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Jan 12, 2013 4:43 PM
Mar 2012
u guys do remember that Shin is 15 right?
Feb 16, 2013 11:01 AM

Jan 2012
Can't seem to enjoy the show anymore, to much of Takumi in every episode.

Mar 16, 2013 3:18 PM
Jan 2013
Gee, Takumi scared the hell out of me saying she belonged to someone else for to long WTF!

Nana's breakdown.... After the words at the begging I thought she would go for Yasu, but there goes Reira - poor Shin.

And Hachiko.. she's as if she was paralyzed - maybe of what she's done to all that she cared about, sooo want to believe that's the case, and that if not for Takumi saying he'll take care she wouldn't fall for him.

EDIT: the ending... Oh my.. it gets better each dense episode like this. The one to cry your a** out.
Jul 30, 2013 10:51 AM

Jul 2013
I'm enjoying this show, albeit with a fair amount of heartache, more and more. All the characters, even ones I hate (Takumi) are humanized. They do so many stupid things, but you identify with them anyways. You see a part of Takumi's good side, him being responsible, taking care of Nana's basic needs, but at the same time, he is so controlling that she is silent and he is making every decision. What will happen if someone stands up to him? Will he snap when he no longer has total control over everyone?

Very scary moment when Nana couldn't remember what happened to the glasses, wondering if she managed to save the first glass from falling and having no recollection about the second one. Very sad.

This show is wedging itself into my personal top 5 anime series.
Aug 7, 2013 5:44 AM

Dec 2012
I'm finding myself to be more and more torn between the two guys' and what Nana should do. Maybe that's why she's unable to speak and do things for herself.

But this is what happens when you don't use protection and can't deal with a baby. A lot of lives are being ruined. She needs to start taking responsibility. There's no need to sacrifice all of your friends and your relationships with them. Although what other option is there when you're broke, not married, and have no where to really go without depending or ruing people's lives.

Ugh Takumi's doing all the "right" things, but if he doesn't love Nana then there isn't a point... Hopefully he does grow to love her more, for the sake of Nana and their chid. And everyone else's lives. Ugh poor Hachiko :< Poor Nana as well, she sure isn't taking it well at all. I can't believe she was so pissed off at the table, there's better ways of handling this situation without being all weirdly possessive. I wonder if she really is in love with Hachi...

This show sure is dealing with a lot of taboo related things. Definitely knows how to make a good dramatic show.
Jan 26, 2014 8:26 AM

May 2012
You fucked up big time Nana or should I really start calling you Hachi... like thought the atmosphere is going downhill and very fast, I just wonder if things will get a bit more happier in the end!
Apr 9, 2014 6:14 PM

Aug 2013
It was a good decision to take a couple of hours break from watching this. If I didn't, my heart wouldn't have been able to take it.

Poor Shin :(

Does Takumi really love Hachi or is he marrying her just to keep her for himself?
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jun 5, 2014 5:54 AM

Jan 2014
Layla!! Love itˇˇ ~~~ Hope Nana Osaki will be fine...
Dec 11, 2014 5:19 PM

Nov 2014
Really emotional episode. Takumi... what an asshole!
Jan 2, 2015 6:58 PM

Mar 2014
I want that stupid little son of a bitch Takumi to die in a fire
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jan 4, 2015 5:06 PM

Jun 2014
Takami is a womanizer that makes me a bit sad for Hachi.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 1, 2015 11:03 PM

Oct 2013
... did Takumi actually essentially rape a pregnant woman? the fuuuuuck is WRONG WITH THIS SHOW?

Feb 27, 2015 2:33 PM

Feb 2013
The Takumi/Hachi sex scene make me sick...seriously ugh. It's so painful seeing how Hachi/Nana relationship is starting to fade...damn this show ;_;

Mar 29, 2015 3:27 AM
Jul 2014
Just focus on making me happy?!? Yeah so turn around and spread your legs!!!???? WTF? Come on, this is totally unreal. Takumi is like good guy in the first minute, marrying her, supporting her and the baby, even paying the rent to Nana, buying a new house and finally even planning on meeting with her parents - but-in the next second he's practically raping her?!? Fulfilling wedding vows is one thing (whatever that is) but this is rape in my book!!! I don't know who is more fucked Takumi for doing it-nothing comes free I guess, I can see that he wants something(sex) in return or Tachiko for letting do it-with all her love for Nobu and Nana listening...
Apr 10, 2015 8:12 PM

Jul 2014
This episode was so painful to watch. In a bad way, actually. Takumi had his worst Kick the Dog moment, but I can't help but blame Hachi. I had never seen such an unsympathetic main character.
So many personality flaws, balanced only by her naiveté and kindness. Well, that's not enough. She is a despicable person, imo.
This series is overall good, because the character interactions and personalities are kind of realistic, while, on average, in other anime series they are highly unrealistic and childish. But the plot is carried by the usual cheap drama that we (or, at least, I) had already seen and hated in a lot of live action tv series.
Nobu introduced a nice heartwarming interlude that pleased me, decreasing my hate for the main character, but, as expected, it was promptly ruined. I can't help but hate this kind of plot device. I'm personally not entertained by this kind of drama and personality flaws driving the plot.
Of course I'm biased though. I don't like the strong bond between sex and affection that this series depict, and I'm maybe too pragmatic to understand the characters' feelings.
Jul 23, 2015 4:48 AM

Oct 2013
I think the only thing we guys are glad about from this episode is that Nobuo has cleared his mind for now apart from that it's going all downhill for everybody.

Man I got so pissed off when Hachi agreed to go to bed with Takumi while Nana was in the living room, what the fuck was that all about, even though she tried to resist a bit she should have just called for Nana or tell Takumi to off himself at that point. I don't blame Nana for breaking the glasses and running away, and whatever she decides to do from this point on I can't blame her.

Definitely one of the best episodes of the show so far.
Sep 7, 2015 5:46 AM

May 2014
"We'll get married, I'm looking for a new house, you're pregnant... now we'll have sex!" The hell is wrong with this guy!

And all the feels when Reira asked Shin of Yasu's number...
Oct 16, 2015 2:20 AM

Jul 2013
This was such an emotional episode.
I definitly saw Takumi's possessive nature in this episode.I hated how he pretty much told Nana1 that she was supposed to do what he wanted.
I really wish Nana1 and Nana2 could have reached a point in the series where they realized that they could learn to support each other because they're both weak and also in the process help each other grow and become better but at this point I don't think I'll see it and I think it's so sad how they seem to care so much for each other but at very crucial points they fail to bridge that gap between them due to their own personal issues.Unfortunately,they just only seem to keep hurting each other .
Hearing that Takumi was married and having a kid must have really hurt Reira.Reira was using Shin to fill the emptiness and he unwittingly fell for her in the process which cost him in the end.If he's writing a song on it then I guess he will survive.
I'm glad that despite everything at least Nobu is doing okay
Also I'm worried about Nana2.Did she blackout or something? I wonder if it could be health related?
Jan 21, 2016 6:02 PM

May 2012
wow, is all i can say.... its crazy how one persons selfishness can cause pain for so so so many... like lets see how many people were affected by this... takumi, nobu, nana, hachi, layla, and indirectly ren, yasu, shin, and the blonde dude... like holy shit
Feb 27, 2016 6:59 AM
Jun 2014
does anyone know the song that plays about 16 minutes into this episode? I couldn't find it on any soundtrack :( it's such a good song too
Apr 5, 2016 3:39 PM

Aug 2014
Reira wanting to talk with Yasu all of sudden? why him?
Shin is writing song about her?
Takumi doing everything his way.
white Nana being useless
black Nana being lost

but at least it is not going towards tragedy is it?
I was scared like everyone that it will end with some death or hospital but they probably will just stop seeing each other and live their lives.

Homolust said:


Madness? T H I S I S HA CHI KO !!! ;d
Thyriad-oPPailovApr 12, 2016 5:41 AM
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Dec 5, 2016 9:35 PM
Sep 2015
"Don't you worry about a thing, just focus on pleasing me" - as he presses protesting Hachi face down into the bed. Just when you think that maybe, just maybe, deep down he might be a decent guy.

If they get married, that will be one unhappy-as-fuck union.
Dec 30, 2016 8:35 PM

Sep 2015
Haha thought Reira was gonna say something ridiculous with that phone call to Shin about marrying him.
Mar 2, 2017 8:18 PM

Mar 2015
Whew this is spiraling out of control!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Aug 6, 2017 3:22 AM

Nov 2016
One of the very, very best drama anime I've ever seen, totally digging it.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 22, 2018 4:05 PM

May 2016
I can't describe it in words.....
Apr 28, 2018 6:32 PM

Oct 2012
God Takumi is unbearable. What an utter douche bag
Mar 17, 2019 5:41 AM

Jul 2014
meneope said:
merle_noir said:

I... have to say, I was shocked at Takumi's actions. Hachi just seemed scared of him, to me. And Nana commenting that she's not "Takumi's pet" made me think that hey, yeah, that's exactly what she's acting like: as though she were Takumi's pet dog, i.e. something he owns, not someone he views as an equal or partner.

What do you expect Takumi to do? Isn't he doing enough? What equal partner are you talking about when the bride-to-be was screwing around with another guy just a few days ago!?! Where's her loyalty? If she's serious about marrying Takumi she could at the very least pretend to enjoy it as she had with Nobu! It's the least she could do, Takumi's a human being too, how much crap do you expect him to take? What equal partner? Does she view her men as equal partners?

Her being a dog is more than praise worthy. I've heard and known of many girls in real life who let themselves fall pregnant to get somebody else man and none of them have succeeded in my experience. That tactic seems to work well for Hachi though - in fact she seems so messed up that no one would actually even accuse her of being a gold digger!

I kept making excuses for Nana throughout the series saying she's just a new girl, trying to find herself. But in reality she is very naive and very very dumb. What I absolutely hate about her is the fact that she dosen't have any pride. She is not even making decisions for herself, she isn't standing up for herself at all! She never did! All she is doing is fucking everyone over and fucking herself over. She puts up this broken girl act every time something happens. I tried to understand her so much but she let herself go some time ago and I don't think she's coming back. What she can do is try and speak up for what the fuck she wants. Because watching her at that table when Takumi was making decisions made me question her existence.
Takumi is an asshole! He dosen't give a fuck about the baby or about Nana. Literally I don't see what everyone sees in him, I find him such a phony. All he actually cares about is his career, and how the public will see it. Another fucking character that i find absolutely disgusting. If he's so hurt about it why does he keep going back to the same goddamn woman that ruins everything?

I need to finish this anime and stop caring about it. I'm way too into it and I started feeling weird emotions while watching it. This journey was not fun.
"That smile was like the sun on a hot summer day...with eyes like ice."
Mar 21, 2019 8:10 PM
Jul 2014
The symbolic glasses TT^TT
'I preferred the pain of breaking into pieces over the loneliness I felt from losing everything.' that hit deep ;-;

This love polygon is now even more confusing because Shin is starting the catch feelings for Layla while Layla is trying to erase the pain of loving Takumi by trying to get back together with Yasu again who likes Nana even though she is already in a relationship with Ren but has feelings for(?) Hachi who is now getting married to Takumi because she is bearing his child even though she was dating Nobuo when the news broke that she was preggo *deep breath* then there's Naoki who's the most unproblematic and lowkey character lol
May 18, 2019 4:15 AM

Oct 2012
I don't know about that decision
But I figured she'll take the marriage path
Pretty sure that kind of glass could be bought in the same place, surely there's a lot of it :P

I just hope she won't regret that decision
Though judging from the Nana's narration, this is all just a regretful flashback

What a depressing episode, a lot of things broke in this episode
Rayl1ghtMay 18, 2019 4:25 AM
"Signature removed"
Jun 5, 2019 6:59 PM
Apr 2016
This episode was painful, it was so frustrating, I nearly teared up. So, where to start? Nana is so damn stressed, she's in so much pain, she doesn't remember what happened after the glass cup dropped, so, some sort of split personality self-defense mechanism that developed solely from the stress caused by this whole pregnancy conflict? Anyway, it got me speechless and nervous, I'm hoping it doesn't turn out too bad.. I felt bad for Shin, seems like for the first time in his life he was actually developing feelings for someone, and then Reira straight up killed all of it, awh. Well, we got to know that Reira loves Takumi, which is really unfortunate. Impactful episode, had me nearly tearing up.
Sep 25, 2019 12:49 PM

Jun 2015
and here I thought Takumi would be a better man than I thought but he is still scum. Nana's life with him will be living hell.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Oct 20, 2019 10:39 AM

Jun 2016
The glass scene was sad af!
May 29, 2020 11:59 AM

Jul 2015
They are moving quite fast with the (worst decision) marriage stuff, I feel bad for nobu. I'm convinced now Takumi is quite the terrible dude, being so pushy with what he wants.

I already expected Layla to love Takumi and Yasu to be just someone who comforts her, but I didn't expected Shin to actually love her too...

Oh boy, the love web has become quite complex with almost all BLAST and Trapnest people liking a different person..... I'm glad misato isn't in this mess

Jun 3, 2020 6:28 AM

Nov 2008
Each episode feels like a punch to the gut.
Jun 5, 2020 8:49 AM

Jul 2019
Hachiko is such a clown I cant take it
Jul 6, 2020 10:13 AM

Feb 2020
what's angering me the most is why hachi is staying so silent about everything. takumi is the one who revealed her pregnancy over the phone - now he's the one telling nana about hachi moving out and their marriage :/ also, takumi forcing himself on a pregnant woman is actually disgusting what a dick lol

i feel bad for shin and i wonder what else is behind reira and yasu's relationship. when the glasses rolled over i was so close to crying.

poor nobu, he acts normal even after all this and comforts nana after everything rude she's said. hope nana + nobu will be ok ):
Jul 23, 2020 1:15 PM

Nov 2018
It's weird that Takumi is so serious about his image , career , planning everything so many years ahead, but he forgets to use fcking condom , seriously?Seems too out of character tbh.

And Layla ... doesn't seem to actually love Shin , but Shin seems to have a crush on her for real...

Looks like it's gone full drama mode.Everyone has problems in relationships.
I hate everyone equally
Nov 23, 2020 4:17 PM
Nov 2019
Since no one said it i'll say it. SHIN GOT AN ACOUSTIC
Dec 23, 2020 1:23 PM
Feb 2015
Naoki said that Hachi is tactful but it's actually Takumi who's calculating his moves and making everyone accept and follow his plan whether they like it or not. Also, Takumi is disgusting for forcing himself on Hachi, just when you might think he's a decent person.
Jan 2, 2021 4:01 PM
Nov 2020
Im so done with Hachiko atp. You cannot help someone that doesn’t wanna help themselves and atp she is just toxic and emotionally taxing to Nana. I sympathize with her in some ways but people like that, who made every sungle mistake she couldve possible made, made every wrong choice, with 0 backbone and no respect for themselves allowing themselves to be so easily manipulated.. you get whats coming for you. It is sad. Now she will just have to live an unhappy life until she realizes how unhappy she is and how huge mistakes shes made.. serves her right? I guess. I wish we had a better main character. I do appreciate how realistic she is, it is definitely true that girls like her exist and im happy if it taught girls not to be like her years ago growing up watching this show, but man who wants to watch this?
Jan 25, 2021 9:25 AM
Bhaal babe

Jul 2015
Raines said:

Man I got so pissed off when Hachi agreed to go to bed with Takumi while Nana was in the living room, what the fuck was that all about, even though she tried to resist a bit she should have just called for Nana or tell Takumi to off himself at that point.
I hate Nana a lot and she is really stupid, but how can you blame her for being raped?

This episode was really hard to watch for me. I don't know what is going to happen next but I'm literally going to hate every single episode if Takumi is on it, help. And please, can Nana learn to communicate with her friends???????
Apr 28, 2021 10:13 AM
Mar 2021
i love nana so much i know i say this after every episode but god i wish i could just give them both a big hug
juno is so smart, she completely right
Jun 10, 2021 6:46 PM

Apr 2021
Ok Takumi was already trash and not one episode later he sexually assaults hachi.... please someone recognize that he is an emotionally manipulative and abusive person and save hachi 😭
Oct 22, 2021 2:20 PM

Jul 2020
damn this is fucked up. got me sad af. nana is pretty good at pulling emotional strings (at least for me in this arc)
Aug 13, 2022 12:02 AM
Feb 2021
This is so fucked. And the cherry on top of this episode is the people blaming Hachi for being raped 🥴. Takumi swooped in like a vulture and manipulated the situation to his benefit when he saw how emotionally vulnerable Hachi was. Unfortunately, Nana and Nobu also failed to step up and be there for her on that critical night, and after Junko basically tells her to go with Takumi for the good of the baby (after correctly identifying him as manipulative to boot), ofc she resigns herself to the situation and follows Takumi like a little dog. He was the only one out of the three (him, Nana, and Nobu) who seemed like someone she could rely on. Unfortunately he’s also possessive and controlling. Hachi is naive, a hopeless romantic, and hasn’t developed a strong sense of self and purpose but was on the path of trying to (shes in her early fucking twenties!!! Of course she’ll make stupid mistakes and do dumb things and it’s not easy to change yourself or break the cycle of bad habits as many animes like to depict). And she had just gotten cheated on. She is insecure and emotionally vulnerable when she began her relationship with Takumi, and he can absolutely sense that and recognize her as someone he can easily control. Hell the only reason he pursued her was because of his ego pissing contest with Nobu. He’ll whisper sweet nothings to her (‘I want you to be mine’) when they’re fucking, then just doesn’t answer her emails. Only calls her to make sure the person staying over wasnt a man. Constant push and pull. (Anyone who wonders why Hachi found it so hard to break it off with him has never had the pleasure of knowing and being in a relationship with someone like this, and I hope they never will). Until she tells him to piss off and never call her again and he realizes she’s free from his grasp thanks to Nobu. But nooo he can’t stand that. He forces his way into her home, refuses to respect her boundaries, tells Nana and Nobu about her pregnancy, makes them think she was cheating on Nobu with him. Knowing she’s broke he offers to take care of the child (which under ordinary circumstances is a decent thing to do, the bare minimum really) but he doesn’t stop there. Having a child together wasn’t enough, now he also wants her to be legally tied to him. 😐 What was the episode where Nana talks about the meaning of the word Trapnest and says the person who came up with that name must have been possessive af and the camera rests on Takumi’s face on the Trapnest poster? Yeah.

I cant say I agree with her decision to keep the baby, but to her credit she doesn’t place pressure on Nobu to raise the child and give up on his dreams. But it’s devastating that she’s essentially giving up her happiness for the good of the baby. Although I dont know how happy the child can be in such a dysfunctional home with a father like Takumi.

I swear, i do myself no good reading these MAL threads because this anime is so good at exposing people’s misogyny and general lack of empathy.
vodkaproblemsAug 13, 2022 12:45 AM
Sep 5, 2022 10:15 AM

Apr 2016
I feel for Nana's abandonment issues and it gives a new light to how Nobu described how they became friends, she's also unable to talk to Hachi despite having her right there sitting in front of her but wants to give her unconditional support just like Yasu does with her but it adds to her frustation because Hachi is not in a right place to just tell her everything especially when Takumi is being his usual possessive next to her, ugh, it doesn't help Hachi that her dream was being a mother and a housewife so she's holding onto this "realistic" version of her dream.

Man, I didn't trusted Takumi but he's truly the worst without any doubt fuck this rapist.
Sep 29, 2022 4:00 PM

Jul 2016
When this anime was airing people barely talked about emotional abuse, so I guess it’s not easy for them to recognize Nanas past abusive relationships (I’m talking about the married guy) and her inability to get out of bad relationships.
Hachi is in for some pretty rough treatment if she stays with Takumi.
Both Nanas need serious counseling.
Everyone is on a downward spiral into a blackhole of suffering.
Both Nanas being torn apart, poor Nobu just trying to hang in there, Reira finding out about Takumi getting married, her asking Shin for Yasus number instead of going to him, Yasu will get sucked in too. And Ren is just there I guess…
Nov 12, 2022 4:42 PM
Aug 2022
TAKUMI N HACHI ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED????????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IN THIS I REFUSE oh god why is it so hard to tolerate takumi this mf
Dec 28, 2022 2:12 AM
Dec 2018
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