- Born: n/a
- User name: Tag leader
- Name origin: Self made Star Wars Character
- favorits:
- movie: Star Wars VI Revenge Of the Jedi/Return of the Jedi
- Book: the three musketeers
- viedo game: tetris
- Hobies: Warhammer, Star Wars, Reading, wrighting stories, M*A*S*H
- Family: Father, Mother, Brother, Sister (names and ages n/a)
- email: n/a
- other names: rebelpilot, hordking (former name on this site), Vailscar (RuneScape)
article info
edit- created Armies of Warhammer
- Created Dragoon Vengence for a freind. Game terminated.
- created Job class
- created Ayu Mayu
Harry the Hammer
editi need hepl starting the page. if you have information that dose not appear in white dwarf april 2008, write it here. thanks for your help. please site your information.