Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Thu Oct 03, 2024 11:07 am

Thanks for the detailed post Mark. Hope everything goes well in the delivery of the systems to the clients over this weekend and again later in the month.

With regard to all of Dawn's lovers, I guess it is a win-win-win situation for you eh? :D

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Sat Oct 05, 2024 2:01 am

Mark; So Dawn and I had a 3-some date last night.
Well, almost. She had the date with Kit and I was observer. This was a lot of fun, we should it do more often.

Dawn was seeing Kit for supper.The bathroom ritual started when she got in from work. Bath, shave, shampoo, a dab or three of perfume. She’d bought a black leather jump suit, zipped from just above crotch up the front, 3/4 sleeves, loose legs and beautifully fitted around her backside, black patent heels. She looked absolutely fantastic but - access? She said it was just supper, no over-night, she wanted to wow him. Well she wow’d me. I must admit to a surge in blood pressure, especially in the south, and I hadn’t touched her.

We left in her car (the roller skate) roof down heater up, in a nice bubble of warm air. She drove up to the pub in a village just to the west of Petersfield. As we neared, she stopped to kick me out to walk the last 1/4 mile while she drove into the car park. There were several big Range Rover types in the car park, presumably the one furthest from the building in the dark being Kit’s with Dawn’s Mercedes parked next to it, all very twee.

A very intimate olde worlde pub. Real fire made it warm and cosy, round dining tables spaced around the room and a nice bar. The people in the bar were well dressed and probably 50+, looked well-heeled. I would say it’s a pub you take the wife - just not your own.

Dawn and Kit were sat at a table near the bay window just over from the fire, sat very closely side by side facing into the room, smiling, talking, he gazing into her eyes (and cleavage) as he spoke, hand on her thigh. I ordered a pint and a menu and sat over from them, side on not facing them or anything obvious, but clear line of sight. It reminded me of my service days on surveillance, I hope this time won’t get shot at. Dawn had seen me, he wasn't aware.

Well aren’t they the relaxed couple. Kit is a good looking guy, well built, grey hair well cut, expensive blue cotton shirt and dark blue trousers. His and her’s gold Rolex’s, Dawn with her rings still on and he no rings. His hand on her thigh under the table moving ever higher, squeezing here and there, mostly there. The zip was quite low making her tits look amazing from here, so they must’ve been driving him mad. The leather, well, let’s get primitive.
Supper ordered, eaten, second bottle of wine, (I think I might be driving home) he gave the zip a little tug further south exposing more of her boobs, running his finger down between them. She didn’t try to stop him and nobody appeared to notice, "I’ll bet they did). Looking round it was obviously fondle hour for everyone. And there’s me, Billy no mates, sitting on his own looking at his phone. Sad.

My phone on silent and flat on the table, without looking up, I discretely sent her a text telling her she looked fantastic, great tits too. Her phone pinged, she read it, smiled broadly, didn’t look at me and put the phone away. She said to me later she’d told him it was Nuala confirming the weekend. Probably prophetic.

While Kit got the bill, Dawn looked over and gave me a wink, my cue to bale out. I picked up my warm coat and went to the bar to pay for a really nice meal. Then out, into the shadows to wait by the hedge next to the cars. The anticipation is marvellous, something I have never tired of since the services. As they exited in the dim outside lights of the car park to walk to the cars they had a snogging session, the zip of her jumpsuit fully pulled down, boobs proudly on display,.
They approached the car, I was able to see clearly and hear most of what was said by him but not all of what Dawn said. While he massaged her tits he said he wanted them to stay in one of the rooms at the pub tonight, she said she did too but couldn’t as I was expected home and she had the kids coming for the weekend. He got his hand inside the bottom half of her tight outfit, kisses and fingers trying to convince her to change her mind. Sloppy kissing and moans emanated from her to the point where she might have given in. He must be good as she obviously came, he had to hold her up. She undid his trousers and gave him one of her special blowjobs by his car. Again maybe it’s me, but kissing after a mouthful of cum does not appeal to me at all, it clearly caused him no problem as they deeply kissed goodnight and got into their cars.

She started her car and waited till he’d left the car park, I got in the passenger side to be greeted with a fabulous sight, she’d taken the jumpsuit off completely so as not to stretch it, climbed over on top of me, my trousers went to my knees and she sank down on my already hard cock, she said fingers were great but not like the real thing. People were coming out of the pub now but we were in the dark corner facing the hedge, so fairly camouflaged. Having finished, she climbed off to give me a coating of our juices all over my belly, wonderful, bloody wonderful, now I have sloppy pants for the drive home, thank goodness for heated seats and good heaters. She put her thong back on and asked for my coat, got comfortable. I went to the drivers side and drove home while she told me all.

Well, Lesley and Richard had done a great job for them, thanks to Dawn (grovel, grovel). Then to the basics, he’s very keen, his relationship with his wife is greatly improved, but he wants to see her more often. She half expected the next bit, his friend ‘land deal Chris’ fancies Dawn hugely, she knew what he was hinting at so she said she fancied him too, which drew a wide smile. So maybe? Then out of the blue, what did she think of Freya, the Ice Queen? 'Frightening and surprisingly sexy!' (good answer) nothing more said on the subject, intriguing.
She said she was going to see James in Petersfield next week to see how he was, his health was deteriorating, Kit agreed, said he was his old mentor and he too visits him regularly. Next date was arranged and they left the pub, which was where he’d reached round to her front and pulled her zip down. Had to feel her tits as they’d been ‘blinding‘ him all night, to her great delight. So predictable.

The tub base is looking great, much bigger than I expected with the beams ready to be set up and the cables for the tub, lights etc..
Dawn’s expecting the girls for coffee this morning around 11. I suspect Nuala suggested this to Liz in case ‘Coke’ man turned up. Be interested to see if her dress code has changed?

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by 54321 » Sat Oct 05, 2024 4:53 am

And my wife and I were watching Netflix. Ah well.


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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Sat Oct 05, 2024 6:43 am

Mark/ Dawn so Kit is trying to set Dawn up with Chris or is Kit trying to arrange a party for all 3 of them ?

I wondering if the ice queen has made any enquiries about Dawn to Kit

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Sat Oct 05, 2024 7:03 am

Thanks for the always fascinating almost 3-some date with Kit. Any chance of seeing one of delightful Dawn's picture in the jumpsuit? Sounds very sexy.
Is there a hint of Freya's interest as well?
Hope you have a relaxing weekend with the kids.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Sun Oct 06, 2024 2:03 am

I was prompted to write after recently reading a comment by Leggysman, in which he describes the enjoyment of non-monogamy ‘without strings’, I hope that is a fair summary.
It brought to mind the early days of our foray into this state. Dawn suffered from NRE or whatever is the right term and fear of rejection, in the early days, but as time and experience has gone on, she has realised now that a stable home life is the key to our hobby being one of pure safe pleasure, injecting excitement into our lives, with mutual consent and team, I was also going to say devilment. So the idea of NRE or the grass is greener point of view has diminished to virtually nil.

This sounds somewhat selfish considering she has had several ‘partners’ who have developed strong feelings for her and the desire for more, Kit being but one, although she is keen, she doesn’t reciprocate nor is inclined to. Fond of him, yes; fancy him, yes; run off into the sunset, no. The only exception has been Ray, but that’s another story.

To my mind, the ideal for Dawn, is Remi. He has the same mindset as Dawn, ‘in it for the now’, with the added attraction of ’foreign activities’ s&m, a direction Dawn has been fascinated in for years, but not dared to venture. This relationship is ‘no strings’, no pun intended.

Our relationship and her own self-esteem has grown hugely. The job; managing more than ‘soliciting’ (joke) has been a challenge, but again a major stimulus, all coming at a good time.
I do think you need experience of life to enter this lifestyle to go without injury.
Imho - Non-monogamy is great if the foundation of the relationship is strong, honesty prevails, add that to the thrill of exchanging notes - happy days.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Sun Oct 06, 2024 2:44 am

Mark, such a reflective view, I think you have it right, early on the through of reject and excitement of new, made Dawn say yes to anything now she knows she can have what who ever what every she wants

We are now living in an age of woman empowerment, IMHO a
Lot of this was drive out of the tinder generation when woman discovered they have the power

Remi is a interring hobby, maybe Dawn can find time to develop, seems she has not had a good session for a while

Ray is something else, how does Tony see Dawn/Ray relationship

Kit is good for today, he eventually be replaced sometime

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Sun Oct 06, 2024 6:39 am

Well said Mark. Your marriage appears to be built on a strong foundation of mutual trust, respect and honesty along with a desire to explore new avenues.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by boobman987 » Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:01 am

Thanks for the wonderful updates Mark and Dawn. It was true key erotic how Mark described his reactions to the sight of Kit and Dawn making out in the pub.

I am in complete agreement with Venus-can,
venus-can99 wrote:
Sat Oct 05, 2024 7:03 am
. . .
Any chance of seeing one of delightful Dawn's picture in the jumpsuit? Sounds very sexy.
. . .
The picture can be ‘sanitised’ by accidentally decapitating the delicious Dawn so it is a neck to feet picture. Please!?! The thought of Dawn’s ample bosom peaking out of a jet black zip suit is mind boggling.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:10 am

I had a look and seems Mark has taken down Dawns pages

I would love to have seen the dressed Daren, that cat suit sound out standing

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by KinkyBear » Wed Oct 16, 2024 9:11 am

Every time we don’t get an update for a week I worry that my favorite thread won’t continue.

I hope you guys are still having great adventures and will be back to share them!

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Wed Oct 16, 2024 8:30 pm

Mark: Hello friends, Busy weeks at work, no-one can say I’m not hands-on. Lead from the front. This will last for another 4 weeks. We’re recruiting like mad but everything takes time.
I had the pleasure of seeing Michelle last Thursday. Our relationship is slow and steady, how she likes it, and me to be truthful. Another warm, easy evening. Very ‘Eagles’. We’re both comfortable with this, I know this because she told me. So no salacious details, just straight forward shagging, only this time I didn’t fall asleep on the job. Sooo embarrassed about that. But nice warm evening all the same.

Finally our friends at the insurance company have paid out. The money is in my grasping hand now ha ha. On this subject, planning has been agreed, after a few question and answer sessions. I expected a fight but the assessor agreed with everything and his report satisfied the Council. Although the assessor did expect like for like. So it’s a go with my wall.

The entertainment tub-hub in the garden is finished, just waiting for the tub, New Zealand kit. Roger has really put some graft into this (hoping to get the wall job, which is serious bucks) but in fairness the job he’s done is seriously good. Concrete base, decking floor, gazebo with blinds (open front). Wicker dining kit and tub to complete. Of course, Dawn has made sure Roger he was well supported. Her story to tell.

Dawn and I have discussed the Nuala (and Liz) situation, I’m more concerned than she but she does understand my concern and the consequences. The Devil finds work… I have asked her to casually discuss employment with the girls as the grand kids are now going to go to ‘big’ school in the new year, so they will have more ‘idle’ time. It’s all well and good having a bit on the side, but it may become more than a distraction. Rather a distraction than a disaster. Again Dawn’s story.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Wed Oct 16, 2024 9:20 pm

Mark glad to hear your wall is being paid for. I am sure Roger will do the best work with Dawn’s support :)

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Wed Oct 16, 2024 11:16 pm

Mark remember a girl may like a steady time, occasionally they like a bit of naughty time, I sure Michelle will enjoy some experimenting, has Michelle suggest meeting up with Dawn again or a revisit to your room, when is Dawn off with Ray for BBC time?

More important what are you planing for Dawn’s special birthday, how many of her friends can you get together for a big time Ray Tony, Cheryl, Michelle, Richard ?

As for the DIL’s remember NRE, we will wait for the update from Dawn, get the the girls back to work will be good, to much time is not good, it sounds like Dawn is going to have to step in and help guide the girls through NRE phase, you do not need a disaster impacting you grandkids, the grandkids are the most important thing, my kids hugest in with these life, my grandkids are so precious to me

Dawn has been there and can now see what she did well and not so well

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Thu Oct 17, 2024 2:40 am

Dawn: I went to meet James for lunch, a lovely afternoon. We went back to his house in Petersfield where the crafty old devil finally told me his age. 74! He can still get a fairly good hard-on, to which I paid attention. He said he’d rather have a great bj than a half hearted shag. Challenge accepted. I came clean about Kit, which made him laugh. It was as he expected. Kit had already told him and that he was very keen, but to be wary of Chris, something James felt wasn’t right. Kit was James protege, who he nurtured and helped on his way. He told me he was very fond of me but not to get too involved, Kit was single minded. I told James that I was actually very happy at home and had no intentions elsewhere other than a bit of adventure, which Mark was OK with. He was surprised and admitted to being old fashioned.

Speaking of Kit, he is a nice guy and I am fond of him, we met up on Friday night at a lovely pub in Bishops Waltham. My ensemble consisted of a maroon jersey midi dress, long sleeves, button up but mostly unbuttoned very clingy and heels ( I don’t like flat shoes). The pub was another traditional pub, which I really like, plenty of character and locals. We met, kissed and he had a quick feel to make sure I wasn’t hiding underwear anywhere. I wasn’t. He’s great company, attentive, complimentary, a bit risqué copping a feel now and then, wonderful.

As the evening drew to a close he suggested a hotel, I suggested a good fuck in his car. The back of His Range Rover is quite roomy, I stripped off, he kept his shirt on. I’m still supple enough to enjoy this , and I do enjoy car sex. Him? That’s his problem. I came twice, he once. I am very noisy and there was come everywhere, in me, down the leather seats, and the carpet. I think he’d been saving up for me. It was going to be a messy drive home. He sat back on the seat while I kissed him. I like this bit. As he grew harder I took him in my mouth and brought him to full attention to give him a great bj. That is one for James and one fKit today. Do you know, even the second time he nearly drowned me in come. Strangely he gave me a full on kiss before we parted. I drove home, M&S rescue knickers from my glove box keeping my dress decent, a different taste in my mouth, but very happy.

At the home-base my hot-tub has come on in leaps and bounds. Roger has done wonders with what I thought was something basic and turned it into a complete entertainment centre, much bigger than I expected. Hot-tub, dining area, lighting, fold up sides and roof, wonderful. Mark has given him the go ahead on the front wall and the builders fence is already up so they’re happy. He’s had quite a few blow jobs from me, but I’ve held the main event back till now, but, boy am I going to fuck him soon. I haven’t had the bill yet, but it will be worth every penny.

Speaking of Roger,: Our granddaughter was doing ballet on Saturday morning, so Nuala just happened to pop in for coffee, what a surprise. Well Nuala, tight jeans, white blouse unbuttoned quite a lot on show, see through bra, nipples visible and prominent, hair looking like she’s just left the salon. Oh guess what, Roger was fitting the roll up curtains to the tub area. Yes, he feasted his eyes, but in fairness, despite her best attempts, he kept her at bay, made his excuses and left. Shame; I was going to fuck him, so we both lost out.

Nuala was clearly in state of excitement and expressed a view of Roger. I decided to grasp the nettle and we had a discussion about her and my son Mike and their relationship. Mike, it turns out is in the same situation as Mark, involved albeit reluctantly. He has a fwb and Nuala has the rest of the world, or so it seems, 3 separate guys and a regular swapping couple. She also alluded that Liz and James were similarly and separately involved. Then she said she saw how settled/happy Mark and I were and intimated that she knew we were also ‘open’. What could I say. She’d caught me with another guys tongue down my throat and his hand in my open shirt, to be fair, she’d been very discrete about it.

Mark had insisted that I was not to open up about us, but I was ham strung. In order to reduce any risks and distract her, he had suggested I ask her had she considered working? The cost of child care was a major problem otherwise she’d love to join the company, the same to be said about Liz. And yes Liz was tinkering around with a guy, but I should ask Liz about that. So both of the girls were spreading their wings, I won’t use Mark’s coarse term. He may be right, we need to talk, they weren’t mature enough to cope with a rush of emotions and hormones. Mark said their MIL is not giving the best example. He actually called me a slapper. Bastard. Not like the lurvley Michelle, of course.

I’m going to suggest a night out with the girls. It’s given me too much to think about.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by 54321 » Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:12 am

They are following your example so why shouldn't they follow your advice?
You really do have the benefit of experience and wisdom.


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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by cuckhus15 » Thu Oct 17, 2024 5:00 am

My wife and my friend "date." They go out and act that way in public. They don't even care if they see people we know. They have amazing chemistry.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Thu Oct 17, 2024 6:43 am

Dawn / Mark the cat is part out of the bag, the girls know you have an opens relationship, the key question is do the boys know, if everyone knows you might as well talk openly about lesion you have learnt and how to protect your key relationships

For the girls they need a pool at men, and see them as no more than sex toys to be used and put aside, not to get emotionally involved, (the same can be said for the boys, that can be harder) Dawn do you know what your first year count was 10-15, since the start maybe 20, great example of using men for your pleasure and nothing more

I know this is way out there but I will say it, maybe you 3 girls should build a group of men and just stay with the same ones, 10 would be a good number, that way your girls are using them as sex toys nothing more, they also know the game, also some of the older man, that are good fucks are also not interested in breaking up the family, for example you should start off sharing Richard, or care in the community with James

If they are not aware of Dawn interest in girls and the DIL have not gone there maybe you keep that to yourself, or bring along Ray to give another view in the life style

If the boys do but know about your 2, ask the girls to keep it to themself

Remember girl can have any man, a man only gets occasional woman 10:1

Last as the girls are young, there is always a risk of pregnancy and that just something that need to be managed
Last edited by skoot1958 on Thu Oct 17, 2024 7:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Thu Oct 17, 2024 7:13 am

cuckhus15 wrote:
Thu Oct 17, 2024 5:00 am
My wife and my friend "date." They go out and act that way in public. They don't even care if they see people we know. They have amazing chemistry.
- It would be great if you could start your own thread and relate their on going adventures and of course how you came to get there. :up: :up: :D

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Freemans892 » Thu Oct 17, 2024 3:25 pm

Nuala and Mike had to be “opened up” before she caught Dawn heavily snogging/french kissing a guy in his 30s, with his hand down her top and tits on display. Nuala’s friend (Debbie) even admitted that she and Nuala were on the hunt for men. If Mike has a FWB, then Nuala and Mike have been open for 12 to 18 months. As Skoot1958 mentioned, married “men only gets occasional woman 10:1”. If Nuala and Mike have only been Open for 6 months then Mike has done well to find a FWB in the short timeframe.

If Nuala has 3 separate guys, it helps avoid NRE and makes it easier to dump a guy who doesn’t understand that the husband is the primary. I’m assuming that Debbie and husband are the couple that Nuala and Mike swap with. I would say that Debbie and Nuala put two and two together about Dawn’s and Ray’s night out on the town.

The latest update explains why the more reserved daughter-in-law has become a cock tease and eye-candy flirting with Mark over the last six months. Nuala has been pushing Dawn’s and Mark’s buttons to confirm both of you are in an Open relationship. On the night that Dawn gets caught, Mark is picking up the 5 girls from their night out, it tells Nuala that Mark knows what is going on. From Nuala's perspective, she wants to let her in-laws know that she’s not cheating on Mike. I’m also guessing that Nuala is trying out her new found confidence on Mark first.

As for Roger, he probably doesn’t know what to think. Roger realises that Mark is a nice guy and doesn’t always spend his weekends playing golf. Now he has the daughter-in-law flirting hard on him in front of the MIL.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Thu Oct 17, 2024 11:33 pm

Freeman I would agree with your analysis, Nuala most like is just showing off in front or Mark to gate a reaction, I am sure they’d be much more skin in show when the hot tub parties starts

Grandkids in HT is great combo pattern will join in Nuala will have, lick most you woman a string covering her

I think Dawn taking the girls out for some win will get to the bottom of when and who know what

I agree have a a “stable” let’s you drop

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Sat Oct 19, 2024 9:15 am

Dawn; Hi everyone, I thought I’d take this opportunity to write, as a very frazzled Mark is in the office checking his orders are going ok. He much prefers ‘tick-tick’ business instead of the big bang stuff, he says if anything goes wrong, it’s a bigger loss. And he calls me a pessimist.

Well as you know, I have a wild daughter in law, Nuala, who thinks she’s invented sex and wants to try it out on everyone, and a 2nd dil who I think, and Nuala intimated, is the dark horse on the same trail. Mark is very concerned about both, but frankly I think the horse has bolted. I spoke to, actually more cross examined, Nuala about her activities and yes, 1 regular and 2 casual so far, and shamelessly has the hots for Roger, who I’ve told, very clearly, there are no extra points for mil+dil, to which he has agreed.

Earlier in the week she popped in, hoping to see Roger - so transparent. I took the opportunity to explain bluntly about her ‘game’ that NER was a very real and potentially dangerous thing, causing some women to make rash decisions which they later regretted; everyone loses except the lawyers.
Nuala still thinks it’s just a game, as does Mike my son, who doesn’t know I know, I have yet to speak with Liz. To be fair, she seemed to understand and just said it was for fun and adventure as normal life is a bit boring, and intimated the cat was indeed out of the bag re Mark and I. Despite what Mark had said there was no point in pretending to Nuala, we're about 6-8 months out of time now. So I explained that we’ve been together 30+ years, we had a solid foundation so there was little risk to us and we were very discrete, because of my job. Fortunately Ray and I are viewed as just close girl-type friends. I suggested perhaps a job when Neve goes to big school, Liz was very interested, knowing if Liz was on board… I think if Liz stuck her head under a bus…, oh suddenly she’s ok with that. But would the boys? They have settled down very well, Mark wouldn’t let me disrupt them.

When I rang Mark yesterday afternoon, although he says he’s not particularly interested, he got very excited, the tub had arrived and 2 guys were installing it and linking up the electric bit and filling with water.
Roger has done a fantastic job of the ‘fun hub', as everyone refers to it. It is much bigger than we thought, but includes a family area for table and chairs, yet to arrive, lighting, speakers. Speaking of Roger, he arrived to speak with the installers to finalise the job, and to see me of course. It was lovely and sunny so I took a tray of tea and scones out for the guys. Didn’t give it a second thought, but realised a little late, I had a beige sweat shirt and tight beige gym leggings, which didn’t hide much, the outline of nipples or back and front bottom, literally. They seemed pleased to see me did some extras without being asked; obviously I make good tea.

Roger followed me into the kitchen, pulled the sliding doors closed and pulled me to the other end in the shadows. I was so hoping he would. Now was going to be the time. Tongue down my throat, hands down the back of my leggings squeezing my cheeks. He turned me round over the island, roughly pulled my leggings down to my knees, ever so slowly slipped into me; and fucked me nice and hard. His hands under my sweatshirt, squeezed my tits. It thought it amusing, I could see the guys in the garden working on the tub. Soo naughty. But soo nice. I came quite hard and loudly, as I felt Roger coming in strong spurts we heard the drive alarm ping - fucking Nuala was coming up the drive. On her way to pick Neve up from school, thought she’d just pop in, again obviously expecting Roger to be there. Roger quickly made himself decent and went out to the tub; I’ve got the cleaning up of a gallon of come. I didn’t want the embarrassment in front of the guys in the garden noticing I’d changed my bottoms. Good old kitchen towels

Nuala, tight jeans and unbuttoned checked shirt, she has a lovely cleavage and it appears she feels everyone should see it. Her jacket over her arm, straight over to the guys, and Roger, to see the new addition. I do have to say she’s certainly smartened her act up. She and Roger came into the kitchen, each greeted and kissed me on the cheek as I made yet more tea, hoping none of Rogers leakage would show on beige clothing.

All done, Roger made to go, Nuala jumped up and said she’d walk out to the cars with him. They both kissed me bye on the cheek. I went to the the study, the cctv camera monitor in there, followed them round the house. The whole system has audio, so I could hear their conversation, sneaky I know but.. She actually suggested a night out, I held my breath. Roger said she was really lovely but couldn’t, when asked why, he said he was seeing someone special and anyway he didn’t date young married women because of a previous experience. I breathed out, well done Roger, a man of your word, you will receive your reward. Deflated, she got in her car and left. He too left in his pick up. I went to my bedroom to have a shower. Mark will piss himself when I tell him this evening.

Roger phoned as he got onto the road, told me what had happened with Nuala, I pretended not to know, said thank you. Then he said he’d forgotten to tell me, Friday afternoon he’d expected Mark to be there, just a lucky bonus shag I guess. The planning is through! ‘Brilliant', Ii said, 'The Great Wall of XX project starts with benefits'. Funny how you can ‘hear’ a smile down the phone. Mark will give his side later. Dawn xx.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Sat Oct 19, 2024 12:21 pm

Thanks for the update Dawn. So it was a good rogering with Roger eh? Well done. He seems like a man of his word letting zNuala down gently yet firmly

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Freemans892 » Sat Oct 19, 2024 3:03 pm

Compared to Dawn’s earlier men, e.g. Chris and Phillip (Ray’s brother), both Roger and James seem to be respectful of the situation and stay within the boundaries set by Dawn. Dawn is now getting an understanding, through Nuala, of what Mark went through in the first 12 months when they opened their relationship. Ray’s guiding hand helped both Dawn and Mark through those first 12 months. Hopefully, Dawn can provide a guiding hand to Nuala and Liz. At least Nuala sees her extracurricular activities as fun and adventure only.

The fun hub sounds like a great addition to the house. Maybe Mark needs to host Michelle one night and make use of the hot tub and fun hub. I’m pretty sure that Roger wants to have a session with Dawn in the hot tub. I’m sure that Ray and Tony will want a session in the hot tub. You could always add a sauna to the fun hub at a later date.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by 54321 » Sat Oct 19, 2024 4:04 pm

A lovely update. Thank you but, to be honest, I couldn't make head or tail of this bit:
I suggested perhaps a job when Neve goes to big school, Liz was very interested, knowing if Liz was on board… I think if Liz stuck her head under a bus…, oh suddenly she’s ok with that. But would the boys? They have settled down very well, Mark wouldn’t let me disrupt them.
Would you enlighten me? :D

Every good wish,


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