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River Nixie
River Nixie
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4/16/24 9:27 PM24 min1447 MBMP41080p
Price23.99 EUR


Temptation   |    The Ivy Collection


Gaze here now… as My verbal vines tie you up tight
Nature itself as My step-sister in this sensual seduction
Slithering and sliding inside of your submissive being…

Sink into your submissive soul, as I surround your senses
Green vines, soft, yet strong, and unyielding
Wrapping your captured, controlled body in blissfully bound bondage
At My command.

Slipping around each limb
Securing your submission.
As they are directed by these simple suggestions,
from My poisonously, perfect lips…

Captured, controlled and completely compliant
As My vines hold you so tight
My verbal vines slip inside of your submissive mind slithering
Sliding down and around your soft, surrendered, submissive soul
Sensual tendrils of teasing temptation…

Tempting you into trance
Trapping you from the inside out
Teasing and tempting your mind to
For Me

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