How to deal with all your random stuff - home-org hack

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Clutter, especially of all the small little knick-knacks is something we all face. Whether it's "THAT" drawer, or a messy work surface, learning how to declutter like a boss will serve us well. In this video, I share the ultimate Ikea home organization hack as I continue on this journey of learning minimalism in 2020.
    🚨Brand New Facebook Group To Help Each Other Get It Together:
    / gittogether
    🔗Avery 2"x4" labels:
    🔗Free Google Doc Template for Labels:
    🔗Clear Label Bags (4"x6"):
    🔗Clear Label Bags (6"x9"):
    Decluttering is always going to be a challenge but with this Ikea hack, we can set ourselves up with the best shot at not only getting organized and decluttered, but more importantly, creating a system to keep us organized and clutter-free. Getting there is the easy part; staying there is the challenge. I hope this video inspires you to declutter like a boss.
    Whether or not you are interested in minimalism or a minimalist lifestyle, having the ability to be tidy if you want is always a plus... whether it's for a temporary fix because of out of town guests, an annual sprint cleaning session, or just trying to build good habits, this video aims to tackle the last mile problem of how to clean house.
    I have way too much stuff in general. It's not ok. So although, no matter what, I'm going to be doing some spring cleaning, I want to figure out if creating the processes and systems to support a minimalist lifestyle is sustainable and positive for me.
    This series is going to be sharing my journey of learning, building new habits, and setting expectations that I hope will have a positive ripple effect throughout all other areas of my life.
    I feel like I have a lot of clutter, both in my physical space, as well as in my head, and have, over the past few years, realized that one of the keys to happiness is simplicity; no drama, no complication. And although I think I'm on the right track, at least from a work and relationships perspective, I've always been someone who likes to collect things, buy things, and way-too-easily justify acquiring new things.
    Forget how wasteful it is from a personal financial standpoint, it's wasteful for society, and the world. Seeing dollar-store shelves really makes me wonder, who's making all this stuff? Who's buying all this stuff? How long is it used before it ends up in the trash can?
    I think, even from a selfish perspective, we should all consider the state of consumerism, how much money we spend, how to save money, how to stop shopping, to stop being wasteful, and simply considering and being conscious of everything we have, and how to build good habits. Knowing and being aware of everything we own might be a great place to start. It's where I'm starting and I can't wait to see what I learn!
    Follow me on Instagram for exclusive content and contests: / gitvlog
    #GetItTogether #LearningMinimalism #HomeOrganization
    I am not an expert on minimalism; this is my attempted journey at learning.
    Some of the links above may have an affiliate code, if you purchase things with these links I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.
    This video was not paid for, in money or in kind, by outside persons or companies. This means that the content of this video and my opinions are 100% my own, and were not vetted or paid for by any outside entity.

Комментарии • 51

  • @harmonygibbs7904
    @harmonygibbs7904 2 года назад +168

    If you have ADHD or have a hard time putting things away if it takes too many steps, this still works, with some modification. rather than stack, install extra shelves so each row sits on its own shelf (no pulling three down to get to what you need). Next, if you need to, you can leave off the lid, that way you can pull it out just enough to drop the item in. And, if you use nice printed labels, you can leave off the doors and still have it look good. Great idea, Maurice. i have these bins and never thought to use them like this.

    • @Juhulia76
      @Juhulia76 6 месяцев назад +17

      Pro tip: make sure they are transparent.

    • @anielazd
      @anielazd 6 месяцев назад +12

      @harmonygibbs7904 that's exactly what I thought as a person with ADHD myself: I would rather buy tiny plastic dressers (meant for desk organisation) so that I wouldn't have to remove 3 stacked boxes and deal with their respective lids in order to make putting things back easier for myself 😆

    • @gavinm894
      @gavinm894 5 месяцев назад +4

      Just popped along to say exactly this, only to find your post right at the top!

    • @HappyCheeryChap
      @HappyCheeryChap 4 месяца назад +8

      Yeah stackable boxes are annoying. Made that mistake multiple times.
      Worth paying a bit more for drawers. Clear ones that come all the way out easily.

  • @Vilaun.
    @Vilaun. 2 года назад +43

    This is so helpful 😭 as someone with ADHD who struggles to focus w/ a bad tendency of picking up and putting small random stuff ALL OVER THE PLACE … this will totally bring the peace my life needs 😭😂

  • @MarkSnape
    @MarkSnape 2 месяца назад +3

    Write the date on the lid with a dry-wipe. If you take something out of the box, wipe the date. After a year, see which boxes have not been opened and ditch their contents. write the new date on the box.

  • @josneaka4866
    @josneaka4866 4 месяца назад +7

    I love this, but this works best when it's paired with decluttering. As someone who has lived in a small space while trying desperately to stay organized (I still need motivation, like this, video lol!) I can say it takes a lot less space to throw things into a drawer than it does to create a home for every type of item within that drawer. Don't get me wrong, I prefer having a home for everything, but there is some decluttering that has to happen too.

  • @bobcat8654
    @bobcat8654 4 года назад +25

    Should have shown those boxes more when set up

  • @ChristopherCompagnon1AndOnly
    @ChristopherCompagnon1AndOnly 6 месяцев назад +26

    I stated this on my own 2 years ago.
    I called it «optimalism».
    It is like Tetris, but in real world.

    • @user-qo3jh9mn1t
      @user-qo3jh9mn1t 6 месяцев назад +3

      Great word. To me it's somewhere in between the minimalism I strive for and the maximalism I live with daily.

    • @ChristopherCompagnon1AndOnly
      @ChristopherCompagnon1AndOnly 6 месяцев назад

      @@user-qo3jh9mn1t Yes ! And it is very fun.
      Instead of abiding to the easy way consisting of putting things into trash, I manage to find a way to put all my stuff precisely in small areas and cubes. Because my passions need specific devices I need to be productive.

  • @A5844601
    @A5844601 2 года назад +9

    Done! I bought 6 of the larger ones (in teal) and 6 of the smaller (5x7) in white. Prepared labels. My bookcase is the envy of the office. Thank you!

  • @FromShetoMe
    @FromShetoMe Год назад +8

    You're content is incredibly addictive. Thank you so much for all the inspiration you have shared in the last two hours of binge watching. 😃

  • @ItsRyanStudios
    @ItsRyanStudios 4 месяца назад +23

    Pro tip, you can take a picture of each pile and send it to AI and ask it to create a list of items for your label

  • @user-qo3jh9mn1t
    @user-qo3jh9mn1t 6 месяцев назад +3

    I love your unique and innovative take on organization. I find I've been using quite a few of your ideas for years. Craft stores have varying sizes of clear bags that can help and they're usually inexpensive. I do my own home maintenance so have plumbing, electrical, drip line, etc., items that need to be kept organized. I reuse my baggies until I don't want to use them for food anymore, then I put them in the shop for larger items. At least they aren't going into the landfill, yet. Your videos have given me a step up look at storage, a different way to categorize that I think will help a lot in the house and shop. Thank you. Keep 'em coming.

  • @kockgunner
    @kockgunner Месяц назад

    I was finally able to declutter my junk drawers with this system. Before I hit a gridlock because I would have nowhere to put things I wanted to keep now I just drop things into the appropriate bin as I go through my junk.

  • @donwin6199
    @donwin6199 4 года назад +15

    This is crazy good .. quarantine project 🙏🏽 lol

    • @MauriceMoves
      @MauriceMoves  4 года назад +4

      Thanks man! Definitely something to do when locked in lol!

  • @QueensNative
    @QueensNative Год назад +2

    I watch this video over and over again… its so satisfying 🤗 I’m pretty sure half of the views on it are from me 😂

  • @kayelle8005
    @kayelle8005 2 года назад +5

    I would have recommended you simply declutter your utility drawer first, Live with it like that for awhile, then work out an organisation system for what remained in that drawer. It is much easier to get into the habit of returning everything to its designated space when there is less stuff.

  • @pattimachugs1945
    @pattimachugs1945 6 месяцев назад +2

    I love the music you use on your channel intro and ending.

  • @lea-kc
    @lea-kc 2 месяца назад

    Clear, specific, direct, and helpful... Perfect! Thank you for the time and effort you put into this video! I know it's been a while, but maybe knowing that this is still helping people will give you a little boost 🚀

  • @suntha
    @suntha 2 года назад +5

    Very useful to me. Thanks a bunch, especially the labeling template for a computer ignoramus.

  • @kathleenalbright3908
    @kathleenalbright3908 6 месяцев назад +7

    I like your idea, but prefer clear boxes (still with labeling) to quickly view the contents without pulling out each box

  • @Susan-ie5nq
    @Susan-ie5nq Год назад +1

    What a great video. Thank you so much for some great ideas on sorting clutter. I felt myself feeling calmer watching how your home is organised so I’m really excited by the thought of starting to use your ideas in my flat . (The entire flat looks very much like your “clutter drawer”.)

  • @achevres
    @achevres 2 года назад +6

    Do you just place the baggies into the appropriate box? Would love a peek into a few of the boxes.

  • @kristabauer2359
    @kristabauer2359 6 месяцев назад

    I really like these ideas for all the miscellaneous stuff. Thank you!

  • @wreckitrose
    @wreckitrose 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for much for the google doc! I really don't want to buy a label maker (I don't like single use items if I can avoid it), so printing on to labels/stickers makes so sense.

  • @tspmcfarlane
    @tspmcfarlane 4 года назад +8

    Great video. Really helpful. Thanks!

    • @tspmcfarlane
      @tspmcfarlane 4 года назад


    • @MauriceMoves
      @MauriceMoves  4 года назад +1

      Thanks so much for giving my small channel a shot! Glad it was helpful! :)

  • @kathycastrission7103
    @kathycastrission7103 4 года назад +5

    I’m motivated now! 🙏

    • @MauriceMoves
      @MauriceMoves  4 года назад +2

      Woohoo! Keep us updated on how it goes plz! 🙏😎

  • @backlogbravery653
    @backlogbravery653 2 года назад +1

    just found your channel, I really enjoy your videos, looking forward to more!

  • @rodney0311
    @rodney0311 2 года назад +2

    Can you share a link for the small ikea boxes? I didn’t find it on their website.

  • @alen7648
    @alen7648 4 месяца назад +1

    Question: what do you do with the frequently used items ?

  • @robertashagam1599
    @robertashagam1599 6 месяцев назад +2

    I seek see through boxes but I guess that defeats the purpose of an uncluttered look.

  • @orikator
    @orikator Год назад

    Thank you!

  • @suzannecarrier287
    @suzannecarrier287 2 года назад

    well said!

  • @giselle7026
    @giselle7026 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you

  • @giselle7026
    @giselle7026 6 месяцев назад

    You are so awesome.

  • @sylvieluca
    @sylvieluca 4 месяца назад

    I feel stupid but I really don't understand how 24 Kuggis can fit in the 60x40x64 Besta?

  • @VideoMazk
    @VideoMazk 2 года назад

    You kept *darts* in your entryway?

  • @Plex128
    @Plex128 2 года назад +5

    "...because no matter what, stackable boxes and blank sticker labels will always be available."
    hmm, lets ask CHatGPT about that:
    "In a world where stackable boxes and blank sticker labels are no longer available, people are forced to come up with creative ways to store and organize their possessions. The lack of these tools has caused widespread chaos and disarray, as people struggle to find ways to keep their homes and businesses in order.
    The absence of stackable boxes and blank sticker labels is due to a global shortage of the raw materials used to produce these items. A series of natural disasters and conflicts have disrupted the supply chain, making it difficult to obtain the cardboard, plastic, and paper that are needed to manufacture these products. As a result, manufacturers have been forced to ration their remaining supplies or cease production altogether.
    Without stackable boxes, people are forced to use whatever containers they can find to store their belongings. This leads to a proliferation of mismatched containers, ranging from old cardboard boxes to trash cans and even laundry baskets. The lack of standardization makes it difficult for people to find what they are looking for, and the haphazard storage solutions are prone to collapsing and spilling their contents."

  • @kuaqimai
    @kuaqimai Год назад

    My room is messy but i don't know where to start it

  • @fotszyrzk79
    @fotszyrzk79 3 месяца назад +1

    these boxes are not cheap.

    • @muskadobbit
      @muskadobbit 2 месяца назад

      @@fotszyrzk79 Samla boxes are clear and much cheaper. They are not as nice looking or fit the Besta as well, but they have helped me organize my computer and electronics stuff as well as craft materials without spending a small fortune. I also have some Kuggis boxes for my good craft supplies, but the Samla are great for this kind of organization.

  • @Volkmannx
    @Volkmannx 2 года назад


  • @Possumgrin
    @Possumgrin 3 месяца назад +1

    Just so everyone is aware using things as they are supposed to be used is not a hack