Rockers Play Eddie Van Halen's Greatest Riffs

  • Опубликовано: 7 мар 2025
  • There's no question that Eddie Van Halen is one of the most iconic and revered guitar players of all time.
    Through many, many episodes of Gear Factor, we've heard shredder after shredder tell us that Van Halen inspired them to pick up the guitar, and that Eddie's riffs continue to inspire them to this day.
    See rockers from John 5 and Devin Townsend to Jared Dines and Myles Kennedy play and talk about the Van Halen songs that rocked their worlds.
    Eddie van Halen and his brother/drummer Alex formed Van Halen in 1973 with vocalist David Lee Roth and bassist Michael Anthony. In this video, you'll hear the songs, like "Ain't Talkin Bout Love," "Panama" and "Eruption," that made them one of the biggest acts in rock history.
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    Music: Riffs Two by Alexander Nakarada (
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Комментарии • 653

  • @Tapp-Mourningwood
    @Tapp-Mourningwood Год назад +286

    Eddie's rhythm playing was so tight, and man could he swing. RIP Eddie.

    • @Knome-Ansland
      @Knome-Ansland Год назад +3

      Yup! The Edward swagger!

    • @MjBurns88
      @MjBurns88 Год назад +8

      Such a great comment , not enough people give him credit for. Eddie could swing like a motherfuker he was always dabbling around the pocket and then would just plow through it like a Mack truck and the payoff was so great to the ears musically His rhythm work was just so influential and now those guys are influencing the kids on the way up . All started with Edward

    • @omnipop4936
      @omnipop4936 Год назад +2

      That's always been my favorite aspect of his playing. We all love the solos, of course. But that swing, and those riffs and rhythms and chugs and harmonics, man. I've always instinctively listened "past" whoever the lead singer was, to focus instead on what Eddie is doing rhythmically underneath or behind them. Even when I was a young kid.

    • @hoilst265
      @hoilst265 Год назад +1

      @@omnipop4936 It's why I don't like referring to him as a "shredder". Could Eddie shred? Yeah. But I think to just call him a "shredder" - ie, a guy who can play solos fancy and fast - really doesn't paint the whole picture and does him a disservice.
      But the man wrote some epic, hook-filled riffs that complimented the whole band, and a groove and swing to it.

    • @50gary
      @50gary Год назад +1

      Yes, and even his single note riffs had such smooth glorious swinging rhythm to them. He had the best two guitar attack in rock and he was both of them.

  • @Tango_Mike
    @Tango_Mike Год назад +129

    "He'll go on forever...He'll be immortal" sums up perfectly

  • @brettmiller6463
    @brettmiller6463 Год назад +84

    Love that John 5 gave props to the 5150 amp and then played the song…it’s an under appreciated masterpiece!

    • @mjlewis1964
      @mjlewis1964 14 дней назад

      I was going to say that same exact thing then I thought I better check first and sure enough you beat me to it. Having John 5 playing 5150 end the video was cool.

  • @thedude4672
    @thedude4672 Год назад +115

    Hearing other accomplished guitarists struggling with EVH parts makes you realize just how incredible the guy's playing was.

    • @bobbab5759
      @bobbab5759 Год назад +15

      Agreed. It also makes me realize where John 5 is at. Incredible guitarist.

    • @fastarrow2233
      @fastarrow2233 Год назад +4

      Yeah, no one swings like the King

    • @Sorrowablaze
      @Sorrowablaze Год назад +14

      ​@@bobbab5759John 5 seems like he could be a session guitarist with anybody and more than hang

    • @themydnighthour
      @themydnighthour Год назад +1

      The finger dexterity alone on some of the riffs......insane.

    • @bretviola6871
      @bretviola6871 Год назад +2

      Agreed. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone play the riff to ‘I’m the One’ and make it swing like Eddie did.

  • @kevinchenoweth5712
    @kevinchenoweth5712 Год назад +51

    Johns school boy excitement just talking about Eddies play is awesome, his reverence for Eddies work is apparent to anyone
    PS having met John and had time to talk, he is the nicest guy in metal, what a gem, great great guy

    • @HouseWashingRick
      @HouseWashingRick 4 месяца назад

      I’ve met him also with DJ Ashba in Las Vegas when we went out there for the CMA awards. John was very nice to me and my wife DJ was ok but maybe he was in a bad mood or having a bad day but John was nice to everyone

    • @turinhorse
      @turinhorse 3 месяца назад

      John 5 needs to be in the conversation for one of the best guitar players of the generation. he can play anything, any style. in the studio... live. equally crazy good. his memory and knowledge too. dude is a musicologist

  • @turnupthesun81
    @turnupthesun81 Год назад +162

    I like how John 5 can sit there, laid back and play VH note for note.

    • @chrisgarcia5462
      @chrisgarcia5462 Год назад +1

      I wonder if John could sound like Ed using VH own sound. I hear many great guitar musicians have tried yet sound like themselves.

    • @LeadMe2TheBliss
      @LeadMe2TheBliss Год назад +4

      I saw him live with Marilyn Manson and he nailed it. I know Manson's music isn't incredibly difficult to play but his live band hasn't sounded that tight since he left the band.

    • @erics8918
      @erics8918 Год назад +7

      To be totally fair, he played it incorrectly.

    • @nickg2431
      @nickg2431 Год назад +1

      STREETS AHEAD of all the others

    • @matthewarms3786
      @matthewarms3786 Год назад +3

      ​@chrisgarcia5462 you can get an entire rig of Eddie's own stuff and/or spend years getting settings in something like a Neural DSP dialed in, but in the end it comes down to the hands of the player.
      You're not going to attack the strings the same, fret with the same pressure and finger position, or hit a harmonic the same.
      Not to disparage or rag on those that want to try, but Eddie will almost always be "often imitated, never duplicated".

  • @darkkrenaissance42
    @darkkrenaissance42 Год назад +23

    the riff for "Aint talkin bout love" made me feel like a guitar beast ~

  • @fctotal
    @fctotal Год назад +124

    Love it that John 5 played 5150. Definitely my favorite Eddie composition of all time. Listened to them since VH1 in '78, but the guitar in title track of 5150 blew me away.

    • @wesryker6048
      @wesryker6048 Год назад +4

      Yeah it’s the best. Live without a net is the best version of it. That song is so underrated.

    • @ryandeanlindgren9054
      @ryandeanlindgren9054 Год назад

      Awesome ❤

    • @slipperyjohnson7016
      @slipperyjohnson7016 Год назад +1

      5150 is amazing!!! 😊

    • @j.fisher4263
      @j.fisher4263 Год назад +4

      John 5 is just too cool

    • @ChainedGraboid
      @ChainedGraboid Год назад

      @@wesryker6048 I love the Tokyo 89 version too. Learning that song on guitar is tricky as hell

  • @emmanuelbuenviaje6564
    @emmanuelbuenviaje6564 Год назад +32

    You don't even have to play guitar to appreciate what Eddie gave to the world of music. Legendary 👍
    To hear his influence on these players was very interesting.

  • @andysalter7192
    @andysalter7192 Год назад +94

    Eddie is mostly known for his lead playing and reinventing the Guitar for a whole new Generation but he was one of the best Riff writers in Rock , he doesn't get enough credit for the songs !

    • @Knome-Ansland
      @Knome-Ansland Год назад +9

      He is the greatest rock composer ever, IMHO.

    • @rickplacente9711
      @rickplacente9711 Год назад +5

      Totally underrated as a rhythm guitar player.

    • @Calgac
      @Calgac Год назад


    • @tdz69
      @tdz69 Год назад +1

      Amen man. He was FEROCIOUS on rhythm. The whole package. When I hear Mean Street…and not the intro but the SONG….holy shit. One of the nastiest riffs in the history of guitar.

  • @Terp311
    @Terp311 Год назад +54

    0:00 Zakk Wylde
    0:12 Jared Dines
    0:50 John 5
    3:07 Jonas Jarlsby & Tim Öhrström
    3:41 Devin Townsend
    4:25 Sammy Boller
    5:28 Anthony Raneri & Jack O’Shea
    5:52 Mark Morton
    6:33 John 5 (again)
    7:17 Bill Kelliher
    7:42 Matt Pike
    8:10 Clint Lowery
    8:29 Brandon Ellis
    9:26 Mark Tremonti & Myles Kennedy
    10:00 John 5 (3rd time)
    10:44 Jason Hook
    11:11 Phil Demmel
    11:30 Brody Utley
    13:08 John 5 (4th time)
    14:35 End

    • @Knome-Ansland
      @Knome-Ansland Год назад

      THANKS ❤️

    • @davidzimmerly7354
      @davidzimmerly7354 Год назад +8

      They really missed out not giving john 5 a 5th time

    • @butchkline6680
      @butchkline6680 10 месяцев назад +1

      John 5 is killer, he is so quick at just popping those riffs off

  • @23skidoo46
    @23skidoo46 Год назад +27

    looking back to 78, man, no one had EVER heard anything like what Eddie was doing. It was one of those instrument altering moments in time that he and Jimi only did IMO.

    • @maxxxmodelz4061
      @maxxxmodelz4061 Год назад +3

      There were people who had done some of the stuff Eddie was famous for before him, but you're right that in 1978 no one was putting all those elements together like Eddie had. He was the catalyst for the shredding that would come in the 80s.

  • @Knome-Ansland
    @Knome-Ansland Год назад +33

    Yup! The way John talks about Ed,.. says everything!
    He was a game changer on many different levels. Unless you were around in the mid 70s, and experienced rock radio back then, you really wouldn't understand just how important he was!

    • @gitaaa7740
      @gitaaa7740 Год назад +3

      I think John 5 was the best out of those other guys. Eddie would have been proud!

    • @michaelmessina5341
      @michaelmessina5341 Год назад +1

      I grew up during that time and you are correct. Eddie was a game changer and Van Halen blew my mind the first time I heard them with the Unchained video.

    • @sburns2421
      @sburns2421 Год назад +3

      Any list of greatest guitarists that doesn't have EVH as #1 has little credibility. Having Hendrix #1 and EVH #2 is not an insult, they just got it a little bit wrong is all.

    • @jakewhitmore6046
      @jakewhitmore6046 Год назад +1

      My dad who is born in 1962 went to see van Halen in 1979 he heard van halen 1 blown away but he didn’t know the show they put on live and he was completely blown away in awestruck watching Eddie and Dave. And that was back then too if you wanted to know what’s up with rock you buy magazines. I guess he didn’t know what he was fully going to see but it made his experience a 10/10 something you could never recreate

  • @srogers500
    @srogers500 Год назад +6

    Saw them live in 92. It was my senior year and we had been to dozens of concerts through high school.
    The DVD's they put out are great and I love them, but it was just a completely different experience to be there.
    So great. Wish I had caught them with Dave, too, but I was in 4th grade when he split. I did see Dave's first solo tour with Vai, Sheehan, and Bissonette. The late 80's, early 90's were great years for music. EDDIE!!!!!

  • @dereksendrak
    @dereksendrak Год назад +6

    Perfect timing!! Been WAITING for a proper send off to Eddie!! EVH FOREVER🤘🏻🤘🏻

  • @ganzyjam2602
    @ganzyjam2602 Год назад +2

    I was 12 years old in 1978 and picked up the guitar a year prior. I was learning Wipe Out The Ventures stuff and Strutter Kiss stuff too.
    When I heard Van Halen 1 it took me on a journey I could write a book about. RIP EVH still giving me goose bumps.

  • @grogu1986
    @grogu1986 Год назад +50

    One of the greatest of all time. Rock in peace Eddie ❤️🤘

  • @LicksoftheLegend
    @LicksoftheLegend Год назад +21

    It’s so cool to me that they all play “ ain’t talkin bout love” in their own individual style.

  • @andrewpappas9311
    @andrewpappas9311 Год назад +3

    Van Halen was the first concert I saw back in 2012 when I was 13 and it was absolutely awesome, I had only been playing guitar for about three years at that point and seeing Eddie do his thing live immediately gave me the motivation to get better because I wanted to do stuff like that and I’ve been a huge fan of his ever since. Eddie was also the second guitarist after George Harrison that really showed me what a guitar player can do in a rock band and EVH is definitely one of the greatest musical innovators and generally one of the absolute GOATs, so thanks for helping to shape me into the guitarist I am today and RIP Eddie…

  • @JimDeMent
    @JimDeMent Год назад +25

    Eddie Van Halen will always be the king of guitars

  • @camarotrash
    @camarotrash Год назад +6

    Truly it is, and never has been to me more clear, that nobody swings like Eddie.

  • @Clymers1984
    @Clymers1984 Год назад +5

    I feel a certain kind of special for seeing Van Halen in 1982 - 🎸🙌🏼

  • @kurty1927
    @kurty1927 Год назад +3

    Strange as it may sound, the energy and animation to Panama absolutely changed life for me as a child. Unreal still.

  • @airlessness8431
    @airlessness8431 10 месяцев назад +1

    I love the dudes who played some deeper cuts, and the talent here is so amazing and it’s awesome that all of them admit Eddie was a monster no one could reckon with.

  • @gohamm8629
    @gohamm8629 Год назад +2

    Ain't talkin' bout love is easily the greatest guitar riff of all time. It's just legendary, elite status; there aren't enough superlatives to do it justice. That is a hill I will happily die on.

    • @Afeller
      @Afeller 11 месяцев назад

      Absolutely! Intro is amazing

  • @christopherlauter9403
    @christopherlauter9403 10 месяцев назад

    In 1970 I was 12 years old, I heard War Pigs for the first time it changed everything for me! Fast forward to 78 VH1 came out, and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I ended up buying that album three times because I wore it out each and every time. What a fantastic guitar player and rhythm guitar player Eddie Van Halen will live on in infamy. God rest his soul.

  • @dwiii1635
    @dwiii1635 Год назад +18

    Gotta love Matt Pike. "I grew up way back then, so...*turns on the highest gain pedal of all time and proceeds to play Van Halen in C standard."

    • @p.p.wienersson
      @p.p.wienersson Год назад +3

      I’d totally listen to Matt Pike do a Doom tribute to Eddie XD

  • @TopJimmy2
    @TopJimmy2 Год назад +28

    I love John 5 and he's such a big fan of Van Halen but Sammy Boller really nailed the solo. Holy hell....

    • @rudyroman3668
      @rudyroman3668 Год назад +1


    • @metalboy5150
      @metalboy5150 Год назад +1

      Sammy Boller is an amazing young guitarist, you should check his work out. I was kinda blown away to see him on here.

    • @shaneparker4468
      @shaneparker4468 Год назад +1

      Sammy and John were the stars of this clip- awesome!

  • @MIZORAM_mafaka_hnamte
    @MIZORAM_mafaka_hnamte Год назад +21

    We miss you Eddie..

  • @JonathanDiNamesMusic
    @JonathanDiNamesMusic Год назад +4

    Awesome to see greats paying tribute to one of the GOATs

  • @McCready12
    @McCready12 Год назад +1

    John 5 is incredible. He remembers all the songs and makes it look effortless.

  • @michaelbujanda8785
    @michaelbujanda8785 11 месяцев назад +1

    My favorite songs from Van Halen 1 were I'm On Fire, Little Dreamer, and Atomic Punk!!!!😊😊😊😊🙂🙂🙂🙂 And I'm The One!!!!❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Shadowman-1960
    @Shadowman-1960 Год назад +2

    It was outstanding how John 5 was so much better than any of these other guitarists in technique, timing, and tone.

  • @paulhb
    @paulhb 11 месяцев назад +1

    The Eddie Van Halen/Ben Franklin comparison. 😮 🤯
    Yes. Two guys that were incredibly inventive and changed the world.

  • @PATMAN0910
    @PATMAN0910 Год назад +7

    i'm sure this could've been a 3 hour video. awesome. thumbs up a thousand times!

  • @mariorudolph6887
    @mariorudolph6887 Год назад +33

    Dude John 5 it's totally such an underrated player. He doesn't get enough credit

    • @guyincognito320
      @guyincognito320 10 месяцев назад

      I've listened to all his solo albums dozens of times over. So many great jams.

  • @countdankula420_
    @countdankula420_ Год назад +4


  • @oscaroliva5736
    @oscaroliva5736 7 месяцев назад +1

    100 years from now. 200 years from now , we still gonna have the same conversation, long live the king EVH

  • @jeffwombold9167
    @jeffwombold9167 Год назад +3

    I had been playing for a few years, but when EVH hit the scene, it was like a musical spaceship hit the earth. I was sort of lucky when I was visiting my local music store, just a couple weeks after it came out, and just so it happened, I saw some guy sitting with a guitar, and he did a single tap with his pick hand and it dawned on me. Within a few days, I had eruption down. I was sort of the first person around town to figure out what was going on. Those were the days..!😊

  • @shaneseguin9824
    @shaneseguin9824 Год назад +3

    Loved van Halen my whole life!! They always made fantastic music!!!!

  • @LEDZEP769
    @LEDZEP769 Год назад +6

    The unknown dude Sammy impressed me the most with his playing and really nailed the solo on Hot For Teacher on his Les Paul as Eddie played that solo in his studio on a Gibson Flying V 🤘🎸

    • @metalboy5150
      @metalboy5150 Год назад

      Sammy Boller is incredible. Check out his solo work. Shred-flashy type stuff, but very melodic, not so shred that you just can't listen to it.

  • @Mr25thfret
    @Mr25thfret Год назад +3

    What a great tribute to the greatest to ever live. Thanks for putting this together man!

  • @markgriffith9961
    @markgriffith9961 Год назад +30

    Amazing that so many people seem to not know that You Really Got Me is a song by The Kinks

    • @thedude4672
      @thedude4672 Год назад +5

      I think it's just the only riff from Eddie they can play.
      Because it's just Eddie playing his version of The Kinks.

    • @Hell_Inc
      @Hell_Inc Год назад +4

      yea. it’s not like it’s an obscure song. it’s pretty well known.

    • @laratheheavy
      @laratheheavy Год назад +6

      Ooooorrrrrr they do know and just like the Van Halen version better than the original….just like a few billy idol songs, a bunch of Metallica songs, a few GnR songs, etc….sometimes covers are just better than the originals and that’s the one they gravitate towards

    • @fpopee
      @fpopee 10 месяцев назад

      The version of you really got me that vh ripped off was an instrumental cover of the kinks by Mott the Hoople

  • @andre-os9wk
    @andre-os9wk Год назад +6

    Music experiences improvements at various moments in time & one of those was when Van Halen erupted onto the scene ! 🤘

  • @jdsjunkdrawer
    @jdsjunkdrawer Год назад +7

    Rest in power Eddie, we all miss you ❤

  • @Jedizen07
    @Jedizen07 Год назад +7

    Great tribute video. Most folks don't really think about this but our legacies do get forgotten about as time wears on. Players included in this video ( and future guitarists ) must play these riffs to keep Edward's influence going. For example, we all love Les Paul, for his personality, for his studio techniques and his guitar making. But, how many people do you hear listening to Les' music, especially on the radio? So, it's VITAL for current/new players to learn from Eddie and push his legacy into the future, to keep it going. Great post!

    • @animalsandus7511
      @animalsandus7511 Год назад


    • @downeedles9249
      @downeedles9249 Год назад +1

      It's vital, no, because we have internet now, and EVH is one of the biggest refference in rock music , his songs will never fade away

    • @danmccaffrey2157
      @danmccaffrey2157 Год назад

      Imagine how lucky we are to be alive in a time, not just to have heard EVH 's style and techniques while they were happening all around us, but also in a time of an entire generation that was inspired by him. This is what legacy means, absolutely.

  • @MichaelJacques
    @MichaelJacques 6 месяцев назад

    I actually learned the Ice cream man solo not knowing it was tapping. When I discovered, at the time, it was "tapping", I was blown away. I got to hang with Eddie parked behind Gus' Smoke Shop in the Valley. Super cool and grounded guy.

  • @MetalSanta7766
    @MetalSanta7766 7 месяцев назад

    All these great axemen, watching y'all honor EVH, so fantastic to watch
    Thank y'all

  • @kurtzembower9297
    @kurtzembower9297 Год назад +2

    Mine has always (fools)...and (take your whiskey home!!!) Just mind turning for me to this day and I'm 54 yrs old and I heard those kick ass tunes when I was like 12 or 13 yrs old and I been jamming the blues ever sense (god rest the greatest guitarists ever)

  • @jeffbaker5038
    @jeffbaker5038 Год назад

    Its just awesome Eddie touched and motivated so many musicians, and to hear how he influenced them. One of my favorites is Panama. The solo and the smooth part after it, just so tasteful, almost magic. Eddie just had it, all of it. The talent, the drive, the vehicle of great song writing ability, and seemed mostly to be just a kind hearted guy. I miss him. There will never be another with his touch.

  • @USSHammerology
    @USSHammerology Год назад +1

    That hot for teacher solo was fq'n beautiful!

  • @mojodojo5533
    @mojodojo5533 Год назад +3

    So cool. Ed left his mark.

  • @paradoxofgodexisting
    @paradoxofgodexisting 9 месяцев назад

    Hearing all these musicians play his stuff really puts a perspective on why he was so further away from anyone. Also searching trough YT covers of his songs troughout years, i am yet to hear anyone replicate exactly what he was actually doing to a guitar.

  • @C.Brown5150
    @C.Brown5150 Год назад

    Very cool to hear these great guitarist speaking on how E.V.H. effected there lives... Eddie will be remembered until the end of time.. R.I.P. King Edward.🎸😇

  • @madmex2k
    @madmex2k Год назад +4

    EVH on Hot for Teacher, one of the best solos ever! Don't forget, Hot For Teacher also has one of the BEST and most recognizable Drum line openings I have ever heard, so props to Alex Van Halen, the Other best Van Halen member of the family, not forgetting Wolfgang Van Halen, who learned it all from the best set of teachers ever! Just having that open conduit of musicians ever present in his life, Wolfie was destined for greatness.

  • @bruceniblett959
    @bruceniblett959 22 дня назад

    Eddie and Alex created each other. I love outta loves improvised solo section. Its alex throwing a clinic. Kings of swing

  • @gitaaa7740
    @gitaaa7740 Год назад +14

    John 5 was the only one who did Eddie justice!

    • @saltybuckeyetravels
      @saltybuckeyetravels Год назад +4

      The rest sounded like shit right?!?!?! I totally agree.

    • @manomano4848
      @manomano4848 Год назад +7

      Eh. Thought Sammy bollers hot for teacher was solid enough but otherwise yes

    • @wayne3340
      @wayne3340 4 месяца назад

      Sammy Boller

    • @tasosdiaforetico7377
      @tasosdiaforetico7377 Месяц назад

      Everyone was after there imagine.jerry reed c'mon , get it played well. Van Halenrullerd.... ​@@saltybuckeyetravels

  • @shredhead4604
    @shredhead4604 Год назад +8

    RIP Legend, my forever guitar hero!

  • @adamphillips6747
    @adamphillips6747 Год назад +8

    John 5 should be the main tribute guitarist if/when it happens. So effortless in all his playing.

    • @chrisnasty6
      @chrisnasty6 Год назад

      John 5, and Paul Gilbert. I know music is subjektive, but come on.. ✌️😁

    • @cesaraugustomari3676
      @cesaraugustomari3676 Год назад +1

      John 5 is the Best player in this video

    • @rexsephe
      @rexsephe Год назад

      ​@@cesaraugustomari3676without a doubt

  • @mcouture8169
    @mcouture8169 Год назад +2

    John 5 just plays so effortlessly.

  • @robertjaramillo4822
    @robertjaramillo4822 Год назад

    There was just that confidence in Ed's playing that made you want to emulate everything he did. I don't care if it was guitar or keyboards if that man was in front of you couldn't take your eyes off him. There's no one better there's no one like you or will there ever be. EVH 4 EVER.

  • @jasondemuth4761
    @jasondemuth4761 Год назад +4

    You know a great guitarist when they name drop Roy Clarke, Jerry Reed Glenn Campbell etc.

  • @TheSaintedOne
    @TheSaintedOne Год назад +322

    So, John 5 started playing guitar over 40 years ago. Dude looks 27 and a half.

  • @A1Frizz
    @A1Frizz 11 месяцев назад +1

    I’ve seen John 5 live twice, the dude is amazing

  • @rmarconcini
    @rmarconcini Год назад

    The name 'Eddie Van Halen' will be remembered for centuries! We all miss u dear... 😓

  • @joet6434
    @joet6434 Год назад +1

    It's funny how many guitarists play 'You Really Got Me' cover of the Kinks great song.

  • @Fulltondano
    @Fulltondano 10 месяцев назад

    When John 5 talks about Eddie you hear his humanity and dont see the makeup. Then he plays, we hear his soul. Love this Dude. Thanks Eddie for paving the way.

  • @outlawNumberone
    @outlawNumberone 5 месяцев назад

    Alterbridge/creed gitfiddler Travanti , pardon my spelling ignorance , anywho...he is so unappreciated I feel and has entered my short list of one of the greatest EVER!!! seriously ! A god of rock , thanx dude for living.... big fan, David Jenkins

  • @wyldbill100
    @wyldbill100 Год назад +1

    The ULTIMATE would be to actually "hear" what was inside EVH's head and what the sounds were that his playing skills were actually trying to convey to all the rest of us. It is NOT that EVH took music theory to a "new" level because that has always been there; but the way that EVH understood and interpreted it through his playing. Just WOW!

  • @juanpablomarin5463
    @juanpablomarin5463 Год назад +4

    Eddie Van Halen! The Greatest of all time!👑

  • @Davefranzin
    @Davefranzin Год назад

    Many people think and remember Van Halen for his solos... in reality his rhythms and his "Music Idea" were the strength of Van Halen's songs... when you study one of his songs, and hear the isolated guitar track you understand the musical greatness he sits on a throne that no one can ever take away from him, but for people like me he will live forever.

  • @emgex
    @emgex 10 месяцев назад

    I remember back in 2006, at 16 years old. I always wanted to play Guitar but i was never sooo pumped up for a Guitar. Then in 2006 i heard Erruption for the first time in a rocker Caffe bar and it blew me away so hard i bought an electric guitar 7 days later and since then im playing Guitar.

  • @neroignatiusrosewater
    @neroignatiusrosewater Год назад +9

    Never heard of Sammy Boller before, but he is obviously a fantastic guitarist. That's a badass Les Paul, too.

    • @genghiskhando5507
      @genghiskhando5507 Год назад

      He nailed it 💯

    • @metalboy5150
      @metalboy5150 Год назад

      Seriously, check out his solo work. He's incredible. The kid can play.

  • @sebvanhalen5656
    @sebvanhalen5656 3 месяца назад

    John 5 Shows just how much he truly loved Eddie's playing probably more than most...

  • @michaelsasse8427
    @michaelsasse8427 Год назад +1

    This video was inspiring. I had no idea that soo many guitarists from famous bands struggled that hard with simple VH riffs. John 5 is a beast though.

  • @j.t.cooper2963
    @j.t.cooper2963 Год назад

    I was 14 when VH 1 came out. I remember cranking Eruption up on my stereo in my room and my dad rushing into my room with this look on his face I had never seen before, half shock and half amazement and yelling "What the hell is that?? it sounds like a UFO"!! and me answering proudly "That's Eddie Van Halen and this is heavy metal rock and roll". He just looked at me like what the hell is wrong with you? I never turned it down while he was in there. I'll never forget that. 🤘🏻😎🤘🏻

  • @crashburn3292
    @crashburn3292 9 месяцев назад

    When in high school in 1987 I'll never forget the day a cover band called "The Lights" played a free concert in the community quad at the school. The lead guitarist kept making some noticeable mistakes while playing Eruption, and eventually the crowd started heckling him, before he got into an argument with one kid in the crowd. I couldn't hear what was said, but I assume the band's guitarist said something like, "If it's so easy you come up here and play it." The heckler jumped on stage, grabbed the guitar and did play it much better, and the crowd cheered, until another guy in the crowd started heckling him say HE could play it better. He then jumped on stage and played it so much better, with so much more charisma and the crowd went nuts.
    I've since wondered, if 3 guitarists in that crowd, at my little high school, in my little town could play Eruption (to varying abilities) how many other millions of future guitarists all over the world has EVH inspired? *That is Eddie Van Halen's lasting legacy; He inspired a world of amazing guitarists we all now get to enjoy.*

  • @thefog7067
    @thefog7067 Год назад +1

    In the late 70s and 80s practically every human being on the planet who played rock guitar and heard VH wanted to be able to play like Eddie

  • @julianalderson3938
    @julianalderson3938 Год назад

    Yer had a aussie teacher in nz. He would just get us young fullas an make us jump. Bit so many great riffs. He is a legend. Thanx.

  • @Jonathan_Doe_
    @Jonathan_Doe_ Год назад +2

    Matt Pike’s “chilling doing an interview” volume still being too loud for a camera mic to handle, is so Matt Pike.

  • @TheRockinDonkey
    @TheRockinDonkey 11 месяцев назад

    John 5 is fucking awesome with the whole "by the way, I don't walk around like this". Love that dude.

  • @petsematarykeeper
    @petsematarykeeper Год назад

    love how most of them play Ain't Talkin Bout Love....

  • @morrydodd6211
    @morrydodd6211 11 месяцев назад

    I'm a drummer from the 90s, but my first guitar learning was to live is too die!! Acoustic stuff off tab at 15, but I was drawn to guitar because of your van halen riffs. Sounded like the ledgends at the time.👍🔨

  • @belotface
    @belotface Год назад

    Great job putting this together.

  • @troymiller885
    @troymiller885 Год назад +3

    This is really cool. Everyone in this video is great, i really dig John 5.

  • @MagnumMuscle1000
    @MagnumMuscle1000 Год назад +6

    Thank you John 5 for recognizing 5150. It's probably my favorite EVH song.

  • @turinhorse
    @turinhorse 3 месяца назад

    John 5 needs to be in the conversation for one of the best guitar players of the generation. he can play anything, any style. in the studio... live. equally crazy good. his memory and knowledge too. dude is a musicologist

  • @JC-Beefcake
    @JC-Beefcake Год назад +3

    That Hot For Teacher was amazing!!

    • @shearn666
      @shearn666 Год назад

      Agree, that caught my ear, too. Who was that guy?

  • @arthurs4964
    @arthurs4964 Год назад +1

    Listen to Ace Frehley’s Shock Me solo on Kiss Alive II and tell me EVH Eruption solo wasn’t influenced by that. BTW. Van Halen was actually helped by Gene Simmons of KISS to get their start. Notice the connection?

  • @steveniannuccilli3147
    @steveniannuccilli3147 Год назад +2

    I love that John 5 likes Buck Owens and Jerry Reed!

    • @aschule5684
      @aschule5684 Год назад

      I'm not a country guy but being born in the early 60's growing up HEE HAW was a thing for my young guitar enthusiasm and all those guys were an inspiration.
      Roy Clark , Buck Owens, Jerry Reed, Glen Campbell, Chet Atkins all great guitar players that got my attention!

  • @ralphdarc3094
    @ralphdarc3094 Год назад

    There's music before Mr Van Halen and there's music after . One of the greatest guitar inovators of all time .

  • @christowing3816
    @christowing3816 Год назад +2

    There is a saying that John 5 can play anything and that is so true and he'll stop playing rifts of songs that he hasn't played in a long time and they just come right back to him naturally. I've seen him play live several times and he's amazing such a talented guitar player

  • @bretviola6871
    @bretviola6871 Год назад

    Eddie was the total package and that’s what separated him from everyone else. He had the dazzling, pyrotechnic chops that he effortlessly moves back and forth with his swinging rhythm playing. He looked like the coolest dude you ever met all while smiling and blowing smoke rings. His songwriting and arraignments was as good as anything else you’ve ever heard. And what an amazing performer with stage presence to spare. Lastly….MY GOD, THAT TONE!!! There will never be another EVH!!!

  • @boogernights1
    @boogernights1 Год назад +1

    I miss him so much

  • @5yearsout
    @5yearsout Год назад +1

    I never got into John 5's playing but in the last few years seeing interviews and seeing his playing I have to admit I was totally wrong bout the guy. Class act and is a pretty damn good player, deserves better than the Crue.

  • @GTX1123
    @GTX1123 Год назад

    Eddie's tone. I started playing guitar at 14 in 1976. My uncle was a working musician (keys) so in 77 he loaned me a rig he got from his guitar player; i.e. 85 watt Fender Showman head w an 8X10" Marshall cab. The amp had been "Mesa Boogied"; i.e. both channels were wired together in series. It SCREAMED harder than any Marshall so when Van Halen hit in 78, I thought "HE'S GOT THE SAME RIG AS ME!"😆Uh, well not exactly. While it didn't quite nail Eddie's first, legendary modded Marshall that was stolen, it got closer than ANY Marshall I had ever heard up to that point (I went to A LOT of concerts). I would plug straight in with no pedals, dime the volumes up to ten and let her rip. Those were the days...

  • @Choctaw43
    @Choctaw43 6 месяцев назад

    Man John 5, what better way to show you’re influenced than having a kill switch on your signature model tele.

  • @mindofmatter071
    @mindofmatter071 7 месяцев назад

    John 5 you really took me somewhere today!

  • @defhoez449
    @defhoez449 Год назад +1

    No one....and I mean no ONE gave more to the art of guitar playing like Edward did.

  • @georgecoull1883
    @georgecoull1883 Год назад +9

    John 5 is so fucking good live unlike some other band's and now he plays with Vince but still a savage axeman

    • @thedude4672
      @thedude4672 Год назад +4

      John 5 is an incredible guitarist, but Motley Crue isn't Motley Crue without Mick.
      They should've stayed retired when they promised to stay retired.