The Making of Star Wars - The Phantom Menace
- Опубликовано: 9 мар 2025
- Making of Star Wars - The Phantom Menace (1999). This video is not an official product. It was created and edited by a team of dedicated fans of Lucasfilm. The footage used are the webisodes and featurettes officially released by Lucasfilm. All rights to any material used remain courtesy of their respective owners.
I’ve actually seen this more than I have the actual movie. Because as a kid I lost the DVD and so I was just stuck with this so I watched it over and over and over again.
This but with Spiderman 2. I only had the special features DVD
Serial killer origin story.
i loved watching this as a kid too
The behind the scenes are more fascinating to me,. Even a movie that didn't work out so well in my opinion and that of many others, it is still full of creative geniuses and bold ideas. It's amazing to see.
Man. These documentaries are so magical.
The year was 2000, I as a little boy 12 yrs old, my family was so poor we had only small black and white TV when I catched the announcement of Star Wars Episode I on a TV channel. I was astonished and barely managed to convince my mom to let me watch on the next day. That was amazing. Couple years atrer, we had a color TV and a VHS player and mom gifted me a tape with Episode II. And a third one I watched in theather, bought a ticket for earned money, I was already adult and that movie shocked me. The whole trilogy was processed and consumed by my brains for years, re-watched again and againg, now I'm 34 and I'm still eager to watch it one more time because of the genius of George Lucas and selfless labor of his team. Great respect!
I was 17 when this movie came out. This is the one that got me into Star Wars. So nostalgic for me.
It’s the first one I watched as well. I love it.
I was born in october a few months after tpm came out in may of 1999. My first movie in theaters was revenge of the sith
I was 12 when the original star wars hit the theaters back in late 70's was the best movie ever made for that time period👍
Sucks to hear
I adore George's passion and energy. You entire set and many expensive and complex props have been destroyed in a storm - "I say it's good luck"
Looking back at the making of the Prequels you can see just how much love and work went into them. It's a shame so many people write them off as "just CGI fests".
hello there
@@darkworld9850 Sequels are garbage, Prequels are not.
the choreography is phenomenal
@@darkworld9850 aight elitist
Terryl Whitlatch put all her wonderful creativity & joy into Jar Jar- her enthusism is infectious. She designed him for kids knowing they would love the character- and they did. Pity a bunch of 40 yr old's had to turn him into a character for their scorn and cynicism. bitter from the frustrations that life hasn't worked out for them.
Jar Jar was a giant step up in sfx computer generated character. many subsequent movie characters only existed because of the technology pioneered to create him. Meesa thinkin' he no so bad after all. [i'm sorry for that. no excuses. My kids loved my Jar Jar impersonations and who am I to take that away from them].
You're the one that sounds bitter.youre moping because the adult audience didn't fall in love with a CG character?
Change your diaper and grow up.
I've been falling asleep to all 3 of these Making Of videos since they were released. Please don't take these down
Wow so every night you go „Phantom Menace the 736th it is!“ ?
I can't even BEGIN to explain how much Star Wars means to me. Thankyou George, John, and all the wonderful people who made this far, far away galaxy possible.
don't forget Paul and Ringo!
And disney destroyed them so they could be marx!$m.
@@RogersGirl88 Don’t give Disney that power. They don’t deserve that credit.
same for me, in my childhood everything was Star wars to me, my lego sets, catalogs, pc games, clothes, posters, sticker albums, toys, light saber fights with friends. All
Probably the best making of documentary I’ve ever seen. Probably because you get every bit of development from the writing to the premiere.
And because the making of Phantom Menace is genuinely incredible. The scale of the work that went into this is almost unfathomable
Naboo starfighter = thing of BEAUTY!!!
Great design
Im a artist myself but this is mind blowing! The blood sweat and tears. The vision and the carpenters!! Wow
I've watched a lot of movie behind the scene documentaries before, but this is the only one that reminded me why I enjoyed doing plays back in my schooldays.
George Lucas is brilliant. Such patience and natural talent. The level of passion and attention to detail invested in all aspects of this movie created a world with beauty that has only been captured so few times. It's incredible the way so many teams worked together to make this happen. Truly astounding
When I was 3 years old I was going through a major surgery where I almost died but prior to my surgery where we didn’t know what was wrong with me I was in immense pain all the time, constant stays in the hospital constant pain. The only thing that made me not focus on the pain was watching the phantom menace with my dad. I can’t tell you how many times me and my dad watched this movie together, I’m 24 now and to this day Star Wars is still a massive part of my life, it brings me comfort all the time, these movies in my mind is a good reason why I’m still here
Your story made me cry. Please, don't forget there was also a lot of people to thank you didn't die - all doctors and medical personel at least. But yeah, SW is THAT catching.
Great story ...bless you .
good memories. my kids loved Phantom. Its a shame so many my age failed to appreciate its beauty. Instead of imagining themselves as 8 year old again they blamed george for failing to do it for them.
These are one of the videos I come back to that inspires me into the art of filmmaking.
If you're into the art of filmmaking, you don't want to be inspired by George Lucas. His approach of "I just set up a wide shot and let the actors go", and "I'll just say action, and maybe 'more intense'" is not a great playbook.
Seeing Jake Lloyd's performance as young Anakin played side-by-side with the other candidates makes me appreciate him a little more. There was definitely effort on his part.
dude thank you! there are people that wish a different kid got the part. jake Lloyd gave an authentic performance.
Im sure there’s some kid out there that could’ve absolutely killed the roll of anikan and everyone would agree, but jake really did a good job
@@Brennanrr Well, casting is always more important than acting. I'm sure someone else could have nailed the more basic elements of the acting for young Anakin, but not only did Jake Floyd overall look the part (you'll actually notice, if I recall correctly, that all of the kids they tested for the role of Anakin had blonde hair and blue/hazel eyes), he had all of the right body language and facial expressions, as well as other aspects that the character needed. Star Wars is a visual story first, and the quality of the vocal performance didn't matter if the voice, mannerisms, body language and facial expressions didn't match what Lucas was going for.
He was still the wrong casting choice.
GL went for someone “cute” instead of for someone that had a “touch of destiny” upon them.
If you look at Jake Lloyd during the shooting and when he’s conversing with others, he’s a pretty stupid kid lmao.
He’s like 10-11 there but he acts like he’s 8
The older kid that they show that almost got the part I think should’ve gotten it. They probably went with loyd because he was younger but that kid could not act. The test screenings prove it
This is Star Wars! No more no less. Thank you George.
we all owe john williams a huge thank you, for everything
Yeah Duel of the Fates is the best.
I was fortunate enough to see him and talk to him at Tanglewood back in 2019. One of the greatest days of my life.
Such a genius guy
duel of the fates is still hauntingly perfect to this day
Long Live The King
Indeed. :)
Revenge of the prequels is great. Thank you so much man. Always great to see love for the prequels
@@davidbright6116 my pleasure
Hey Anomaly, don't know if you'll see this, but I was brainwashed by the prequel hate online and it affected my enjoyment of them. Your series has liberated my mind and now I love them more than the OT.
@@KroCalGames AYEEE thanks pal long may they reign
I'm watching the first 3 episodes again and enjoying them. Rich in detail.
They arent made that well but have great stories.
@@gamerslockerslife4444 its clear a lot of care was put into everything , its a shame nobody was there to help write, direct and cast and check mr lucas's bad desicions
@@michaelphillips7623 Umm... yes there were
@@VibingMeike there wasn’t, Lucas had full reign on the production and writing. Whatever he wanted done they had to do. It’s something George Lucas has mentioned regretting in recent interviews over the years.
@@michaelphillips7623 its all his, the idea and the whole reason why Star Wars is a thing. If he visions it a specific way, its because thats the way he wants HIS, emphasis on his, world, his fiction. No one has the right to judge his characters since theyre his to control.
Just started watching this and in the 1st 5 mins have realised i havnt seen this interview at all. Im in fir a treat!!!!
So happy these are on RUclips
You can see how much craftsmanship was put into all the Prequels. Not a fan of any of em’ but I feel & hear Lucas’ voice in every scene.
I watched Episode 4/5/6 obsessively, it was literally a comfortzone in a broken family for me, when episode 1 came out, i went right in the cinema, at this time living in a Foster Home, still it was amazing, i watched it with mercy, curiosity and love, these days my comfort is the Lord Jesus Christ.
George Lucas …. A true gift to humanity …. We are very fortunate that he gave us Star Wars …. George Lucas created such beauty … to bring everyone’s talents to fulfill a true masterpiece …. Star Wars
I will never listen to the haters of the prequels ever again. So much love and passion went into this movie that started with just an idea. Thanks for painting us a beautiful picture George!
John Williams music regardless of the movie just hits different, but the duel of fates just gives me chills all these years later. I was 3rd in line when this movie released in my small town in Eastern NC. I got to meet and talk to David Prowse and he autographed my novelization of the phantom menance by Terry Brooks (my fave author who signed it as well). Man going from being 4 years in 83 when ROTJ released in the theaters until now I am glad I got to experience true star wars that has you ask the big questions and just get lost in the worlds and cheering for the heroes and enjoying watching the villains fail. May the Fore be with you! I wish I had seen this before now!
My favorite scene is where the 2 characters walk in front of a green screen and then stop and talk, and then start walking again
I was 8 and this movie got me into Star Wars
George really understood world building and design. Wish he expanded into more things outside of star wars and indy.
did he really though???
I don’t know why people didn’t like this one. I loved The Phantom Menace.
You're speaking through nostalgia. Nothing about the movie makes sense, it has absolutely no personality and we don't even meet the protagonist until like 45 minutes in.
@@LymbicSystemuwu My girlfriend just watched it and thinks its great. Maybe there are just different opinions mate. So??? Whats wrong about it?
@@joel5135 Oh damn you're right, I didn't realize your girlfriend watched it, that definitely means these movies hold any merit.
@@LymbicSystemuwu that wasn't the point of my comment but ok
@@joel5135 Then I'm not sure what the point was, and my point still stands: the movies suck when looked at through even the tiniest of critical eyes. Only brainless morons flood these comments section praising the PTs.
There is no wrong way to grieve. Be gone as long as you need. I just discovered you and look forward to going back through your videos.
My first words believe it or not was Darth Maul. I was born 1999 & my dad was a huge Star Wars fan. “Darf Maaauuu” is how he said I would say it.
Cute! 😂
This footage is incredible. These movies did not turn out well, but George really did try to give us something unique and original.
the part with Stuart Freeborn is great
I grew up with prequels do I always loved them ! But this gives a whole other level of appreciation
I am over 50 now. A Star Wars fan. Now a full time armour-maker who has made armour for a few films now.
I never saw the so-called prequels back in the day, I have no idea why? Probably had something to do with girls being more interesting?
I was in England back then, but I have now been in France for 16 years and last week I found all 3 DVD's in a French charity shop for 6€, so I grabbed them.
Came home, cooked some great Indian food (the perfect accompaniment to Sci-fi), lit a big fire, turned up the surround sound to 11, turned off the lights and jumped in!
I have only seen The Phantom Menace so far but I thought it was fantastic! The Pod-Race especially. It's Attack of the Clones next weekend! 🤖👍
Best wishes from a French forest my friends.
Old fans didn't like the CGI but I love the CGI 👍
I feel nostaligic because the dream is over now... Thank you Mr Lucas🎖️
This video is really inspiring me, getting me to think about certain details. I'm currently trying to write a book with George's mindset and I try and watch him making things to get inspired to try making things myself
I loved the original trilogy, but the prequels is where Lucas went HAM with the lore and world building, allowing other creators to explore and be creative in their own right.
It's a shame the third trilogy went the way they did because it just didn't leave much to be able to touch upon depth wise as the first two trilogies allowed.
I turned 31 years old in august, i was born in 93. Its crazy to think that George began writing episode 1 when i was 1 and didnt release until i was 5.
The 3 takes of "someday im going to fly away from this place" etc was the most obvious choice ever😂 it sounded natural instantly, jake did an outstanding job i cant imagine how it wouldve been with the other two, no offence to them of course jake just had it downpat straight away
22:21 wow this was prabobly a reference sequence that was traced animated and used in Anakins vs Ventress duel in original 2003 clone wars. I caught that becouse one day I was trying to handdraw this fight frame by frame, and this looks very familiar and makes sense
Amazing. Inspiring and enduring. A good watch to start the work week.
The Genius of George Lucas never fails to amaze me.
A great documentary on the making of a great film
watching this video 20 times at least, made me fall in love with the prequels. The imagination and creativity that went into them is astounding. whatever minor faults with dialogue cannot take away from the magical world that George Lucas created for us in these 3 movies. This galaxy was expanded far beyond the origanal trilogy and enriched our Star Wars knowledge. in Phantom Menace we also have
the best ever light sabre duel,
the best action sequence with the pod race and
the coolest Jedi of all - Qui Gon, and
Scariest Sith was Darth Maul.
duel of the fates is the finest musical score.
Coruscant a planet city was special
Jar Jar was such an advance in sfx I just cannot help love him. especially when you see the love and care that his creator put into the character,
how cool was the Senate design?
Jake Lloyd was delightful [making his loss to the Sith all the more tragic. [shame on all the losers who took away the pleasure he should have been able to cherish, being in Star Wars, for his whole life].
my only dissappointment was that Yoda was not the fun, mischievous character of Empire.
Pod race is boring and waste of time. He should focus about Darth Maul and Palpatine scene or show Darth Plagueis. Why that legend only just mentioned in finale episode? This is issues SW under Lucas. He need assistance to help him created more idea in writing the story.
Love this overall. My one and only gripe aesthetically speaking is the Yoda puppet. Really, he should look identical to TESB/ROTJ. He's nearly 900 years old - just 30 years should be almost nothing to him in his older years. Like the difference between 73 and 75 years for a human.
33:22 i know its only one clip, but am i the only one who thinks devin was the best anakin audition?
His delivery of “I won’t always be.” should have gotten him the role.
True legend looking forward to the prequel can't wait.
Duel of the Fates gives me chills every time I hear it!
George Lucas started writing the backstory of Star Wars and an origin story back in late 1994. Lucas explained in an interview how it took a long time to prep them and would release one by the late 1990s.
Only that level of care, passion and artistry can make brilliant Star Wars. disney has non of that.
@@HULK-HOGAN1 so David Filoni didn't have quality Lucas had? He made The Clone Wars and Ahsoka. Ahsoka is more better and darker than The Phantom Menace. Music score and theme and storyline.
@@HULK-HOGAN1 I don't like Lucas changes few scenes in OT Han shot punk alien scene, originally Han shot first. Then in few edition he have made they both shot at the same time, another that alien shot Han but didn't hit him. Emperor hologram projector in episode 5 it did change with Palpatine's appearance from episode 3. In Original one it was him just glimpse Emperor face because they didn't know yet how Emperor alook like. Only episode 6 we see him fully design.
Showing the adventures of young darth Vader is such a choice
The mortis gods smile down upon the one who keeps these docs on youtube
40:57 it's like poetry, it rhymes
Me and my mom walked 2 miles to a mall that no longer exists to see Phantom Menace, X-Men 1, Fellowship of the Ring, and King Kong 2003. I would've been 4-8yo in those days, great memories.
I remember the 1st of November 1994. I was a freshman in college
Honestly I don’t get the hate, looking back at it the prequels are fantastic movies!
Ahmed Best is too good for us.
George called John Williams "Johnny" is shown they are a great friends
The footage of them practicing the fight scenes puts what ended up in the movie to shame
I can’t get over how transparent Lucas was all through the prequel trilogy.
Cameras rolling all the time. Nothing to hide.
Disney…… everyone is held at gunpoint talking about Star Wars now. 😆
I can listen to George talk all day lol
I’m not afraid to admit that I like the prequels better than the originals. Some would say that Darth Maul was the only good aspect of Phantom Menace but I strongly disagree, I enjoyed the whole movie and still to this day I think it’s a great movie.👌👍
Same. The prequels had flaws, but they were also inspiring, creative, and sparked my imagination.
@@Lily-rz8mg absolutely agree.👍 the originals were great too but I grew up watching the prequels. Hayden Christensen, Jake Lloyd, and Ahmed Best didn’t deserve all that hate.
@@DrystHawkGeorge Lucas was like the Kevin feige of Star Wars back in the day! He had a vision for the franchise. Knew how they would start and end. I believe when the og movies came out he had an idea for how the prequels would begin and end. Crazy how far he planned into the future
@@ComicandMovieguy2025 so true
George, I wish you didn’t sell the franchise to Disney. Fuck the critics. The prequels are great. They will never get old for me
Who’s here Nov 2024? 30 years later!!
November 2025..
47:36 I am watching this sequence about R2D2 and thinking to myself. Imagine telling these artists and engineers there and then that they were working on a *lesbian* robot. What would their faces turn into and how fast you would be kicked out of the building? For some reason, this idea makes me believe that Leslye Headland is not just a ridiculous person but utterly braindead.
Well said.
This is better than the actual movie.
I'm 48 and have been a huge Star Wars franchise fan for the majority of my life. Like everything else I hold near and dear, this major love has disappointed me a few times. But those are very few and, like always, far in between. LOVED episodes 4-6, or as I still refer to them as, the first 3. Which in terms of theatrical release, would be correct. I feel the last 3 sequels were, well, unnecessary for lack of a more pleasant term.
The drawings are fucking beautiful
Skywalker Sound really popped off for this
TPM is tied for with ROTS as my fave sw movie❤
Liam Neeson was a mentor before being a mentor was even his thing.
The original Star Wars trilogy was made based on other movies, cartoons, World War II, etc., and series from earlier times. The same thing happened with Star Wars music, since you can listen to classical music and you will find a lot of similarity with Star Wars music.
The worldbuilding is some of the best ever, like the Clone Wars series and so forth. What wordlbuilding are in the sequels? New rebels, new empire. It's ironic: prequels are more boring movies (except ep 3 which I love), but sequels are less interesting. It's like poetry - it rhymes...
EDIT: 18:16 - Tarkin Van Helsing poster in the background. Nice
I can see why Jake got the role, he definitely had an edge over the other kids...
The good old days 😊
The phantom menace is my favorite of the Star Wars movies.
Although Eps IV, V and VI were filmed first and Ep IV was simply titled Star Wars when released in 1977, I do love watching this behind the scenes stuff of Eps I-III. Particularly Ep I here. Since I love watching the saga in chronological order, it does sort of feel like this is the beginning. Guess it's partly cuz I wasn't born yet when the original trilogy was first released. But moments like Lucas about to start writing the script, Ewan choosing his lightsaber, day 1 of shooting Ep I etc. really do feel like history in the making.
I wish I could’ve held that n-1 star fighter model it’s my favorite ship
I like Darth maul
Me toooo
Me treeee
@TrIgGeRHaPpYTJ88 Me five
@@steel115 Red Five?
@@finalsecretofchrono1339 five 0
People were and still are often unfair towards the Prequals, especially when they don't look at the behind the scenes footage to get a sense how much work and effort was put into it. I don't understand why a lot of Original fans thought things could be exactly as they were in the 1970s and what was wrong with CGI being used to brake boundaries anyway? Not to mention what happened to poor Jake Lloyd. His schizophrenia probably wouldn't have gotten so bad had people not been jealous and the press been more controlled.
He was also bullied by his classmates so that didn't help. I have to push back against those who say the prequels were CGI fests because when you look at these documentaries THAT WERE ON THE DVDS you see how much work went into making these movies and how they still incorporated practical effects where they could like the steam from the Mustafar battle and even the lava was captured on cameras from filming near a volcano that was erupting. Building miniature sets and everything.
George got so much undeserved hate but he never took it out on the fans. The man was classy. It does my heart good knowing the prequels are starting to be seen for the great movies they are.
That's because you clearly don't understand why people don't like the movies. You think that just because someone worked hard on making a set or just because someone does a lot of CGI that some people don't like, it should mean that the end product is good, but the reason why these movies are garbage is because of the horribly boring characters (no, Qui-gon Gin has no personality, stop pretending), the horrible pacing in a child's movie where they talk about trade disputes, absolutely no interesting sets for dialogues (it's all green screen and clearly looks fake) and horrible plot elements that make no sense. Why do the characters make any of the decisions that they do? It makes no sense.
But nooooo, for people like you it's enough that pod racers go BRRRRR
@Lotan I see your points, but these films were quite good for their time, and, especially compared to the sequels, the prequels are quite the masterpieces. The lore behind everything is great, especially if you also watch the clone wars. I might honestly be kinda biased toward them, as I grew up with them, but they really can't be called "bad". Also, I think Jake Lloyd did quite a great job for a 7-8 year old, which I don't think many people would be able to pull of. Anyways, thanks for reading my comment, and please excuse any errors, I am not a native english speaker.
@@Only_Nub were good for that time you said. Same also for sequel, the first one The Force Awakens some point is look better than in first episode the prequel. Each has their own lack and advantage. No one can make a perfect film.
Damn the kid who played anakin is a much better actor point blank period.
Wish more people had thought that in 1999.
Everybody ripped on the movie including the kid. Back in the 90s people likes gangster music and death metal and being edgy as possible. Needless to say the didn't appreciate the vision george had to appeal to kids and adults at the same time
I love the prequels. Yeah, some things I don't like but the attention to detail is evident. Modern Star Wars just throws that all out the window sadly.
46:15 12-13 year old Keira Knightley!
Behind the scenes
@46:17 Was that Keira, or did they use another decoy?
*”Jar-jar is the key to all this..”*
The actor you chose for little boy Annie he has he had the best voice
I like jar jar gives depth ..there's all sorts of characters across all spectrums In star wrars
Oh Jar Jar is on the spectrum, alright.
I was only 2 years old 1994 awww lil baby! lol one more year now and one foot in grave
i was barely a year old
Those people who sound like they from London always make good movies 😂 or were ever that accent follows
One word: Vision
So pleased these films were made before the woke times the Disney times.
It was all along meant to be a 12 something hour epic story. I guess they learned from their (sequel) mistake.
54:26 this part never made it to the finale film for some reason
I always get a feeling that they picked wrong with Anakin, that one kid with the Hamill-esque haircut always feels like the one to go with.
I disagree..the thing with Jake Lloyd is his eyes he has that look of mischief in his eyes like u know he means well but his eyes tell you there could be trouble..the other 2 didn't give that they were to clean cut and polished..there's something about jakes awkwardness that plays Into vader ..I know he got alot of hate but for me he was the right choice out of those 3
@@DarkLordofTheSith69i agree
The hamill esque one is a young Luke not Anakin. Jake was perfect and it wasn’t close.