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Mini Game v12: Easter Egg Mafia | Game Over - Good Bunnies Win

May 12, 2017 1:56 PM

Nov 2015

🐰 Rules 🐰

🐰 Set-up 🐰

🐰 Waypoints 🐰
Day 1 | Vote 1.0 - Vote 1.1 - Vote 1.2 - Vote 1.3 - Vote 1.4 - Vote 1.5 - Vote 1.6 - Vote 1.7 - Vote 1.8 - Vote 1.9 - Vote 1.10 - FINAL | Night 1

Day 2 | Vote 2.0 - Vote 2.1 - Vote 2.2 - Vote 2.3 - Vote 2.4 - Vote 2.5 - FINAL | Night 2

Day 3 | Vote 3.0 - Vote 3.1 - Vote 3.2 - Vote 3.3 - Vote 3.4 - Vote 3.5 - Vote 3.6 - FINAL | Night 3

Day 4 | Vote 4.0 - Vote 4.1 - Vote 4.2 | GAME OVER

🐰 Alive (4/12) 🐰

🐰 Deceased (8) 🐰
AbuHumaid | Bad Bunny | Golden Egg [Lightning Rod] - lynched Day 1
Yurkin | Good Bunny | Sparkling Egg [Reloader] - killed Night 1
Oyasumi_Rosie | Good Bunny | Explosive Egg [Bomb] - lynched Day 2
wen294 | Good Bunny | Decorative Egg [Artist] - killed Night 2
Ruu | Good Bunny | Green Egg & Ham [Egg Thrower] - lynched Day 3
Shinichi-kun | Good Bunny | Spooky Egg [Amnesiac] - killed Night 3
logic340 | Bad Bunny | Duckling Egg [Neigborizer] - killed Night 3
Crossbell | Bad Bunny | Camoflagued Egg [Watcher] - lynched Day 4
TogsApr 1, 2018 8:26 PM
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May 12, 2017 1:57 PM

Nov 2015

Camouflaged Egg

Role: Watcher

Ability: [Night Active, 2-shot] Target another player to learn the names of every player that targeted them that Night.

Fullmetal Egg

Role: Jailer

Ability: [Night Active, 2-shot] Target another player to protect them from kills and prevent them from making use of any abilities for that Night.

Golden Egg

Role: Lightning Rod

Ability: [Night Active, 2-shot] Target another player to force them to target you with any abilities they activate that Night.

Explosive Egg

Role: Bomb

Ability: Before the game starts, secretly choose Odd Phases or Even Phases. Your bomb will be active during the phases that you chose.
-If you are lynched on a Day when your bomb is active, you may choose one person on your lynch wagon and kill them. you are nightkilled on a Night when your bomb is active, your killer will die as well.

Occult Egg

Role: Peeker

Ability: [Passive] At the start of the game, you will be secretly given the name of another player chosen at random. That player is guaranteed to be town.

Duckling Egg

Role: Neighborizer

Ability: [Day/Night Active, 1-shot] Once per game, target another player to open a secret chat with them where you may talk at any time, with no alignments confirmed.

Sparkling Egg

Role: Reloader

Ability: [Night Active, 1-shot] Target another player to give them an extra shot of any X-shot ability they have.

Royal Egg

Role: Doublevoter

Ability: [Day Active, 1-shot] When activated, your vote counts for double for the rest of the phase. This ability can't be used if the game is in MyLo or LyLo.

Spooky Egg

Role: Amnesiac

Ability: [Night Active, 1-shot] Target a dead player to replace your role with that player’s role at the start of the next Day.

Decorative Egg

Role: Artist

Ability: [Day Active, 1-shot] You may draw or provide an image that will be posted by the mod in the next votecount or phase change post. (This ability has no other effect)

Oeuf Suprême

Role: Chef

Ability: [Day Active, 1-shot] You may choose any food dish that contains eggs and serve it to another player. (This ability has no other effect)

Green Egg and Ham

Role: Egg Thrower

Ability: [Day Active, 1-shot] Target another player to make their name show up in green in all votecounts and mod posts for the rest of the phase. (This ability has no other effect)

TogsMay 13, 2017 12:06 AM
May 12, 2017 2:29 PM

Dec 2012
May 12, 2017 2:32 PM
Jul 2018
May 12, 2017 2:36 PM

Aug 2013

May 12, 2017 2:44 PM
May 12, 2017 2:48 PM

Jan 2010
<_< confirmed >_>
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 12, 2017 2:53 PM

Jan 2016
May 12, 2017 3:38 PM

Sep 2016
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 12, 2017 4:02 PM

Dec 2013
-Super Ultra Confirm-

May 12, 2017 7:16 PM

Jul 2009
May 12, 2017 11:15 PM

Nov 2015
Enough people have confirmed, so gonna start the game up soon !
May 13, 2017 12:03 AM

Nov 2015
@AbuHumaid @logic340 @Yurkin @Zymf @RE1031 @Ruu @melanoid @wen294 @Oyasumi_Rosie @Shinichi-kun @Wyndz @Crossbell

Here are the rules:

- The Draft phase will last for 36 hours, ending on Sunday the 14th at 7:00 PM GMT.

- There will be NO posting in the main game thread during this time ! Scavenger
hunts are best undertaken alone.

- The list of draftable roles can be seen here

- In order to participate, each player must send in a list of all 12 roles, with the roles
they'd want to pick first at the top and the roles they want least at the bottom.
(Please PM to both @Togs and @Jackrito).

Example List

- Once all players have sent in their lists, the draft order will be determined using
a randomizer, then the draft will commence by having the first player being assigned the
top role on their list, then the next player being assigned the top role on their list that
hasn't already been picked, and so on until all roles have been assigned.

- If you don’t send in a list by the time limit, you will be moved to the bottom of the draft
order and be given the leftover role.. don’t let this happen to you !

- If you have any questions, feel free to PM the mods about it at any time.

>>Draft Phase Timer<<
TogsMay 13, 2017 12:41 AM
May 14, 2017 12:01 PM

Apr 2014

@Crossbell @Zymf @AbuHumaid @Oyasumi_Rosie @Wyndz @Logic340 @Yurkin @Re1031 @Shinichi-kun @wen294 @melanoid @Ruu

The draft has been concluded, thank you everybody ! Here are the results:

Camoflagued Egg [Watcher] - Crossbell

Fullmetal Egg [Jailer] - Zymf

Golden Egg [Lightning Rod] - AbuHumaid

Explosive Egg [Bomb] - Oyasumi_Rosie

Occult Egg [Peeker] - Wyndz

Duckling Egg [Neighborizerr] - Logic340

Sparkling Egg [Reloader] - Yurkin

Royal Egg [Doublevoter] - Re1031

Spooky Egg [Amnesiac] - Shinichi-kun

Decorative Egg [Artist] - wen294

Oeuf Suprême [Chef] - melanoid

Green Egg and Ham [Egg Thrower] - Ruu

This role list will also be available at every votecount for your convenience.

With that, Day 1 has begun !

>>Day One Phase Timer<<
May 14, 2017 12:05 PM

Sep 2016
I've always thought I was the ojou-sama type :3
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 14, 2017 12:09 PM

Dec 2013
Spooky egg fits me so well haha

May 14, 2017 12:13 PM

Dec 2013

feel like ur role and character are a good start for pressure.

May 14, 2017 12:14 PM

Sep 2016
Assuming you're not mafia, whose name did you get as a townie?
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 14, 2017 12:17 PM

Jul 2009
Got what i wanted ;3
May 14, 2017 12:19 PM

Dec 2013
RE1031 said:
Assuming you're not mafia, whose name did you get as a townie?

dont think its that neccesary for him to tell us yet, plus if hes scum it prob be worse if he tells us now.

Rather wait a couple of phases

May 14, 2017 12:20 PM

Dec 2013
My role was 6th on my list if i recall

May 14, 2017 12:21 PM

Sep 2016
Do we think the revealed roles are in the order of who got first/second/etc pick? Looks like it. **edit: I'm a moron. They're in the same order as in roles list.
Also, should we reveal our first choices, or at least where in the draft ranking our chosen role is located?
REMay 14, 2017 12:25 PM
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 14, 2017 12:23 PM

Sep 2016
Shinichi-Kun said:
RE1031 said:
Assuming you're not mafia, whose name did you get as a townie?

dont think its that neccesary for him to tell us yet, plus if hes scum it prob be worse if he tells us now.

Rather wait a couple of phases

That's what I thought prior but I didn't realize that everyone would know what role everyone else is.

Shinichi-Kun said:
My role was 6th on my list if i recall

Same here :''')
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 14, 2017 12:24 PM

Dec 2013
RE1031 said:
Do we think the revealed roles are in the order of who got first/second/etc pick? Looks like it.
Also, should we reveal our first choices, or at least where in the draft ranking our chosen role is located?

problem this creates is

1.they could lie, no one has any reason to believe my role was 6th on my list
2.their whole list could be faked to create a ore town perspective.

May 14, 2017 12:24 PM

May 2015
Somehow I feel my role is even more boring than being VT ;-;
rng never loved me... and I was so happy that I got my wish ;-;

vote: Shin

you want to lynch Rosie to get her role >_>

May 14, 2017 12:26 PM

May 2015
RE1031 said:
Do we think the revealed roles are in the order of who got first/second/etc pick? Looks like it.
Also, should we reveal our first choices, or at least where in the draft ranking our chosen role is located?

not really a problem for me because mine was the last one on my list xD

May 14, 2017 12:27 PM

Dec 2013
Ruu said:
Somehow I feel my role is even more boring than being VT ;-;
rng never loved me... and I was so happy that I got my wish ;-;

vote: Shin

you want to lynch Rosie to get her role >_>

what ya mean to get her role?

I know her role, i just wanna see how she reacts to the pressure being the role she is thats all. Plus depending on who votes her and why it could give some great results.

Which i think is a very fair reason to vote her

btw this vote isnt rvs its something i was considering no matter who got the bomb role.

May 14, 2017 12:30 PM

Jul 2009
vote: wyndz

Thought i'll vote for the one who got the occult egg as rvs, and here is it. ;3

Now going to sleep.
Good night y'll...
May 14, 2017 12:30 PM

May 2015
Shinichi-Kun said:
Ruu said:
Somehow I feel my role is even more boring than being VT ;-;
rng never loved me... and I was so happy that I got my wish ;-;

vote: Shin

you want to lynch Rosie to get her role >_>

what ya mean to get her role?

I know her role, i just wanna see how she reacts to the pressure being the role she is thats all. Plus depending on who votes her and why it could give some great results.

Which i think is a very fair reason to vote her

btw this vote isnt rvs its something i was considering no matter who got the bomb role.

is the most powerful role (with the Jailer one) on the list so wanted her dead so you can get the role is a fair assumption.
Mine was not rvs either btw.
May 14, 2017 12:36 PM

May 2015
yurkin said:
Got what i wanted ;3

This is interesting... why was this role the one you wanted the most?
May 14, 2017 12:36 PM

Jul 2009
Ah, i thought i'll vote for the owner of the occult egg whoever he is since the beginning, so i guess thats not rvs in a way...
May 14, 2017 12:36 PM

Sep 2016
Shinichi-Kun said:
RE1031 said:
Do we think the revealed roles are in the order of who got first/second/etc pick? Looks like it.
Also, should we reveal our first choices, or at least where in the draft ranking our chosen role is located?

problem this creates is

1.they could lie, no one has any reason to believe my role was 6th on my list
2.their whole list could be faked to create a ore town perspective.

Theoretically if we were to reveal our lists, we should be able to force everyone to tell the truth or otherwise face discrepancy and narrow down who's lying, but might not be worth or even allowed...
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 14, 2017 12:38 PM

Dec 2013
Vote: Wyndz
Because your username reminds me of mine.

RE1031 said:

Also, should we reveal our first choices, or at least where in the draft ranking our chosen role is located?
I don't really see why not so: I had decorative egg as first choice. Now i can abuse my powers to post lots of dank memes.

Shinichi-Kun said:
Spooky egg fits me so well haha

May 14, 2017 12:40 PM

Jul 2009
Ruu said:
yurkin said:
Got what i wanted ;3

This is interesting... why was this role the one you wanted the most?

Simply thought it suits me the best as role. Was surprised to see i got my 1st choice XD
May 14, 2017 12:41 PM

Dec 2013
RE1031 said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

problem this creates is

1.they could lie, no one has any reason to believe my role was 6th on my list
2.their whole list could be faked to create a ore town perspective.

Theoretically if we were to reveal our lists, we should be able to force everyone to tell the truth or otherwise face discrepancy and narrow down who's lying, but might not be worth or even allowed...

If it's possible and there isn't directly a rule against it then it's allowed. Gimmicks are there to be abused.
May 14, 2017 12:42 PM

May 2015
yurkin said:
Ruu said:

This is interesting... why was this role the one you wanted the most?

Simply thought it suits me the best as role. Was surprised to see i got my 1st choice XD

I see... then I guess you got lucky with the rng xD
I envy you ;-;
May 14, 2017 12:42 PM

Jan 2010
Vote: melanoid
Welcome top Mafia Society. Do you have any prior mafia experience?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 14, 2017 12:42 PM

Dec 2013
Ruu said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

what ya mean to get her role?

I know her role, i just wanna see how she reacts to the pressure being the role she is thats all. Plus depending on who votes her and why it could give some great results.

Which i think is a very fair reason to vote her

btw this vote isnt rvs its something i was considering no matter who got the bomb role.

is the most powerful role (with the Jailer one) on the list so wanted her dead so you can get the role is a fair assumption.
Mine was not rvs either btw.

oh lol for a second i forgot i could take her role, thats a valid arguement i would say. That was not my intention though and i dont think ill ever point out what role i wanna take, espically if its not announced in phase change it be a better and more powerful use of my role.

May 14, 2017 12:44 PM

Jan 2010
Shinichi-Kun said:

feel like ur role and character are a good start for pressure.
character? You know how I feel about lynching Rosie D1? Pressure vote not RVS?

Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 14, 2017 12:44 PM

Jul 2009
Hey hey logic :3 the duckling egg did go to its best possible owner.
May 14, 2017 12:44 PM

Dec 2013
RE1031 said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

problem this creates is

1.they could lie, no one has any reason to believe my role was 6th on my list
2.their whole list could be faked to create a ore town perspective.

Theoretically if we were to reveal our lists, we should be able to force everyone to tell the truth or otherwise face discrepancy and narrow down who's lying, but might not be worth or even allowed...

This is actually a fair point which i didnt consider, cause everyone will have to accurately point out twhere their role was in the list, though the rest of the mafia could carefully plan out the rest of their lists. I mean the only places a role cant clash is they cant have the same exact role at a specific number.

May 14, 2017 12:45 PM

Aug 2013
Shinichi-Kun said:

feel like ur role and character are a good start for pressure.
: O
You better watch out nii-san. One wrong wrong move and I might just -BOOM-



One day I'll get him >:3c

May 14, 2017 12:45 PM

Dec 2013
wen294 said:
RE1031 said:

Theoretically if we were to reveal our lists, we should be able to force everyone to tell the truth or otherwise face discrepancy and narrow down who's lying, but might not be worth or even allowed...

If it's possible and there isn't directly a rule against it then it's allowed. Gimmicks are there to be abused.

For now lets not start by abusing gimmicks we have 48 hours to talk.

May 14, 2017 12:46 PM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

feel like ur role and character are a good start for pressure.
character? You know how I feel about lynching Rosie D1? Pressure vote not RVS?

Pressure vote, bomb role, Yes i know how everyone feels about specific people in ms. Didn't you last game even state that we shouldnt let emotion or inactivity stop us from voting the people we will like could be scum?

May 14, 2017 12:47 PM

Dec 2013
Oyasumi_Rosie said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

feel like ur role and character are a good start for pressure.
: O
You better watch out nii-san. One wrong wrong move and I might just -BOOM-



One day I'll get him >:3c

u could mention this without placing a vote on him lol

May 14, 2017 12:48 PM

Jan 2010
Shinichi-Kun said:
RE1031 said:
Assuming you're not mafia, whose name did you get as a townie?

dont think its that neccesary for him to tell us yet, plus if hes scum it prob be worse if he tells us now.

Rather wait a couple of phases
I don't think it's necessary at this point either. If he's mafia he could just be lying to clear a buddy ave if he's town it's probably better to wait since he could save the person from being lynched and also gauge others behavior towards said player. In the end it's up to him to choose when and how he reveals.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 14, 2017 12:49 PM
Jul 2018
The day started just when i was about to sleep lol
May 14, 2017 12:53 PM

Jan 2010
Ruu said:
Somehow I feel my role is even more boring than being VT ;-;
rng never loved me... and I was so happy that I got my wish ;-;

vote: Shin

you want to lynch Rosie to get her role >_>

I had started to think something similar but I doubt he goes right after the role that he would desire from the gate. Also in the scenario that Shinichi is on her lynch train he runs the risk of being her vengeful kill and not being around to gain the ability.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 14, 2017 12:54 PM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

dont think its that neccesary for him to tell us yet, plus if hes scum it prob be worse if he tells us now.

Rather wait a couple of phases
I don't think it's necessary at this point either. If he's mafia he could just be lying to clear a buddy ave if he's town it's probably better to wait since he could save the person from being lynched and also gauge others behavior towards said player. In the end it's up to him to choose when and how he reveals.

THis is pretty much the conclusion i came to also.

May 14, 2017 12:54 PM

Dec 2013
AbuHumaid said:
The day started just when i was about to sleep lol

sadly lol :P

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