Xbox 360 demi-eroge “Ore no Yome” has already attracted much attention for its boob jiggling content, and now the game has been attracting even more attention through its decision to employ sukumizu-clad models in saucy poses as part of an Akihabara release event:
The game itself is due in the autumn, and promises the usual ersatz dating experience:
The models are kinda good-looking, and the way they were posing made me really, really horny.
Fap, fap, fap…
wow that nice just awesome nice
Those girls there must be really lucky having to just sit there in their panties and spread their legs out. Work couldn’t get any better than that for them.
I’d prefer fucking the cosplayers, instead of playing the game. 😀
As would I, preferably at the same time. coscunt-sandwich, yum
Personally I would have preferred Ako and Riko in one of their episodes when Keita isn’t around xD