Obama's Draconian Gun Control Plan


milf n' cookies
Another good example that shows Obama is just pure dog shit!
That's the same viewpoint that our friends, the Russians and Chinese, have...

I more or less agree with this quote:

"How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an individual... as a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of." - Texas State Rep. Suzanna Gratia-Hupp

It takes more bravery to walk through life without a gun then with one. I mean no offence, but I truly believe that guns are for cowards.
If America shall one day be less troubled by all those killings, you got to start somewhere and some day.

And Obama wants to start, rather than talk like all hillbilies and gun-happy and self-justice-fans want.

Are some of you really saying that every criminal sghould be killed?

Ever thought about the possibility that somebody shot can not be 'un-shot' again if the truth comes out and he wasn't guilty? That's a bit like 'Kill them all, let god sort them out'. That's Neanderthal Justice.

Ultimately, the Death Sentence does neither work in order to scare people off committing crimes, nor does it save money.

Read more here

Obama has never had any real political experience. Can the police be everywhere? Of course not, what do you do when your life, family and property are threatened by some trashcans? You let them reb and harm you?
If this is your choice so be it but it shows that you only like to be a victim and show too much sympathy for criminals and victimize them. I on the other side would kill trashcans threatening my family and my property and show absolutely zero ounce of remorse. That is what the 2nd amendment is for, to guarantee the safety of the honest law abiding citizens. If one of you thinks like ********** that the 2nd amendment is useless, then he should ask himself if America is a place where to live for him.
Just for the record the 2nd amendment as debated by the founding fathers had NOTHING to do with crime or personal protection.It was all about detering an over reaching govt.
It takes more bravery to walk through life without a gun then with one. I mean no offence, but I truly believe that guns are for cowards.

There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. ...and I think giving up your 2nd Amendment Rights is for the stupid! Criminals are the ones that use guns in a cowardly fashion, point your gun hatred towards them.
Just for the record the 2nd amendment as debated by the founding fathers had NOTHING to do with crime or personal protection.It was all about detering an over reaching govt.

...and our government has proved that it is more than willing to become over reaching. Our guns are the ONLY things keeping the "One World Government" - United Nations supporters from reaching their ultimate goal of a socialized globe.
dems are always for gun control if you vote for hillary or obama you practically kiss the right to bare arms goodbye.

Wow what happened did Bill forget to round up all the guns in his 8 years?


gun control is the best thing that could happen in the U.S.A,
No it isn't ! The "U.S.A." is long gone. The 5th column is our next door neighbor. I intend to fight if need be.
Daddy always instilled "Always Go Down Swingin' " in me !! :hatsoff:
BYING AN AK-47 IS OK IN YOUR COUNTRY,no wonder you have
a high criminality rate.
I've never heard of a domestic slaying with any such "AK 47".

I'm certain that it can be accomplished :dunno: although, it's not a problem at this point. I do know that the illegal alien gang bangers are acquiring the Chinese mfgd AK - 47s in Mexico and importing them into 'merika along with tons of drugs (and getting away with it carte blanche) 24 / 7 / 365 1/4 days a year !

I guess I'll be standing by for urban warfare :1orglaugh

sporting guns are ok,but you should at least need a permit,
and has to be kept locked...like here in canada
This is all in place at this time.
correct its for us we the people to create a malitia to over take a over powering goverment, with out guns we would never stand a chance over a military power
Wow what happened did Bill forget to round up all the guns in his 8 years?

No, but he passed the Brady Bill and used Waco, Texas & Ruby Ridge as a litmus to test how Americans would react to a gun grab...

Don't be concerned with my legally owned guns... Be concerned about the National Defense secrets Bill sold to the Chi-Coms for money to support his campaigns. Do some research and you'll find it ironic that Bill was allowing the importation of Norinco made Chinese AK47's into California in return for Chinese campaign funding. Those AK's were later used illegally by the gangs who peddled drugs in CA's big cities.


Just for the record the 2nd amendment as debated by the founding fathers had NOTHING to do with crime or personal protection.It was all about detering an over reaching govt.

A "high crime" or dangerous ambiance is systemic of a failing or failed govt.

You do want a "living breathing document", correct ? lol
The "anti-gunning" left isn't against guns...they are just against us having guns. They don't mind when their body guards have guns, like Barbara Streisand and Rosie O'Donnell. The elite left doesn't mind if you don't have guns, but the likes of John Kerry has them to go hunting with. Chuck Shumer doesn't want you to have a pistol permit, but he does. They don't want to make guns illegal to protect the American citizens, they want the guns so they can spread socialism without pushback and enslave us to the United Nations...
The "anti-gunning" left isn't against guns...they are just against us having guns. They don't mind when their body guards have guns, like Barbara Streisand and Rosy O'Donnell. The elite left doesn't mind if you don't have guns, but the likes of John Kerry has them to go hunting with. Chuck Shumer doesn't want you to have a pistol permit, but he does. They don't want to make guns illegal to protect the American citizens, they want the guns to spread socialism without pushback and enslave us to the United Nations...

so true :yesyes:
There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. ...and I think giving up your 2nd Amendment Rights is for the stupid! Criminals are the ones that use guns in a cowardly fashion, point your gun hatred towards them.

I don't hate guns. I love firing guns. I just hate the cowardice of private, for-self-defence, gun owners. I can handle most criminals without a gun. But if I can't? Then I probably die. But I won't kill just to preserve my life.
A "high crime" or dangerous ambiance is systemic of a failing or failed govt.

You do want a "living breathing document", correct ? lol

Show me any court precedence that says it is now about the right of self defense that the 2nd amendment is based on by a court.There is no way you can even claim that the current crime rate especially violent crime is at any sort of historical high right now,contrary to some of the comments round here.And in fact as much as I am a supporter of the 2nd amendement but to be honest some of the debates here make me wonder lol ,I say what I have siad before.The downside to that right is some of the gun carnage we see,to deny that is ridiculous and all the stats prove it.Fact is more guns equals more shootings.Most shootings are not done by criminals or someone defending themselves against a criminal.Most are done over family disputes or similar by relatively law abiding till then citizens.Yes there would still be the violence without the gun but the fatality rate would be much lower without a handy gun aorund.