How Minecraft ACTUALLY Works 💎⛏️

  • Опубликовано: 9 мар 2025

Комментарии • 2,8 тыс.

  • @pandanym3065
    @pandanym3065 2 года назад +5260

    The fact this has only 12k views is criminal, this is the most extensive explanation of minecraft world gen to date. And it's up to date !

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  2 года назад +273

      I KNOW RIGHT? 🥲
      Haha well, feel free to share it with your fellow Minecraft friends!

    • @questwalkerko
      @questwalkerko 2 года назад +130

      I suspect its because of the bad title and thumbnail. When I was researching for some info on minecraft's worldgen, I saw this video and immediately ignored it because it's title/thumbnail made it seem like some basic video with very simple information and no actual in-depth details.

    • @ChraO_o
      @ChraO_o Год назад +56

      Can't wait to have it really popular in the next 2 years!

    • @SebastianSeth
      @SebastianSeth Год назад +51

      ​@@questwalkerkoi guess he changed it because it is claiming for attention now 😅

    • @styluh676
      @styluh676 Год назад +15

      He now has 12k subs!

  • @plaguer7899
    @plaguer7899 2 года назад +4157

    The production quality of this documentary is superb.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  2 года назад +391

      Thank you so much for this!

    • @configdotini
      @configdotini Год назад +417

      why did you donate robux?

    • @Zentio_official
      @Zentio_official Год назад +62

      ​@@configdotiniit isnt robux it real money

    • @Simon-xi7lb
      @Simon-xi7lb Год назад +64

      @@configdotini LOL

    • @t3duk
      @t3duk Год назад +151

      @@Zentio_official bro didn’t get the joke

  • @tylersfoot
    @tylersfoot Год назад +667

    what the hell??? this production quality is absolutely INSANE!!! I dont say this often but this definitely needs millions of views. You are definitely going places!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +29

      Thank you so much!!! 🙏
      RUclips doesn't really appreciate me posting a new documentary a year! 🥲 So it doesn't often get my work featured!

    • @TheOfficialRobloxBomber
      @TheOfficialRobloxBomber 11 месяцев назад +3

      ngl just recently started playing but new abt the farlands but that was it, this video helps me out alot with minecrafts history!!!

    • @muskelin
      @muskelin 5 месяцев назад +2

      It is million now❤

    • @Sirbozo
      @Sirbozo Месяц назад +1


  • @stephanonaressi7719
    @stephanonaressi7719 Год назад +708

    While watching this I thought “This guy sounds very passionate about this and really explains well the topic, reminds me of my Uni days” and notice that you were actually one of my University professors, amazing video !

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +262

      Aww thank you so much, it means a lot! 🙏 And if I remember correctly, you had one of the top submissions for the Snake AI that year! 🐍👏

    • @markfuckerturd5165
      @markfuckerturd5165 Год назад +78

      @@AlanZucconithe fact that you recognize him shows you actually care about students

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +131

      @@markfuckerturd5165 Aww, this was super kind for you to say! ❤

    • @36jbf-as031lb
      @36jbf-as031lb 8 месяцев назад +38

      Whaaaaaaaaa your prof? This is incredible!

    • @AltOurCumrade
      @AltOurCumrade 5 месяцев назад +2

      Being prof is incredible

  • @Blaster_Unity_UB
    @Blaster_Unity_UB Год назад +1060

    As a huge MC nerd & OG, I must say; This is absurdly underrated

  • @deltametaYT
    @deltametaYT Год назад +13

    Thank you for this incredibly well-done video! I’ve always been fascinated with how Minecraft was built. This video gives me the best glimpse into that I’ve ever seen. I’d love to see something like this but at at code walkthrough level. Keep up the great work!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much, this is incredibly kind! It's a shame that Mojang doesn't really allow for their source code to be posted online! For instance, there are a lot of tools to decompile Minecraft, but you can't publish the decompiled source code!

    • @deltametaYT
      @deltametaYT Год назад

      @@AlanZucconi thanks for your reply! It’s an honor :). I know, it is a bummer it is closed source. It’d be awesome to see the code, or some form of it. But either way, thank you for your reply and content!

  • @518UN4
    @518UN4 Год назад +1547

    I liked the big oceans. They made the world feel believable.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +137

      I knoooow!!!

    • @justonedeveloper
      @justonedeveloper Год назад +187

      I feel like if you have some sort of ship mods installed (for building larger ships) they are definitely fun, but with only the vanilla boats I can see why they changed it

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +251

      @@justonedeveloper I wish they exposed some parameters to let players decide how the world generates.

    • @the_uggh
      @the_uggh Год назад +106

      Nothing says believable like being attacked by shadow monsters in an alternate dimension while fighting a dragon using exploding beds

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +141

      @@the_uggh what are you talking about? That literally how most of my Mondays go. 🤯

  • @christauber3834
    @christauber3834 Год назад +121

    This documentary is insanely well made . As a Computer Science Student, it’s crazy to see so many familiar (mostly simple) concepts mushed together, somehow resulting in THE game of my early teens.
    I have to point out: The World Generation Pipeline was explained very well. It’s a complex topic but you managed to break it up into simple steps, painting a coherent image. The stack-graphic definitely helped!
    I hope you get the recognition you deserve. Have a nice day!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +9

      Thank you so much! I actually use some of the visuals I made for this documentary with my students as well!

  • @ibtmusicyt
    @ibtmusicyt Год назад +76

    The fact that this only has 92k views is crazy, your production quality is among the highest on RUclips. Keep up the great work!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +14

      Thank you so much!!! 🙏🙏🙏
      Fun fact: a week ago it only had 35K views.
      I have been blessed by the The Algorithm, incidentally on my birthday!

    • @King-me
      @King-me Год назад +3

      ​@@AlanZucconiThe Video seems to be reaching more and more people!

    • @King-me
      @King-me Год назад +1

      Im also one of the ones that just had seen the video

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +4

      @@King-me Welcome! 😊

  • @ro0t3ntry
    @ro0t3ntry 8 месяцев назад +9

    This was an amazing video. After trying to wrap my head around the world generation for my own project and failing to, I found this video and it was extremely helpful.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  8 месяцев назад

      @@ro0t3ntry Thank you *so* much!!! It means a lot! 🙏

  • @jonathangarlinghouse
    @jonathangarlinghouse Год назад +434

    You answered questions that answered other questions I didn't know enough to ask. This documentary is so thorough, and you break things down in a clear and orderly way. Inspiring and entertaining. I'm fascinated by Minecraft, and I have enjoyed playing it these last 8+ years.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +27

      Thank you so much!!!
      It was a lot of hard work, but I think it was worth it!
      If you want, I also made a documentary about Conway's Game of Life which you might also enjoy!

    • @Ashtoobaked
      @Ashtoobaked Год назад

      no fucking way you share the same last name as me i didn't even know that was possible

  • @Maltanx
    @Maltanx 2 года назад +186

    This is really top tier quality.
    I remember subscribing for the Game of Life documentary and do not regret at all the decision.
    Production quality is really amazing.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  2 года назад +7

      Thank you so much! It's just me doing all the work, which is why is taking SO long! 🥲

  • @samuelthecamel
    @samuelthecamel Год назад +1094

    Pre 1.18 terrain just has a certain unique feel to it. It's bumpy and coarse, but also gradual and smooth at the same time. 1.18+ terrain is much more smooth and realistic, which was probably a good change, but it definately got rid of that unique feel.

    • @737e7dhs4
      @737e7dhs4 Год назад +38


    • @plebisMaximus
      @plebisMaximus Год назад +116

      Beta terrain will forever be king for me. Most likely exclusively because of nostalgia, but still. It just feels good to play with.

    • @shadesoftime
      @shadesoftime Год назад +35

      1.18 terrain is garbage, it is LESS realistic than the old one - mountains that are hundreds of meters tall being everywhere isn't realistic

    • @soulswordobrigadosegostar
      @soulswordobrigadosegostar Год назад +83

      @@plebisMaximus beta terrain was wild and unexpected, release terrain became a lil bit more boring but it definitely had a feeling to it. 1.18 feels like an improve to post release terrain and while it does offer more opportunity than beta terrain, its not as unique as beta, but its one of the few things I commend Mojang for doing because it is committing to a new vision rather than trying to appease both sides.

    • @user99i
      @user99i Год назад +53

      ​@@shadesoftimeth ere are not mountains everywhere.
      Go touch grass blocks

  • @toasttoast8687
    @toasttoast8687 Год назад +111

    how does this video not have millions of views? the information, quality and editing is insane

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +6


    • @redthetrollge7319
      @redthetrollge7319 Год назад

      ​@@AlanZucconiit's kinda cool how every minecraft world you generate is different and unique from others and so much more.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +2

      @@redthetrollge7319 it's true! Although there are many other games that generate infinite worlds! It's not that difficult to do. The real challenge is to make them interesting and playable!

    • @andreicocor4383
      @andreicocor4383 Год назад

      It has!!!

    • @srilemobitelsrile8809
      @srilemobitelsrile8809 5 месяцев назад

      Now it has.

  • @calabrais
    @calabrais Год назад +7

    Mojang should use this to onboard new employees. Onboarding at most software jobs is "read this terribly written document that hasn't been kept up to date" or "read the code and figure it out"

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Too kind! I'd be very curious to know how the hiring process works at Mojang!

  • @ertelmisegi
    @ertelmisegi Год назад +180

    It's just sad how such a video can go unnoticed for more than a year. I hope you will finally get the attention you deserve, it must be frustrating trying endlessly to optimize but still not getting the expected views

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +40

      It does! 😅 Another documentary of mine got over 700K views. It seems a lot is in the hand of the algorithm! And I don't post content regularly enough to please it! 😅 Out of curiosity, how did you find the video!

    • @ertelmisegi
      @ertelmisegi Год назад +24

      @@AlanZucconi It was on my main page, which is probably a good sign :D Keep it up!

    • @spectralquill1810
      @spectralquill1810 Год назад +4

      @@ertelmisegi Me too just today

    • @nochimmerkeineAhnung
      @nochimmerkeineAhnung Год назад +9

      I saw it on my main page too today. And it's great.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +9

      @@nochimmerkeineAhnung thanks! I'm glad RUclips if finally giving the video some attention!

  • @CJ-dv1xq
    @CJ-dv1xq 2 года назад +171

    This was awesome ! A year or two back I spent a few weeks on an infinite-world generation project as the concept had always fascinated me, but I ended up getting overwhelmed by just all the layers of systems needed to consistently create a compelling result. I read up a bit on minecraft, but most of what was published was either hypertechnical to the point of being difficult to parse, or was so high level it provided nothing. This video was fantastic at bridging the two concepts!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  2 года назад +33

      Thank you Chris! This was exactly my problem. The videos were either too simple, or too technical! I had to actually decompile Minecraft to see how it worked! Took a long time, but I'm very glad I had the chance to do it!

  • @GDGroundflower
    @GDGroundflower Год назад +534

    It should be illegal how underrated this video is. Props to you ❤

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +29

      Arrest the Algorithm! 🚨

    • @GlowBerryPumpkin
      @GlowBerryPumpkin Год назад +13

      At least it's still getting recommended 👌

    • @1Life4Passion
      @1Life4Passion Год назад +2

      @@AlanZucconi Hi Alan can I know what song Is playing in the beginning, apps like shazam can't figure that out because of your beautiful voice. xD

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +2

      @@1Life4Passion Thanks! 😊 That's the official Minecraft OST!

    • @emilemerten6535
      @emilemerten6535 Год назад

      You should not say things like that which makes it sound that you don't think he deserves it by saying that he deserves it but you say it in a way that makes it looks like you mean that he doesn't mean it.

  • @duncanbones
    @duncanbones Год назад +12

    I really wish they still had the "realistic sized" oceans. It made the world feel like there were different continents and really made each place feel like a new land. Now each ocean just feels like a large lake and the everywhere starts feeling the same very quickly.

  • @pandanym3065
    @pandanym3065 2 года назад +6

    Please make more stuff like this !

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  2 года назад +3

      Thank you so much! 🙏
      I made two other documentaries: one about "Creatures", and one about Conway's Game of Life.
      I'm working right now on another documentary about the emergence of emergent behaviours!

  • @itzangel0735
    @itzangel0735 Год назад +9

    Minecraft's world generation is a topic I love to learn about.
    1.18 terrain generation is really amazing, althought there are things I dont like as microbiome or "misplaced biomes" and I really want to understand why it's so hard to fix

  • @pas1033
    @pas1033 Год назад +7

    Damn this video is underrated as hell. It's the best and most professional minecraft documentary I've ever seen, better than any large youtubers. I have no idea why youtube hasn't recommended it to me earlier. You've got yourself a new subscriber.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +2

      Aww, thank you so much it means a lot!!! I don't post enough to please the algorithm!

    • @pas1033
      @pas1033 Год назад +1

      Unfortunate youtube works that way.. I've also watched Geosquare's cactus video after this, it's pretty insane what the community is doing nowadays
      Also I havent expected you to respond within minutes for a comment on a year old video haha

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      @@pas1033 I wish I had more comments than I can reply to! 😂

  • @chakibchemso
    @chakibchemso Год назад +8

    this documentary is fantastic, totally looking forward for a sequel on 1.18!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +3

      The content is surprisingly still accurate for 1.20 as well!

  • @Ash36Gaming
    @Ash36Gaming Год назад +9

    Got this recommended. One of the best videos I have seen in a while on RUclips. Extensively researched, Well editted, Great Storytelling and very well done editting, this fits the definition of The Perfect Video.

  • @Cy0ze
    @Cy0ze 2 года назад +22

    This is such a high quality documentary, you deserve more subscribers not gonna lie. Good luck and very good content 👍

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  2 года назад +1

      Thank you so much!!!
      Yeah, I'm hoping the documentary will get some more visibility at some point!

  • @craycraywolf6726
    @craycraywolf6726 2 года назад +23

    Wow. Just wow. I already loved Minecraft, and enjoyed the deeper parts of it via AntVenom...but I still had no idea just HOW complex this game was/is. I was worried coming into this video that it'd all go over my head, but you explained everything in an understandable and digestible manner, giving me a hunger to learn more. Well done. You've definitely more than earned a sub.

  • @Picodoux.
    @Picodoux. Год назад +12

    Wow. This made me even more amazed as to how minecraft was made after seeing its beautiful yet complex algorithm to generate worlds. The maths behind it all is crazy. I hope this finds its place in the youtube algorithm, because this is a really well made documentary. I subscribed and I hope to see you reach your deserved amount of fame.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Thank you so much for such a kind comment! ♥️ It took about one year to make the video, but unfortunately RUclips prefers creators who publish regularly! 🥲 Anyway, I made two other documentaries which are in a similar style, in case you are interested!

    • @Picodoux.
      @Picodoux. Год назад +1

      @@AlanZucconi Oh I will listen to them. I love youtubers that prioritizes quality over quantity. It's unfortunate that youtube doesn't favor youtubers like you, such as Lemmino which makes truly incredible work of production and with deep knowledge about the topic he makes a video about. I wish you theb est of luck on youtube :)

  • @medina.cruzsergiojavier1769
    @medina.cruzsergiojavier1769 Год назад

    As a former physicist and minecraft lover. I just have to thank you for the sweet explaination you gave us.
    Now I love this game even more.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Oh whoa, thank you so much!!! 👏 I've discovered Minecraft during the first lockdown, and it really helped me to cope with the loneliness and isolation at the time! Since then, it has grown to be one of my favourite game! Making this documentary took over one year, but I had so much fun making it! ✨ I'm glad you enjoyed it as well!

  • @ClickyCrisp
    @ClickyCrisp Год назад +1

    9:19 this part right here was the highlight for me
    truly eye-opening, great video!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thanks! That's possibly my favourite segment!
      And it took so long to make it! 😅

  • @leahpy
    @leahpy Год назад +4

    I'm so glad that this incredible video popped up in my recommendations feed! It deserves wayyyy more views...

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thanks! I've recently been blessed by The Algorithm!

  • @bejoscha
    @bejoscha 2 года назад +5

    Thanks for all the detail! It's rare to see so long, and still constantly interesting videos on RUclips.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  2 года назад +1

      Thank you! It was a lot of work, but I had so much fun making it!

  • @ThisIsMeOficial
    @ThisIsMeOficial Год назад +5

    I found this video while randomly scrolling on RUclips. And found it absolutely amazing. I don't know how it doesn't have millions of views but your production quality is outstanding. Keep up the good work. 👍👍

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Thank you so much! 🙏 I think my problem is that the way I make content doesn't please the algorithm enough! 🥲 But in case you're interested, I have a few more documentaries on my channel!

  • @fanzypantz
    @fanzypantz Год назад +2

    This was legit interesting from start to finish. Explained simple enough, yet giving enough information to go on to perhaps make something yourself. Great work!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +2

      Thank you so much! 🙏
      I have a few other documentaries on my channel, and I'm working on a new one as we speak!

  • @serdarortac625
    @serdarortac625 Год назад +6

    I love how happy he sounds

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +4

      How can you not be, when talking about Minecraft!? ❤️

  • @poppaderek2430
    @poppaderek2430 2 года назад +6

    Absolutely incredible!! Thank YOU for answering these questions many have regarding Minecraft’s simple yet complex world Gen engine! You deserve 1 million views for this!

  • @DarkrarLetsPlay
    @DarkrarLetsPlay 27 дней назад +3

    "Remove too much ocean" is literally the reason why I lost all interest in actually playing Minecraft. Conquering a whole continent, developing it, becoming Columbus and colonizing a new one, that was the Minecraft dream I once had.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  26 дней назад +1

      I totally understand that! I really like the idea of a large continent you need to explore before having to move to another one. And reading the comments, many more people are saying the same!

    • @DarkrarLetsPlay
      @DarkrarLetsPlay 26 дней назад +1

      Additionally, since kindergarden I have a map fetish. I just love looking at beautiful maps. The new ones are totally unrealistic and I dislike that a lot.
      But thanks to your video I think I understand that the old oceans could be easily brought back, right? Just disable the "remove too much ocean" feature with a mod, right? Or am I missing something? (I haven't searched for such a mod yet as I always thought that even if such a mod existed, it would destroy many features, but now thanks to your video I no longer think that that is the case.)

    • @offKD
      @offKD День назад

      Won't setting the world type on large bioms help?

    • @DarkrarLetsPlay
      @DarkrarLetsPlay День назад

      No. That only scales the distances up. It doesn't make that the oceans truly surround land masses.

  • @AlbertPerrienII
    @AlbertPerrienII Год назад

    Thanks!, This was really informative, I had no idea so much went on underneath the seams in Minecraft!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Ohhh! Thank you so much!! 🙏 Yeah, as a game developer myself I find Minecraft so fascinating!

  • @gameboy-bt7nk
    @gameboy-bt7nk Год назад

    Seems like this documentary really blew up the last week or two, you deserve it!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      I KNOW RIGHT? RUclips is so random sometimes!

  • @s0me0ne123
    @s0me0ne123 5 месяцев назад +5

    Here from corridor! Cool video!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  5 месяцев назад +1

      @@s0me0ne123 glad you've found me! ☺️ I have a few more documentaries which I hope you'll enjoy!

  • @commentbot9510
    @commentbot9510 2 года назад +31

    I’ve always wondered how Minecraft generates. I used to think it generated as you walk closer to a new chunk, but since you can type in command to find certain biomes or use a map to find a woodland mansion, I began to think everything must be pre generated. That idea also just made no sense knowing seeds exist. But since the worlds are infinite I wondered how the game would generate something infinite. I have no knowledge of code so this was interesting to me.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  2 года назад +24

      I hope this video helped! ☺️
      Yes, Minecraft indeed generates new chunks as you walk into unexplored areas. But what goes into those chunks is already predetermined by the world seed! Minecraft worlds are fully deterministic, meaning that from the seed you can recreate all of their features. Some things, like the position of woodland mansions and stronghold can be calculated easily without computing the full map!

  • @joshuatwycross2807
    @joshuatwycross2807 Год назад +20

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
    00:05 💎 *Introduction to Minecraft world generation*
    - Minecraft's vast world generation.
    - The concept of procedurally generated worlds.
    - The role of randomness and seeds in Minecraft's world generation.
    03:03 🎲 *The significance of seeds in Minecraft*
    - The use of seeds to initialize terrain generation.
    - The deterministic nature of Minecraft worlds based on seeds.
    - The immense number of unique worlds created by seeds.
    04:30 ⚔️ *Procedural generation in early games*
    - The history of procedural world generation in video games.
    - The influence of games like "Rogue" on Minecraft.
    - Overview of how "Rogue" generated dungeon layouts.
    08:15 🌍 *Expanding Minecraft's world size*
    - Minecraft's initial world size limitations.
    - The introduction of infinite worlds through chunk-based generation.
    - Explaining the size and restrictions of Minecraft worlds.
    10:25 🏞️ *Biome generation in Minecraft*
    - The introduction of biomes in Minecraft.
    - The role of noise maps in biome determination.
    - How temperature and rainfall affect biome distribution.
    12:45 🌊 *Changes in world generation in Minecraft updates*
    - Changes to world generation in Minecraft updates.
    - Impact on servers like 2b2t.
    - The longevity of Minecraft's world generation algorithm.
    14:39 🎮 *Technical aspects of Minecraft world generation*
    - Technical details of Minecraft's world generation process.
    - Layers and stacks involved in generating the world.
    - The role of noise maps in creating variation.
    19:36 🌐 *Creating Minecraft's biome map*
    - The critical role of the biome map in world generation.
    - How different layers contribute to biome distribution.
    - The use of noise maps and scaling layers in refining details.
    23:24 ❄️ *Climate and biome variation in Minecraft*
    - How temperature and climate layers determine biomes.
    - The introduction of hilly variants to add variety.
    - The role of white noise and transitional layers in world generation.
    25:27 🌟 *Special biomes in Minecraft*
    - The generation of rare and special biomes in Minecraft.
    - The influence of climate layers on special biomes.
    - Examples of special biomes and their significance.
    25:57 🌳 *Minecraft Biome Generation*
    - Biomes like bamboo jungles and sunflower plains are created as patches within larger regions.
    - Additional layers determine the probability of certain biomes, such as bamboo jungles and mushroom islands.
    27:26 🏞️ *River Generation in Minecraft*
    - Rivers in Minecraft are generated separately from the main terrain.
    - The River Layer detects potential river locations and smooths them to create rivers.
    28:25 🌊 *Ocean Temperature Stack*
    - The Ocean Temperature stack adds variety to ocean biomes using Perlin noise.
    - Perlin noise creates smooth, visually pleasing maps by interpolating random values.
    30:28 ⛰️ *Terrain Generation in Minecraft*
    - Minecraft uses fractal Brownian motion noise to generate terrain height maps.
    - The terrain height is calculated column by column from top to bottom.
    33:13 🌲 *Terrain Height and Biome Interaction*
    - Biomes affect terrain height in Minecraft, preventing unrealistic combinations.
    - Depth and scale parameters of biomes determine their average height and variation.
    35:09 🏰 *Strongholds and World Generation*
    - Strongholds are critical structures in Minecraft, necessary to access The End dimension.
    - They are strategically placed in the world generation and prioritized over other features.
    36:39 🌄 *Minecraft 1.18 Terrain Generation*
    - Minecraft 1.18 introduces a new terrain generator with taller mountains and 3D biomes.
    - Biomes are now linked to a 3D climate map, affecting terrain and underground caves.
    39:30 🌍 *Minecraft 1.18 Climate-Based World Generation*
    - Minecraft 1.18 uses a 3D climate map with parameters like temperature and humidity.
    - Biomes are determined based on climate parameters, resulting in more diverse landscapes.
    41:10 🌐 *Minecraft Community and Research*
    - Minecraft's community actively conducts research and challenges in world generation.
    - The game's complexity emerges from simple mechanics, making it appealing to players.
    Made with HARPA AI

  • @dienzer9098
    @dienzer9098 Год назад +2

    a good microphone is really important for making first impressions, especially when starting out

  • @jefferymcdonald68
    @jefferymcdonald68 Год назад

    Awesome vid man. It had everything. Throwing that reference back to rogue was really the icing for me. 11/10

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      I remember playing Rogue with my friends when I was a child! So many good memories!

  • @OGProcess
    @OGProcess 4 месяца назад +5

    "that was not the most effective way to explain it" after explaining it in literally one sentence 😭

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  4 месяца назад

      @@OGProcess 😅

    • @kdowning2715
      @kdowning2715 Месяц назад

      ​@@AlanZucconi@OGProcess Most efficient vs most effective?

  • @CadeVoidlighter
    @CadeVoidlighter 5 месяцев назад +4

    I came here from Corridor's Scale of Minecraft video. Awesome explanation!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  5 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much!!! I have a few other documentaries in a similar style which I hope you'll find interesting!

  • @MrMrn87
    @MrMrn87 2 года назад +5

    Amazing documentary! Very detailed, gave me a lot of insights. I would love some more in-depth information how structures and decorations work, after the world is generated. Like villages, mineshafts, mansions etc. Sadly not a lot of video's that I can find.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  2 года назад +1

      Thank you! Yeah, I really wanted to talk a bit more about the structures. The problem is that there are SO MANY and they are so different! 😅 Couldn't fit them all in a single video!

  • @turtleturtle9120
    @turtleturtle9120 Год назад +1

    I'm so glad your channel got recommended to me! Your blog posts taught me everything I know about inverse kinematics!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Aww, thank you so much for the kind message! I'm so glad the blog helped! I put so much love into that series! 🦾

  • @3toinsanity
    @3toinsanity Год назад

    I haven't sat down this long for a youtube video in a very long time. Amazing documentary.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Thank you so much! 🙏
      I have a few other documentaries on my channel which I hope you'll enjoy!

  • @mcjiprock
    @mcjiprock Год назад +19

    The video is slowly but surely pushed towards the right people. It was a lot of fun to watch!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thank you do much! It's great to see RUclips giving this video some visibility!

  • @deiv1229
    @deiv1229 5 месяцев назад +3

    I've watched this before but corridor made me want to watch it again. Great video 🦥

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  5 месяцев назад

      @@deiv1229 glad you've found me again! ☺️

  • @user0000user
    @user0000user Год назад +10

    Beta 1.7 was the best terrain. So unique structures.

  • @skimaskrick
    @skimaskrick Год назад +1

    Hey man please keep making stuff! Absolutely loved this, you should be at 100x the subscribers you're at now!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much, this is very kind! 🙏
      I'm working on a new documentary as we speak!!!

    • @skimaskrick
      @skimaskrick Год назад

      @@AlanZucconi Amazing, cant wait (:

  • @DarkSiv
    @DarkSiv Год назад

    Haha came for the zoom out, and was not disappointed. Great videos, man :)

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      I had so much fun making that! 🗺

  • @MelonyPexed
    @MelonyPexed Год назад +3

    This could have gone onto the official channel instead….. truly amazing

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Aww this is so kind!!! I guess Minecraft prefers to keep a lot of this knowledge secret! 😛

  • @DominoPivot
    @DominoPivot 4 месяца назад +5

    While not exactly uninteresting, 15:10 of historical context is a bit much. Things get real interesting after that :)

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  4 месяца назад

      Well, glad you liked the second part of the video! 😊

  • @runforitman
    @runforitman Год назад +3

    this was a very cool video
    i also love your enthusiasm in your voice over
    its contagious and definitely added to the retention imo

  • @WiseNoodleOfficial
    @WiseNoodleOfficial Год назад +2

    Amazing documentary. You earned yourself a sub

  • @PatrookyYT
    @PatrookyYT Год назад +1

    Top 10 videos of all time! I hope the algorithm may bless you.

  • @_Yulico_
    @_Yulico_ Год назад +5

    It's a sin this only have 100k views, such an extensive work!!!!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +2

      Thanks! It only had 30K views last week! Glad it's finally getting some steam!

  • @csiguszfoxoup
    @csiguszfoxoup Год назад +4

    I did not think mathematics, random fractal and noise maps, and randomness could be so beautiful to make a grown man cry. But it did. It made me cry. Thanks for this experience.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thank you for sharing this with me! Totally made my day! 😭

  • @MamaWheelz
    @MamaWheelz Год назад +8

    This is so good! Get ready for this to blow up as a student resource video. ❤

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +2

      It's been really nice to see the video getting some more exposure this week!!!

  • @Cyynapse
    @Cyynapse Год назад +1

    the random creeper noise a 4:12 to mess with people playing minecraft is a nice touch

  • @orangeblanket7181
    @orangeblanket7181 11 месяцев назад +1

    Wow! Great vid Alan. 😊

  • @Reversefilms
    @Reversefilms 5 месяцев назад +5

    Came from corridor :)

  • @aurele2989
    @aurele2989 Год назад +4

    Was hoping for actual source but ok :(

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +4

      Unfortunately you can't publish the original source code! 😭
      But there are a lot of tools to decompile it!
      I've playing with them a lot while doing the research for this video!

  • @elmingggg
    @elmingggg 5 месяцев назад

    came here from wren's video in corridor crew about the scale of minecraft, awesome video and explanation dude!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  5 месяцев назад

      @@elmingggg thank you so much! If you liked this one, I have a few more documentaries on my channel you'll probably like!

  • @nikorobinson4017
    @nikorobinson4017 Год назад


  • @muffafaYoutube
    @muffafaYoutube 7 месяцев назад +1

    This was the best documentary i had watched in my life so far

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  7 месяцев назад +1

      @@muffafaRUclips awww! Thank you for such a nice comment! 🙏 There are a few other documentaries on my channel in case you're interested!

  • @Bryzerse
    @Bryzerse Год назад

    This is the best and most in-depth video I have seen on this topic, the visuals are just superb across the board!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Thank you so much! 🙏
      It took several months to put it all togehter!

    • @Bryzerse
      @Bryzerse Год назад

      @@AlanZucconi I am not surprised, can't wait to see what's next!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      @@Bryzerse I'm working on a documentary about the emergence of emergent behaviours!

    • @Bryzerse
      @Bryzerse Год назад

      @@AlanZucconi Interesting, I intend to also go and watch your other documentaries when I find the time, about to do computer science at uni so it's handy stuff :)

  • @JulianPerello-l2q
    @JulianPerello-l2q Год назад +1

    4:13, right here I was playing minecraft while watching this and now I have to change my pants.

  • @SigEnderman
    @SigEnderman 7 месяцев назад +1

    This video was the only one that actually satisfied all my interests. Thank you for putting so much effort into this!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  7 месяцев назад +2

      @@SigEnderman you're welcome! 🤗 It took over one year of work to put this together! And if you enjoyed it, I have a few other documentaries on my channel!

  • @crewrangergaming9582
    @crewrangergaming9582 Год назад +1

    damn.. the production quality of this video is beyond amazing.. Your channel is so underrated right now, 15k Sub is nothing for this level of quality.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Thank you so much, it means a lot! I don't post often enough to please the algorithm! Btw, I have a few other documentaries on my channel, which I hope you might like!

  • @koopa9815
    @koopa9815 3 месяца назад

    The explanation at 10:00 blew my mind. The zoom out was insane.. what a great way to make the point

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  3 месяца назад +1

      @@koopa9815 thank you! Really glad you enjoyed it!

  • @whoisfiel
    @whoisfiel 8 месяцев назад +1

    This was a masterclass of an informative video! The production is amazing and never lacked on the visual diagrams and music. This is the type of video I feel the need to say thank you for

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  8 месяцев назад

      You're too kind!! I have a few more videos like this one on my channel in case you're interested!

  • @anstropleuton2
    @anstropleuton2 Год назад

    Seems like your second most popular, your most popular video sure did inspire me to make my own implementation of Game of Life!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Ohhh! This is awesome! Feel free to share it!

  • @TanishqSaini-g7n
    @TanishqSaini-g7n 3 месяца назад

    Congrats on reaching 1.6M views. We want more documentaries like this cause I really like how well and simply you explained it.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  3 месяца назад +1

      @@TanishqSaini-g7n thank you so much! 😊 I'm working on more content, but unfortunately it takes a very long time to make videos like this! 😅

  • @WorldOfFunYT
    @WorldOfFunYT Год назад +2

    I can't believe I only got recommended this today. This is so well made, and explained it very well! Keep up the amazing work. ❤

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much! I've been blessed by The Algorithm this week!

  • @mittens567
    @mittens567 5 месяцев назад +1

    One of the few videos ive watched over 3 times. Your amazing alan. This is my 4th time watching this, i was reminded of you by the new video by a creator with 7m views which used a clip from here

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  5 месяцев назад +1

      Hey! Thank you so much for the kind message! 🙏 And I'm very glad you've found my video (again!). Although I wished they had put a link to my video or something haha!

  • @12R10ZY
    @12R10ZY Год назад +1

    This is most Beautiful World Generate system!!! OH YEAH!!!!!, thanks Alan Zucconi!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      I'm so glad you liked this!

    • @12R10ZY
      @12R10ZY Год назад +1

      @@AlanZucconi THANK YOU SO MUCH, Truthly It was best vidio in my life so that I said It's nice!, and Your comment make me happy because you said My comment is good! It was very nice comment for my life, I was never seen "comment that make my life better" before, I'm starting to admire you! >

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      @@12R10ZY Awww thank you so much!! ☺ I'm working on a new documentary as we speak; I hope you'll enjoy that as well!

    • @12R10ZY
      @12R10ZY Год назад +1

      @@AlanZucconi >

  • @IDragon_slayer
    @IDragon_slayer Год назад

    This should be a real Minecraft Documentary , that is perfection.

  • @stefanolassandro886
    @stefanolassandro886 Год назад

    This video was made insanely well, I'm impressed it still has so little views.
    Great work mate.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much! It's slowly getting some more attention!

  • @majo2447
    @majo2447 Год назад

    not only is the video crazy and easy to understand, but also you reacted to over a 1000 comments on a year old video and still do

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much! 🙏 You took your time up write a comment, so is only fair a take some time to respond! 😊 Although I wish I had so many comments I couldn't reply to them all! 🤣

  • @spk._
    @spk._ Год назад +1

    I love the enthusiasm in your voice

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thank you! This is a topic I'm very passionate about!

  • @alixcozmo
    @alixcozmo 8 месяцев назад +1

    4:14 that creeper noise startled me and caused me to jump backwards because i was playing minecraft

  • @doctortetro2010
    @doctortetro2010 Год назад

    Glad to see the algorithm slowly treating this underrated masterpiece of a video.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Thanks! It took a year, but is getting there!!! God bless The Algorithm!

  • @patricksnyder1524
    @patricksnyder1524 Год назад +2

    Awesome video. Deserves the amount views and perhaps much more.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Thank you so much! I made a few other documentaries in this same style! I hope you'll enjoy them as well! ☺️

  • @TheOfficialLucas478
    @TheOfficialLucas478 Год назад

    The fact that the oversimplification warning came on the screen every 5 seconds, just shows how complicated this is. Even things that seem simple at first glance like this actually can be complex and hard to put in a 45 minute video. I didn’t realize it was this complicated to just make a Minecraft world procedurally generate.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Ohhh, I had to simplify SO! MANY! THINGS! And I know that without that warning, I would have been flooded with messages! 😅 I also like when other channels do it. For instance, when videos about science are showing diagrams of atoms and solar systems and say in the corner "not to scale". Or when the same videos are clearly labelling as CGI all rendering of planets, cells and atoms.

  • @rxptorgg
    @rxptorgg Год назад +1

    This is an amazing video and very high quality. The fact that something that seems so simple but is so extensive is amazing!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much! It's what I like about games like Minecraft. They're so incredibly complex, once you peer through their apparent simplicity!

  • @MenwalEdits
    @MenwalEdits Год назад +1

    this video is super underated and ive only watched haf of it so far! definitely going to finish it

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Thank you so much! I have a few other documentaries made in a similar style on my channel, in case you are interested!

  • @theomonty
    @theomonty Год назад

    this is such a cool video, you gotta make more stuff like this!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thank you! I am making more stuff like this RIGHT NOW! 😎 The next two documentaries will be about understanding hyperspace, and the emergence of emergent behaviours!
      Also, I have a few other documentaries on my channel which I hope you'll like!

  • @RedstoneSea5124
    @RedstoneSea5124 Год назад +1

    As someone that has been working with minecraft code and mods for probably 6 years, I have learned a lot from this video. World gen was something that was always so scary to me that I never touched it. This video completely cured me of that fear

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thanks! I actually played with the decompiled source code for several months while doing research for this video!

    • @RedstoneSea5124
      @RedstoneSea5124 Год назад

      @@AlanZucconi Now that is dedication I can very much respect! Hats off to you.
      I hope you didn't have to look trough too much spaghetti code. There is already a surprising amount of pasta in this video x)

  • @Glidikil
    @Glidikil Год назад

    I'd absolutely love to see a breakdown of the other structures etc. The stuff skipped over in this doc.
    Great stuff!! Very educational!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад +1

      Thanks! I took over 100 pages of notes, it was hard to decide what to include! The reality is that the position of other structures is often just a nasty equation! 😅 But it's interesting to see how buildings are generated by joining together different pieces!

    • @Glidikil
      @Glidikil Год назад

      Yeah no doubt! I've been working with the recently released and still very experimental procedural content generation tool in Unreal. The sheer scope of what is possible to achieve with tools like this is insane and the required equations to make it work even more so! Seeing a detailed breakdown of how a quintessential game handles procedural generation to this scale was definitely enlightening not just as to what can be taken into consideration but also the pitfalls along the way.
      Our little R&D team in the studio is currently gobbling up this video to see what we can take away from it and to what extend we can apply the knowledge of it to PCG in various projects 😁

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      @@Glidikil that's awesome to hear! ✨


    Thank you RUclips god for recommending me this MASTERPIECE

  • @martingogaming
    @martingogaming Год назад

    I wish I would see this video a year ago. As a Minecraft Java Edition player and a programmer, I **never** found this information anywhere! This video really deserves more views, as it (probably) involved so much research and digging for information. I would also like to mention that in reality implementing that into a real code is a completely different story.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Thank you so much! 🙏 Yes, it took more than a year to do the video! I had to decompile and recompile Minecraft for several weeks! I'm glad RUclips is finally giving this video some exposure!

  • @TAP7a
    @TAP7a Год назад

    You know you've been down the terrain generation rabbit hole too long when the one sentence explanation at 14:40 made perfect sense the first time round

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      These are the people I make content for 💪

  • @pithlyx
    @pithlyx 10 месяцев назад +1

    im playing minecraft watching this video, and the creeper at 4:12 scared the shit out of me. great video, have been chipping away at my procedural game knowledge for a while and this is another great addition to the vault.

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  10 месяцев назад

      Sorry about that! 😅
      But glad you enjoyed the video!
      Btw, on my blog I posted a long tutorial on how to create Minecraft plugins! You might find that interesting!

  • @DetachedHat1799
    @DetachedHat1799 Месяц назад

    This is really well made! Time to rebuild minecraft's procedural generation from this video

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Месяц назад

      Thank you! ☺ And if you do, please share it with us!

  • @NeilSeed
    @NeilSeed 2 года назад +6

    That's a very good documentary, here is my 🦭 of approval

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  2 года назад +1

      Thank you Neil, it means a lot!
      Btw, you're in the credits! ✨

  • @djenning90
    @djenning90 2 месяца назад

    This documentary was fascinating, beautiful and really relaxing to watch. The production quality is outstanding, the examples are breathtaking, and his voice is really pleasant to listen to. And I learned a LOT about noise maps and procedural generation. Thank you!

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  2 месяца назад

      @@djenning90 thank YOU for watching it all, and for taking the time to leave such a nice comment! 🙏

  • @mudslingur
    @mudslingur Год назад

    happy to see this video finally getting the support it deserves. keep it up man good job 👍

    • @AlanZucconi
      @AlanZucconi  Год назад

      Thank you so much!!! Yeah, is great to see RUclips finally giving this video some well-deserved exposure! ✨ I'm already working on the next documentary!