Why is Genshin NOT improving? | ZZZ playthrough
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- As a 4 year old game, Genshin is lagging severely behind, with no alchemical crafting in built, with no fast forward to skip button, and Natlan was NOT insane. But what's stopping Hoyo from developing Genshin impact? In this video,we will explore the reason why Genshin is not getting better, or improving at an insanely slow speed. I truly hope Genshin will improve but with snezhnaya coming, I genuinely doubt so.
I am now fairly certain it's something wrong within Hoyo's department in Genshin's dev section. How on earth are ZZZ, HSR and even HI3 (still doing so well) are doing better than Genshin? I remember seeing a post speculating on a certain individual within Genshin's dev team who apparently is the head of the development but I don't know if it's true or not their the reason for the game flopping recently.
@@Ariff_Playz honestly, I genuinely don't know what's wrong with Genshin because even TOF could give what we wanted. The reason why it's dead is because TOF barely does any marketing that gives reasons to play the game. Mirroria was genuinely great, I still hate the frost world in TOF, but TOF, HSR, Wuwa, even legend of Neverland gave us what Genshin couldn't. I'm looking forward to Snezhnaya, but not anymore
@@Chockitkat Keep lookin Forward to Sneznaya. I want cryo Archon Waifu.
But I really think genshin dev time should just be disbanded at this point with full control given to HSR.
This is basically my opinion now. There's no way zzz gives a free five star not even a year in, are treating us like kings, offering us budget packs, actually having a good story, going above and beyond to add stuff we wanted like walk around with every character, when genshin literally can't even make stackable resin. There's something seriously wrong with that dev team.
genshin is not flopping
@@gamerbeast3616bro stop coping
1- Skip button(At least for side quests...)
2- Not waiting 800+ days for a rerun character/weapon (PrimordialJadeCutter, Eula, Shenhe, Ganyu, kokomi)
3- Giving 5* to characters that aren't in the main story, weak or random(Sigewine, klee, chiori, emile, mizuki, qiqi)
⚪The governor of Liyue "Ningguang"
⚪Fatui with a rough past and trained by arlechinno "Lynette"
⚪A general of the Watatsumi Army "Gorou"
⚪ One of the 5 heroes of natlan "Ororon"
4- Improving QoL movement in the over world and revisiting extremely powercreped characters
5- Instead of random NPC, make events with characters/friends that we know.
Oh my goodness fr it was criminal for Ningguang not to be a 5* and I will be honest I don't like her design as well. Waiting 800+ days for a rerun character is crazy. I remember waiting so long for Albedo and while that gave me so much time to save for him, I feel that they should just either increase the time of the chronicle wish or give the characters for free (since Mobile legends also gives us characters for free if we stop playing the game and stuff)
I agree that a skip button should be added for the side quest. I guess they just want to force you to play through their story so you'll be invested. Honestly I feel that the skip button actually makes me wanna play the story more cus I miss a lot if I skip. Mihoyo is just an oldie at this point
Resin cap can still be increased, and resin stock like HSR system would help a lot for more casual players. Still a number of super old issues they never really addressed that should have been done ages ago
1st Anniversary was already telling enough with the laundry list of things that needed improvements that were clearly ignored. It wasn't about the anniversary rewards, it was the constant blatant disregard for the community over the course of the entire year
most important, repeatable endgame content.
skip button but no rewards if you lazy to do the story of story driven game then oyu dotn deserve the rewards of it .
"Not waiting 800+ days for a rerun character/weapon"
a that sadly part of the problem when you have to many chr they did say that want to do chronicale banner more often if it sell well if it doesnt it doesnt make sense ot have it.
"4- Improving QoL movement in the over world and revisiting extremely powercreped characters"
not sure what need improvment in the movement and oyu cant change chrs at ALL IT AGAINST CHINESE LAW AS IT WOULD BE SEEN AS FRAUD (no joke look it up )YOU CAN ONLY BUFF THE ELEMENT A BIT .
"Instead of random NPC, make events with characters/friends that we know."
that been happening a lot but it cant always happen it would make the world feel small.
@@anteprs7908 Please stop defending their shady practice.
-Skip button would in no way affect your experience, stop being a gate keeper for a multi billion dollar company.
-Nothing stops them for running more banners, this is just artificial scarcity to boost up sales. Chronicle banner lasting half of a patch is very telling.
-I'm not even gonna ask you for proof since I know you don't have any. This is just an excuse used by hoyoshills to defend why they don't fix characters. Zhongly was changed (buffed), Yae Miko was changed (then reverted), Barbara was changed (nerffed), Neuvillette was changed (then reverted). By your own logic they have broken the "LAW" 4 times already... You are just regurgitating bullshit and should be ashamed.
-Your world feel small.
Here, I'll leave you with more criticism for you to chew on ;
*Updated list of what longtime Genshin players have been asking for (~4years):*
- *Loadouts* to save a few artifacts sets and weapons per character, should be up to 7-8 slots, at least one for each element type+add option to change element of MC anywhere in overworld
- *More repeatable and unrestricted SOLO & CO-OP permanent combat content* with customizable difficulty, buffs, de-buffs, NO TIMERS, etc. But also *more casual content* that is less reliant on Meta or character investments to have fun solo or with friends.
- *Resin overflow system* + condensed resin capacity increase
- *Togglable constellations* for content creators, testers, or people who want to try challenges
- *Epitomized Path for 4-stars* and more characters/weapons in the Starglitter shop
- *Old events (as optional DLC) to be re-playable for new players* and be able to experience *hidden/missed lore* and mini-games
- A way for *new players to acquire old event character signature weapons* in a shop
- More in-game *characters emote and animation for role-players* like; waving, clapping, sitting… (already exist in the game files and used in story quests)
- Skip dialogue option for speedrunners
- *Un-cap FPS on PC and Android* (We do not care if you made a deal with “Apple”, fix this for the benefit of all travelers once and for all)
- *Add controller support for Android devices* (Same as previous... Use your army of lawyers and fix this injustice. This is anti-consumer and not inclusive for travelers around the world.)
- Clear *buff indicators with cool-downs* in the UI(user interface) and *hp bar for shields*
- *Retire the day locked domains for weapons and talents materials*
- Add *3 extra 10-pulls* (cost: 8 fates) to the /beginner's banner/ and make the *50th pull a guaranteed standard 5-star* character _(HSR already implemented this)_
- *FIX DEHYA.* Then address the *bug reports* on characters like Eula, Mona, Xinyan etc
it's insane how they're treating Genshin Impact and its fanbase despite it being their most popular game.
@@bloom6250 it's like what others had said. Genshin was the blueprint and the blueprint is worse than the games that adapted it. Genshin failed to show who is boss honestly
Those dimwits eat up any garbage they cook up
Genshin has always treated its playerbase rather poorly. That was the entire 1st Anniversary debacle. Tons of complaints piled up, and the anniversary rewards were the last straw, so they review bombed -- and were getting censored, as what happens often with review bombs, but players were fed up so they ended up spreading out instead when the review pages were getting locked down. Entire thing went up in flames because they were ignoring player feedback and not bothering to address issues from way far back. Also went ahead and let the playerbase be covered in media very poorly without really trying to get them to correct things with what was going on behind the scenes, so players were being covered in the most negative ways possible. Not much effort in correcting anything from back then
Now that I think about it... what was that timeline of games doing advertisements with fake apology videos...? I really disliked those since they felt so shallow, but thinking about it now... they might have been within the right timeframe to be meming on Genshin. I think I might actually appreciate those shitty ads now 😂 LMAO.
it they are only caring for the target audeince of genshin player not the ppl who shlt on it.
@@Chockitkat You mean listen to the fans that cry about skin color and call every woman in a position of power a mary sue?
ZZZ is my priority gacha rn while Wuwa slowly climbing up the ranks (i just tried it out on PS5 and it's so fun). Genshin oh Genshin, even tho i got Mavuika and Citlali using free primos... i don't feel excitement anymore for playing with them or for Archon Quest or simply exploring the world. One thing i noticed while playing those 2 mentioned games (zzz, wuwa) is being treated well, respected- both in time and rewards aspects- that feels good..
Currently. HSR is now making their next world story last AN ENTIRE YEAR.
lasting from 3.0 to 3.7 it will be the full Patch.
A full year to tell the story instead of 3 patches. Basically Hoyo wants to make Amphoreus saga an Epic to fully develop all the characters as it has the largest cast of characters introduced for a planet.
That sounds so fun!!! I wished there was a way to skip through the penacony and such so I can explore that!! I love the design from the new region!! Will definitely be playing HSR story once I have time
@@Chockitkat Don't skip. Just play through when you have time. Granted you don't need to play through Penacony fully as they will let you Quick start into Amphoreus
I wanna play the new region so badly 😭🙏 honestly HSR is good but I didn't like the way how they acted like they are bosses when they just met the slacking lady from Xianzhou Luofu. That being said, March and Dan Heng are still better than Paimon. I honestly prefer the designs in HSR now so I will play it
Imagine the betrayal for being a player who follows them since Beta Test, and they treat you like shit for 3,5 and cries fake tears..
Smh Hoyo..
I can imagine the betrayal it would be even worse if the developers intentionally did that just so when snezhnaya comes, everyone would be excited again
I doubt Genshin is going to end with Snezhnaya or Khaenriah
This is just Arc I of Genshin and I'm sure we're gonna get a second story line after
If that's the case, I hope that we will get the improvement in all the characters
Any other game: Add QoL feature for free in each updates
Genshin: Add QoL feature as character skills, so players have to buy it with real money.
Oh, sorry, not buy, GAMBLE for it with real money. Also making be able to gamble only once or twice a year.
Fr and people still say their updates are INSANNNNEEE
Genshin: Its INSAAAAANE how mavuika can fly for 3 seconds!!!!!!! BUY NOW
WW: *adds jetpack to fly in any direction* for free
I just saw the leak 5.4 and turns out they are gonna add controller support on android device, this is because wuwa add controller support on ios and android earlier a few months ago, thanks wuwa I guess
crazy to think this game had no controller support until now.
Since the game is so popular on phone, how comes this wasn't done before ???
Have you seen the 2.0 update of Wuwa? Blew everyone’s mind how good it is. They added flying for Pete’s sake that isn’t locked behind characters lmao
I SAWWWWW and for that reason , it's enough for me to drop Genshin honestly
cry harder they dont need to give flying for free
@@gamerbeast3616they dont need to give flying for free? Bro are you mental?? Whats wrong with you
@@gamerbeast3616 greatest cope comment I've ever seen lmfao. sunk cost got you good lad
@@youfailfulsad to see ppl who play genshin so brainwashed and blind ppl like him will defend and make excuses no matter what
for some reason in genshin they appear to be against making money while putting in effort, it does feel like they are heavily disconnected from their playerbase than in their other games as well as in comparison to their competition. There will be more open world gacha in the future like arknights endfield, NTE, Ananta and Azur promilia so I hope those do well enough for genshin to have what players been asking for and improve because genshin seems to be doing "changes" based on whenever they fear they will lose much more money . I like to listen to your videos while I do other stuff, keep it up!
they are not against money
If they were against money they woulda caved to the crybabies of the "boycott genshin" crowd. They did not, so most whales will keep playing, which lets you negative folks cry about not getting enough free stuff in your free game. You are always welcome to go play those other games you love so much. All the negativity amongst genshin "fans" is really annoying.
If they love mooney they can just power creep every old units just like hsr is doing and introduce more op units in the game.
@gamerbeast3616 @logikx1325 you didnt understand, I meant "while putting effort" ofc they care about money but they dont want to put any effort into it perhaps cuz they have been seeing they dont need to do so. Its just like one of you has said "whales keep spending" so why bother with anything. I hope this has made my point clear.
@@logikx1325 the free stuff wasnt even the issue but youre too busy licking their ass to understand
Genshin's team doesn't deliver changes asap because they simply don't need to, it's part of the marketing. It's unfortunate for us players that wanna see things improve but that's the deal when the game is the current referent for gachas that people that play and don't this genre know of it, therefore they can let things slip by and delay them for some time and turtle-step release them as they please because people will always keep buying their product or playing, time and/or money, they have it. It's kinda like what happened with the mainline Pokemon games drop in quality after gen 5, fans complained yet still bought the games to support the franchise and for love, and GF felt no need to experiment radically outside of their comfort zone for like a whole decade until Legends/SV that brought something more fresh from the original formula.
Also, it's important to note that just because it's common to see people online complain about the game's state, it doesn't necessarily reflect the reality for the huge chunk of players and spenders. So many claimed Mavuika's banner would flop but seemingly in CN and JP it's selling like hot cakes so there's that (not the first time either that 'flopping' predictions from Twt/Reddit end being in absolute success for Hoyo), and that's not only coming from streamers ofc but lots of regular people that whale and might not even interact at all with online spaces and just enjoy spending money on the game for pure enjoyment, even if they have no clue how to properly play the game (yes, I've seen them).
It's also on the devs interest to keep their players login daily consistently, they have their own data and inner fomo agendas, that's why they haven't given us the resin improvements that plenty of gachas have, iirc even HI3 has it since before Genshin came out or around that time. But also, these other titles even from Hoyo devs are not as known as Genshin itself and more of a niche within the gaming community, therefore they do need to work harder to appeal to players providing actual QoL and constant improvements. Genshin doesn't in the same degree considering the massive variety of players inside it and plenty are probably having it as their first gacha ever so they might not even be aware of how outdated parts of the system feel.
It does suck but maybe someday they'll bring some key changes to the game either if they feel their revenue menaced by other rival games, a big revenue drop for their standards, etc, but as long as things remain stable within an acceptable range for them, they might prefer allocate resources in something else of the game than doing these adjustements, though there's also the argument that these can be already pilled up in a queue list and are just blueballing us until they feel like to actually bring the key QoL out to get people praising them in social spaces for finally listening. Good or bad talk is free marketing either way and they'll win from either.
The closer a live service game gets to it's life support reserves, the more they are willing to listen. TBH we deserve to get trampled on like a floor mat cuz we simply didn't push hard enough.
That's true, and I agree
Genshin gave a lot of improvements last year, and Natlan brought a lot of bonus rewards. For me, the current state is more worrying, because yes, they give improvements but they change the target group. Genshin is far from games like ZZZ or Tower for Fantasy and this is for me an advantage. I am not attracted to the exploration mechanics of Natlan characters if they have a problem with the design. I prefer to walk around freely and appreciate the graphics. I would rather not have these improvements if I have to see Mavuika's butt in an important plot scene in the middle of the screen. For me, these improvements are just a distraction as they want to earn money on fanservice and have reworked the beta character designs from ZZZ. Which is sad because Natlan has an interesting map to explore and an engaging story.
This is actually quite an interesting take that I haven't quite seen honestly. Honestly though, I enjoy exploring in TOF because of the exploration mechanics. Also, I did enjoy running from Mondstadt to Fontaine on feet
I bet all the major changes that literally will change the game they will save all of it for genshin 2, AFTER they have done with Teyvat chapter and go to the new world. Same with Hi3, they even add Aerial combat in Hi3 now, and it feels like a whole new game with it. But the same problems with Hi3 will also carry with genshin if they take that path, nobody gives a shit anymore, just like with Hi3, alot have changed sure, but who cares. And that is already the best case scenario, worst case it ain't gonna change shit. Because even Hi3 in its worst form it's still not AS BAD as genshin RIGHT NOW. Imagine that, even if they change everything by then it's still just not gonna mean anything, they already lost everybody hope for the game to be better. Nothing is gonna kill a game faster than there is no hope for it ever getting better, like what happen with Overwatch, Marvel rival just shows up as a copy cat game and they already falling down that quick.
Exactly. And it will be even more dumb if Genshin intentionally marketed their game as "BAD" for Natlan than suddenly release Snezhnaya to be everything we wanted and say that it's good. That's crazy honestly. I still think it's better for me not to waste time on that game anymore. At least I'll log in for Arlechinno so I can take photos of her with Dainsleif (since they are the best designed characters in the entire Genshin impact) and then quit the game until maybe the next Albedo Dragonspine quest that's probably never happening
it's also weird to see genshin players not seeing any problems with the update and whenever you have some sort of criticism for this game those people lose their minds and start labelling you as a hater
toxic positivity at it's finest
@@solace089 Genshin impact is the only game where people hate on people for wanting the game to improve. Fake hype is really ruining the game and it really is seeing how it's a common sentiment. I am sure even the most chill Genshin player would find issues with it. Some of them just refuse to admit it because if they admitted it, Genshin will improve and it will not be "Genshin anymore". How the heck would improvement ruin the game? I don't know man. Some people just don't make sense
It's a lingering consequence of the 1st Anniversary protests for better QoL and related, for better or worse
The protests blew up after 1st Anniversary rewards were announced because it was a pitiful amount despite record earnings, all while there were so many QoL issues from day 1 that were being ignored by devs. So there were criticisms over basically *everything.* Hence the review bombings, hence the lockdown on review sites, hence everything else getting review bombed because censorship shenanigans and picking a fight with the sites censoring Genshin review bombs
Basically, the people who didn't like the protests became a lot more defensive with the game situation because the protest got rather out of hand and ruined their experiences. Eg. Discord got spammed the hell out with Qiqi Fallen, then the Herald of Unmet Expectations. I don't think anyone came out of the entire debacle feeling all that happy about the outcome, considering how long it took for Genshin to respond with them considering ZL buffs after everything with some promise of being more transparent with development and whatnot
@Chockitkat you're tell me people complaining about nearly every minute detail isn't gonna annoy somebody.
There are so many details that people complain about that are literally inconsequential to the gameplay.
Artifact load outs, less rewards than others games, nee characters not being dark enough, new characters having exploration skills.
Citali and her relationship woth the traveler.
The fact some people think natlan should be caveman levels of tech and how xilonen and others seem to break their immersion in it when fontaine had anti gravity machines and sumeru had internet.
The list goes on.
@@rushalias8511 im not gonna lie natlan is so out of place its not even funny....genshin devs tried so hard to make the characters look fancy but instead it looks weird
Well because most of the criticism is obviously baseless since most people cannot comperhand gamedev and only thinks they are. And when you have 1000 mouths spitting garbage it's hard to spot valid criticism.
instead of criticizing, maybe we need to kindly stop playing. not left and back again after 3-4 patch but after gta7 release? maybe just then hoyo will pay attention(after losing playerbase) to what we desire to have a perfect f2p experiences. it's not like it's their game and they can do to whatever they sell but-
I wouldnt put bets on Tower of fantasy lasting longer really. Recent publisher changes and powercreep make me realize its not going to last.
Agreed, even though TOF had better mechanics, I don't think they have marketed the story nor developed it enough such that it would last. TOF is dying actually, and I think there are reasons why. I haven't played through TOF's new quest and while I found the new region to be exciting because of the sci-fi, mirroria's quest was the best for me. I love Lin, and I love the world itself. Anything else after mirroria honestly doesn't feel as great. I am really hoping TOF improves itself because it's the only game where I can see my characters sleeping, pat a dog, and stand on a moving escalator. TOF is honestly a great game. I think ZZZ and Wuwa are an improvement from TOF, but the double jump, mid air sprint and mid-air combat are irreplaceable
@@Chockitkat wuwa feels more like tof than genshin to me, not even based on gameplay but on vibes. Like it really brings me back to launch days of tof
Disagree completly - Genshin since 4.0 gets at least 3-5 quality of life changes every patch and yeah natlan was a miss compared to Fontaine storywise and immersion wise but still was solid. And most importantly base of the gameplay - exploration is still fantastic and enjoyable. Honestly ZZZ is boring in gameplay department in comparison. People forget that QOL or freebies don't make good game otherwhise we would all play AFK Journey. I won't even begin the topic of diegetic vs spatial ui design discussion since people don't even know that's a debate.
" Since 4.0 ", why not before ? Why should we wait this long to have what we ask for years ?
Things like an auto expedition ?
An increase of resin ?
Better QOL ?
It's because their new game HSR the meme Genshin Could Never was created.
And then we have Wuwa, who gain 1/2 or 1/3 the revenue of Genshin yet the game feels more updated than Genshin itself after 4 years...
@YouryCh. "Why not before" is brainleas hater mentality fr >.>
Ok and it doesn't matter in a context of a game and things like automated expedition makes you interact with the game less. Thats HSR "player" mentality. And I mean it as an insult since HSR bareally would be considered a game.
Maybe because Wuwa is newer and can learn on the mistakes of creator of the genre??
@@rotmistrzjanm8776 It's not a brainless* hater behaviour, it makes sense to wonder why they take so much time to put the simplest QoL, which will make your experience better and feel less like a chore.
You can consider yourself HSR
" barely like a game " yet many players has fun with it and the activities on the game are not or "barely" a chore, and with the reserve energy bar and be able to get old events weapons, you have even less FOMO to play the game.
Then, why Genshin decide to ignore all their mistakes for do long and not improve or why they (still) didn't hear their player's feedback they needed the most till this day ???
genshin is going down slowly, i myself a genshin player and most of my online friends are not active player anymore, maybe once or twice a week I log in
Genshin is just not Genshin anymore honestly. In the beginning I feel it was still fine but now that it's 4 years old we see a lot of issues
@Chockitkat there were a lot of issues from the start -- that was what fueled the 1st Anniversary protests, but people focus on the anniversary rewards being lousy despite record earnings as the big thing since that was what ended up being the last straw
Resin issues, artifact grinding issues, climbing by accident during battle, ZL being way undertuned on release (especially in comparison to test server)... just to name a few of the big ones back then
1:00 that's really unfair comparison. comparing auto battle with manual gameplay will never be fair. since Genshin only have 160 resin at that time, have you try manually spending 160 stamina in HSR? no auto-battle and no double speed
6:00 if you see the live stream, you can see that smaller gauge near the character. if you play the game, her time driving on the water is FAR SHORTER than Mualani that released in 5.0. you can't even finish the swimming challenge using Mavuika because her gauge will be empty before she can recharge it
7:17 "characters that look more updated", that's everyone's reaction whenever something new appear, it also happened to Genshin when Fountaine characters revealed.
i don't care if you like Genshin or not. but ignoring the improvement that MHY added on every patch is beyond ignorant. i play GI, HSR, and ZZZ. all of them have pros and cons
At this point, you're just brainwashed if you think Genshin's "not improving." It's a narrative that never seems to end, and it's just incomprehensible to anyone with a proper brain.
You're just literally ignoring feature after feature that's being added nearly every patch now, and you cannot with a straight face go back to each previous region and say it's somehow better than (or even the same as) each newer one. Natlan isn't better than Fontaine? Fontaine wasn't better than Sumeru? Come on. It's absurd and just pathetic to try to argue any of that, and we're nearly at a full-on hysteria. The game has gotten better with almost every update. Full stop. I've never seen anyone make a proper argument that it's not, and that's because there isn't one.
I will say Genshin has improved if they decided to give culturally appropriate designs. Ignoring designs aside, Genshin didn't even bother giving Albedo a proper introduction in the 4.8 summer event while he was properly introduced in every single event since 1.6, 1.2 and 2.3. The Natlan story is genuinely just proving my story that Genshin should be secretly my little pony. Yes Genshin did give 20 free pulls, but giving it after Mavuika when Zhongli and Neuvilette are on the previous banners is a shitty move honestly/gen. And also, if Genshin genuinely did want to improve they should've added us being able to teleport to Katherine / the alchemy table immediately after we are completed. If you play Genshin impact and only Genshin impact, you will be satisfied with the game. However, if you have given other games another chance and experienced their QOL, you will know that what Genshin did is simply marketing. For example, Tower of Fantasy gave us the motorcycle for free in their world as a reward for completing their quests, and they also have wishes in their world chests, mid air sprint and stuff since release. Genshin locked those QOL behind 5* characters. Yes they gave Kachina for free, but ororon was the one with the flying mechanics. I genuinely think Genshin should improve and give players what they really want. We have been asking for artifact load outs and we still don't have an option to save and transfer to another character. Hoyoverse gives you the impression they are fixing one thing but the underlying issues are still there. This is not meant to say Genshin didn't give QOL but rather players are suffering and again I'll say this. If you only play Genshin and Genshin only, you wouldn't realize the issue
Sure, Genshin is improving, of course. The problem here is it's improving waaaaay too slowly.
I hate to say it, but even though I expected Natlan to fix everything, it really didn't. The artifact transmuter is essentially useless (with like the one usage per month). They improved exploration for sure in Natlan, but only in Natlan. It's still a pain to explore in other places... why don't they just give us a faster mode of transportation? Also, they're very clearly ignoring issues such old characters being powercreeped and never showing up on banners anymore. Actually, powercreep wasn't really too big of a problem with Genshin before, but Natlan's characters... well, you know. They're insane. And no, the "chronicled wish" thing definitely does not fix anything. It's the scam banner and everyone is aware of that.
Also, this is probably a personal preference, but I do not like how Genshin is turning into yet another fanservice game. I originally highly liked it because there was little of the aforementioned fanservice (at least, compared to other gacha games), and how the male to female ratio was amazingly balanced for this genre. Unfortunately. Natlan. Gave one SINGULAR five star male (Kinich) for the current ENTIRE NATION (as well as giving him negative screen time),
[spoilers for latest archon quests ahead]
and also just straight up murdered Capitano (one of the most anticipated males) in the AQ. And only two teased upcoming playable males... (ifa and dahlia probably) and did some other questionable acts (moment of citlali). This has me thinking that Genshin may also be turning into a waifu game. Noooo!
Okay I'm rambling. Uhh, yeah. TL;DR Genshin is definitely improving, but can it improve fast enough to thrive among the other gachas that nowadays have potential?
@@Chockitkat I definitely agree. Each game has its strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes I look upon these games and wish there were a game...
-That had Genshin's massive open world and amazing music (it is the oldest out of these, so it's biiig.)
-HSR's great endgame and path acquisition (not only is Trailblazer great, but also the ways they get their powers is fire). Also, their cutscenes are the most beautiful imo.
-ZZZ's cutscenes and NPC design (cutscenes are very bouncy, smooth and energetic. story is told in a no-yap, straight to the point delivery with plenty of humor. Their NPCs might as well be playable characters).
-Wuwa's combat, graphics, attention to detail, generosity, uhhh, the list goes on. I'm honestly very tempted to play it from what I've heard. The new straight up flying mechanic is actually the most busted thing I've ever seen. So satisfying. And Wuwa developers do not seem to fail to pay attention to the little things, nor neglect graphics (moving gatcha animations look super dope). And how they just give you so many rewards. W game. No wonder there's two Ws in the name. The only problems I have with it is that the music could be slightly better, the story definitely needs more work, and it's just a bit new, so there's not too much content at the moment.
I haven't really found one that has an amazing story bereft of all flaws, but I heard ZZZ comes close. I also don't really know much about Tower of Fantasy, so can't make judgements there. But this is my rant. Thanks for reading it, if you did.
Well then let me ask you how's their biggest understanding of "Loadout" system? Have they fixed that shit yet?
Monopoly. They dont have to improve. Wuwa did hurt them into pockets tho.
@@Bullminator I hope Wuwa continues to improve. If they could be doing so well at 2.0, imagine 5.0
my 2 cents: It's a game handicapped by the fact that it's a gacha game.
I'm playing Racing Master, a gacha racing game with cars as rolling material. Now I've played a bunch of racing games before, this gacha thing for cars has been a side gig, but for RM, it's the most direct way to get new cars.
So imagine, despite the fact that it's advertised as a more sim-like racing game, and the fact that it was co-developed by Codemasters, the guys who make F1 games every year, I'd expect this game to have the best amount of controls and game features. But there isn't. As to why that is? More or less, they add competition to the gameplay, which brings the more competitive player to rule the leaderboard and push away the casual players and whales. And that's why it only add barebone features and almost nothing to make driving more bearable,
because only through gacha will the game survive.
Which brings me back to Genshin. My biggest pet peeve of this game is that it's a gacha game. I've moved on to WuWa, and surprisingly enough, despite shown as a gacha game, that's never a problem. There's no need to be gritty about not experiencing new characters or materials, materials can be guided to be found, and later features are added as permanent, unlike Genshin where features that WuWa has are literally locked behind gacha.
Genshin couldn't, and still can't improve, because it relies on the gacha.
(btw, I heard people arguing how too much convenience ruins WuWa, while they themselves probably got down further into a "not improving" game)
Good one ....look at all these people 😂😂....ok my turn
Genshin had it fare run....with ananta, NtE and ENDFIELD coming..... They Have to double up what improvements they did (if they did any actually)
I know genshin maybe not combat oriented game anymore and more to casual puzzle world exploration game....but at least improve the core exploration rather than make it region lock
i’m not as mad at genshin as i am it’s community. they continue to eat shit from their hands and act surprised when genshin continues to throw low quality content with lesser rewards, these people just let them and refuse to admit their favorite game desperately needs improvement..
"Low quality" lmao. And people wonder why the gaming industry continues to deliver garbage. Genshin produces some of the highest quality content out there, and then WuWa puts out the subpar content it does and it gets all the praise. Maybe the community needs to check the definition of "quality."
@ it’s whatever you claim. if you still enjoy the game then that’s really great, still, you can’t deny how much of an increase in complaints and the number of people dropping genshin since natlans release. i hadn’t even mentioned wuwa, but you’re clearly aware and obviously upset at its success for whatever reason.
Sometimes I really hate Genshin's content creators
Don't worry, I feel dumb now trying to hope that a game that's at its lowest point to get better
As long as genshin shills doesn't hold hoyo accountable and defends slop then the game will never improve
Zzz is my favorite ❤
@@Pikasamauwu09 win take fr I love Hakumasa already. Hot men, 100% modest, 100% bow.
@ 😊 nice I love Miyabi I m6 w2 her
Is that your voice or Ai
my voice
oh no bruh she back with more receipts
HI3 is the one that makes Genshin look most guilty.... cause how do you get everything right the first time (and still getting it right) and get it wrong the second time (and still getting it wrong) but get it right the third and fourth time? HOW???
Am I the only one who enjoys genshin ?
@@daksh2206 I did for the most part. Loved the kazuha summer events where all the ladies are simping for my man while he's in his samurai clothing in golden archipelago where it's hot as crap. Loved albedo 2.3 story event but Hoyoverse did albedo so dirty
Gameplay is good, story currently is lackluster
i enjoy genshin idc what the haters say
@@w7ndI story is not lackluster at all
You can enjoy genshin and still give criticism. It's not a perfect game without flaws, you know. For a billion dollar company, it barely did any significant QoL changes for its consumers. But they are quick to patch any glitch that makes gameplay fun huh🤔
What is this 80s mic? xD
genshin does not need improvments game is good already
Other games are improving and making genshin look like a joke dude
Are you serious right now?
@@gamerbeast3616 😢😔but if Genshin doesn't improve that means it will be 2030 and my Kazuha and Albedo would still not have their skin, we will still be Twilight Sparkle and Spike around
yeah they just hater look at there hype game wuwa from genshin killer to relegaated to just zzz level.
Correct. And many of the "improvements" people suggest would objectively make it a worse game. The (many) QoL features it has gotten (that these same people seem to think made the game worse) have actually made it a lot more enjoyable.
Why do you keep saying "correctors"? There are no "correctors" in Genshin or other games... you are really confusing to listen too. Please train on speaking english, so you can present your opinion properly.
I apologize if my English was incomprehensible but upon making this video, I genuinely recorded this over and over again. I wrote a script as well, but decided to just elaborate and improvise upon it. Instead of just telling, I decided to add some clips in case my English was hard to understand. I genuinely tried my best when making this video and I genuinely appreciate the feedback. I will admit I am still lacking in terms of delivery (it's a feedback that was given) so I have been trying to improve myself. However, I am only human, and I am not perfect. In the future, I'll be sure to reiterate my points many times before I start recording so I will be more familiar. That being said, I hope this doesn't come from a place where you judge my points negatively just because I said "characters" wrongly. There are times where the caption doesn't capture my words so if I am too soft, do let me know so I will use a microphone to amplify my voice in the future.
your coment is confusing to read...its "listen to" not "too". Anyway if you understand the context she is saying character/s instead, it also threw me off at first 😶
How many languages can you speak? She already knows 2 languages, probably even more, what about you? I think she is doing great.
grow up
All of this yapping just because your favourite game genshin was criticized