How To Build A Business That Works | Brian Tracy

  • Опубликовано: 7 мар 2025

Комментарии • 1,8 тыс.

  • @Babett_B
    @Babett_B 4 года назад +910

    This should be behind gated content.
    I never, ever take notes from presentations, it feels like I've heard it all before.
    But this one... wow. Gold!
    Listen to this wonderful genius. Give it 20 minutes and I promise you, you will be busy jotting down his words as well.

    • @JoePolish
      @JoePolish  4 года назад +36

      Thank you 🙏

    • @MB561
      @MB561 3 года назад +21

      Really? I just didn't get that at all from it. I feel like it's the opposite. He said mostly extremely obvious things. Common sense that I would never think to make a video about given how obvious these ideas are (the one's he's correct about that is).

    • @Babett_B
      @Babett_B 3 года назад +62

      @@MB561 You are 100% right. And Brian Tracy often says it too that he's not teaching rocket science. He teaches common sense, distilled down to actionable steps. But common sense is not common practice :(

    • @MB561
      @MB561 3 года назад +41

      @@Babett_B Thank you for that polite classy reply. Yes he does. I guess I am just surprised at what he's saying because I was expecting to hear the password or keys to the kingdom but instead it really IS about doing common sense things among other strategies. Again, thank you for the polite reply to my comment instead of what usually happens on the internet which is that people hide behind their keyboard and use this hidden status to reply with extremely rude and insulting comments. You are one of the classy ones out there in the "cyber world". You pointed out to me that I missed he says these are common sense and does not imply what he is saying is some sort of hidden gem that his brilliant brain has discovered. Thank you for the classy reply and feedback. Have a wonderful day Projectifi !! :-)

    • @Babett_B
      @Babett_B 3 года назад +18

      @@MB561 That's awesome. Everybody wins :)

  • @giftswalla6362
    @giftswalla6362 11 месяцев назад +188

    1. Focus on what matters
    2. Stay clam in crisis
    3. Create a solid product
    4. Aim for word of mouth publicity
    5. Be solution oriented
    6. Cut your losses today
    7. Think slow about the big decisions
    8. Hire the right horses
    9. All business skills are learnable
    10. Customer is king. Almost god like. You are the business of customer service.

    • @ingridgrace4932
      @ingridgrace4932 10 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you 🎉

    • @WellnessWisdom24-7
      @WellnessWisdom24-7 8 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks a ton!

    • @Christinetinah-hp2ju
      @Christinetinah-hp2ju 6 месяцев назад +1

      Thank yu✨🙏🏾

    • @ShotofLuxury
      @ShotofLuxury 5 месяцев назад

      ➡️#2---> Stay ( *clam* ) in crisis?👀🫨Was that meant to read *calm?* Just wanted to clarify that I read it right or read it wrong.

    • @brittonbrittonjr8796
      @brittonbrittonjr8796 3 месяца назад

      @@ShotofLuxury as in clam-up...remain silent..? or to dive into the ocean :D

  • @garnold-l5p
    @garnold-l5p 5 месяцев назад +835

    Biggest lesson i learnt in 2023 in the stock market is that nobody knows what is going to happen next, so practice some humility and low a strategy with a long term edge.

    • @williamspach2322
      @williamspach2322 5 месяцев назад +4

      You're correct. I think the smartest way to go is to spread out your investments. By putting your money into different asset classes like bonds, real estate, and stocks from other countries, you can lower the risk if one part of the market goes bad.

    • @Mlanderos-t9e
      @Mlanderos-t9e 5 месяцев назад +3

      That sounds like a good plan. In the past two years, working closely with a financial market specialist, I've built a six-figure diversified stock portfolio. Now, I aim to diversify even more this year.

    • @Raniyanhunter
      @Raniyanhunter 5 месяцев назад +1

      Talking about a financial market specialist, do you consider anyone worthy of recommendations? I have about 100k to test the waters now that large cap stocks are at a discount... Thanks

    • @Mlanderos-t9e
      @Mlanderos-t9e 5 месяцев назад +4

      Certainly, there are a handful of experts in the field. I've experimented with a few over the past years, but I've stuck with ‘’Judith Lynn Staufer’’ for about five years now, and her performance has been consistently impressive.She’s quite known in her field, look-her up.

    • @tcortez_70
      @tcortez_70 5 месяцев назад +3

      Thank you so much for the suggestion! I really needed it. I looked her up on Google and explored her website; she has an impressive background in investments. I've sent her an email, and I hope to hear back from her soon!

  • @marykane5215
    @marykane5215 Год назад +277

    Joe Polish is a blessing to many. I achieved success with the easy steps below.

    • @marykane5215
      @marykane5215 Год назад

      Many need to know this. A known podcast in the US taught me how the rich seek the ideas of FinanciaI ConsuItants to help earn success. That’s the secret the rich don’t teach you. I took this step and my finance breathes so good now 🤑

    • @marykane5215
      @marykane5215 Год назад

      Growth in finance is assured with the help of a FinanciaI consuItant. I engage in a lot with the ldeas of my consuItant and it yielded great returns. get in touch with her full name below

    • @ryanphilips4808
      @ryanphilips4808 Год назад +2

      There’s no limit to what you can achieve in life (including success) if you put your mind to it.
      Opportunity is a scarce commodity. I will partake in this. Luckily I stumble into this.

    • @ryanphilips4808
      @ryanphilips4808 Год назад

      You deserve all the attention. I just reached out to the financiaI consuItant. I’m excited to partake in this awesome experience. 🙌

    • @cynthiabivins4999
      @cynthiabivins4999 Год назад

      Thats's awesome! Are you looking for a digital marketing expert? If yes, Then search on google with @juwelbd199

  • @johnlennon232
    @johnlennon232 Год назад +477

    Thank you. Just what I needed to watch. My wife and I are directors of our farm business and own property, plus small pensions. I am nearly 55, my wife is 52. We have started to save to retire from the farm, and possibly live on rental income, I'd really appreciate you go LIVE and talk about how to earn passive income online and retire comfortably, let’s say $1M.

    • @alexyoung3126
      @alexyoung3126 Год назад +3

      you should consider financial planning.

    • @joesphcu8975
      @joesphcu8975 Год назад +1

      It isn’t about how much you save, it’s about how you manage your money. Whether you work to earn income or invest, it still boils down to income vs expenses, so yeah you may look into financial advisors for a strategy that suits your timing.

    • @lawerencemiller9720
      @lawerencemiller9720 Год назад +2

      I totally agree, I'm 60 and newly retired with about 1.2 million outside retirement funds, no debt, and very small dollars in retirement funds compared to my portfolio balance over the past 3 years till date. tbh, the role of the investment advisor can only be overlooked, not denied. just have to do your research in finding a reputable one.

    • @kimyoung8414
      @kimyoung8414 Год назад +1

      Do you mind sharing info on the adviser who assisted you? been saving for pension since age 18 - company scheme. along the way I hit higher tax, so I added to my company pension with a SIPP (tax benefits) I'm 50 now and would love to grow my finance more aggressively, there are a few cars I still wish to drive, a few mega holidays, etc.

    • @lawerencemiller9720
      @lawerencemiller9720 Год назад +3

      Having a counselor is essential for portfolio diversification. My advisor is Eileen Ruth Sparks who is easily searchable and has extensive knowledge of the financial markets.

  • @GFDGroup
    @GFDGroup Год назад +14

    I'm 20 years old and on my way to start my own business.I'm going to do my best to succeed!

    • @GaryHendricks-g2u
      @GaryHendricks-g2u 7 месяцев назад +2

      How is your business going?

    • @cattorisedstories
      @cattorisedstories 2 месяца назад +1

      I’ve learned so much from this video today. I’ve been in business for one year now, and I’ve made many mistakes and learned a lot along the way. Starting today, until this same day next year, InshaAllah, my business will grow and become very successful

  • @franciscopiojrcevallos3953
    @franciscopiojrcevallos3953 2 года назад +7

    Pray to God First thing in the morning when you wake up,and bring God with you in prayer throughout the day,tell God everything even about small things even a toothache tell God if it bothers you that much ,he is concerned with it,then God will take care of everything,just do your best and leave the rest to God,that’s how you’ll be at peace and have focus of the present moment which is truly the only reality we have,God bless us all,God is great

  • @johnben9
    @johnben9 Год назад +956

    Managing money is different from accumulating wealth, and the lack of investment education in schools may explain why people struggle to maintain their financial gains. The examples you provided are relevant, and I personally benefited from the market crisis, as I embrace challenging times while others tend to avoid them. Well, at least my advisor does too, jokingly.

    • @MarkGrimm8
      @MarkGrimm8 Год назад +3

      investors should exercise caution with their exposure and exercise caution when considering new investments, particularly during periods of inflation. It is advisable to seek guidance from a professional or trusted advisor in order to navigate this recession and achieve potential high yields.

    • @frankbarnes22
      @frankbarnes22 Год назад +4

      @@MarkGrimm8 This is superb! Information, as a noob it gets quite difficult to handle all of this and staying informed is a major cause, how do you go about this are you a pro investor?

    • @MarkGrimm8
      @MarkGrimm8 Год назад +1

      Through closely monitoring the performance of my portfolio, I have witnessed a remarkable growth of $486k in the last six month. This experience has shed light on why experienced traders are able to generate substantial returns even in lesser-known markets. It is safe to say that this bold decision has been one of the most impactful choices I have made recently.

    • @monicawill5
      @monicawill5 Год назад

      @@MarkGrimm8 wow ,that’s stirring! Do you mind connecting me to your advisor please. I desperately need one to diversified my portfolio

    • @MarkGrimm8
      @MarkGrimm8 Год назад +1

      The adviser I'm in touch with is Natalie Lynn Fisk She works with Merrill, Pierce, Smith incorporated and interviewed on CNBC Television. You can use something else, for me her strategy works hence my result. She provides entry and exit point for the securities I focus on.

  • @John-s1x2z
    @John-s1x2z Месяц назад +947

    Joe! Thank you so much! I'm into business myself. Just setting up and LLC through Nexalic because I seen many times mentioned in the comments that it's crucial to have one and they do it for 39 bucks. Any one else worked with them?

  • @oghenetegeokenono4927
    @oghenetegeokenono4927 Год назад +549

    I wish i learnt most of these principles about seven years ago. A lot of people have been trapped strongly in the matrix-- Go to school, get a job, and then slave your whole life. Many miss out on life-changing information that could have great effect on their finances. I played with the stock market sometime in 2020, and I was surprised at how well it turned out. I want to put in $90k more into the market. I heard people are making really great returns despite the downturn. Any recommendations?

    • @Philippinespolicedepartment
      @Philippinespolicedepartment Год назад

      Avert too-good-to-be-true con tricks. Consult a fiduciary counselor; these professionals are among the best in the business and offer individualized guidance to clients based on their risk tolerance. There are undesirable ones, but some with a solid track record can be excellent.

    • @AlbarranMarco-hu8yj
      @AlbarranMarco-hu8yj Год назад

      Yes, I've been in constant touch with a Financial Analyst Mark Stuart Jordan for approximately 8 months. You know, these days it's really easy to buy into trending stocks, but the task is determining when to sell or keep. That's where my manager comes in, to help me with entry and exit points in the industries I'm engaged in. Can’t say I regret it, I’m 40% up in profits just in 5months with my initial capital of $160k

    • @DanielAlbarran-re2gv
      @DanielAlbarran-re2gv Год назад

      How can one find a verifiable financial planner? I would not mind looking up the professional that helped you. I will be retiring in two years and I might need some management on my much larger portfolio. Don't want to take any chances.

    • @PatrickVien-ik5pb
      @PatrickVien-ik5pb Год назад

      Big Credits to Mark Stuart Jordan he has a web presence, so you can simply search for, there are some others but it might be difficult to get them, but Mark Stuart Jordan has been a good guide through the year.

    • @BiancaD.Jordan
      @BiancaD.Jordan Год назад

      I just looked up Mark Stuart Jordan online and researched his accreditation. He seem very proficient, I wrote him detailing my Fin-market goals and scheduled a call.

  • @alexstephanie8051
    @alexstephanie8051 2 года назад +186

    Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. Financial management is a crucial topic that most tend to shy away from, and ends up haunting them in the near future. Putting our time and effort in activities and investments that will yield a profitable return in the future is what we should be aiming for. Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it. "You're not going to remember those expensive shoes you bought ten years ago, but you will remember every single morning when you look at your bank account that extra 0 in there. I promise, that's going to be way more fun to look at everyday", I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life

    • @Charles-ew3km
      @Charles-ew3km 2 года назад +1

      @Jamie Janny Exactly ! That's my major concern and what kind of profitable business or investment can someone do with the current rise in economic downturn

    • @steveashley8260
      @steveashley8260 2 года назад +1

      @Jamie Janny Yeah you're right, that's why I had to start Forex trading two months ago and now i'm making benefits from it now.

    • @gabrielsmith9781
      @gabrielsmith9781 2 года назад +1

      @Scott Nicole O ' Yes I'm a living testimony of her good work expert Benson Sandra

    • @gabrielsmith9781
      @gabrielsmith9781 2 года назад +1

      Mrs Benson Sandra has changed my financial

    • @gabrielsmith9781
      @gabrielsmith9781 2 года назад +1

      status for the best ,all thanks to my aunt

  • @ChristopherHandley-ek4ul
    @ChristopherHandley-ek4ul 11 месяцев назад +763

    Hi! I’m excited to be here in your channel and I’m interested in learning more about investing and saving up for my retirement but am a little confused about the whole process. Any advice or tips to get me started up would be greatly appreciated.

    • @SaraAhmadi-tn8nn
      @SaraAhmadi-tn8nn 11 месяцев назад

      Most people either do not understand the power of compound interest, or are just impatient. For the average Joe, however. I think it is just best to invest in the S&P 500, and just wait, which is reliable, albeit extremely long-lots of years. Or just use a professional analyst and speed up wealth creation. Most people underestimate the power of the latter

    • @RebeccaGilpin
      @RebeccaGilpin 11 месяцев назад

      You're absolutely right about the power of compound interest and the long-term potential of investing in index funds like the S&P 500. For many, passive investing in broadly diversified funds can be a reliable strategy over time.

    • @FrankBrook-js9yh
      @FrankBrook-js9yh 11 месяцев назад

      Employing a professional financial analyst or advisor can certainly add value by offering tailored advice, portfolio diversification, risk management, and timely insights. Their expertise can potentially speed up wealth creation and navigate market complexities, but it's important to choose someone reputable and consider their fees, as they can impact your overall returns.

    • @Adams52523
      @Adams52523 11 месяцев назад

      I agree with you. I started out with investing on my own, but I lost a lot of money. I was able to pull out about $200k after the 2020 crash I invested the money using an analyst, and in seven months, I raked in almost $673,000

    • @ChristopherHandley-ek4ul
      @ChristopherHandley-ek4ul 11 месяцев назад

      Exactly! That's my major concern and what kind of profitable business or investment can someone do with the current rise in economic downturnHow can I reach her pls?

    @TÂM_KINH_TỪ_BI Год назад +2

    *To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. Amen. Hallelujah 😇❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏*

  • @fflk4
    @fflk4 2 года назад +19

    Successful people don't become that way Overnight.
    What most people see at a glance wealth, a great
    career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle
    over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be
    Successful in life..

    • @Bernd428
      @Bernd428 2 года назад

      You are right,

    • @Bernd428
      @Bernd428 2 года назад

      Most people don't invest due to ignorance

    • @Bernd428
      @Bernd428 2 года назад

      don't be scared of giving any one a try

    • @Kjartan888
      @Kjartan888 2 года назад

      Talking of being successful! I think that am
      blessed because if not I wouldn't have met
      Someone who is as spectacular as Mrs Charity Combs

    • @Kjartan888
      @Kjartan888 2 года назад

      She helped me recover all that I lost while trying
      to trade for my self.

  • @thestylishman2536
    @thestylishman2536 2 года назад +28

    Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance wealth, a great career, purpose is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life

    • @mysteryrecapped7453
      @mysteryrecapped7453 2 года назад

      I once attended similar and ever since then been waxing strong financially, and i most tell you the truth..invstmnt is the key that can secure your family future.

    • @_Carlos_872
      @_Carlos_872 2 года назад +1

      I urge everyone to start somewhere now no matter how small, this is literally the time for that, forget material things, don't get tempted,i became more better the moment i realized this.

    • @superherovssuperherofight6645
      @superherovssuperherofight6645 2 года назад

      Exactly! That's my major concern and what kind of profitable business or invstmnt can someone do with the current rise in economic downturn

    • @grayson4762
      @grayson4762 2 года назад

      Profitable Invstmnt one can do convenantly at this momnt

    • @grayson4762
      @grayson4762 2 года назад

      : Share
      : Stock
      : forex trading

  • @tahirisaid2693
    @tahirisaid2693 Год назад +874

    I wasn't financial free until my 40’s and I’m still in my 40’s, bought my third house already, earn on a monthly through passive income, and got 4 out of 5 goals, just hope it encourages someone that it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any of them right now, you can start TODAY regardless your age INVEST and change your future! Investing in the financial market is a grand choice I made. Great video! Thanks for sharing!

    • @georgestone0123
      @georgestone0123 Год назад

      Whichever firm you select, make sure you get your insurance from a reputable financial adviser, such as *ROCHELLE DUNGCA-SCHREIBER,* who has dedicated her career to financial planning. Because they will assist you in escalating, navigating better, and completing the task in a safer manner.

    • @tahirisaid2693
      @tahirisaid2693 Год назад +2

      I want to build a diversified portfolio based on my personal income. I am easily triggered/highly emotional, which could be detrimental to my portfolio. I hope I am a patient and systematic person. day trading is not for everyone and multiyear holding is not for everyone. I know my strengths that's why I need proper guidance to be able to venture

    • @georgestone0123
      @georgestone0123 Год назад

      I have saved myself from all the hassle that chaotic market causes. These days the best way to come into the market space is by reading, studying, being patient, and seeking guidance when necessary, due to my line of work I can’t handle my portfolio so I just copy the trades of my FA. I saw her on Bloomberg business news. It’s been smooth since then.

    • @tahirisaid2693
      @tahirisaid2693 Год назад

      how can I reach this person because I am in need of a better investment approach??

    • @georgestone0123
      @georgestone0123 Год назад

      You can glance her name up on the internet and verify her yourself.

  • @bodhi9464
    @bodhi9464 Год назад +5

    As a young man (I’m in the latter half now); I listened to innumerable cassette tapes including Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins and so on.
    I read every book I could get my hands on (personal development).
    I’m happy to say that so far ~ life ~ despite the roller coaster 🎢 ride (at times) has been great .
    Never stop learning and never stop goal setting .
    I wish all people listening ~ under the age of 30 ~ read, learn, listen and put into ACTION .
    You CAN if you think you can. 🙏🏼🇦🇺

  • @abdulsaeed5540
    @abdulsaeed5540 2 года назад +49

    I was following Brian's theories since 2000 when I graduated from engineering uni. It has helped my life tremendously and shared with all my contacts including my family, community etc. It is real gem. I could have skip school, uni with his ideas.
    By the way, he's not the only global speaker I learned from. Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Zig Ziglar, Napoleon Hill and Bob Proctor are giants too.

    • @Sparkshift3
      @Sparkshift3 Год назад

      How's ur life bro do u feel more happy?

    • @memet985
      @memet985 Год назад +1

      @@Sparkshift3thats doesnt matter.

  • @lailaalfaddil7389
    @lailaalfaddil7389 2 года назад +450

    The wisest thing that should be on every wise individual's list is to invest in different stream of income and don't depend on the Government to bring in money.

    • @susannnico
      @susannnico 2 года назад

      This is a scary time for new investors but the best thing you can do is not to make decisions based on emotions. This could actually be a good time to buy more of your high conviction stocks or crypto on a discount. Wealth is created during bear markets, not bull markets. If your portfolio is really effecting your mental health then delete the app and go for a walk. Let the market do its thing and have a long time horizon

    • @lailaalfaddil7389
      @lailaalfaddil7389 2 года назад

      ROCHELLE we go>>

    • @susannnico
      @susannnico 2 года назад

      I have really heard a lot from people bout *ROCHELLE DUNGCA-SCHREIBER* but, do not know how to start and I really want to give her a chance, how do i reach out to her please?

    • @lailaalfaddil7389
      @lailaalfaddil7389 2 года назад

      You can just put her name on google and you will be directed to her website and drop her your messages

    • @susannnico
      @susannnico 2 года назад

      I just looked up this person out of curiosity, and surprisingly she seems proficient. I thought this was just some overrated BS, I appreciate this big big

  • @kevinmarten
    @kevinmarten 2 года назад +634

    Few years ago, majority hoped for a downturn so they could invest and come out big with more profits like most investors did, now an opportunity has presented itself and they’re still holding back. Nothing spectacular come out of playing it safe, maximum returns can be obtained with maximum volatility.

    • @martingiavarini
      @martingiavarini 2 года назад +2

      it all depends on how long you're willing to hold for and your strategies, stocks might likely tank further, but making serious gains in this downtrend shouldn't be a problem if you're a pro

    • @lipglosskitten2610
      @lipglosskitten2610 2 года назад +1

      Thats true, I've been getting assisted by a FA for almost a year now, I started out with less than $200K and I'm just $19,000 short of half a million in profit.

    • @lipglosskitten2610
      @lipglosskitten2610 2 года назад +1

      @Dan Brooks Christine Jane Mclean is actuaIIy the one that guides me, she’s a hlghIy-sought out advlser, so I’m not certain she’s acceptlng new intakes, but you can give it a shot. It wouldn’t be proper to just Ieave her number Iying around, but she has a webpage you can look at if you googIe her name.

    • @TheOriginalSkyGuardian
      @TheOriginalSkyGuardian 2 года назад

      People are scared of taking chances because if it doesn't work out they are in a worse spot than they were when they began.

  • @danerose575
    @danerose575 2 года назад +6

    Brian Tracy helped me start my first company when I was seventeen. Thirty years later, he's helping my wife create more success and I still refer his course.

  • @edianaserepiao3692
    @edianaserepiao3692 2 года назад +307

    .This is quite an interesting information,
    But success depends on the effort and work you put in achieving greatness.
    Show me someone without investment or depend on one source of income and I’ll tell you how long it’s gonna take to go bankrupt.
    Investing creates a safe haven for the future.
    With the right investment choice that has at least 2% minimum risk with the advice of an expert, profits and interest are 100% guaranteed.

    • @Smith.ash2
      @Smith.ash2 2 года назад

      Oh wow, it’s great to see someone who also benefits from Mr. Briggs Donald. This man is really dominating the trading zone and making things easy for he’s investors.
      I’m proud to have you as a mentor, keep up the good works Sir….

    • @miguelj2446
      @miguelj2446 2 года назад

      Hello, are you guys saying Mr. Briggs is that good?
      I’ll like to benefit from he’s investment services, I heard crypto investment is really profitable.
      Please how can I contact him??

    • @Smith.ash2
      @Smith.ash2 2 года назад

      Exactly how I got recommendation about Mr. Briggs Donald and I gave a trial, though I was skeptical at first.
      But after I made $3,600 as a beginner!!
      I can boldly say his a genius with profitable strategies.
      The world needs a lot of people like you Sir.
      You’re the best..

    • @CarlosEduardo-zq6rf
      @CarlosEduardo-zq6rf 2 года назад

      it’s a thing of joy coming here to see great compliments. More appreciations goes to you Mr. Briggs, you’re indeed a Humanitarian and a mastermind in the trading zone.
      You deserve recommendations and applauds 👏👏

    • @King_jacky
      @King_jacky 2 года назад +1

      Mr Briggs Donald must be the real deal and right source to work with.
      Nice to see people come up here to give good recommendations and profit they made trading with him.
      Hmmm 🤔… I’m gonna look into it and see how it goes.

  • @carolinemwazi5583
    @carolinemwazi5583 2 года назад +22

    I always learn so much from Brian Tracy. Such elegant simplicity and clarity.

    • @crystalmaat
      @crystalmaat 2 года назад

      Brian Tracy is amazing! My favorite is Releasing Negative Emotions, that changed my life.

  • @lisaollie4594
    @lisaollie4594 Год назад +1639

    This is quite informative. As beginners, its imperative to remember that the stock markets are very irrational in the short term. You must always be prepared for the unexpected to happen. That is how randomness works. The market has its own uncertainties, thats why i'd always prefer the long terms.

    • @Curbalnk
      @Curbalnk Год назад +4

      These uncertainties will always be there. Thing is, every once in a while, the market does something so stupid it takes your breath away. If youre not ready for it, you shouldnt be in the market business. or get you a skilled practitioner.

    • @svengrot7943
      @svengrot7943 Год назад +1

      @@Curbalnk Such market uncertainties are the reason I don’t base my market judgements and decisions on rumors' and hear-says, it got the best of me in the year 2020 and had me holding worthless positions in the market. I had to revamp my entire portfolio through the aid of Heather my financial advisr, before I started seeing any significant results happens in my portfolio. Been using the same advisor since then and I’ve scaled up almost a million within 2 years. Whether a bullish or down market, both makes for good profit, it all depends on where you’re looking.

    • @louisairvin3052
      @louisairvin3052 Год назад

      @@Curbalnk The SVB situation is a reminder that Fed hikes are having an effect, even if the economy has held up so far,” It’s precisely at times like these that investors need to be on guard against the next certainty. You don’t have to act on every forecast, hence i will suggest you get yourself a financial-advisor

  • @jenniferkyle6036
    @jenniferkyle6036 Год назад +466

    A number of the most eminent market experts have been expressing their views on the severity of the impending economic downturn and the extent to which equities might plummet. This is because the economy is heading towards a recession and inflation is persistently above the Federal Reserve's 2% target. As I'm aiming to create a portfolio worth no less than $850,000 before I turn 60, I would appreciate any advice on potential investments.

    • @ladymariangray
      @ladymariangray Год назад +4

      There are many other interesting stocks in many industries that you might follow. You don't have to act on every forecast, so I'll suggest that you work with a financial advisor who can help you choose the best times to purchase and sell the shares or ETFs you want to acquire.

    • @emilybrown2719
      @emilybrown2719 Год назад +3

      @@ladymariangray I've been in touch with a financial advisor ever since I started my business. Knowing today's culture The challenge is knowing when to purchase or sell when investing in trending stocks, which is pretty simple. On my portfolio, which has grown over $900k in a little over a year, my adviser chooses entry and exit orders.

    • @margaritasbunny
      @margaritasbunny Год назад +3

      @@emilybrown2719 Mind if I ask you recommend this particular professional you use their service? i have quite a lot of marketing problems.

    • @emilybrown2719
      @emilybrown2719 Год назад +3

      @@margaritasbunny My advisor is “Elizabeth Pan Holt”, a renowned figure in her line of work. I recommend researching her credentials further. She has many years of experience and is a valuable resource for anyone looking to navigate the financial market.

    • @HelenaBonham-pz4ly
      @HelenaBonham-pz4ly Год назад +1

      @@emilybrown2719 thank you for this tip , I must say, Elizabeth appears to be quite knowledgeable. After coming across her online page, I thoroughly went through her resume, and I must say, it was quite impressive. I reached out to her, and I have booked a session with her.

  • @bobbymainz1160
    @bobbymainz1160 Год назад +539

    Several of the biggest market experts have been voicing their opinions on exactly how awful they think the next downturn would be, and how far equities may have to go, as recession draws closer and inflation continues well above the Fed's 2% objective. I'm trying to build a portfolio of at least $850k by the time I'm 60, therefore I need suggestions on what investments to make.

    • @stephaniestella213
      @stephaniestella213 Год назад +4

      There are many other interesting stocks in many industries that you might follow. You don't have to act on every forecast, so I'll suggest that you work with a financial advisor who can help you choose the best times to purchase and sell the shares or ETFs you want to acquire.

    • @chris-pj7rk
      @chris-pj7rk Год назад +3

      I've been in touch with a financial analyst ever since I started my business. Knowing today's culture The challenge is knowing when to purchase or sell when investing in trending stocks, which is pretty simple. On my portfolio, which has grown over $900k in a little over a year, my adviser chooses entry and exit orders.

    • @kimyoung8414
      @kimyoung8414 Год назад +3

      @@chris-pj7rk Mind if I ask you recommend this particular professional you use their service? i have quite a lot of marketing problems.

    • @chris-pj7rk
      @chris-pj7rk Год назад +1

      @@kimyoung8414 credits to Ingrid Cecilia Raad, one of the best portfolio manager;s out there. she;s well known, you should look her up

    • @oneiljerry9460
      @oneiljerry9460 Год назад +1

      Thank you for this tip. It was easy to find your coach. Did my due diligence on her before scheduling a phone call with her. She seems proficient considering her résumé.

  • @sylvesteradim1532
    @sylvesteradim1532 3 года назад +194

    I started reading Brian's books when I was 17 and today am glad I never stopped. Remember my friends mocking me back then that those principles in the book don't work in Nigeria but they were all wrong. The principle can work anywhere you find yourself all you need is to follow it to the end. Thanks man!

    • @josephogbowu2592
      @josephogbowu2592 3 года назад +4

      How old are you now?

    • @Tom_Armstrong_
      @Tom_Armstrong_ 3 года назад +1

      And did it work out for you? Hope so!

    • @sylvesteradim1532
      @sylvesteradim1532 3 года назад +7

      @@Tom_Armstrong_ yes it worked and it is still working

    • @Tom_Armstrong_
      @Tom_Armstrong_ 3 года назад +1

      @@sylvesteradim1532 thanks for replying.

    • @bebebe7666
      @bebebe7666 3 года назад +3

      Yes I first read his book in 2004, they are/were similar to other authors I read before I read his books, all these principles work if you consistently apply them. Focus!!!!!.

  • @vicquick9146
    @vicquick9146 Год назад

    Brian is such a smart, sensible person. Make it a habit to listen to him daily, will improve your life big time.

  • @benjamindavidson22
    @benjamindavidson22 Год назад +1975

    A perfect storm is brewing in the United States. Inflation, bank collapse, severe drought in the agricultural belt, recession, food shortages, diesel fuel and heating oil shortages, baby formula shortages, available automobile shortages and prices, the price of living place. It's all coming together and it could lead to a real disaster towards the end of this year (or sooner). With inflation currently at about 6%, my primary concern is how to maximize my savings/retirement fund of about $300k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains.

    • @DaleHorne8
      @DaleHorne8 Год назад +3

      These are the conditions in which life-changing money is made by those who remain calm, patient, and take controlled risks. Volatility goes both ways. The bigger the red candles, the bigger the green ones.

    • @monicawill5
      @monicawill5 Год назад +3

      Investing in stocks can be a wise decision, especially if you have a dependable trading system that can lead to successful outcomes. Personally, I've been working with a financial advisor for about a year now. Starting with less than $200K and I'm now just $19,000 away from making half a million in profit.

    • @frankbarnes22
      @frankbarnes22 Год назад +2

      @@monicawill5 I think this is something I should do, but I've been stalling for a long time now. I don't really know which firm to work with; I feel they are all the same. Is there any chance you could recommend who you work with?

    • @monicawill5
      @monicawill5 Год назад +2

      @@frankbarnes22 Dawn Maureen Humphrey is the licensed fiduciary I use. Just research the name. You’d find necessary details to work with a correspondence to set up an appointment..

    • @frankbarnes22
      @frankbarnes22 Год назад +2

      @@monicawill5 Thanks for sharing, I just liquidated some of my funds to invest in the stock market, I will need every help I can get.

  • @Raymondjohn2
    @Raymondjohn2 2 года назад +420

    Yes stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Bloomberg and other finance media have been recording cases of folks gaining over 250k just in a matter of weeks/couple months, so I think there are alot of wealth transfer in this downtime if you know where to look.

    • @kenanporubsky2122
      @kenanporubsky2122 2 года назад +2

      Since the crash, I've been in the red. I’m playing the long term game, so I'm not too worried but Jim Cramer mentioned there are still a lot of great opportunities, though stocks has been down a lot. I also heard news of a guy that made $250k from about $110k since the crash and I would really look to know how to go about this.

    • @martingiavarini
      @martingiavarini 2 года назад +2

      There are actually a lot of ways to make high yields in a crisis, but such trades are best done under the supervision of Financial advisor.

    • @kenanporubsky2122
      @kenanporubsky2122 2 года назад +1

      @Dan Brooks Impressive can you share more info?

    • @kenanporubsky2122
      @kenanporubsky2122 2 года назад +1

      @Dan Brooks She appears to be well-educated and well-read. I ran a Google search on her name and came across her website; thank you for sharing.

  • @divonteschiller8788
    @divonteschiller8788 Год назад +1687

    Anyone have any idea which assets may be experiencing major growth this new year season? A lot of people have been talking about an upcoming bounce this year. I recently sold my Boca Grande, Florida house, and I want to invest a lump sum before equities recover in the stock market. Is now a good time to buy or not?

    • @carolsitsons443
      @carolsitsons443 Год назад

      One great method to enhance your wealth is by working with a skilled portfolio advisor who can research and experience a wide range of markets. The value of the U.S. dollar clearly has an impact on investing in a variety of ways.

    • @Infinitetrucker
      @Infinitetrucker Год назад

      The one effective technique I'm very confident with using, is staying in touch with an Investment-Adviser. Based on firsthand encounter, I can say for certain their skill sets are topnotch, I've raised over $700k since 2022. Just bought my 3rd property for rental. Thanks to Zach Micah Demers.. my Investment-Adviser.

    • @divonteschiller8788
      @divonteschiller8788 Год назад

      My mentor Zach Micah Demers is well known in the financial sector and has gone through substantial training in it. He is a recognised expert in the industry and is well-versed in the benefits of diversifying one's investment holdings. I suggest you research his credentials more. Because of his broad knowledge, he is a good resource for anyone trying to comprehend the financial market. You can look him up on google

    • @stefanodsica2522
      @stefanodsica2522 Год назад +1

      How can I engage with Mr Zach a lot has been said of him

    • @divonteschiller8788
      @divonteschiller8788 Год назад

      Search his full name

  • @andrewchandler0
    @andrewchandler0 Год назад +486

    At this moment, it is crucial for individuals to prioritize investing in alternative streams of income that are not reliant on the government, particularly with the existing worldwide economic crisis. Investing in stocks, gold, silver, and digital currencies can still be profitable during this period. Therefore, it is advisable to explore these investment options to secure one's financial future.

    • @Tomtownsend485
      @Tomtownsend485 Год назад

      I'd be retiring or working less in 5 years, and I'm curious to know best how people split their pay, how much of it goes into savings, spendings or investments, I earn around
      $250K per year but nothing to show for it yet.

    • @elliot985
      @elliot985 Год назад

      Your money is stagnant when you save, I will advise you buy stocks with market-beating yields and shares that at least keep pace with the market for a long term. For a successful long-term strategy I recommend you seek the guidance of a broker or financial advisor.

    • @robertosaviano215
      @robertosaviano215 Год назад

      you're right! If you are unfamiliar with the market, I recommend seeking advice or assistance from a financial/investment coach.With the help of an investment advisor, I have diversified my $450,000 portfolio across multiple markets, We were able to generate over $1.2 million in net income from seasonally high-dividend stocks, ETFs and bonds. For me, this is the most ideal way to enter the market these days.

    • @leonardooliveira10834
      @leonardooliveira10834 Год назад

      @@robertosaviano215 Glad to have stumbled on this conversation. Please can you leave the info of your investment advisor here? I’m in dire need for one.

    • @robertosaviano215
      @robertosaviano215 Год назад

      @@leonardooliveira10834 Sure, the investment-advisor that guides me is Laura Marie Ray, she popular and has quite a following, so it shouldn't be a hassle to find her, just search her

  • @BlueShadez-s4k
    @BlueShadez-s4k 2 года назад +9

    24:16 - 25:55 So powerful. Thank you so much for sharing, Brian Tracy.

  • @RobertMichaelm4r
    @RobertMichaelm4r 5 месяцев назад +696

    I am at the beginning of my "investment journey", planning to put 85K into dividend stocks so that I will be making up to 30% per year in dividend returns. Any advice?

    • @LucasTheodorev6m
      @LucasTheodorev6m 5 месяцев назад +1

      Investing without proper guidance can lead to mistakes and losses. I've learned this from my own experience.If you're new to investing or don't have much time, it's best to get advice from an expert.

    • @BerthaHannahi7k
      @BerthaHannahi7k 5 месяцев назад

      The issue is people have the "I want to do it myself mentality" but not equipped enough for a crash, hence get burnt. Ideally, advisors are reps for investing jobs, and at first-hand encounter, my portfolio has yielded over 300% since 2020 just after the pandemic to date.

    • @Jameslindau8s
      @Jameslindau8s 5 месяцев назад

      Glad to have stumbled on this comment, Please who is the consultant that assist you and if you don't mind, how do I get in touch with them?

    • @BerthaHannahi7k
      @BerthaHannahi7k 5 месяцев назад

      My CFA NICOLE ANASTASIA PLUMLEE a renowned figure in her line of work. I recommend researching her credentials further... She has many years of experience and is a valuable resource for anyone looking to navigate the financial market..

    • @Jameslindau8s
      @Jameslindau8s 5 месяцев назад

      I just googled her and I'm really impressed with her credentials; I reached out to her since I need all the assistance I can get. I just scheduled a caII.

  • @SilvesterMiles-y4j
    @SilvesterMiles-y4j Год назад +190

    Stocks are falling and bond yields are rising, but markets still don’t seem convinced the Federal Reserve will pursue plans to keep increasing interest rates until inflation is under control. I'm still at a crossroad deciding if to liquidate my $138k stock portfolio. What’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?

    • @Robertgriffinne
      @Robertgriffinne Год назад +2

      Instead of liquidating your portfolio, you should try to understand personal finances and investing, because these will most likely lead to greater financial independence. By being knowledgeable about money and investing, individuals can make informed decisions about how to save, spend, and invest their money. I know someone who made over $350k in this recession influenced market, but to the best of my knowledge, it was through a financial advisor.

    • @instinctively_awesome8283
      @instinctively_awesome8283 Год назад +1

      @@Robertgriffinne Yeah, financial advisors could make a lot of difference, particularly in a market such as this. Stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Bloomberg and other finance media have been recording cases of folks gaining over 250k just in a matter of weeks/couple months, so I think there are a lot of wealth transfer in this downtime if you know where to look. I have been using an FA since 2019, and I return at least $21k ROI, and this does not include capital gain

    • @SilvesterMiles-y4j
      @SilvesterMiles-y4j Год назад +1

      @@instinctively_awesome8283 Is there any chance you could recommend who you work with? I've wanted to make this switch for a very long time now, but I've been very hesitant about. I'll appreciate any recommendation.

    • @instinctively_awesome8283
      @instinctively_awesome8283 Год назад +9

      @@SilvesterMiles-y4j Have you heard of "MARIA ELIZABETH FILINDRAS? She gets featured regularly on CNBC. I myself use tax-deferred accounts to hold my investments. That way I avoid capital gains taxes. There are other options your advisor could brief you about.

    • @SilvesterMiles-y4j
      @SilvesterMiles-y4j Год назад +2

      @@instinctively_awesome8283 Thank you. I just checked her out now and I've sent an email. I hope she gets back to me soon. I've been thinking of doing this for a long time now, and I've procrastinated enough

  • @ratrat1298
    @ratrat1298 10 месяцев назад

    I paused this video just to say how much I admire and love this man and how spot on each one of his statements is. Grab a pen, this is worth keeping around you.

  • @GenaroCruz-b3c
    @GenaroCruz-b3c 18 дней назад +11

    Anyone in 2025👍🏻

  • @sukurkur
    @sukurkur 3 месяца назад +1

    Brian is a time manager
    He divides his speech
    He times his content
    He does NOT lose focus
    He does it all religiously
    He repeats it

  • @JoePrays-f4z
    @JoePrays-f4z 28 дней назад +117

    Put your cash to work, especially now, more market diversification pushed my portfolio up 102% from last year, with a 7 figure portfolio well positioned with good blue chip companies and I have stop losses in place, Personally with insights from my FA I prefer to invest in large cap companies which have economic moats, large cash flows and strong balance sheets. Some of which are AAPL, MSCI.

    • @GeorgeKane-z7d
      @GeorgeKane-z7d 28 дней назад +1

      I realized that the secret to making a million is saving for a better investment. I invested 30k in crypto and made about $246k, but guess what? I put it all back and traded again and now I am rounding up close to a million.

    • @JamesGerhard-d5s
      @JamesGerhard-d5s 28 дней назад +1

      Thank you mate for the beautiful content, I love the fact you guys share informations to save the world, like they said knowledge is power. Talking about means to make money here I will like you guys look into the skills by Tristan { Andrew Tate brother. He’s always a step ahead analysing the ETFs market.

    • @matildacarlos-q6g
      @matildacarlos-q6g 28 дней назад +1

      Oh yes I know about the real world program by Tate brothers, I would love to join, currently awaiting my next pay checks
      He mostly interacts on Telegrams, using the user-name.

  • @vivianMarvin-z6k
    @vivianMarvin-z6k 4 месяца назад +100

    Great video, A month ago, my five-year relationship came to an end. I really can't stop thinking about the love of my life, who made the decision to leave me. I've done everything in my power to win him back, but it's all in vain, and I can't imagine my life with anyone else. I genuinely miss him and just can't stop thinking about him, even though I've tried my hardest to stop thinking about him. I'm not sure why I'm saying this here.

    • @Yukajoseph
      @Yukajoseph 4 месяца назад

      It's hard to say goodbye to someone you love; I experienced this when my 12-year relationship ended. However, I couldn't just let him go; instead, I tried everything to win him back. Eventually, I turned to a spiritual counsellor for assistance, and he was able to help me win him back.

    • @vivianMarvin-z6k
      @vivianMarvin-z6k 4 месяца назад

      Interesting! How did you locate a spiritual counsellor, and how can I get in touch with him most effectively?

    • @Yukajoseph
      @Yukajoseph 4 месяца назад

      His name is Father Obah Eze, and he is a great spiritual counselor who can bring back your ex.

    • @Yukajoseph
      @Yukajoseph 4 месяца назад

      he is father obah eze, he has great powers, he can help you.

    • @vivianMarvin-z6k
      @vivianMarvin-z6k 4 месяца назад

      Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked him up now online. impressive
      Wow I just looked Father Obah Eze on the net he’s very legit thanks once again ❤

  • @workdefine
    @workdefine Год назад +13

    As a business who works primarily with startups and small businesses, I couldn't agree more. Learning has become easier, and we must leverage it. We did a similar video which outlines the basic steps to starting a small business, so we can relate to this content.

  • @KAJDiaryy
    @KAJDiaryy 8 месяцев назад +63

    Anyone in July 2024 ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @barrfrank7888
    @barrfrank7888 Год назад +479

    Its quite interesting how we reject the reality of our situation and expect to be able to observe it, control it and even change it. I used to be financially depressed until I read a book that made me realized that the secret to making a million is making better investments.

    • @RoseStammer
      @RoseStammer Год назад +4

      Financial depression is a type of depression that is a severe drop in GDP: It is characterized by massive job losses, widespread bankruptcies, and simply not knowing what to invest in with your money

    • @SteveHaynes-x9t
      @SteveHaynes-x9t Год назад +4


    • @keanureeves-v9l
      @keanureeves-v9l Год назад +4

      @@SteveHaynes-x9t I wholeheartedly concur, which is why I favor relying on an investment coach to make daily investment decisions. Their expertise and exclusive attention to managing risk for potential gains, while also implementing safeguards against unfavorable outcomes, significantly diminishes the likelihood of underperformance. Having collaborated with an investment coach for more than two years, I have achieved a remarkable success of earning over one million dollars.

    • @JohnPhillips-k6l
      @JohnPhillips-k6l Год назад +4

      @@keanureeves-v9l I’m in dire need of guidance so i can salvage my portfolio due to the massive dips and come up with better strategies. How can I reach this advisor?

    • @keanureeves-v9l
      @keanureeves-v9l Год назад +2


  • @realtorrasheeddubai
    @realtorrasheeddubai 4 месяца назад +2

    The first and most crucial thing to do before starting any business is to conduct thorough market research.
    Market research helps you understand:
    Who your target audience is: Identify the people most likely to buy your product or service.
    Market demand: Check if there’s a genuine need for what you plan to offer.
    Competitor landscape: Learn about existing competitors, their strengths, and gaps you can fill.
    Pricing and profitability: Evaluate what customers are willing to pay and what will make your business financially viable.
    By gathering this data, you’ll have a clear foundation for your business, reducing risks and increasing your chances of success.
    Give a like if you find useful these information. Thanks

  • @MarcelPhilips
    @MarcelPhilips Год назад +182

    Great video. We all strive for financial independence and better life. It’s not difficult in achieving this through the right investment, living frugally, and budgeting. I’m glad I learned early in life to work hard for financial freedom

    • @MarcusFred-wn3iv
      @MarcusFred-wn3iv Год назад

      Whichever firm you select, make sure you get your insurance from a reputable financial adviser, such as MARTHA ALONSO HARA who has dedicated her career to financial planning. Because they will assist you in escalating, navigating better, and completing the task in a safer manner.

    • @MarcelPhilips
      @MarcelPhilips Год назад

      @@MarcusFred-wn3iv I want to build a diversified portfolio based on my personal income. I am easily triggered/highly emotional, which could be detrimental to my portfolio. I hope I am a patient and systematic person. day trading is not for everyone and multiyear holding is not for everyone. I know my strengths that's why I need proper guidance to be able to venture

    • @MarcusFred-wn3iv
      @MarcusFred-wn3iv Год назад

      @@MarcelPhilips I have saved myself from all the hassle that chaotic market causes. These days the best way to come into the market space is by reading, studying, being patient, and seeking guidance when necessary, due to my line of work I can’t handle my portfolio so I just copy the trades of my FA. I saw her on Bloomberg business news. It’s been smooth since then.

    • @MarcelPhilips
      @MarcelPhilips Год назад

      @@MarcusFred-wn3iv how can I reach this person because I am in need of a better investment approach?

    • @MarcusFred-wn3iv
      @MarcusFred-wn3iv Год назад

      @@MarcelPhilips quickly do a web check where you can connect with her, and do your research with her full name mentioned

  • @Sugarkingvlog
    @Sugarkingvlog Месяц назад +4

    Anyone here in 2025 ❤❤❤❤

  • @Aless.D
    @Aless.D Год назад +767

    > When you read articles about financial freedom, you may hear people talk over and over again about how they spend next to nothing to be able to retire at a younger age like 30. Instead, they may have already achieved financial freedom and boast about how frugal they were in order to retire well before the typical retirement age.

    • @Smith.ash2
      @Smith.ash2 Год назад +7

      Planning for retirement, or even financial freedom, is a marathon and not a race, as the saying goes. Breaking your financial independence goals into small pieces can help you stay on track while making the process a little more manageable and hopefully a little less stressful. Even if you are starting small, the important thing is to start.
      The investment creates a safe haven for the future. Everyone needs it so you don't go bankrupt when you stop working

    • @Smith.ash2
      @Smith.ash2 Год назад +5

      It really amaze me how i made it from living an average life to earing huge profit every month. all thanks to Sherman Williams Trading.. I don 't know how he does it but he definitely makes it possible, I believe in him..

    • @Matteo-tg2vc
      @Matteo-tg2vc Год назад +1

      Yeah that's true and investment creates a safe haven for the future, It's rare these days to get a profitable source to invest it. Is Sherman Williams Trading that good?

    • @Smith.ash2
      @Smith.ash2 Год назад +4

      In the scale of 1 to 10 I'm going to give 8 just because no one is perfect in the trading zone but when it comes to making profits.... believe me when i say he came surprise you when you list expect.

    • @NarinEmre-dc5up
      @NarinEmre-dc5up Год назад +6

      Yes you are right, no one is perfect in the trading zone but still making good profit from it, I think I'll like to give Sherman Williams Trading a trial and see how it goes. I love creating multiple source of income because it never funny at the end when you depend on one source of income especially when you are retired.

  • @elduendeamarillo3853
    @elduendeamarillo3853 Год назад +4

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
    00:00 🚀 *Success and Failure*
    - Success is focusing on things with high potential consequences.
    - Failure results from focusing on things with low or no potential consequences.
    - Importance of discerning worthwhile endeavors from unnecessary tasks.
    02:34 🧐 *Focus as the Key to Success*
    - Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Bill Gates Sr. emphasize focus as crucial for success.
    - Brian Tracy's Focal Point Program: Three years of focusing on various life aspects.
    - Personal anecdote: A man's life-changing success after attending a focus seminar.
    04:55 🌐 *Technology Distraction*
    - Obsession with technology distracts and hinders focus.
    - Importance of calming the mind for optimal thinking.
    - The detrimental impact of constant connectivity on focus and decision-making.
    08:15 🧘 *Calm Mind and Effective Decision-Making*
    - Remaining calm enhances the thinking and deciding brain functions.
    - Successful individuals share the quality of maintaining calm during crises.
    - Importance of meditation for clear thinking, especially in challenging situations.
    09:37 💡 *Thinking Fast and Slow*
    - Introduction to Daniel Kahneman's concept of "Thinking Fast and Slow."
    - Differentiating between fast and slow thinking in decision-making.
    - The common mistake of using fast thinking for decisions with long-term consequences.
    11:30 🤔 *Hiring Decisions and Slow Thinking*
    - Emphasis on taking time for hiring decisions to ensure quality.
    - Peter Drucker's advice on hiring slowly for better results.
    - Brian Tracy's rule for increasing hiring accuracy to 90%.
    13:06 🔄 *Zero-Based Thinking*
    - Zero-Based Thinking: Evaluating all aspects of life/business with fresh perspective.
    - Identifying stress as an indicator for zero-based thinking opportunities.
    - Courage as a crucial factor in practicing zero-based thinking.
    14:20 🔄 *Quick Analysis and KWINK*
    - Quick Analysis using KWINK (Knowing What I Now Know) for decision-making.
    - Applying quick analysis to relationships, personal and business.
    - Recognizing chronic stress as a signal for potential zero-based thinking.
    19:05 🔄 *Business Model Innovation*
    - The importance of regularly evaluating and innovating the business model.
    - Business model innovation as a key factor for sustained success.
    - Being open to the possibility that the current business model might be obsolete.
    20:15 🔄 *Cut Your Losses*
    - Zurich Axiom: The primary rule for success is cutting losses quickly.
    - The significance of admitting mistakes and avoiding prolonged suffering.
    - Applying the principle of cutting losses to investments of time, emotion, and money.
    20:29 🚀 *Business Transformation*
    - Cut losses and remove obstacles for progress.
    - Companies can transform by analyzing and eliminating unproductive elements.
    - Courage to shut down non-profitable aspects is essential for growth.
    21:10 🤔 *Worst Possible Outcome (WPO) Thinking*
    - Always consider the worst possible outcome of an action.
    - Addressing fear by evaluating survival and prevention strategies.
    - WPO thinking helps eliminate unnecessary worry and promotes proactive problem-solving.
    22:22 🌐 *Principle of Constraints*
    - Recognize constraints or limiting factors in achieving goals.
    - Constraints can be internal, and 80% of limitations are within oneself.
    - Superior individuals address problems by asking, "What in me is causing this problem?"
    23:19 💡 *Learnable Business Skills*
    - All business skills are learnable.
    - Identify the one skill that, if mastered, would most impact income.
    - Successful individuals focus on learning one skill at a time for gradual improvement.
    26:24 🌟 *Leadership for Success*
    - Successful companies have great leadership.
    - Leadership involves getting results, allocating resources, and making decisive decisions.
    - Leaders focus on the most crucial result needed for sales and profitability.
    31:01 🛒 *Quality Over Marketing*
    - Emphasize delivering a great product or service.
    - Successful companies prioritize quality over marketing gimmicks.
    - Word of mouth and customer satisfaction drive success more than advertising.
    35:56 📈 *Investing in Quality*
    - Invest in improving the quality of your product or service.
    - Customer satisfaction and referrals are key indicators of a great product.
    - Companies with obsessive customer focus are often the most successful.
    36:09 📝 *Business Planning*
    - Develop a great business plan to think through critical aspects.
    - Long-term thinking and detailed planning lead to better decisions.
    - Address key elements such as costs, returns, required technology, and personnel.
    38:58 📣 *Effective Marketing*
    - Fastest way to kill a bad product is to market it.
    - Marketing amplifies both positive and negative aspects.
    - A great marketing plan should align with a great product or service.
    40:10 📈 *Marketing and Sales Distinction*
    - Marketing is about attracting people interested in your product or service.
    - Sales is the conversion process to get them to buy from you rather than competitors.
    41:20 📊 *Importance of a Great Marketing Plan*
    - A great marketing plan results in a steady stream of interested prospects.
    - It focuses on attracting individuals who align with the benefits of your product or service.
    41:47 📞 *Significance of a Professional Sales Process*
    - Successful companies utilize a consistent and proven sales process globally.
    - Implementing a systematic sales approach can significantly boost sales effectiveness.
    43:11 📊 *Generating Great Numbers*
    - Business activities and results should be quantified, and measuring key metrics is crucial.
    - Obsessively tracking numbers, like delivery times, contributes to customer satisfaction.
    44:20 📉 *Identifying the Most Important Numbers*
    - Businesses should identify the most critical numbers for success.
    - The "economic denominator" or the most important number significantly influences business outcomes.
    45:02 💡 *The Importance of Knowing Your Number*
    - Many entrepreneurs mistakenly prioritize sales as the most important number.
    - Understanding and focusing on the correct number, like net contribution margin, is crucial for sustained success.
    47:12 🤝 *Great Customer Service Experience*
    - Providing an exceptional customer service experience is essential for repeat business.
    - Successful companies prioritize customer happiness, leading to customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.
    Thanks to Brian´s labor and AI (Harpa AI) we have a new frontier ahead of us

  • @Chongweisingapore
    @Chongweisingapore Год назад +5

    he is a genius..dont look at your phone you will get anxiety. he shares so much secrets to life. hope more young people can think like him and watch him. more young people gonna be great thinkers. hope there will be another brian tracy no.2 in future

  • @miguelbarrientos7381
    @miguelbarrientos7381 Год назад +2

    This Gentlement has awaken the desire to educate my self. I will be using his teachings to change not only my busines but my life. Thank you Sir for such wonderful 45 minutes. God bless you.

  • @M.brauer
    @M.brauer 8 месяцев назад +23

    I was homeless, got into drug's went to prison and then I got to know Jesus and he changed my life...Heaven came through for me in my finances too, getting $36,000 in 2months . I can support God's work and give back to my community. God is absolutely more than enough! Now I have a new identity and a child of God.

    • @NatashaMurphy-kx7wf
      @NatashaMurphy-kx7wf 8 месяцев назад +1

      Hello how do you make such monthly ?? I'm a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down of myself because of low finance but I still believe in God...

    • @krisberry568
      @krisberry568 8 месяцев назад

      What a testimony!!! 🙏🙏🙏I'm genuinely curious to know how you earn that much monthly.

    • @ThomasJeffers-gb2lr
      @ThomasJeffers-gb2lr 8 месяцев назад

      I work at a restaurant here in Houston Texas. Things have been really difficult as I'm a single Dad and trying my best to pay bills and take care of my daughters..

    • @NatashaOlsen-ur5qd
      @NatashaOlsen-ur5qd 8 месяцев назад

      I know this lady just mentioned here . She's really good with and on her job. She's helped a couple of families and individuals' finances.

    • @rtytrtyrfdgdfgf
      @rtytrtyrfdgdfgf 8 месяцев назад

      YES!!! That's exactly her name( Mrs Claire Morin) so many people have recommended highly about her I'm huge beneficiary of her platform from Brisbane Australia 🇦🇺.

  • @imarcproarchitects
    @imarcproarchitects 2 года назад +7

    Brian is a genius. So powerful. Thank you so much for sharing, Brian Tracy.

  • @legacymedia8468
    @legacymedia8468 Год назад +430

    The pandemic has shown us just how quickly decades of planning, investing and saving can be completely upended. This could mean your current financial plan might leave you without enough money to last your retirement. A recent Vanguard study found that, on average, a hypothetical $500K investment would grow to over $3.4 million under the care of an advisor over 25 years, whereas the expected value from self-management would be $1.69 million, or 50% less.

    • @kaylawood9053
      @kaylawood9053 Год назад +3

      In other words, an advisor-managed portfolio would average 8% annualised growth over a 25-year period, compared to 5% from a self-managed portfolio

    • @AddilynTuffin
      @AddilynTuffin Год назад +3

      @Zahair O'Brian Thank you so much for this tip! Finding your coach was a breeze and I was really impressed with all the research I did on her credentials before scheduling a call. It's clear from her résumé that she's extremely knowledgeable and skilled, and I'm so excited to have the chance to talk to her

  • @Erinmills98
    @Erinmills98 Год назад +291

    According to certain economists, it's possible that the U.S. and certain parts of Europe might experience a recession at some point in 2023. Although a global recession, which is characterized by a decline in annual global per capita income, is relatively uncommon due to the faster growth rates of emerging markets like China, in comparison to developed economies. I have pulled out more than $340k from my bank. After all, the FDIC covers only up to $250,000, and the implosion could have bad effect. Looking to invest into the stock market now. Does anyone know how I could go about it?

    • @simonbad
      @simonbad Год назад +2

      Currently, my primary worry is how to increase revenue during periods of quantitative easing. I cannot afford to witness my savings dwindle away.

    • @AstaKristjan
      @AstaKristjan Год назад +3

      @@simonbad It's a delicate season now, so you can do little or nothing on your own. Hence I’ll suggest you get yourself a financial expert that can provide you with valuable financial information and assistance.

    • @MuradSamadov-n6i
      @MuradSamadov-n6i Год назад +2

      @@AstaKristjan How can I reach this adviser of yours? because I'm seeking for a more effective investment approach on my savings, IRA and 401k accounts.

    • @AstaKristjan
      @AstaKristjan Год назад +6

      @@MuradSamadov-n6i My financial advisor, "KATHLEEN YANELLI CAROLE", is a highly qualified and experienced professional in the financial market. She possesses a broad understanding of portfolio diversification and is recognized as an expert in this field.

    • @MuradSamadov-n6i
      @MuradSamadov-n6i Год назад +1

      @@AstaKristjan Thank you for this tip. it was easy to find your coach. Did my due diligence on her before scheduling a phone call with her. She seems proficient considering her resume.

  • @amirbrooks6530
    @amirbrooks6530 2 года назад +384

    Nobody can become financially successful overnight. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking bold steps we need in other to reach our goals. you have to contend with inflation, recession, decisions from the Feds and all. I was able to increase my portfolio by $289k in months. You have to seek for help in the right places.

    • @stevenbergwin5074
      @stevenbergwin5074 2 года назад

      I think it's not always about fear, Sometimes realistic factors discourage people from reaching their goals in life. For instance, I've tried investing in the stock market several times but always got discouraged by fluctuations of stock value

    • @aigajenkinson2495
      @aigajenkinson2495 2 года назад

      @richszabo4693 Impressive, that sounds good but how do I reach out to Corinne ?

    • @aigajenkinson2495
      @aigajenkinson2495 2 года назад +1

      @richszabo4693 i just looked Corinne up on the web, she seems really proficient, thanks for sharing. I've already wrote her a mail detailing my financial goal, i hope she responds soon

  • @sirmoritzo.schulte5392
    @sirmoritzo.schulte5392 2 года назад +23

    Success is a mindset. Without a successful mindset, you will never be successful. It's crazy how powerful the human attitude is. We have the power to change and shape our entire reality, but a lot of us don't even know it. A lot of us think that we can't control what happens to us and that we can't do anything about the situation we're in. But this is so untrue. So many people have the potential to be so much more and they don't even know it.

    • @PatriciaGabrielaTorres
      @PatriciaGabrielaTorres 2 года назад


    • @mr.ronaldgonzales2300
      @mr.ronaldgonzales2300 2 года назад

      The first step to successful investing is figuring out your goals and risk tolerance either on your own or with the help of a financial professional but is very advisable you make use of a professional

    • @SaadiaDiVladimir
      @SaadiaDiVladimir 2 года назад

      I trade as a side hustle while keeping my job. I'm tired of trading in losses myself. I've blown my account twice and it's frustrating. I see people making a living out of trading and I want to do the same. Please I need help can someone teach me how to trade?

    • @Przemy-fox227
      @Przemy-fox227 2 года назад

      So you guys know her too?... Wow, she made me have my own house and car. She is awesome✨⭐

    • @Pepper212
      @Pepper212 2 года назад

      Her success story is everywhere. I keep on hearing expert Pamel's name being mentioned here and on other platforms, Does she worth the credits and reviews?

  • @ceo-strategic-advisor
    @ceo-strategic-advisor Год назад +3

    This is one of his best talks, summed up in this video. Thank you, Brian 💕💯

  • @TheArkOfThinking
    @TheArkOfThinking Год назад +2

    Always great insights from Brian! The master on goal achieving! Thanks for this great piece of content!

  • @rondastroud6788
    @rondastroud6788 Год назад +51

    Making 1million dollars sounds like a lot of money if you've never earned high figures before. It might seem like an obsolete objective, but the truth is new millionaires are created each day. How come so many people become millionaires and why can’t you do the same

    • @ackermanphilipp9018
      @ackermanphilipp9018 Год назад +1

      Surprised I really don't know about him but words have really explained how life seems easy and stable with his gift and wisdom of trading

    • @pentyjack8801
      @pentyjack8801 Год назад

      You don't have to because I'm also a huge beneficiary of RobertCurtis

    • @valentinaalaben4791
      @valentinaalaben4791 Год назад

      Who doesn't know him. His stories are painted everywhere on the internet. Here in Canada RobertCurtis carry out the both orientation and mentorship potentials

    • @ruggerikathy3282
      @ruggerikathy3282 Год назад +1

      Ohk !! Is good to know you guys are making progress from him, congratulations

    • @philipastron4332
      @philipastron4332 Год назад

      I also wonder where he got his analysis

  • @A.2549
    @A.2549 2 года назад +7

    Bro, this guy is amazing !!! I have 16 years old and I came from Brazil, I became a fluency guy in English so I start to study this guy who have what I want to have and I am wonderful because I'm learning so much with this guy, and I will study more more more and more .

  • @laythabdulkareem1887
    @laythabdulkareem1887 Год назад +1

    This person is a wizard!
    I love listening to his advices.

  • @Smith.ash2
    @Smith.ash2 Год назад +243

    Wonderful to see a great video of good content. we all have to win in order to overcome recession and inflation
    The stock market provides a place where companies raise capital by selling shares or shares to investors. Shares give shareholders voting rights, as well as a residual claim on corporate earnings in the form of capital gains and dividends.
    But it is better to Invest in Cryptocurrencies because you earn more and better.
    In my role as a financial planner, I serve clients with different income levels. But my goal is the same for everyone I know. I want to help wealthy families continue to grow wealth while helping young families achieve their financial goals. Your investment creates a safe haven for the future and helps you weather the economic crisis

    • @Smith.ash2
      @Smith.ash2 Год назад +1

      If you would like to hire an expert to help grow your portfolio and provide financial advice on how to create more streams of income, contact Sherman Williams Trading to begin your investment process...

    • @Smith.ash2
      @Smith.ash2 Год назад +3


    • @Smith.ash2
      @Smith.ash2 Год назад +3

      Shermwilli trade

    • @J_parker
      @J_parker Год назад +1

      Investments are the stepping stones to success, especially if you have been guided by a professional. Is Sherman Williams Trading that good?

    • @Smith.ash2
      @Smith.ash2 Год назад +2

      On a scale of 1 to 10, I'll give Sherman Williams Trading a 9 simply because no one is perfect when it comes to trading, but when it comes to making a profit... Trust me when I say that it may surprise you. . when you don't expect it

  • @smithayers4614
    @smithayers4614 2 года назад +46

    People buy from people. Being genuinely interested in other people pays dividends. I run 15 Verizon location and trying to motivate managers and reps can be a struggle. Understanding what really motivates people is key. Not everyone is motivated by money some want time off or recognition. Ranking sales teams is crucial. Retail sales especially is challenging just cause you have anywhere from teachers to electricians' business owners asking the right questions is def key. urgent!! 15 online data entry workers needed from any part of the world. no experience needed

  • @brittanynicolette9473
    @brittanynicolette9473 Год назад +167

    I began my investment journey at the age of 38, primarily through hard work and dedication. Now at the age of 42, I am thrilled to share that my passive income exceeded $100k in a single month for the first time. This success reinforces the importance of the advice mentioned earlier. It is not about achieving quick wealth, but rather ensuring long-term financial prosperity

    • @blessingpaul5484
      @blessingpaul5484 Год назад +1

      Investors should exercise caution with their exposure and exercise caution when considering new investments, particularly during periods of inflation. It is advisable to seek guidance from a professional or trusted advisor in order to navigate this recession and achieve potential high yields.

    • @SophiaBint-wj8wn
      @SophiaBint-wj8wn Год назад

      This is superb! Information, as a noob it gets quite difficult to handle all of this and staying informed is a major cause, how do you go about this are you a pro investor?

    • @brittanynicolette9473
      @brittanynicolette9473 Год назад

      Through closely monitoring the performance of my portfolio, I have witnessed a remarkable growth of $483k in just the past two quarters. This experience has shed light on why experienced traders are able to generate substantial returns even in lesser-known markets. It is safe to say that this bold decision has been one of the most impactful choices I have made recently.

    • @ConnieGriffith-u4z
      @ConnieGriffith-u4z Год назад

      I’ve actually been looking into advisors lately, the news I’ve been seeing in the market hasn’t been so encouraging. who’s the person guiding you?

    • @alicebenard5713
      @alicebenard5713 Год назад

      Wow, that’s stirring! Do you mind connecting me to your advisor please. I desperately need one to diversified my portfolio.

  • @KLifeSkills
    @KLifeSkills 3 месяца назад

    Brian Tracy is truly an inspiration! His expertise in personal and professional development, combined with his ability to deliver impactful talks, has transformed countless lives. His focus on actionable strategies and long-term success is a game-changer. Truly a mentor worth following!

  • @BrunoLuke
    @BrunoLuke Год назад +129

    The collapse of Margin debt leads to a decrease in stock prices and trigger a wave of selling as investors try to cover their losses, Buying a stock is easy, but buying the right stock without a time-tested strategy is incredibly hard. Hence what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist? I’ve been trying to grow my portfolio of $145K for sometime now, my major challenge is not knowing the best entry and exit strategies ... I would greatly appreciate any suggestions

    • @BrunoLuke
      @BrunoLuke Год назад

      @Wilson Kelvin I agree, I thought I was doing alright profit wise, until I needed assistance with diversification, I reached out to a financial advisor and in less than a year I was just $51,000 shy away from $640k which is like 7x more than I make on my own..

    • @BrunoLuke
      @BrunoLuke Год назад

      @Wilson Kelvin I've shuffled through a few advisors in the past, and *MARTHA ALONSO HARA* remains the most resourceful thus far. Her strategy proves profitable, and sustainable both in a bull & bear market. Most likely, her deets can be found on the net, so you can confirm yourself.

    • @MarcusFred-wn3iv
      @MarcusFred-wn3iv Год назад

      @Wilson Kelvin Investment is that tiny line that separates the rich from the poor.

  • @TheKeyLady
    @TheKeyLady 5 месяцев назад

    I've been coming back every now and then to rewatch this, it's a LIFE CHANGER! thanks so much!

  • @bernardschulte8310
    @bernardschulte8310 2 года назад +3

    The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment, You create a good future by creating a good present.The key to financial freedom and great wealth is a person's ability to convert earned income into passive income to build generational wealth ,this trick has never failed .

    • @oliviamia4017
      @oliviamia4017 2 года назад

      I truly agree with you on that, I must say trading is the future and with the way Bitcoin is growing, it's really advisable for people to trade now.

    • @ElizabethBarbara-kn5mp
      @ElizabethBarbara-kn5mp 2 года назад

      Bitcoin doesn't always assures winning, the ability to make profit off your capital is what makes you win.. Stop relying on the market price to make profit. Choose trading

    • @maryfrancestaylor3794
      @maryfrancestaylor3794 2 года назад

      Initially, my intentions was to start trading Bitcoin full time, I also need good mentorship. Thanks?

    • @judgebush9709
      @judgebush9709 2 года назад

      Trade more on Bitcoin .

    • @shawnaanne730
      @shawnaanne730 2 года назад

      trading is easier with proper guidance, especially from a proffessional it really helps reduce the chances of running into losses.and it incures profit also?

  • @christianaemilio1
    @christianaemilio1 Год назад +98

    Great video! Creating wealth and gaining financial freedom isn’t as difficult as lots of people think. Through the right information, building wealth and staying financially stable forever is way easy. Investing is the only true way to earn a great income and staying wealthy forever..

    • @-Pamela
      @-Pamela Год назад

      The first step to wealth creation, is figuring out your goals and risk tolerance - either on your own or with the help of a financial advisor. If you can get the facts about savings and investing with a well detailed plan, you should be able to gain financial security over the years and enjoy the benefits of managing your income.

    • @luis-gabriel1
      @luis-gabriel1 Год назад

      That's great, your financial advisor must be really good, I have seen testimonies of people using the help of financial advisors in making them more financially stable. I just discovered his exceptional resume when I made a Googled search of his names. I consider it a blessing that I discover this comment area!

    • @andymarion
      @andymarion Год назад +1

      It amazes me greatly how I go from living an average lifestyle to making over £63k monthly, utter shock is the word. I've learned a lot in the past few years to doubt that there are plenty of opportunities abound in the financial markets; the only thing is know where to focus.. Thanks to John Desmond Heppolette.

    • @alfred5123
      @alfred5123 Год назад +1

      The secret to being successful from an investing perspective is to have an indefatigable, undying and unquenchable thirst for information and knowledge. Invest with a certified financial advisor and watch things turn around for good. I've learnt so much while investing with John Desmond Heppolette, and i must say it's the best thing to do.

    • @cynthiabivins4999
      @cynthiabivins4999 Год назад

      Thats's awesome! Are you looking for a digital marketing expert? If yes, Then search on google with @juwelbd199

  • @muzamilidrisaminmohammed4624
    @muzamilidrisaminmohammed4624 2 месяца назад +2

    It is a great presentation

  • @joewealth6379
    @joewealth6379 Год назад +4

    This is such a huge blessing to me. Deep teachings as always. Weldone Brain Tracy

  • @rockymntdan1
    @rockymntdan1 Год назад

    THANK YOU for not adding cheesy, distracting music or video!

  • @katiefoster2317
    @katiefoster2317 3 года назад +6

    I shared this to my phone, just so I can rewatch repeatedly until it all sinks in just right ☺️

  • @sue9600
    @sue9600 Год назад +1

    This is all a good reminder. It's important to hear/read these things from time to time. Jolts you back to focus.

  • @angeliasparrow3990
    @angeliasparrow3990 2 года назад +7

    Exactly what I needed to hear. Absolutely helpful to me.
    Thank you for sharing!

  • @playtimewithemihle2544
    @playtimewithemihle2544 Год назад

    I started watched Brian Tracy three year ago, and i archived all the goals i wrote down on the paper, I wrote one of the most ridiculous paycheck as one of my goal to day i see that money in my bank 😂, i sometime laugh but its true

  • @charlesdavis8162
    @charlesdavis8162 Год назад +12

    We work for years to earn $1million on our retirement, while some people put thousands of dollars in some meme coins and they become millionaires.

    • @jameskourygabriel4973
      @jameskourygabriel4973 Год назад

      This year is almost over and am very glad about the decision made so far. Investing in the market earlier this year regardless of the market conditions has save lifes. I made over 80k USD with a start up of 25k in the last 7 months. I know is nothing compared to what others make but I'm glad am changing my finances.

    • @chrisarmstrong36
      @chrisarmstrong36 Год назад

      Spot on. The Market present different opportunities to create passive income, with the right skills and proper understanding you're good to go.

    • @PeterCSkov
      @PeterCSkov Год назад +1

      Despite the economy downturn, I'm so happy 😊 I have been earning $180,000 return from my $22500 investment every 14 days

    • @PeterCSkov
      @PeterCSkov Год назад

      ​@jeffreyf.burton7695.Sure the financial advisor that guide me is "DEREK MIA SCOTT" she's renowned and has quite following. So it shouldn't be hassle finding her. Just look her up.

    • @PeterCSkov
      @PeterCSkov Год назад

      ​@owenbegum1875you can get her through 👇

  • @KingMujahid-x1i
    @KingMujahid-x1i 10 месяцев назад

    Wow! Wow! Wow! Amazing Video. He really gave us the whole package of information.
    Thanks a lot.
    I am at the beginning of the stage of entrepreneurship, I am going to do three main values for my company:
    1- Thinking Slowly
    2- Spending a lot of time
    3- Every phase, step, or action should follow the systemic approach.
    I will come back after receiving the first money from the customer.

  • @healthyinspirationsweightloss
    @healthyinspirationsweightloss 4 года назад +49

    This is the sort of talk, where I would pay for a transcript and advise people to watch multiple times. You could create a 12 month mastermind group whose sole purpose was to nail these principles in their business and lives. Thanks for sharing Joe.

    • @JoePolish
      @JoePolish  4 года назад +6

      Absolutely. Thank you 🙏

    • @gamal01
      @gamal01 2 года назад +1

      Great idea

  • @raynaldtorres1731
    @raynaldtorres1731 Год назад

    Brian Tracy is a genius and his talk i gold! This is one of the best business advice I have every heard form one person in one sitting.

  • @MaryJackson-fo9ve
    @MaryJackson-fo9ve Год назад +4

    That's awesome!!! I know nothing about investment and I'm keen on getting started. What are your strategies?

    • @songjack7129
      @songjack7129 Год назад

      As a beginner investor, it's essential for you to have a mentor to keep you accountable 🤷. Myself I'm guided by Mrs Melisa Mae , a widely known crypto consultant 💪

    • @wilsonrichard1414
      @wilsonrichard1414 Год назад

      No doubts! The strategies and Al auto trading tools she provides for beginners are very helpful, being part of her vip signal channel has really helped me as a stock holder

    • @MaryJackson-fo9ve
      @MaryJackson-fo9ve Год назад

      ​@@songjack7129 I've really heard a lot about Mrs Melisa Mae ! How do i connect with her?

    • @songjack7129
      @songjack7129 Год назад

      ​@@MaryJackson-fo9veyou can easily contact her with the mobile details below

    • @MaryJackson-fo9ve
      @MaryJackson-fo9ve Год назад

      ​@@songjack7129 THANKS, i just sent her a message

    @MRPRESIDENT-w4l 10 месяцев назад

    Brian tracy made me becoming a billionaire! From Tanzania 🇹🇿 now I'm the one of the youngest billionaire because of Brian. Thank you so much Mr Brian

  • @nowezoginindza5290
    @nowezoginindza5290 Год назад +3

    Just started a catering business, this is mind blowing and informative.

    • @andisiwesixenxe6416
      @andisiwesixenxe6416 Год назад

      Hey, are you perhaps in south africa? I'm starting my own business soon and need a buddy to chat to. 😅

  • @vincenthovorka
    @vincenthovorka Год назад

    I watched this video years ago and going back here to leave a comment to tell you all that this works❤❤

  • @d.r.e.d_
    @d.r.e.d_ 10 месяцев назад +113

    Anyone in April 2024??❤❤❤❤

  • @Lillykerubo01
    @Lillykerubo01 Год назад +2

    Thank you so much for this business class. Very, very enlightening.

  • @JonGabb
    @JonGabb 2 года назад +3

    Thank you Brian Tracy 🙏🏽

  • @aprilking2836
    @aprilking2836 2 года назад

    This was a plate full. I hope God showers down upon u!!! 🙏.....

  • @TaimoorCheema-fz1sg
    @TaimoorCheema-fz1sg 9 месяцев назад +19

    In June 2024 anyone

  • @pupo-realtor66
    @pupo-realtor66 2 года назад +1

    It's so good to listen to Mr. Tracy

  • @readermode9916
    @readermode9916 2 года назад +12

    My associates and family often thing that my life is problem free and I would tell them I lack the capacity to focus on the problem because when I'm challenged I am compelled to focus on solution. And, here you are highlighting the fact that a good leader focus on solution and not the problem. Your information makes absolute sense!

    • @arrabalimaz622
      @arrabalimaz622 Год назад

      Look at the heart problem and get the solution from its nerve so that it's cured before it touching the heart 🎉

  • @YadelOsenedua
    @YadelOsenedua Год назад +1

    Everything this guy is saying can be found in the Bible 🔥🔥🔥🔥 it’s truly amazing most unbelievers use these principles and the succeed not because they are better than anyone it’s because they followed a Godly principle

    • @cineiopu1458
      @cineiopu1458 Год назад

      THIS!!!! Amen. All of this is in the WORD, and it's a treasure and blessing for those who seek.

  • @Adams52523
    @Adams52523 Год назад +235

    Thanks bud for keeping us financially Educated! Regardless of how bad it gets on the economy I still make over $28K every single week

    • @doriradden483
      @doriradden483 Год назад

      @ClarenceCandelario-fd4vt Emily Cofield has aided so many newbies: I made over $54k with some amazing gains in the market her pattern are very lucrative

    • @Adams52523
      @Adams52523 Год назад

      Wow!! Kind of in shock you mentioned Emily Cofield She has proved beyond all doubt that it's worth generating wealth from crypto investment I've been earning greatly

    • @Adams52523
      @Adams52523 Год назад

      @ClarenceCandelario-fd4vt I'm sure her service is available outside the US but you gotta ask her first- I'm positive because I have a friend who stays in Australia and using her services too You should ask her though to know if she offers her 1 service to your country

    • @Adams52523
      @Adams52523 Год назад

      Make a note to her regarding your interest in investing in Bitcoin Tell her I reperred you on youtube

    • @Adams52523
      @Adams52523 Год назад

      Her availability is on Whatsap

  • @hataishkumar
    @hataishkumar Год назад +1

    I really enjoyed your tips on how to build a business that works. Here's a short tip for building a successful business:
    1. Focus on providing value to your customers
    2. Be customer-centric
    Thanks for sharing your insights!

  • @tommyj.walker5234
    @tommyj.walker5234 2 года назад +18

    Excellent cryptonaire course here is a complete beginner guide. I now have a core understanding of how to start trading forex. Learn what forex is, what we trade & how to make money trading forex. Thanks for sharing this insightful tips

    • @lucyvictoria4758
      @lucyvictoria4758 2 года назад

      Trading is like a real time business if you want to win it, you need to be prepare for it. Markets are unpredictable, and you can't predict everything

    • @valentinaalaben4791
      @valentinaalaben4791 2 года назад

      I agree with your sentiments💯

    • @philipastron4332
      @philipastron4332 2 года назад

      I’m yet to see the backtested results in my trading account, so I’m also working on being more aggressive in adding to winners

    • @harrisdouglas7291
      @harrisdouglas7291 2 года назад

      @Mustiy Fresh Sounds interesting. 🤔Been trying to learn this forex trading

    • @vickia.weaver7488
      @vickia.weaver7488 2 года назад

      @Paul Annibal Obviously trading in the financial market is very volatile and risky to trade that's the reason most investors trade with a professionals

  • @matthewhummel6023
    @matthewhummel6023 Год назад +1

    Curiosity is the most important aspect of business. Curiosity in what it takes to solve problems.

  • @christopherarmstrong2710
    @christopherarmstrong2710 3 года назад +10

    16:30 The best time to fire a person is the first time it crosses your mind. Because after that it’s only pain and suffering, and the longer you keep them in place the more likely they are going to sue you. And the longer they sue you, the more it’s going to cost. If you find you’ve made a mistake, belly up, admit it, and cut your losses.

    • @arrabalimaz622
      @arrabalimaz622 Год назад

      Well analysis should be made with better reasoning and good evidence then only do anything else you gonna loose everyone as none is perfect man you will find dark side of every one so be wise with everyone sir

    • @christopherarmstrong2710
      @christopherarmstrong2710 Год назад

      @@arrabalimaz622 I think you missed the point. The point was about correcting hiring misfires - which happens to even the most well intentioned hiring managers & CEO's.

  • @startyourlifetoday6172
    @startyourlifetoday6172 10 месяцев назад

    Wow! 49 out of 50 businesses that are started… are started without a business plan … interesting tidbit! Thank you for your insight.

  • @byambakhishigulziibat7127
    @byambakhishigulziibat7127 10 месяцев назад +36

    Anyone in May 2024 😊?

  • @johnhavora9731
    @johnhavora9731 2 года назад +2

    This is GOLD!🙏🙏
    Thankyou so much Brian Tracey