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Anime and Manga Regulation Bill Passes Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly

Dec 12, 2010 5:55 AM

Feb 2008
Anime and Manga Regulation Bill passed the assembly on December 15th.

Source: Niconico News
According to the official blog of Ito Masaki, one of the members of Tokyo Metropolitan assembly, the ruling party DPJ has decided to approve the anime and manga regulation bill. Other two major parites have already approved the bill, so it will pass the assembly on December 15th. DPJ agreed with the bill on condition that the resolution will be made with a collateral claim for a careful operation of the regulation. However, the collateral claim is not legally binding. The regulation will be enforced on July 1st 2011.

Mangaka Takaku Shoko tweeted that one of the major publishers turned her manga down because one of the characters in a high school uniform could contravene the local ordinance of Tokyo. She was frightened to know that the bill has already made the industry flinch.

Mangaka Meiji Kanako tweeted that the re-release of one of her manga has been under deliberation because of the descriptions of minors' sex in the manga. She said she won't be surprised if it's canceled.

Sources: Ito Masaki's blog, Takaku's tweet, Meiji's tweet, Sankei, Mainichi, Yomiuri
Related topic: Ten Major Manga Publishers To Boycott Tokyo International Anime Fair

Note: Self-regulation of books including manga has been done by Publishing Ethics Council since 1963. Designation of adult manga is done by this council, which was established by publishers and distributors. The supporters of the regulation bill insist that the self-regulation is insufficient.
dtshykDec 14, 2010 9:12 PM
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Dec 12, 2010 6:03 AM

Nov 2009
As Japan giveth, so Japan taketh away.
Dec 12, 2010 6:11 AM

Oct 2008
I have a feeling that after what happens to those 2 above, happens to more Mangaka. Public will start raging.
Dec 12, 2010 6:13 AM

Sep 2009
Tyranid5 said:
I have a feeling that after what happens to those 2 above, happens to more Mangaka. Public will start raging.

yep, my thoughts exactly....everybody will hop on the ragetrain
Dec 12, 2010 6:14 AM

Nov 2007
Thus the effect of the bill is already apparent:

Works portraying anything considered against the healthy development of youth (sexually and socially) will be adult only. In other words, most work will probably not be published due to a lack of audience. So it basically hurts even the manga that covers the topic but does not necessarily promote it. I am afraid that the artist will be afraid to touch the "sensible" topics. While this is not as bad as the Chinese Internet Censorship (Harmonious Society), the idea sounds frighteningly similar.

As a side note, homosexuality can no longer be portrayed sexually since apparently Japan does not support homosexual union.

While rape and extreme topics should be adult-only, the bill is STILL very VAGUE and subjective to interpretation. It basically says Tokyo can do whatever they want....

And what is this? Next Shounen Jump will be adult-only because it positively portrays violence and incite violent crimes? What a load of BS.

And also, for those who think it only affect minors buying manga, you're wrong. It affects the artists/authors themselves so it means less "controversial" topics in manga will be covered since the target audience just shrunk by a good margin. IRONIC because TV series, live-action, porn and hentai are NOT AFFECTED AND NOT COVERED by the bill. This just demonstrates how ambiguous this bill is. Not that I am 100% against it, but I think it could possibly fatal to the creative process of the industry.
wakka9caDec 12, 2010 6:30 AM
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 12, 2010 6:14 AM
Feb 2010
So let me get this straight, according to this part of a article:
This bill does not target simple nudity and panties showing up on the screen, but will make it more difficult to conduct social commentary on difficult issues of sex and relationships since fictional material must adhere to real life criminal codes AND not celebrate relationships between people who can’t marry in real life, or their material may be considered harmful to minors.


Ecchi as a whole is not affected but we can't have themes like incest as a plot anymore?
Aww well, if ecchi can remain then i guess this shouldn't be very bad......

Tho the bill is gonna cause A LOT of rage in the public......
KoisolaDec 12, 2010 6:34 AM
| "In my time, the wowd is WUINED AND WIFEWESS!."

- Paradox (Yugioh: Bonds Beyond Time Abridged Movie) |

Dec 12, 2010 6:25 AM

Mar 2010
this ain't good...
Check out my channel!
Dec 12, 2010 6:34 AM

Jan 2010
thats just stupid .

What is the problem ?
Dec 12, 2010 6:35 AM

Oct 2009
Not happy AT ALL, only good thing is this will probably stop the stupid ecchi shows that keep popping up these days I STILL do love ecchi though :(...

Wonder whats gonna happen to the already airing anime/manga now...

Tyranid5 said:
I have a feeling that after what happens to those 2 above, happens to more Mangaka. Public will start raging.

True, the Otaku ain't gonna keep quite for long, that's for sure...

AND the industry is gonna suffer pretty bad from this...
AozureDec 12, 2010 6:43 AM
Dec 12, 2010 6:37 AM

May 2009
I'm quite divided on this matter. On one hand, I'm quite happy that the Bill is going to restrict the really perverse stuff and make it harder for young kids to get hold of. On the other hand, some manga tackle relationship issues really well and if those are cancelled, then the industry is going to suffer
Dec 12, 2010 6:37 AM

Sep 2008
What the **** !!!!????
Dec 12, 2010 6:45 AM

Sep 2009
There will be blood...
Dec 12, 2010 6:55 AM

Oct 2009
Hop on the nice boat. Wait, that's a bad reference.

Anyway, The Ragetrain is going to arrive now that the bill has passed legislation.

(Wait, does this really mean few ecchi shows that is based on a high-school setting?)

Dec 12, 2010 6:58 AM

Apr 2009
well they won't lose the great culture

but they will lose a great part of it
Dec 12, 2010 6:59 AM
Mar 2008
There goes most of the actually "interesting" series :S

Dec 12, 2010 7:17 AM

Jul 2009

I am vehemently angry right now. I think the side effects of people breaking shit out of rage from the bill might cause more harm than whatever is being censored.

God frigging damn it thermonuclear fire
Dec 12, 2010 7:29 AM

Jul 2008
so no more School Days in the future? :(
Dec 12, 2010 7:42 AM

Oct 2008
They should really worry about important stuff like the low birthrate or the economy rather than being self-righteous bastards.
Dec 12, 2010 7:54 AM

Jun 2009
Meh, boycotting gone fuck itself.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Dec 12, 2010 8:26 AM

Jan 2009
Well, I'm not so sad about this. X2
We'll see what happens.
Sorry for grammar mistakes(if any), english is not my native language. Feel free to correct me if you see some.
Dec 12, 2010 8:29 AM

Nov 2009
This is ridiculous.
Dec 12, 2010 8:38 AM

Jan 2009
Can someone provide information about how Japanese people feel about this whole matter? I understand that most of the people here are enraged by the bill but I simply can't imagine otaku protesting against it.
Dec 12, 2010 8:47 AM

Aug 2008
dtshyk said:
Mangaka Takaku Shoko tweeted that one of the major publishers turned her manga down because one of the characters in a high school uniform could contravene the local ordinance of Tokyo. She was frightened to know that the bill has already made the industry flinch.

Mangaka Meiji Kanako tweeted that the re-release of one of her manga has been under deliberation because of the descriptions of minors' sex in the manga. She said she won't be surprised if it's canceled.
Good example. They won't be missed.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Dec 12, 2010 9:02 AM

Jul 2009
Antanaru said:
dtshyk said:
Mangaka Takaku Shoko tweeted that one of the major publishers turned her manga down because one of the characters in a high school uniform could contravene the local ordinance of Tokyo. She was frightened to know that the bill has already made the industry flinch.

Mangaka Meiji Kanako tweeted that the re-release of one of her manga has been under deliberation because of the descriptions of minors' sex in the manga. She said she won't be surprised if it's canceled.
Good example. They won't be missed.

It's not these mangaka specifically, it's just that it's so early in the bills approval process and authors are already being censored is what the problem is here.
Dec 12, 2010 9:13 AM

Feb 2009
every single alphabet of this post is just stupid.
Dec 12, 2010 9:24 AM

Nov 2007
TreF said:
It's simple.

We, uh.

Kill the parties.

On topic, I'm not quite sure what I think about this.

Kirino-phan said:
Ecchi as a whole is not affected but we can't have themes like incest as a plot anymore?

I really don't think that's a bad thing.

Kirino-phan said:
Tho the bill is gonna cause A LOT of rage in the public......

Of that I have no doubt.
PurjoloekDec 12, 2010 9:30 AM

Dec 12, 2010 9:24 AM

May 2008
to hell with that!
Dec 12, 2010 9:31 AM

Dec 2009
Those vague terms like provoking violence, suicide or affecting healthy development of the youth are NOT changed or added in this modification because they existed LONG AGO. They have been in effect since like 70s.

Incest without clear sex scenes may Not be affected. You can make comic with incest component in the story but must avoid frank Sex Scenes if you want to sell it to MINORs. Same for RAPE and other SEX CRIMES. It makes perfect sense.

The publishers are over-reacting because they think that may affect their Income.
Some of them have been having reds in consecutive years.

Some works which are not classified as hentai definitely have problems as many of us already noticed.

As for porn, they are of less concern as you can hardly buy them as a teenager already. The regulation is targeted at those super borderline acg stuff sold a convenient stores or from vending machines.
Dec 12, 2010 9:37 AM

Nov 2008
It seems these days there are bad news everywhere.
Dec 12, 2010 10:10 AM
Jul 2018
This sucks...
removed-userDec 12, 2010 10:38 AM
Dec 12, 2010 10:20 AM

Jul 2008
Colonel_Mustard said:
Kirino-phan said:
Ecchi as a whole is not affected but we can't have themes like incest as a plot anymore?

I really don't think that's a bad thing.
You don't think restricting free speech is a bad thing? lol
Dec 12, 2010 10:22 AM
Jul 2018
It seems these days there are bad news everywhere.

Tell me about it.
Dec 12, 2010 10:25 AM

Apr 2010
while I understand that maybe a little bit of regulation is needed, and acceptable, they are going to far with their restrictions of this stuff, and everyone else is now being forced into making a big deal of this, hopefully they decide the redefine the outlines of what they want so its clearer, and not so restrictive

"If only if only, the woodpecker cried, the bark on the tree was as soft as the sky" || ♪My mind, heart is broken♫
Dec 12, 2010 10:43 AM
Dec 2007
bottle said:

As for porn, they are of less concern as you can hardly buy them as a teenager already. The regulation is targeted at those super borderline acg stuff sold a convenient stores or from vending machines.
While yes it is targeted at that, the language of the bill itself leaves all the power of censorship on the hands of the government which means that it's not some clear-cut thing, it's subjective to what some old geezers completely alien to the industry say. This bill basically holds the entire industry hostage to the whims of politicians.

Don't get me wrong I'm fine with some restrictions, what with how much borderline hentai anime has been released over the years, but it needs to have clear and arbitrary guidelines that made it clear what is and isn't acceptable. If it's not clear from the get-go what is and isn't okay then obviously publishers will take less and less risks and ussually the works that suffer the most are the ones dealing with risky social issues (which due to it's very nature tends to be shocking). Ecchi will always find ways to survive, they can always cut out the risky scenes and put them in DVD/BD, so the one genre people were hoping was gonna die down with this will likely not even be hurt.

Dec 12, 2010 10:44 AM

Sep 2008
Oh, that sucks. Big time. I'm hoping for the best, and that they realize what they actually are doing, though.
Dec 12, 2010 10:45 AM

Jul 2010
Damn it sucks, I just hope they just don`t care about the bill and let everything be as they are and continues.

AnimeCrazyFan1Dec 12, 2010 10:50 AM
Dec 12, 2010 11:05 AM

Nov 2007
doesn't worry me much, since I am not a big ecchi fan. must suck for those who will be affected, but not me. i prefer mature story over mature content anyways. :/
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Dec 12, 2010 11:25 AM
Apr 2009
Leon-Gun said:

they can always cut out the risky scenes and put them in DVD/BD

Except that if they do, those discs will only be able to be sold in adult stores, causing sales to drop drastically, likely to the point where the shows simply won't be made in the first place.
TaquishaJohnsonDec 12, 2010 1:01 PM
Dec 12, 2010 11:31 AM

Sep 2008
bottle said:
Those vague terms like provoking violence, suicide or affecting healthy development of the youth are NOT changed or added in this modification because they existed LONG AGO. They have been in effect since like 70s.

Incest without clear sex scenes may Not be affected. You can make comic with incest component in the story but must avoid frank Sex Scenes if you want to sell it to MINORs. Same for RAPE and other SEX CRIMES. It makes perfect sense.

The publishers are over-reacting because they think that may affect their Income.
Some of them have been having reds in consecutive years.

Some works which are not classified as hentai definitely have problems as many of us already noticed.

As for porn, they are of less concern as you can hardly buy them as a teenager already. The regulation is targeted at those super borderline acg stuff sold a convenient stores or from vending machines.

completely agree with this. I think everybody is overreacting.

Leon-Gun said:

Don't get me wrong I'm fine with some restrictions, what with how much borderline hentai anime has been released over the years, but it needs to have clear and arbitrary guidelines that made it clear what is and isn't acceptable.

I completely agree with this as well, but the problem is how are they going to clearly define something that can easily be side-stepped or bended with even a bit of creativity. There are so many ways to turn an anime into those semi hentais and avoid strict definitions...I mean, the industry has some very creative (and naughty) minds, honestly. I Believe they are specifically targeting those anime that have heavy sexual content but still manage to escape definition-based regulations (HSOTF, although I've only heard about it).
"...our faces marked by toil, by deceptions, by success, by love; our weary eyes looking still, looking always, looking anxiously for something out of life, that while it is expected is already gone – has passed unseen, in a sigh, in a flash – together with the youth, with the strength, with the romance of illusions.” - Joseph Conrad ('Youth')
Dec 12, 2010 11:35 AM

Feb 2008
I believe that the law will be challenged and struck down in The Supreme Court of Japan and if it isn't then the manga and anime industries will move to Osaka and Kyoto, where they still believe in Freedom of expression and speech.

Dec 12, 2010 11:59 AM

May 2009
akai-kitsune said:
They should really worry about important stuff like the low birthrate or the economy rather than being self-righteous bastards.

They've tried everything but nothing seems to work. Plus recently somebody said that their job was as easy as remembering 2 phrases so they need to look busy
leeahseng said:
well they won't lose the great culture
but they will lose a great part of it

TreF said:
It's simple.

We, uh.

Kill the parties.


If it's that simple why haven't you done it already?
desolatoDec 12, 2010 1:41 PM
Dec 12, 2010 12:00 PM
Dec 2010
good bye bleach dragon ball etc even naruto ........................................ huhhuhuhuh no more exciting parts ......... no more freedom of expression for the authors ..
Dec 12, 2010 12:01 PM

Dec 2009
The end of the world is near...
Dec 12, 2010 12:08 PM

Oct 2009
Leon-Gun said:
. Ecchi will always find ways to survive, they can always cut out the risky scenes and put them in DVD/BD, so the one genre people were hoping was gonna die down with this will likely not even be hurt.

Even if they put the risky scenes only on BD/DVD, according to the new law only those over 18 will be allowed to buy the discs, resulting in higher prices per disc and overall lower sales.
Dec 12, 2010 12:14 PM

Sep 2010
So will this affect Ayashi no Ceres even though its been out for like 10 years?? So does this affect anime/manga that has already been completed and out for a while now or is it only for upcoming and ongoing series??
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Dec 12, 2010 12:23 PM

Oct 2009
Roloko said:
So will this affect Ayashi no Ceres even though its been out for like 10 years?? So does this affect anime/manga that has already been completed and out for a while now or is it only for upcoming and ongoing series??

My guess is that any reprints or re-releases of old manga and anime WILL be affected.
Dec 12, 2010 12:27 PM

May 2009
Dead God, please don't let this pass.
Dec 12, 2010 12:28 PM

Sep 2010
SurferDude said:
Roloko said:
So will this affect Ayashi no Ceres even though its been out for like 10 years?? So does this affect anime/manga that has already been completed and out for a while now or is it only for upcoming and ongoing series??

My guess is that any reprints or re-releases of old manga and anime WILL be affected.

Then that means I have to try and finish my Ceres collection before then since thats the only anime I really love that had sex scenes or implied sex scenes in it.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Dec 12, 2010 12:42 PM
Jan 2008
god.... i can JCP wasn't in favor of this!!! hopefully it will hurt people enough to get it repealed.... like prohibition...
thank goodness, the Japanese Communist Party was opposed.....
ugh.... so manga and anime will be loosing like what, 90% of all its content to this bill?

Mod edit: Merged posts. You can edit any previously made posts by clicking 'edit' at the bottom right of said posts.
desolatoDec 12, 2010 1:41 PM
"Forged in darkness with wheat harvested from Hell's half acre. Baked by Beelzabub; slathered with mayonnaise beaten from the evil eggs of dark chickens, force-fed to dogs by the hands of a one-eyed madman. Cheese boiled from the rancid utters of fanged cows. Layered with 666 separate meats from an animal which has maggots for blood."
Dec 12, 2010 12:53 PM

Nov 2007

Then think harder. Something is definitely not right here. You may think it's targeted towards the borderline stuff, but what about homosexuality? From my understanding of the current bill, portrayal of homosexual relationships in manga is restricted too.

How they interpret what's "healthy" and what's not is the problem here. And I'm quoting the original Japanese name of the bill, which includes the word "health". What are they implying here? That anyone not conforming to their beliefs are unhealthy?

You have no idea how this can potentially hurt the freedom of expression.
desolatoDec 12, 2010 1:42 PM
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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