ប្រយ្នត័គេចាត់ទុកថាជា អាខោនខ្មោច គេឈប់បើកលុយអោយ។

  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025

Комментарии • 25

  • @MeilyD123
    @MeilyD123 2 дня назад +4

    I think you should get your news directly from SSA website before you spread wrong information. Only people who need to update their address or bank account need to update their profile otherwise they DO NOT need to do anything further.

  • @Serykhmer
    @Serykhmer 2 дня назад +2

    I’m so happy for people that voted for him they got what they wanted

    • @kainglim9004
      @kainglim9004 День назад

      A lot of khmer voted for trump.

  • @chhiengriem9706
    @chhiengriem9706 2 дня назад +3


    • @KhmerUSA999
      @KhmerUSA999  2 дня назад +1

      @@chhiengriem9706 ខ្ញុំក៏គិតបែបនេះដែរ. អរគុណ។

    • @richardbun4211
      @richardbun4211 2 дня назад

      Yes they suppose to send the letter to let us knows

  • @samsien9105
    @samsien9105 День назад

    Thank you khmouy pros L usa ; i think all KH come to U S less than 60 years by legal not Illegal, if come by Visa I'm sorry , they knew who we are , just calm down don't have to do any ???watch tile over to see if don't understand what they do now , just calm down .

  • @liannachea4297
    @liannachea4297 День назад

    100years and over should do it. i saw that news talked about SSA website crashed 4times in 10days this month.

  • @unversedtomato
    @unversedtomato 2 дня назад


  • @ThoeunVolak
    @ThoeunVolak 2 дня назад +2

    That's what you voted for....

  • @VouchNearTan
    @VouchNearTan 2 дня назад


  • @Narith-f7o
    @Narith-f7o 2 дня назад +1

    Please update the information that you just talk about on Wed 3/26/2025. Don’t passed the wrong information to the public. The people that needed to update their information if you are changing the bank account or the address. DO NOT go to UPDATE your information in the SSA website if you are not changing the bank account or address. Please read and understand more clearly on the news.

    • @liannachea4297
      @liannachea4297 День назад

      It's true if you are move around you should update information but If you are 100 years of age and over should double check because some of them they might think it's fraud account. He didn't lie but just not clear enough.

  • @ខ្មែរអាមេរិកកាំង

    It falsely news about SSA and SSI

  • @ខ្មែរអាមេរិកកាំង

    The license with stars it means real identity, not a citizen

    • @zeroyou3060
      @zeroyou3060 2 дня назад +1

      It could be both. Green Card holders can qualify for a real i.d. as well.

  • @KhmerUSA999
    @KhmerUSA999  2 дня назад

    Sorry everyone I mean in this month not year The SSA website crashed 4times in 10days. Blocking millions of retirees and disabled Americans from logging in to their accounts because the servers were overloaded.

  • @satmam848
    @satmam848 2 дня назад

    គេសួរតែមនុស្សអាយុជាង 10៣ ខ្ញុំមានបងប្អូនមួយនៅប្រូដិម្ដាយគាត់អាយុ 100 ជាងហើយខ្ញុំជាវីដេអូក្មួយឲ្យគាត់ដែរខ្ញុំអរគុណច្រើនណាស់ក្មួយប្រុសដែលឲ្យដំណឹងមួយនេះ ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉

  • @Sarik-r6d
    @Sarik-r6d День назад


  • @hounay8850
    @hounay8850 2 дня назад +1

    Fake new