Views: 1100
Submissions: 53
Favs: 25

Digital Artist/Music maker | Registered: May 6, 2015 11:46
Welcome to my profile!
My name is Jayufirus or Jay for short
I'm 23,
I'm a 6,3 Male
I have a slim/tall muscly build/frame
Caring and loving behind a rugged blunt Australian exterior
I swear quite abit, sorry for that!
Working on cars is what I do, music and games fit in there somewhere
I'm looking for a commission, feel free to give me recommendations for your favourite artists
I enjoy a good converse, so talk about whatever!
And finally; read my journal for updates on what I get up to
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Comments Earned: 32
Comments Made: 33
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 33
Journals: 1
Featured Journal
8 years ago
Hey, it's been awhile. Everyone that watched or maybe had interest in what I do has probably lost interest.
A few things have happened, well to be honest alot has happened.....
I no longer have a mate, that kinda sucks...well it sucks alot....We broke up last year. I can't tell you how many chances I had to win him back. It's wrong for me to lie and say I'm happy...
He left a hole in my heart....a hole I tried to fill with another. Another who I first thought I loved but sadly could never, I'm sorry (insert name here). It is only now I realise I only love the one I lost.....
And it's to late....he is with someone else now that I am alone once again.....
Please don't argue and lose your mate over a game!?! Of all the things....
I haven't made any music in awhile but I haven't stopped, I moved to a better program which I've learnt to use,
As of late I'm usually up to my neck in nuts and bolts, working on cars is something I do daily.
I have sacrificed quite abit of time to my automotive passion, aswell as free time. I apologise for my lack of music and just been available.
I think that's about it.
Thanks for listening
A few things have happened, well to be honest alot has happened.....
I no longer have a mate, that kinda sucks...well it sucks alot....We broke up last year. I can't tell you how many chances I had to win him back. It's wrong for me to lie and say I'm happy...
He left a hole in my heart....a hole I tried to fill with another. Another who I first thought I loved but sadly could never, I'm sorry (insert name here). It is only now I realise I only love the one I lost.....
And it's to late....he is with someone else now that I am alone once again.....
Please don't argue and lose your mate over a game!?! Of all the things....
I haven't made any music in awhile but I haven't stopped, I moved to a better program which I've learnt to use,
As of late I'm usually up to my neck in nuts and bolts, working on cars is something I do daily.
I have sacrificed quite abit of time to my automotive passion, aswell as free time. I apologise for my lack of music and just been available.
I think that's about it.
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