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by ocean » Sat Oct 05, 2024 2:01 am
Mark; So Dawn and I had a 3-some date last night.
Well, almost. She had the date with Kit and I was observer. This was a lot of fun, we should it do more often.
Dawn was seeing Kit for supper.The bathroom ritual started when she got in from work. Bath, shave, shampoo, a dab or three of perfume. She’d bought a black leather jump suit, zipped from just above crotch up the front, 3/4 sleeves, loose legs and beautifully fitted around her backside, black patent heels. She looked absolutely fantastic but - access? She said it was just supper, no over-night, she wanted to wow him. Well she wow’d me. I must admit to a surge in blood pressure, especially in the south, and I hadn’t touched her.
We left in her car (the roller skate) roof down heater up, in a nice bubble of warm air. She drove up to the pub in a village just to the west of Petersfield. As we neared, she stopped to kick me out to walk the last 1/4 mile while she drove into the car park. There were several big Range Rover types in the car park, presumably the one furthest from the building in the dark being Kit’s with Dawn’s Mercedes parked next to it, all very twee.
A very intimate olde worlde pub. Real fire made it warm and cosy, round dining tables spaced around the room and a nice bar. The people in the bar were well dressed and probably 50+, looked well-heeled. I would say it’s a pub you take the wife - just not your own.
Dawn and Kit were sat at a table near the bay window just over from the fire, sat very closely side by side facing into the room, smiling, talking, he gazing into her eyes (and cleavage) as he spoke, hand on her thigh. I ordered a pint and a menu and sat over from them, side on not facing them or anything obvious, but clear line of sight. It reminded me of my service days on surveillance, I hope this time won’t get shot at. Dawn had seen me, he wasn't aware.
Well aren’t they the relaxed couple. Kit is a good looking guy, well built, grey hair well cut, expensive blue cotton shirt and dark blue trousers. His and her’s gold Rolex’s, Dawn with her rings still on and he no rings. His hand on her thigh under the table moving ever higher, squeezing here and there, mostly there. The zip was quite low making her tits look amazing from here, so they must’ve been driving him mad. The leather, well, let’s get primitive.
Supper ordered, eaten, second bottle of wine, (I think I might be driving home) he gave the zip a little tug further south exposing more of her boobs, running his finger down between them. She didn’t try to stop him and nobody appeared to notice, "I’ll bet they did). Looking round it was obviously fondle hour for everyone. And there’s me, Billy no mates, sitting on his own looking at his phone. Sad.
My phone on silent and flat on the table, without looking up, I discretely sent her a text telling her she looked fantastic, great tits too. Her phone pinged, she read it, smiled broadly, didn’t look at me and put the phone away. She said to me later she’d told him it was Nuala confirming the weekend. Probably prophetic.
While Kit got the bill, Dawn looked over and gave me a wink, my cue to bale out. I picked up my warm coat and went to the bar to pay for a really nice meal. Then out, into the shadows to wait by the hedge next to the cars. The anticipation is marvellous, something I have never tired of since the services. As they exited in the dim outside lights of the car park to walk to the cars they had a snogging session, the zip of her jumpsuit fully pulled down, boobs proudly on display,.
They approached the car, I was able to see clearly and hear most of what was said by him but not all of what Dawn said. While he massaged her tits he said he wanted them to stay in one of the rooms at the pub tonight, she said she did too but couldn’t as I was expected home and she had the kids coming for the weekend. He got his hand inside the bottom half of her tight outfit, kisses and fingers trying to convince her to change her mind. Sloppy kissing and moans emanated from her to the point where she might have given in. He must be good as she obviously came, he had to hold her up. She undid his trousers and gave him one of her special blowjobs by his car. Again maybe it’s me, but kissing after a mouthful of cum does not appeal to me at all, it clearly caused him no problem as they deeply kissed goodnight and got into their cars.
She started her car and waited till he’d left the car park, I got in the passenger side to be greeted with a fabulous sight, she’d taken the jumpsuit off completely so as not to stretch it, climbed over on top of me, my trousers went to my knees and she sank down on my already hard cock, she said fingers were great but not like the real thing. People were coming out of the pub now but we were in the dark corner facing the hedge, so fairly camouflaged. Having finished, she climbed off to give me a coating of our juices all over my belly, wonderful, bloody wonderful, now I have sloppy pants for the drive home, thank goodness for heated seats and good heaters. She put her thong back on and asked for my coat, got comfortable. I went to the drivers side and drove home while she told me all.
Well, Lesley and Richard had done a great job for them, thanks to Dawn (grovel, grovel). Then to the basics, he’s very keen, his relationship with his wife is greatly improved, but he wants to see her more often. She half expected the next bit, his friend ‘land deal Chris’ fancies Dawn hugely, she knew what he was hinting at so she said she fancied him too, which drew a wide smile. So maybe? Then out of the blue, what did she think of Freya, the Ice Queen? 'Frightening and surprisingly sexy!' (good answer) nothing more said on the subject, intriguing.
She said she was going to see James in Petersfield next week to see how he was, his health was deteriorating, Kit agreed, said he was his old mentor and he too visits him regularly. Next date was arranged and they left the pub, which was where he’d reached round to her front and pulled her zip down. Had to feel her tits as they’d been ‘blinding‘ him all night, to her great delight. So predictable.
The tub base is looking great, much bigger than I expected with the beams ready to be set up and the cables for the tub, lights etc..
Dawn’s expecting the girls for coffee this morning around 11. I suspect Nuala suggested this to Liz in case ‘Coke’ man turned up. Be interested to see if her dress code has changed?