  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Welcome to the third and final episode of #Vlogmas! In this vlog, we bring home our 8-week F1 cavapoo, named Brio. This vlog was very special to edit and one that I will look back on for many many years. Follow along on Instagram @goodboybrio and subscribe to my channel for more videos.
    Double Door Folding Wire Dog Crate Snuggle Puppy Heartbeat Toy
    Nylabone Puppy Chew Freezer Dog Toy
    Rope Dog Toy
    Top Paw Stay-Put Bowl & Mat Set
    KONG Puppy Toy
    KONG Neoprene Handle Rope Dog Leash
    Skip Hop Baby Activity Chime & Teether Stroller Elephant
    Grey Bone Shaped Silicone Bowls
    Messy Mutts Double Silicone Bowls
    Wahl Canada Double-Sided Dog Brush
    Dog Lick Mat
    GlucksteinHome 7ft North Star Pre-Lit Christmas Tree
    Mejuri Gold Diamond Necklace
    Mejuri Gold X Hoop Earrings
    Conair Light Up Vanity Mirror
    Rimmel London Oh My Gloss! Plump, Peach Pie
    Double Wall Glass Mugs (16oz)
    Nespresso Milk Frother
    More Affordable Milk Frother (good reviews)
    Thin Glass Straws
    Black Joggers (Lululemon Align Dupe)
    INSTAGRAM: @prettypolishes / prettypolishes
    TIKTOK: @prettypolishes / prettypolishes
    BRIO'S INSTAGRAM: @goodboybrio / goodboybrio
    Disclaimer: Some links may be affiliate links, but as always, all opinions are my own.
  • ХоббиХобби

Комментарии • 100

  • @kate123blue
    @kate123blue 2 года назад +7

    I remember the excitement and joy of getting our beautiful cavapoo Lottie 6 years ago , she has brought nothing but love and joy to us and everyone who meets her everyday, truly the best thing we ever did. The heartbeat of our home ❤🐶🐾

  • @jillyoung1282
    @jillyoung1282 Год назад +2

    Beautiful video. What adorable parents you are. I love Brio. He’s such a good boy! I’m very interested in a Cavapoo pup myself. Thank you for sharing these special times with all of us. ❤

  • @vsantia
    @vsantia 2 года назад +4

    Hope the puppy and Merlot get along great 🐶 happy new year

  • @jodyrightnow
    @jodyrightnow 2 года назад +3

    You are some of the best puppy parents I’ve seen in a long time. He is adorable ❤️

  • @Lifeofdaveniti
    @Lifeofdaveniti 2 года назад +3

    Where did you get the playpen from? Like the link

  • @stellenzo8236
    @stellenzo8236 2 года назад +37

    If you want a tip on nipping 😅 I own a German shepherd (known as land sharks as puppies) every time Brio nips yell “ow!” they’ll start learning that nipping hurts and it’s not good. Then lots and lots of teething toys. When he starts getting his adult teeth (around 6-10 months) they’ll want to chew on EVERYTHING because it hurts them. I recommend lots of wine for you and know it will pass 😅 Our dog turned a corner around 1 year and then again at 2 and now he’s the most chill boy ever 😂

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  2 года назад +2

      Ugh thanks for the words of encouragement. It hurts to know they are in pain 😥 *off to buy more teething toys*

  • @ninahereheh
    @ninahereheh Год назад +3

    I've wanted a dog for 2 years now & seeing all these amazing puppy vlogs makes me even more excited when I get my pup!

    • @deadlisa2
      @deadlisa2 Год назад +2

      I’m getting a new one soon what breed is yours?

    • @ninahereheh
      @ninahereheh Год назад

      @@deadlisa2 Gonna be a Maltese or maltipoo depends on what I can find

    • @BananzaGaming-sc5gr
      @BananzaGaming-sc5gr 7 месяцев назад

      @@ninaherehehthats amazing! Did you get one a yr later?😅 i might get a cavapoo❤

  • @sephardishalom2693
    @sephardishalom2693 Год назад +2

    Cute and cute. Jesus loves you and your soul is priceless!

  • @laurenbond3907
    @laurenbond3907 4 месяца назад

    Love this video. We are bringing home our sweet boy around the same time and he has very similar coloring so videos like this getting me through the excruciating waiting period

  • @ellenj8896
    @ellenj8896 Месяц назад

    Love this vid! We just brought home our little black Cavapoo a week ago, and Benny acts identically to your baby. He is crying less and less when in his pen, and you are right, Benny will cry more when he can see us while in the pen. I love how their little tails wag a mile a minute. :)

  • @truecollar9059
    @truecollar9059 2 года назад +4

    He is the sweetest thing ❤

  • @jessycam-k5059
    @jessycam-k5059 2 года назад

    LOL when he wiped out while running in the hallway. Puppies are so cute and clumsy ahaha

  • @boosiecollinsxo
    @boosiecollinsxo 2 года назад +3

    Rachel I think you & Daniel both are going to spoil him rotten lol. Brio is such a cutie!

  • @burnerbuster
    @burnerbuster 2 года назад +1

    What a cutie!!!! You are doing an amazing job training him so fast and he is doing fantastic. He is going to be a great dog for you both ❤️ I look forward to seeing him grow in the future. You should be so proud. You are doing it right with him ❤❤❤

  • @carolerichard5250
    @carolerichard5250 2 года назад +1

    I have only had Maltese in my lifetime. Your little baby ❤️🐾❤️🐾 is precious. May all your days together be just as special as this one. ❤️ Bless your lives together. There is no loyalty and love like that of a dog. ❤️❤️❤️

  • @susanbrowne5544
    @susanbrowne5544 2 года назад +2

    What a cutie, you are doing a great job training him.

  • @dakotahstr
    @dakotahstr 21 день назад

    Im in Ontario Canada and looking for a Cavapoo. Where did you find such a sweet one...our yellow lab was 6 weeks old when we got her, she cried , we put a radio beside her pen . They also say to try an alarm clock..

  • @hkwak002
    @hkwak002 9 месяцев назад +1

    Never thought of it that way, getting a new puppy is the best day of our lives but the worst for theirs. Poor baby. I'm getting my puppy in a few days, will be mindful of this.

  • @dellasmith2630
    @dellasmith2630 6 месяцев назад +1

    Why are they outside in the snow?

  • @HealerEve
    @HealerEve Год назад

    The music makes this feel like a Disney movie, lol. I love it!

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  Год назад

      Hahaha just romanticizing the day we brought home our little guy 🥹❤️

  • @SariReanna
    @SariReanna 2 года назад

    He is so adorable Rachel 😭💖 congratulations!!

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  2 года назад

      Thank you Sari! Why didn’t anyone tell me the puppy phase is so hard? Hahaha but love him so much

  • @ange8110
    @ange8110 Год назад

    Wow. I’m from Australia. I’ve never seen snow season and roads like this.

  • @markkrejic8736
    @markkrejic8736 Год назад +1

    I got cavapoo 2 month ago and i am happy verry happy and got little luck. My cavapoo no crying first night and we figuretout his pup routine verry quickly...Yes it is responsibility.

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  Год назад

      So glad to hear you had a great experience. Yes, they are a responsibility but so much love ❤️

  • @matrixxd7231
    @matrixxd7231 Год назад

    “kumalala kumalala kumalala vesta” got me daying💀💀😂😂🤣🤣

  • @nipsis343
    @nipsis343 2 года назад

    Congratulations, Rachel! OMG, Brio is soo cute!!😍

  • @Pipspets91
    @Pipspets91 2 года назад

    Omg him doing sit is far too cute clever little boy

  • @FoodandTVLover
    @FoodandTVLover 2 года назад

    Hi, could you please link or let me know where you got the playpen? Thank you!

  • @maricelavargas-torres840
    @maricelavargas-torres840 2 года назад

    Where did you get the playpen? Is there a link for it? Thx.

  • @karensouza5963
    @karensouza5963 2 года назад

    OMG he is so cute !!!❤
    I want to adopt a cavapoo ..
    Would you mind to tell the place you adopted Brio?
    Thank and be happy with this beautiful boy ❤😊

  • @volumeupsingers8532
    @volumeupsingers8532 Год назад

    Hi, do you have link of the white box thats he is sleeping and eating? He is so adorable❤😊

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  Год назад

      I added it to the description. Thanks for watching!

  • @k.a.1760
    @k.a.1760 2 года назад

    He's so cute! Yes, dogs will go potty after every time they eat. Also tip for the nipping, use a finger and rub the roof of his mouth, it's uncomfortable but won't hurt him, and he'll learn that hands, fingers, and people aren't things to chew on

  • @rushik124
    @rushik124 Год назад

    Love this. We are looking to get a cavapoo buddy for our senior beagle! May I ask which breeder you got brio from?

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  Год назад

      Her name is Sue from Serendipity Acre in Ontario

  • @patrickjones2843
    @patrickjones2843 Год назад

    Cant wait for my new bud to get here! Sometimes we just need a purpose I miss you Cody!

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  Год назад

      Wishing you all the best as you bring home your new furry family member!

  • @Jess_Smith0903
    @Jess_Smith0903 Год назад

    How did your cavapoo did with the crate and how did you teach him to like it? I’m getting a Cavapoo soon and so far, every dog I’ve had has always slept with me - not because they have separation anxiety but I do 🥲 lol. However for the sake of mine and my fiancé’s quality of sleep, we’ll need to teach our puppy to sleep in their own den. Do you have any tips? Ps: we live in an apartment, so ideally I’d need to a avoid them crying as much as possible.

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  Год назад +3

      We played with him around his crate and worked with him with treats (his kibble) to get him used to it and create a positive association. We started him in his crate from day one, and the crying got less and less each day. At most, he would cry for 5 minutes and it stopped after a week. Just stay strong and it will be worth it ❤️ it is hard to hear but we know he is in a safe and comfortable place to sleep. All his needs were met so he had to learn to be okay and go to sleep.

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  Год назад

      Best of luck!!

  • @JennyJin-YoungLee101
    @JennyJin-YoungLee101 2 года назад

    He’s so adorable Rachel thanks for sharing ❤ I can’t wait to see what he brings you both you and your boyfriend I hope you have a lovely day Rachel

  • @My_Two_Cents
    @My_Two_Cents Год назад

    Brio is cute! I'm in the GTA and looking to adopt a cavapoo. If you don't mind: What is the name of the breeder?

  • @daniellefreda3905
    @daniellefreda3905 6 месяцев назад

    This is really good advice, cause I’m getting one

  • @overloadonchanel
    @overloadonchanel 11 месяцев назад

    what size crate is this ?

  • @sarah2427s
    @sarah2427s 2 года назад +2

    Omg Rach he is so cute!!

  • @kaliisanrio
    @kaliisanrio 4 месяца назад

    my parents just got us a cavapoo puppy named Koda and hes the sweetest ❤

  • @jstevens7663
    @jstevens7663 2 года назад +1

    Brio is adorable and a keeper and so is Daniel!!!

  • @nnyv0040
    @nnyv0040 Год назад

    4:42 - aint this the truth! best day of our lives but the worst day for the little pup!

  • @kellycollins3427
    @kellycollins3427 Год назад

    I had to say goodbye to my 13 year old greyhound back in March and have been going back and forth in my head on whether or not to get a puppy, I’m driving myself nuts! 😊

  • @ClareTapley
    @ClareTapley 2 года назад

    Where did u get him from I am in love

  • @jewlsamps5678
    @jewlsamps5678 Год назад

    Lmao not the Bancroft Tim Hortons 🤣😭

  • @twniyahjackson5842
    @twniyahjackson5842 2 года назад

    Omg I just thought of who you reminded me a brunette version of Ashley Tisdale ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @twniyahjackson5842
    @twniyahjackson5842 2 года назад

    Can you do a what's in my puppy travel bag video for when you go on outings?

  • @saraallauddin1155
    @saraallauddin1155 2 года назад

    cutest puppy evaaaa😍

  • @debbiesherrill7228
    @debbiesherrill7228 Год назад

    Could you tell me where you purchased your playpen from?

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  Год назад

      It is by the brand Super Yard. Here is a link from Amazon but we actually got it second hand off Facebook Marketplace

  • @timjeffries1555
    @timjeffries1555 6 месяцев назад

    Oh yeah, get ready for them to sleep with you all. It is awesome, I have a Shi-Poo, similar dog that looks the same. ❤ of my wife and me.

  • @Monikakamila
    @Monikakamila 2 года назад

    Happy new year 🥳 he’s so cute 🥰 oh my .

  • @ItaliaUbrario
    @ItaliaUbrario Месяц назад

    i love your dog

  • @emanailu438
    @emanailu438 2 года назад

    Mi sa tanto che brio e' diventato " il piccolo principe " di casa

  • @ElaineTubby
    @ElaineTubby Год назад

    Its a good idea to let them sleep in bed in cage but leave door open so they dont feel caged in but feel safe and secure in their space

  • @jgator6694
    @jgator6694 2 года назад

    Awww. Congratulations you two!!! He is adorable.

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  2 года назад

      Thank you so much ❤️🥰 he brings us so much joy

  • @francesjordan4861
    @francesjordan4861 Год назад +1

    Do you know that if you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, repent of your sins and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins then you will be saved according to the bible in Acts 2:38? PLEASE HURRY 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏

  • @Kelky2
    @Kelky2 2 года назад

    At the beginning as you’re driving I’m thinking to myself, I know where that is. Then you say you’re in Bancroft - you would have driven past my cottage.
    This also doesn’t help you now but there is another Tim Horton’s in town lol.

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  2 года назад +1

      Don’t tell me that hahaha but seriously, driving through Bancroft after a fresh snow fall felt magical. It felt like a scene from a Christmas movie ✨

    • @carolerichard5250
      @carolerichard5250 2 года назад

      Those scenes of the drive were magical for a magical day. You are going to be so very in love with your baby Brio even more as years go by. I love ❤when I see people love their dogs in this way. I cry when I see dogs treated badly.😢😢😢
      It takes me back to my deep love ❤ with my dogs who are at Rainbow Bridge now.💔💔. So seeing dogs treated badly hurts my heart.
      Your vlog made me smile with sweet memories.😊😊

  • @saltydog4443
    @saltydog4443 Год назад

    We got our cavapoo about the same time you did. Her name is Faith and she looks alot like Brio. Cav's are the cutest puppies in the world. I love your video I hope you do more. What state do you live in. were from South Jersey

  • @beeri2290
    @beeri2290 Год назад


  • @kMeijer
    @kMeijer 2 года назад

    This is the first time I’ve heard of a “lick mat,” so I looked up what it is and why it’s used. What a great idea!

  • @bugseye66
    @bugseye66 2 года назад

    He is the cutest

  • @emanuelkdushaj3485
    @emanuelkdushaj3485 2 года назад

    Is this a. Regular Cavapoo or a F1B?

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  2 года назад

      F1 Cavapoo. His mom is a white toy poodle and dad is a Ruby Cavalier

  • @taylorshiver3284
    @taylorshiver3284 Год назад

    What leash is that?

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  Год назад

      It is the KONG® Neoprene Handle Rope Dog Leash. I believe it is 4 or 6 feet long

  • @ElaineTubby
    @ElaineTubby Год назад

    Hes lovely u are both lovely owners but a word of warning ive been told that caging a cavapoo is a no no as it can bring on seperation anxiety which the breed is known for
    Im going to be getting a cavapoo soon and watched so many videos and collected info on them they are so loveable and do not do well being caged so best to let them sleep in a bed in kitchen thats what im going to do 😊

  • @angelacampbellmackenzie7913
    @angelacampbellmackenzie7913 8 месяцев назад

    Beautiful name

  • @HeyitsDeirdre
    @HeyitsDeirdre 2 года назад

    so cute

  • @lil-liv6724
    @lil-liv6724 Год назад

    9 months after post, I recently got a cavapoo puppy and I love her so much she looks almost exactly like yours , her names ivy

  • @angelacampbellmackenzie7913
    @angelacampbellmackenzie7913 8 месяцев назад

    Fluff ball

  • @KA-eu9sy
    @KA-eu9sy 2 года назад


  • @pamelacolvin9648
    @pamelacolvin9648 Год назад

    Think that leash is for a big dog.

    • @prettypolishes
      @prettypolishes  Год назад

      He grew into it! I highly recommend it, we love it!

  • @angelacampbellmackenzie7913
    @angelacampbellmackenzie7913 8 месяцев назад

    Put treats in

  • @wiseowl1580
    @wiseowl1580 3 месяца назад

    Just putting it out here. Baby food is not good for dogs and cats. My kitty almost had kidney failure from it. ✌️

  • @AnontheOP
    @AnontheOP 11 месяцев назад +2

    How to bring home a cockatoo or capapoo or labradoodle or whatever other ridiculous designer breed people unethically breed these days: Don't. Rescue a dog from the pound that needs a home.

    • @Browniethecavapoo
      @Browniethecavapoo 4 месяца назад

      It is sad but most people want a puppy and people have there types and also some people might find this offensive and Cavapoo can be in shelters and they can need homes and even if they are designer breeds it doesn’t matter

    • @AnontheOP
      @AnontheOP 4 месяца назад

      @@Browniethecavapoo I really don't care if people find something I said offensive. Welcome to the internet.

  • @nopcspokenhere1235
    @nopcspokenhere1235 11 месяцев назад

    Babies are humans, not puppies. Babies are better.