RPGM Lust Mark [Game Development Thread] 2DCG (DEMO 0.01.1 IS OUT!!!)

What attracts you most to a NSFW game?

  • I look for fantasy. I want to live different experiences with the characters in the game.

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • I look for interaction. I like to explore and feel like my choices matter in the game.

    Votes: 25 61.0%
  • I like progression. I want the scenes and the story to build to the hottest parts progressively.

    Votes: 22 53.7%
  • I like action. I want the game to be straight to the point and without too much fuss.

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • I just want to jerk off without having to think too much.

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


May 31, 2017

***UPDATE 12/01/2024

Hi everyone, I haven't posted any updates for almost a month, but I've been working on it in my free time. I've made some decisions regarding the release of this demo version. I decided to split it into 2 releases, first because I've been working on it all this time without any monetization, and second because I thought this demo was a bit too big to be completed in a relatively quick time. Another decision I made was to remove the rendering of the art that will appear in the game, that is, I'm going to leave only the linework + color + a few environment adjustments and filters to make the images more beautiful.

Since I divided the demo release into 2 releases, the first one (Version 0.01.1) will be finished by the second week of January next year, as it will allow me to advance the content quite a bit. I finished the final art for the intro, and I'll show you the result here.
intro 01.png intro 02.png intro 03.png intro 04.png intro 05.png intro 06.png intro 07.png intro 08.png intro 09.png intro 10.png intro 11.png intro 12.png

In this first release of the demo, we will have two H scenes, and in the 0.01.2 release, two other scenes that were already planned to come out with this demo, but due to force majeure, I am bringing it forward with less content to start monetizing the game. As I said before, the demo will be free (both the first and second releases).

When version 0.01.1 of the demo is finished, I will put together an action plan for the next updates after version 0.01.2, and I will also post on Patreon a complete model of what I intend to put in the game in the next updates.

This is my update for the last month, I promise I will post more updates about the production throughout this period of finalizing the first release of the demo. Cya
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May 31, 2017

***UPDATE 29/01/2024

Hello everyone. I ended up resolving it, didn't I? But there's a reason for that. I formatted my PC and in the process, some of the game files got corrupted and had to be redone. In this case, the ones that got corrupted were the sketches of the scenes I had made, along with the dialogues. During this month, I spent most of my time redoing these files to release the demo, and I took the opportunity to improve them a bit. So far, I have SCENE BEDROOM 01 ready. In the next few weeks, I'll be updating a little bit of each scene here.

Here are some pictures of the scene:
cena quarto 01 02.png cena quarto 01 06.png cena quarto 01 12.png cena quarto 01 15.png

I ended up having to extend the deadline a little bit until the end of January, but I'm doing my best to get this demo out sooner. I hope you're enjoying the game's art and suggestions are welcome. Until the next update and happy new year to everyone.
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May 31, 2017

***UPDATE 01/03/2025

Hey everyone. I'm here to show you the progress of the final art for the scenes from the first version of the demo. I'm currently finishing "H SCENE BATHROOM 01", which will take place after the opening scene I showed in the other post.

Here are some prints of the finished art for the scene (I haven't exported this material yet because I intend to make some adjustments to it):
Screenshot_3.png Screenshot_1.png Screenshot_4.png

This scene is divided into 4 stages. These images are from the first stage, and my intention is to make something close to a small animation of her taking off her clothes.

In the second stage, she will take a shower and her body will be more clearly visible.

In the third stage, she will brush her teeth and dress in the new clothes she picked up in the previous scene, and in the last stage, she will put on makeup and tie up her hair.

As I said before, this scene is almost ready, as it has 19 sketches, 14 of which are already finished (All these folders with an "H" in front and with writing in Portuguese are the images already produced for the scene.).

I will only come back here when I am well advanced in the scene that follows this one according to the Game Outline that I created, which will be in the bakery. The bakery scene will be the first trigger in the game's story, where Karen creates problems with Witch Ariadne. Well, I'll see you in the next demo development update. CYA.
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May 31, 2017

***UPDATE 01/04/2025

Hello everyone. As we are getting closer and closer to the release of the demo, I come here to show the process of the final art of the scenes after H SCENE BATHROOM 01. But first, I would like to show what I have already programmed in the engine and that the scenes I have already made are programmed as well.
This is the new game start screen (and the marketing splash art as well).
All of these events inside the room are related to the two scenes that will occur in the room. The ones outside are just to add interactive details to the game (like cheer balloons, etc.) Screenshot_8.png
This is SCENE BEDROOM 01 in game.
And this is a little of what we will have in H SCENE BATHROOM 01.

These are the images that will be used in SCENE KITCHEN 01. They will only be used for the two interactions that will occur during the scene, which will be followed by SCENE SUGARY NIBBLES BAKERY, where we have the first Turning Point in the game's history.

SCENE SUGARY NIBBLES BAKERY 01 will have 3 interactions, where in the last one I will guide the player to the part of the scene where Karen will actually be cursed. I'm currently working on this scene. The following images are some of those that will appear in these interactions.
There will be a "Milk" written on this image when this scene is completed.
This here is a simple drawing of Parmesan Cheese. It will also serve the scene's purpose.
And this is one of the images from the part referring to the last interaction. When the demo is ready you will understand the "why" of what is being seen in this image.

I hope you enjoyed what I showed you here today. Tomorrow, I'll show you more of my process. I'm "going all out" on the production of this demo so that it can be released before the end of January. CYA
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May 31, 2017

***UPDATE 01/07/2025

Hello folks. Today I come to bring another update on the production of the first version of the DEMO of the game Lust Mark.
But first, I'd like to invite you to follow me on X (old Twitter). I'm investing in some posts there to promote the game even more. There are some posts of very discreet prints of what I've been producing in the last few days. I try to post these small prints while I'm working, so if you use X and want to see some news about the game that isn't here (yet), you can receive them on your timelines there.

This is the finished version of SCENE SUGARY NIBBLES BAKERY 01. As I said before, everything will be explained in the story when the DEMO is released.
Another part of the mentioned scene.
Screenshot_16.png Screenshot_17.png Screenshot_18.png Screenshot_19.png Screenshot_20.png Screenshot_21.png Screenshot_22.png
All these prints (which are in X), are parts of the scene that occur after that slap that Karen gives to Ariadne (which for now will not be mentioned in the game, only in the second version of the DEMO). In the last image, we have her casting the spell on Karen (This is precisely the first turning point in the game's story).
This succubus will be a future character in the game. In this case, when Ariadne casted the lust spell, she evoked the powers of this succubus.
This image in the print is part of a set of 3 that end the scene. She will feel terribly sleepy and will sleep until waking up the next day (which is where the "magic" begins).
I'm practically finishing this scene, as I have 16 sketches for it, and I already have 14 scenes ready as you can see in these folders that are closed inside Paint Tool SAI.
I would also like to show you that I am almost finishing the scenes for this first version of the demo. I expect it will take me about 8-9 more days to finish producing them. After that, it will just be a matter of programming the game and preparing the material for release.

Well, that's it folks, we're getting closer and closer to the demo release and I'm quite optimistic about what's coming next. I hope you're enjoying the processes I've been posting here, and of course, don't forget to , as there will probably be some prints posted there before it gets here. CYA.
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May 31, 2017
I am in love with your art style! :love:
The characters and framing is also very nice. :sneaky:

Keep on developing and good luck!
Thanks for the compliments. I'm trying my best to do this, and I even had the crazy idea of doing calisthenics every day, which means that half the day I work with my arms burning a lot. But I'll keep going anyway.
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May 31, 2017

***UPDATE 01/12/2025

Hello folks. I'm here once again to bring you the DEV's UPDATE. I recently had some power problems at my house due to a series of storms in the last 3 days where I live, and I had set a goal (which I didn't mention here) to finish two scenes in a period of one week. Well, I only managed to finish one (which is SCENE SUGARY NIBBLES BAKERY 01), and SCENE BEDROOM 02 was basically 20/24 images. and I'll also post some of these expanded prints here. Here are the prints from X:
Screenshot_5.png Screenshot_6.png
Screenshot_10.png Screenshot_12.png Screenshot_13.png

Well, these were the screenshots of
. Now let me show you some expanded screenshots of parts of the scene in question:

Most of the images in this scene are just head movements, changes in facial expression and arm movements by our main character. In the next scene I will only leave the reduced prints, as I intend to save it for the demo release.

All these Paint Tool SAI folders represent the already completed images from SCENE BEDROOM 02. After I finish the remaining ones (I'm at 20/24) I will do some touch-ups in another software.


The SUGARY NIBBLES BAKERY 01 SCENE is complete. All that's left is to add it to the RPG MAKER engine. But I intend to do that after I've finished all the art for this Demo version, a task I'll be dedicating the following week to. If you want to receive updates throughout the week, I suggest you , where I'll be posting these reduced prints that you see here on DEV's UPDATE.

Well, this was the DEV's UPDATE, it took me longer to post this time due to the storms here, but I believe the following days will be calmer. CYA.
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May 31, 2017

***UPDATE 01/20/2025

Hello folks. This DEV's UPDATE comes with good news: ALL SCENES FOR DEMO VERSION 0.01.1 HAVE BEEN FINALIZED. The last scene of this demo , as I'm saving it for you to see when the game is released. And I'll set a date for the release of the demo from now on, since programming the events in the engine is much easier than designing and finalizing the scenes:


My plan is to launch the Patreon page together with this DEMO. I will nurture it, over the course of 15 days, with some posts related to the game's development and my plans for the future. I will also take this time to update the initial post of this Thread to make it more professional. I will include two links to the DEMO: One from Itch.io and another from Google Drive from an email I made specifically for the project.

I'll be updating you over the next 15 days on the game's schedule, showing just a few screenshots of the maps with the events already scheduled. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this demo will look when it's finished. Let's take a look at the reduced screenshots of H SCENE BATHROOM 02 that

Screenshot_2.png Screenshot_3.png Screenshot_4.png Screenshot_6.png Screenshot_7.png Screenshot_8.png Screenshot_9.png Screenshot_11.png
Screenshot_12.png Screenshot_13.png Screenshot_14.png Screenshot_15.png Screenshot_16.png Screenshot_18.png Screenshot_19.png Screenshot_20.png Screenshot_21.png

This scene will only have 14 images. But since I'm going to repeat them throughout the scene, just to simulate an animation, they'll be enough. Here's a screenshot of the folders I made for them in Paint Tool SAI.


I will also leave a poll on the Thread to know a little about what you want in a NSFW game. This will help me design the future of the game and what I should really include or not from my ideas for this game.

This is the DEV's UPDATE for the 20th. I'll be bringing you more news about the game's development soon. I hope you're all excited for the release of the first version of the demo. CYA
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  • Yay, update!
Reactions: Somnambula


May 31, 2017

***UPDATE 01/24/2025

Hello Folks. I'm here on the 24th to show you how the game's programming is going. In the last few days I've been working a lot, especially on the interactions of SCENE SUGARY NIBBLES 01. This scene in particular has a lot of interactions and dialogues, not to mention the large number of NPCs that I'm putting in it (When DEMO 0.01.1 comes out, everything will be very clear). So I'm going to show you here some prints that I took of the game's already finished events.


This room here is Karen's Bedroom. In it you can see a total of 20 events distributed throughout the room. Despite this amount, only 8 of them are the "real events" that occur in this room. The vast majority are visual effects like balloons that indicate the path to follow or where to interact. I'm using RPG MAKER MV's Switches to make the events, because I want to save the variables to give Karen some status and also for possible detours in the story.


This room here is the hallway on the second floor of Karen's house. You can see that there are 3 doors in it, right? One of them has a secret event, which may influence the development of Karen's story in future updates. Among the other two doors, we will have the door to Karen's bedroom and a door that gives access to another bathroom, which her stepson uses to do his business and take a shower. In this demo, it will not exist yet, but in the next update we will have this bathroom accessible. These two events created outside the texture area are just some visual details (as I said about the other room before).


Going down the stairs we reach the first floor of Karen's house. Here we have an entrance to the kitchen and a door on the right side that represents her stepson's (Lucas) room. The two floating events there in the corner outside the textures are just events for visual details.


This is Karen's Kitchen. Here we will have the events that will guide Karen to the bakery where everything will begin. That pile of trash on the left side of the kitchen has a purpose in the next update, and the note event on the door of what I put as a refrigerator is the "trigger" for the action that will make her go to Sugary Nibbles Bakery. The event that starts here will end in the living room on the first floor, and from there the player will have to go back to Karen's Bedroom to get another essential item for the next scenes.


This is Karen's house as seen from the outside. When Karen leaves her house, the player must go up to where those yellow circled events are to transfer to the Grocery District, where Sugary Nibbles Bakery is located.


This is what Sugary Nibbles Bakery looks like from the outside. The events above are just for visual effects that will guide the player through this first version of the DEMO.


This is what the bakery looks like inside. The NPCs here are present in the first phase of SCENE SUGARY NIBBLES 01.


And this print here shows how it will look in the second phase of the scene. This huge line will be useful during the narration and dialogues of the scene. I haven't finished this scene yet, because I spent a lot of time customizing the movements of the NPCs and the movements that will occur during the dialogue phase of the scene. But the important thing is that this complicated part has already been done, so all that's left is to add the dialogues to this scene. After finishing this scene, all that's left is to program the two final scenes (SCENE BEDROOM 02 and H SCENE BATHROOM 02).

I also plan to add some visual events to the outside areas of Karen's house and the Grocery District. Such as cars driving down the street and people walking down the sidewalk, etc.

As you can see, we are getting very close to finishing the first version of the demo. Once I finish programming all the events, I will work on the game's sound design, and I will include some royalty-free background music (I am very good at drawing, animation and 3D modeling, but I confess that I don't know much about music production, so I will use what is already available for free in my project, so as not to waste too much time trying to learn something that will not be so relevant, since the most important thing is the scenes themselves.)


I would also like to show that in my free time I produced two 3D models of male and female bodies and put an animation skeleton on them in Blender. The intention with these dolls is to have a more precise reference for certain positions and to draw the characters on objects, furniture and environments (such as beds, tables, bathtubs, stages or in front of their respective houses, etc.).

To tell the truth, for a good part of my journey as an artist and even in college I used to create my poses and ideas for my environments, but this site has some big problems: The controllers are very imprecise and most of the time they bug the models, in addition to magicposer's scaling system being horrible, and the fact that you can't save the pose you created.

This here is the female model that I created to use as a reference in future scenes.


This one is the male model. I put a different color on it to differentiate it when making the poses that I will use in the drawings of the future scenes.

Well, that was the DEV's UPDATE for January 24, 2025. I hope you're enjoying what you're seeing and that you're looking forward to the game's DEMO. See you in the next DEV's UPDATE. CYA
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May 31, 2017

***UPDATE 01/26/2025

Hello everyone. I'm here for another dev update on the 26th. I'm here to bring you some gifs and a very special video of the demo. These gifs will show you some of the scenes and what I've done in the game.

Due to some upload issues I'm splitting today's DEV's UPDATE into two posts.


This is the game's home screen and start menu. The Patreon page, although it does exist, is still empty. I'm working on making sure it has a lot of content when the game demo is released.

This is the beginning of SCENE BEDROOM 01. Let's continue for the next gifs.

This gif shows the first NSFW scene in the game, there's nothing too hardcore. Just wait for the demo to be released.

Each objective will be indicated by balloons in each event, meaning it will be very easy to know where to go to develop the game's story. I chose this path only for the DEMO. I haven't decided yet whether I'll do things so easily in future updates, it will all depend on the result of this poll I'm doing here in the thread.

When Karen leaves her room, as long as she doesn't do the events available inside her own house, she won't be able to leave. As I said before, this is just for the narrative purpose of the demo.

This will be the path to Sugary Nibbles Bakery. The bakery doesn't have its name printed on the front of it because I spent a lot of time making the cutscenes, so I decided to leave it to create a facade sprite in future updates.

See the rest in the post below.


May 31, 2017
Let's continue the other post.

Here's a little bit of SCENE SUGARY NIBBLES 01.


This will have some relevance in the story. Just wait for the demo.


After the end of SCENE SUGARY NIBBLES 01 is where the magic will happen.


There will be one more scene after SCENE SUGARY NIBBLES 01. It will guide you to the next NSFW scene of the demo. And as you can see, there will be no escape other than watching this scene.

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As you can see, the first release of the demo is almost ready. I need to finish programming this NSFW scene that I showed you a little, as well as adding some music to the places and scenes, sound effects for each reaction and making the environment a little more populated with NPCs.

After that, I'll spend whatever time I have left (and there will be plenty) on adjusting the Patreon for the demo release. I'll also take the opportunity to adjust the initial post in this thread a bit.

This was the DEV's UPDATE from January 26th. See you soon.
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Penumbral Evanescence

|☽◯☾| Somnium of the Night ✧ Bête Noire
GFX Designer
Jul 16, 2021
~ Great artwork Skollrage and the plot seems intriguing. Wish you the best of luck on your game and godspeed (y)

Will be sure to download it once the demo has been released and give you my feedback if I am able to. Cheers
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May 31, 2017
~ Great artwork Skollrage and the plot seems intriguing. Wish you the best of luck on your game and godspeed (y)

Will be sure to download it once the demo has been released and give you my feedback if I am able to. Cheers
Thank you very much for your comment. I had a lot of problems during the process due to lack of experience with the engine, but I'm learning from my mistakes. After all, this is my first game, and I'm more of an artistic designer than necessarily a "game producer". I'm researching and reading some posts from this Forum and from other producers to idealize the Game Design and make it the best possible. :)

Penumbral Evanescence

|☽◯☾| Somnium of the Night ✧ Bête Noire
GFX Designer
Jul 16, 2021
had a lot of problems during the process due to lack of experience with the engine, but I'm learning from my mistakes
That's good to know that you are starting to get more acquainted with RPGM. It certainly can be a difficult engine to work with, as there are a lot of controls to learn, maps to design and develop, custom objects and interactions and scripting events is not easy especially for those newer to the engine.

I'm researching and reading some posts from this Forum and from other producers to idealize the Game Design and make it the best possible
Yes that's good to know (y) Keep it up and would recommend that you take a look at our 'Tools and Tutorials' section as well. There is an existing tutorial thread (RPG Maker Help Section) that offers some useful RPGM tips and tricks that might be useful for you to read through as you are perfecting your skills in the RPGM engine.
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Reactions: Skollrage


May 31, 2017

***UPDATE 01/30/2024

Hello everyone. I'm here on this January 30th to bring you another DEV's UPDATE. And I come with good news:


All the cutscenes have been finalized, character and event animations have been added, and the sound effects and soundtracks have been properly applied to the game. I used all the sound effects from Royalty Free websites and as for the NSFW Female Voicepack, thank you to for the wonderful free pack (with due credits, of course) made available on

This has been a long journey, I had several problems along the way and I learned a lot about game production in RPG MAKER MV. In the next 6 days until the launch, I will dedicate myself to preparing promotional material and my Patreon page, as well as my page that I just created on SubscribeStar. There will be a free tier for those who want to know what I intend to do from now on, but this post with such information will be somewhat limited, after all, my biggest wish is to monetize this game so that I can dedicate myself 100% to it (and stop hearing complaints from my current boss). So I will set a very small goal, but enough for me to drop everything I'm doing just to dedicate myself to the game. I will talk about this goal in the future.

But let's get to the point, what I came to show you is very little, but I think it's important to talk about it here, after all the DEMO is already ready, so you need to wait until the 5th (hehe).

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This is the introductory scene of the game, as you can see, it tells a little about Karen's Backstory and the game's characters (Those who appear in the introduction will be relevant for the next update).

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I added some events with NPCs and cars moving around the street and sidewalk, some of these NPCs you can interact with, but by choice I didn't include anything about them yet. The NPCs that walk around the map don't have collisions because they would hinder the player's movement (as happens in many JRPGs out there), so I opted for that. And you also can't interact with them, at least in this version.


And this is the Collections Room. It will be available to everyone who plays the DEMO until the end, and there you will be able to see the NSFW scenes present in this version. In the next version of the DEMO, it will only unlock when you finish all the available events, and from then on it will remain permanently, with each H scene being progressively added to this room. By the way, it will get much bigger in the future.

I hope you enjoyed it and are excited for the release of the DEMO. I'll be exporting the game file to a .ZIP and preparing the appropriate posts for my Patreon page. If you want to know before I post anything here about any of my Patreon posts,

Well, that was the DEV's UPDATE from January 30th. Now it's just a matter of patience for the release of the DEMO. CYA.
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