good artstyle and animations are possible.

Some people say they laughed their asses of on this ep. Well, this episode shoud NOT be funny and should NOT look like a Tom and Jerry cartoon. After the last episode I thought they will give us a hardcore, serious and solid episode (I was thinking "my god... Pain is so dead now"). And what did I get? "THIS". Apart of the TERRIBLE artstyle the filler part was one of the most stupid I've ever seen (which I did mention before, others did too). It's good when they stretch the fights for a longer episode, but it has to make SENSE. Immortal-cyborg-like Pain does not make any. Same goes to the flooding-Konoha part and many other things. For what purpose I ask?
The truth is that the more anime sticks to the manga the better. It's common sense.

And the people that say "omigosh! this was ze besd ep evah!" probably wouldn't mind if the characters took frying pans or circus hammers to smash each other. I bet they would also like a lightsaber fight :P.

Overall, with normal artstyle, same animation and LOGICAL filler fight this episode would be one of the best ever. But... it's not. This is Naruto damn it. I watch it cause of what it is. If I would want to watch mind-screwing, grotesque animations created by people on shrooms I would watch Dead Leaves instead.
BierzgalJul 2, 2010 6:43 AM
Jul 2, 2010 6:46 AM

May 2010
Animators goes crazy! But I loved it :D

in this episode, you will die horribly... *laughs just as shion*
lightness vs. darkness
Nani mo kamo wo hoshigatteita Mayoeru mono no chikai
Mada miru sekai o tsukuridasu koto Kuchi hateteiku
Jul 2, 2010 8:09 AM

Apr 2009
WTF? a good episode ruined
Jul 2, 2010 8:14 AM
Jun 2010
People who hated on this episode not only have awful taste but they also don't know anything about animation, so deal with it.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO, seriously stop defending this crap.

Jul 2, 2010 8:47 AM

Oct 2009
Psychodrake20 said:
dr-o-ne said:
Drone3 said:
The animation was terrible, however the story of the episode was awesome. Hated the laser part and whole Tom and Jerry "catch me if you can" stuff, but because of the story and the ending I give it 3/5.

Perfect summary of what i think
Let's just hope for the normal animation next week.

People who hated on this episode not only have awful taste but they also don't know anything about animation, so deal with it.

You may claim you aren't fond of the artstyle, which i can understand somewhat, but saying the animation was crap is just pure stupidity. This episode is on par with the usual Gurren Lagann animation and that's a huge feat in itself.

Next episode will go back to the usual mediocre artstyle with the usual shitty animation you're all so used to. So I guess some of you ignorant people will be satisfied.

What are you on!? Gurren Lagann's animation was nothing like this! You've seen the screens from above, and here's a screen from Gurren Lagann. Gurren Lagann had a "different" animation style, and it was good, they actually made it work. This episode; it was lazy and stupefying, the animators did nil to even attempt to make the animation "nice".

Bear in mind this is also sd quality while your Naruto was high definition.

And here you see that movement doesn't completely change that anatomical structure. Seriously, this week's Naruto looked like something you'd see from Looney Tunes on a Saturday morning or the such.

Jul 2, 2010 8:48 AM
Jul 2010
supersayen said:
People who hated on this episode not only have awful taste but they also don't know anything about animation, so deal with it.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO, seriously stop defending this crap.

Read the whole post, kid. People's main gripe about this episode was it's style and art, which is understandable. If you pause between the ANIMATION, the ART looks completely wacky. But the animation itself was fine and a matter of fact superb at that.

Lucjan said:
What are you on!? Gurren Lagann's animation was nothing like this! You've seen the screens from above, and here's a screen from Gurren Lagann. Gurren Lagann had a "different" animation style, and it was good, they actually made it work. This episode; it was lazy and stupefying, the animators did nil to even attempt to make the animation "nice".

Again, that's not animation. Showing me a still picture or frame is NOT animation. It's ART. Maybe if you showed me a .gif of how fluidly characters move or something, maybe we could talk. Learn the difference people, it could save your life.
Psychodrake20Jul 2, 2010 8:52 AM
Jul 2, 2010 8:58 AM

Jul 2009
I haven't watched Naruto for quite a while, but my friend was complaining about it, so I watched this episode.

The animation in it was not bad. The problem with the strange faces was that there either weren't enough 'normal' keyframes while the strange ones were there, or the framerate wasn't fast enough for it to look okay to the viewer.

That kinda style makes animation look much smoother, but without the other elements needed to make it look good, it seems strange, which is what you're all complaining about. To create smooth action without using inbetween frames like those, you need a huge budget so you can have a large number of frames/second, which I doubt Naruto has. Creating action on a long running shounen budget without using frames like that just looks stiff and awkward.
If any of my posts seem odd, it's probably because I'm tired. Sorry. I have sleeping issues.
Jul 2, 2010 9:36 AM

Jul 2009
was the animation bad ?


was the epi bad ?

no , it was a very good epi

such art style shouldnt be used ?

no , im fine with such art style but it could had been better

but it doesnt suit's Pain at all

i felt his character got destryoed ! with this fight :\

Gurren lagann had a better art style but the main thing was it suited the charar

same applies for south park
Jul 2, 2010 9:42 AM
Jun 2008
Psychodrake20 said:
Read the whole post, kid. People's main gripe about this episode was it's style and art, which is understandable. If you pause between the ANIMATION, the ART looks completely wacky. But the animation itself was fine and a matter of fact superb at that.
Obviously ,No one watch the show pausing every 5 second.....
If the Animation is lousy from the beginning till the End, then I will say Naruto's ART is special and it would be appreciated if we get used to it,but this particular episode's Animation was really bad......
To create smooth action without using inbetween frames like those, you need a huge budget so you can have a large number of frames/second, which I doubt Naruto has. Creating action on a long running shounen budget without using frames like that just looks stiff and awkward.

As what he said, Low budget is just low budget. Sudden Low budget on Animation is not a form of art...
MorningGloryJul 2, 2010 9:51 AM
Jul 2, 2010 10:08 AM

Jun 2009
EPIC!!!!! Ladies and gentleman, I present you the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann version of NARUTO!

1. Notice the weird faces portion, it had the distinctive rough linings in Gurren Lagann
2. Pain's eye looks too much like the Spiral King and eventually Simmons no?
3. During Naruto's necklace activating the sealing jutsu, there were SPIRALS and they were "green"!! Go SPIRAL ENERGY!!
4. The explosion would not look out of place in a Gurren Lagann setting.
5. Nice fluidity in the actions, WIN!
6. The Kyubi form did give off a flaming aura in a similar fashion to the Spiral KING.
7. Over the top ridiculous action like all Gurren Lagann moves!!!!
8. Spiral again on Naruto's stomach spinning
9. Was expecting a gettai!

On a more serious note, yup looked pretty weird and comical logic does not sit well. It Changed a lot of the original content but its fine for me. But you gotta agree that the fluidity and action sequence in this episode is once in a blue moon. The amazing movements and fight scene easily made me forget about the wonky faces.

Jul 2, 2010 10:19 AM
Jul 2010
Okay after watching this episode and having felt really frustrated of feeling like I was watching modern art instead of naruto I've been trying to dim my hate by reading how other people felt just like myself.

However some of you "supposed to be mature people" who HATES on the HATERS would you mind cutting them some slack for having an opinion that differs from your own? I read several comments from several different people beginning with something like:
Wtf is wrong with you people! animations rox!!or Are you kids blind? or do you even know what animation is? and I could probably sum a lot more up.. but wouldn't it be interesting if all the guys who hated would then start all THEIR comments with the exact same spiteful tone as the supposed to be lovers?

If we're "haters" then you're "cakers" a little caker who doesn't see the wrong in anything.. A person who lives in fairytale land where everything is harmonic and perfect and when someone comes along with an opinion that differs from yours you go hating on the supposed to be hater...

That being said back to the topic at hand.. the episode lol.. I had a good laugh reading some of the comments with the pein pictures and my name is inspired of that.. awesome! there's love in the hate guys.. of all the naruto episodes I've seen (which is them all like most of you guys I guess lol) this was probably the worst in my book.. I felt the animations were REALLY bad and I don't care if some super-legend animated them... if the crowd hates the animation, it's not good animation no matter who did it.

Making Pein and Naruto feel more alive is a good goal I guess.. but personally I felt plenty spirit from them both from before this episode.. is it just me? this is why I'm still watching this series... It's GOOD why change it?

Also as I've come to understand some of you are a fan of the filler parts in epic battles in general.. I guess that's up to everybody's PoV but personally I dislike ANY filler that doesn't have to do with the manga.. the series is based on the manga and they should just copy cat it (especially when the manga is so far ahead). Some might think that would be boring but that's probably the same people who liked Picasso Pein.. personally I felt that destroyed any sense of seriousness that fight had.. but look at me ramble on my first post. This turned out to be a bit longer than I had anticipated lol
Jul 2, 2010 10:19 AM
Jul 2010
This episode of Naruto to Naruto fans is like an orchestra playing mozart on Mtv.

People may not like the style of 167 but to say the animators were lazy or bad is ridiculous. Their style involves incredibly fluid animation and over exaggerated facial expression and movement. It conveys a certain intensity and emotion. I think its incredibly creative. If you don't like it fine but poorly made it is not. Its like looking at a Picasso and saying "that doesn't look like a face at all". No shit it wasn't supposed to. If you like more realism in the art, Suzuki is more your cup of tea.

Seriously people, learn what animation is. There are a few people who know their stuff in this thread, but very few.
Psychodrake20Jul 2, 2010 10:29 AM
Jul 2, 2010 10:26 AM

Nov 2008
Epic episode.
Jul 2, 2010 10:30 AM
Feb 2010
wtf tey are fuking ruining naruto by this new animation its like comics and wtf was that scream of pain like he got raped haaa like wtf and the whack a miole thing we r not in tom and jerry this naruto creators dont go on and ruining anime art like really disliked the episode coz of the art if this continues am drpping naruto
Jul 2, 2010 11:16 AM

Jul 2009
Psychodrake20 said:
This episode of Naruto to Naruto fans is like an orchestra playing mozart on Mtv.

It's more like playing an episode of Animaniacs to people expecting a climactic battle in their shonen anime.
Sure, the artsyle is forgivable, but Naruto playing whack-a-mole with Pain, Naruto punching Pain while in that form without him really being affected by it (remember Jirayas scar?), the explosive lasers (and explosions in general) and the ground surfing... Just no...
Jul 2, 2010 11:22 AM

Oct 2009
Psychodrake20 said:

Again, that's not animation. Showing me a still picture or frame is NOT animation. It's ART. Maybe if you showed me a .gif of how fluidly characters move or something, maybe we could talk. Learn the difference people, it could save your life.

First of all, still frames do count. If you look back, there were plenty of still frames taken of the show. They were shit! You could easily see the difference between Gurren Lagann's quality and Naruto's. The producers just plain out didn't care this episode. Anyways, to appease your heart, here are your gif's. Haha

Obvious quality difference is obvious...
lucjanJul 2, 2010 11:43 AM

Jul 2, 2010 11:41 AM

Apr 2009

(c) Velrok
smokesJul 2, 2010 12:01 PM
Jul 2, 2010 11:43 AM

Oct 2009

Jul 2, 2010 11:48 AM

Jul 2009
smokes said:

Wonder if the animators were able to keep a straight face when they made all the frames for that moment...
Jul 2, 2010 11:53 AM

Jun 2009
Smokes pretty much owned the topic ;p.
Jul 2, 2010 12:29 PM

Aug 2009
smokes said:

(c) Velrok

totdeauna, fii de acord..daca erau sa puna doar ceea ce era inclus in manga..lupta cu 6-tails era sa dureze vreo 7 minute.. asa cum au facut e cu mult mai urma urmei animatia nu e asa de rea..e doar mai fel au folosit cind a fost naruto vs. sasuke, sarutobi vs. orochimaru... chiar in acelasi one piece am observat felul asta de animatie pe care il socot foarte ex. inceputul luptei luffy vs. lucci si atunci cin luffy ii trage un pumn lui tenryubito..
Serios, vrei sa zici ca nu te-a impresionat episodul ?
Eu jumate de episod am stat in picioare..vroiam s-ma pis, dar nu vroiam sa stric kaiful :D
Jul 2, 2010 12:47 PM

Aug 2009
LOL, Epic FAIL...
Shit animation and filler..

If they stick with that shit animation i'm going to drop for sure..

RedoaxeJul 2, 2010 12:50 PM
Jul 2, 2010 1:37 PM

Mar 2009
Very cool episode. Art was kinda weird though .d but still cool.
Jul 2, 2010 1:43 PM

Jan 2008
That was absolutely horrifying. At first I thought I downloaded a wrong file and that it was some sort of fan art thingy, but damn!

Usually I don't mind, or don't even notice, animation or art changes, but this was terrible. It looked like some cheap kids cartoon. The weird faces, the backgrounds, those rocks that kept flying up, breaking... it all looked so..unreal.

1/5. Which is an absolute shame, because this episode deserves much better with the entrance of the 4th.
CiranJul 2, 2010 2:01 PM
Jul 2, 2010 2:55 PM

Aug 2008
the story starts getting DBZ after this anyway
Jul 2, 2010 2:55 PM

Sep 2008
smokes said:

(c) Velrok

Picture 3: "My pain is far greater than yours!". He´s obviously speaking to the other two Pains, lol.
Jul 2, 2010 3:27 PM

Sep 2007
Minato~~ <3_<3
Loved the animation, loved the music, loved the ending!! What a great episode, so awesome. I want moar!!

Jul 2, 2010 3:35 PM
Jun 2010
Omg i just finished this episode! I thought maybe i was insane when i saw the awful animation! Did another studio take over the animation for naruto? Other then that it was cool to see the nine tales! and im excited for the fourth hokage!
Jul 2, 2010 3:44 PM

Jan 2009
Kembula said:

Picture 3: "My pain is far greater than yours!". He´s obviously speaking to the other two Pains, lol.

My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
Jul 2, 2010 4:20 PM

May 2009
That was some weird-ass animation. But strange animation aside, the episode was epic. I have tears in my eyes. Minatoooooo! <3
Jul 2, 2010 6:17 PM
Apr 2009
Bierzgal said:
Didin't like the new style. It's like it was made by the creators of FLCL. Very grotesque and not-Narutoish. The filler part of the fight was also too much overboard.

Dude, thats a good thing. FLCL Is amazzzzzinnnng. I guess some people like the style, some don't. I still really like the ep overall, and I actually enjoyed the animation. But yea it was a bit to weird and unattractive at times. But id rather have this, than the regular animated eps tbh.

One of my fav eps in a while. I was hoping that Sasuke vs Itachi was gonna be the best ep since it was so huge, but sadly the animation in that was terrible :
Jul 2, 2010 6:38 PM

Mar 2009
The animation was weird in this one, there was too much filler scenes and Pein's face expreesions were pretty funny. But I gotta say, I went total fangirl when Minato appeared and I like how the ending was so dramtic.
Jul 2, 2010 9:13 PM
Jun 2009
From the moment Pain jumped to counter the kind of tornado, I knew something was different from the boring anime that Naruto normaly is. Sure some animations are funny when you pause during the episode ,but overall I really enjoyed it. But the ending was the cherry on the cake!
Jul 2, 2010 9:54 PM
Jun 2010
sasuke22 said:
If u don't like it drop it !!! 0.o

At least with this episode. I wish more episode like this would has been made. I understand some people dislike this animation becuase it looks weird ( and people are mostly afraind of weird). The truth its that this animation is much more expensive and takes a lot of time and effort.That`s why they only had made two like this counting this one.

They are others too with less exagerated graphics like the third against the kages, sasori`s puppet fight, kakuzu vs kakashi, deidara, itachi, jiraiya, killerbee and this one. The point is that they do this with every major fight and save the budeget for this ones. I dislike something static and love this combulsive over the top fights and love the extra fights they add. They are too good to be considred fillers. That`s why to some the best fights are ruined.

The only thing that bothered me is that pein is static and robotic, yet he was screaming with such emotion in this fight. However some emotion isnt bad, in the manga his change is more subtle but it happened. 5/5 in a long time. I actually like this animator so much I am making a dvd of the fights he did.
Jul 2, 2010 10:00 PM

May 2010
lols the ep was great, LOLed at Pains face too
Jul 2, 2010 10:01 PM

Aug 2009
Okay, I agree that the animation was weird for the most part, but at least it was fluid.
Although, I must admit they could have at least made Pain's faces look somewhat more normal. -.-
I honestly was laughing most of the episode.
Jul 2, 2010 10:10 PM

Oct 2009
Ah was so close to see the kyuubi 9th tail. Animation seemed different in this this one ( not that its bad though ) lots of moving blocks and pain seemed like that rubber band dude from fantastic 4 hehe.
Anyway great ep cant wait till next week.
Jul 2, 2010 10:35 PM
Jun 2010
Gt_Machine said:
the negatives:
- compared to the episode 133 fight, they overdid the animation, imo. I was literally laughing at most of the fight.

I did noticed that. Well they were 12 year old preteen kids back then and made it a bit exagerated. Now that the tops are fighting they had to think " How Do I make this more, MORE, MORE! exagerated.

It will happen again, and next time when I suppose its going to be saske vs naruto nearly adulthood and its going to so much more exagerated.

had to fix grammar
Jul 2, 2010 10:38 PM

Jan 2009
They definitely went in the wrong direction with the animation in this episode. It diminished the seriousness of Pains character and at times made him look comical. A lake appearing out of nowhere, and yet, Hinata doesn't get engulfed in it is hard to believe. I think they just tried too hard and in the end went away from the fans of Naruto were expecting to see.
Jul 3, 2010 12:04 AM

May 2009
Ssjbryando said:
Bierzgal said:
Didin't like the new style. It's like it was made by the creators of FLCL. Very grotesque and not-Narutoish. The filler part of the fight was also too much overboard.

Dude, thats a good thing. FLCL Is amazzzzzinnnng. I guess some people like the style, some don't. I still really like the ep overall, and I actually enjoyed the animation. But yea it was a bit to weird and unattractive at times. But id rather have this, than the regular animated eps tbh.

One of my fav eps in a while. I was hoping that Sasuke vs Itachi was gonna be the best ep since it was so huge, but sadly the animation in that was terrible :

That's the problem man. People who were waiting for this episode for more than a year (like me) did not want something like FLCL, they wanted something like Naruto.
V0ltekkaJul 3, 2010 12:09 AM
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