2.40 star(s) 9 Votes


Feb 8, 2018
Found this game on another site, but searching my butt of for a guide, you guys again are most up to date.

So I am stuck with the interrogation ending. Those girls I can "besiege", I can farm with a little groping and end the mission with the siege. But that only refers to milf and purple hair. Blue hair (obviously a side chara), I have unlocked all 2 (yay...) out of train scenes, but I don't get the besiege anymore. I have my whole team standing on the 6 green tiles around her, and nothing happens.
For MILF I need just MC and one other guy to get her sieged.

So every girl I can't end besieging turns into "interrogation end" aka game over.

The girls on the second train are completely unplayable, insta death whatever I try, whatever state of train...

So I followed your advice and tried a new game with overtaking my skills and levels. Wish me luck.


May 12, 2017
in the save file you will find the first line with something like this:
"nakamaID":[905,906,907,609,606,605,603], this is your team, "companions" -------- (if you want the hidden characters, edit this line)------
some lines below, you'll find this:
"jobs":[{"Lv":99,"exp":0,"sp":201,"st":1,"mv":10},{"Lv":99,"exp":800100,"sp":495,"st":20,"mv":1},{"Lv":99,"exp":845750,"sp":594,"st":1,"mv":20},{"Lv":99,"exp":825190,"sp":693,"st":1,"mv":20}],"kidoku":["*b_00_00","*101_a_00_01","f608","f609","f602","f601","f605","f603","f604","f606","f607" <- this are the ones you unlocked (hired), i'll retry and see if i can merge the teams.
guys, so, great news, found two secret characters, just edit the save
the red haired is 901, zaki, the black dude, is 902, the next ones are 905,906,907 (the younger team), i finally got zakis team again, the numbers are 908,909,910 (big fella, chubby, hooded), if you put the numbers that are missing, 903 and 904, you'll get white whale (the old guy that teachs you) and.. i dunno who, but still, some hidden shit xD
enjoy (just a warning, they don't have a portrait, so in game they will show a white rectangle instead)
Sem título.png
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May 12, 2017
Found this game on another site, but searching my butt of for a guide, you guys again are most up to date.

So I am stuck with the interrogation ending. Those girls I can "besiege", I can farm with a little groping and end the mission with the siege. But that only refers to milf and purple hair. Blue hair (obviously a side chara), I have unlocked all 2 (yay...) out of train scenes, but I don't get the besiege anymore. I have my whole team standing on the 6 green tiles around her, and nothing happens.
For MILF I need just MC and one other guy to get her sieged.

So every girl I can't end besieging turns into "interrogation end" aka game over.

The girls on the second train are completely unplayable, insta death whatever I try, whatever state of train...

So I followed your advice and tried a new game with overtaking my skills and levels. Wish me luck.
So, i was playing until dawn just to advance in the history, got a ending without even noticing what happened.
For what i understood in this three playthroughs (after my original run), the game seens to keep track of what you did with the girls, i can't say if your lv interfere with the siege, but after some sucessful gropes, the siege was non stop, only the mc and a npc stopping her and boom, i couldn't touch her in other way. My guess is how much you had progressed with said target.

i'm still toying around with the save files to understand the variables ("TrailChikan":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
this line specifically looks like something connected with this kind of progress)


This is from a link i posted earlier, it was in japanese so this isn't the best translation but i think it explained some good questions:
"Finally, as for the siege, if you reach the wall (anywhere on four side), you will be in siege by the wall and yourself, and even if you lower all your friends, you will be under siege for a long time, so you can not continue in normal mode any
more. However, since it returns to normal mode if you surround it with a companion other than the wall side and then lower the companion (select outside the car, it is finished,
so choose one of the other), place a fire or Zaky (do not lose to the heroine) one square ahead of the direction of movement and lower the remaining companions When you say siege → (companion movement) siege lifting → usually molester→ heroine 1 step forward & bump into the wall role→ chasing with the main character and chasing the siege (or not encircleed) → making the wall role go one step further & the siege lifting→ usually molester ...
Then, you can continue molesting normally for a 0. "

side note: i could molest them even with the siege showing (just clicking in other character and clicking in the MC again), but the siege "menu" was blocking some of the screen
with some trial and error, i figured that the blondie accepts the "middle option", "dogeza" or "make an excuse",
at least 3 out of 3 times after i started taking notes. I found this just cause she is my favorite, but i can toy around with the others and i'll share what i learn with it.

found that someone already did a list of what to choose, but again it was in japanese, here it is (yeah, it is incomplete, but it is something):

TsuiTsui Evasion: Pass settlement
[Harima Eli] Evasion:
[Mao Kukimiya] Evasion:
[Yuki Izumio] Evasion: Sobu Line to sit under
[Sayaka Katsuragi] Evasion:
[Ryo Kosegawa] Evasion:
[Kuzuhara Kozue] Evasion: Make excuses
[Karin Hanafusa] Evasion: Pass settlement money
[Narimi Haibara] ※ Appearance on either line Avoid: Pass settlement
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New Member
Jul 22, 2020
I'm unable to trigger a set of animations after the fondling one. The ones after and including "take pants off". Any idea how I'm supposed to do that? There appear to be only three click points - breasts, ass, hand. And it's from none of those since I've taken those as far as they go.


Jul 17, 2018
I'm unable to trigger a set of animations after the fondling one. The ones after and including "take pants off". Any idea how I'm supposed to do that? There appear to be only three click points - breasts, ass, hand. And it's from none of those since I've taken those as far as they go.
Keep going for the ass.


Jul 17, 2018
I managed to get past the interrogation and trigger another ending. I'm not sure what I did right, but the two characters who featured were Tsutsui and the business gal in white. I completed off-train scenes 1-4 with Tsutsui and scenes 1 and 2 for the other one. Tsutsui's dialog when starting a round changed to "What if there is a pervert?" The accurate translation for what she is saying should be something more like "What will I do if a groper appears again?" The biggest contributor to my success was Hira's first ability, which appears to massively reduce suspicion. He must be close to the target to use the ability. The second best Tracker has a somewhat similar ability.

I was able to continue as usual after the credits. The final scene was groping Tsutsui on the train. The only target I haven't been able to get an off-train scene for is Kuzuhara. With the harder targets, you sometimes need to accept that only a bit of progress will be made. If you aren't caught, your progress on a girl can be cumulative across multiple attempts.


Nov 13, 2017
Im still trying to figure this game out, i still can´t predict when i will get caught and when i will be sucessful and the skills and positions make no sense to me.

Bob hortin

Aug 21, 2018
i need help with this too D:
The game should automatically translate dialog text but that's about it. 90% of this games text is basically imbedded in pictures of sorts so the auto translate cant change them. you'll have to either wait for someone to decide to manually translate it, learn to read the language, or guess.


Oct 6, 2017
I'm unable to trigger a set of animations after the fondling one. The ones after and including "take pants off". Any idea how I'm supposed to do that? There appear to be only three click points - breasts, ass, hand. And it's from none of those since I've taken those as far as they go.
You need Outside 1,2, (3,4)


Oct 6, 2017
How to play Shin Chikan no Kiwami Groper of Glory like a boss:

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The Outlaw

Feb 7, 2020
guys, so, great news, found two secret characters, just edit the save
the red haired is 901, zaki, the black dude, is 902, the next ones are 905,906,907 (the younger team), i finally got zakis team again, the numbers are 908,909,910 (big fella, chubby, hooded), if you put the numbers that are missing, 903 and 904, you'll get white whale (the old guy that teachs you) and.. i dunno who, but still, some hidden shit xD
enjoy (just a warning, they don't have a portrait, so in game they will show a white rectangle instead)
View attachment 1093611
Yo, that hooded man is Avdol, nice reference.
2.40 star(s) 9 Votes