Aronian sacrifices his entire house against Maghsoodloo | Chennai Grand Masters 2024
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- When Levon Aronian gets into his creative play, some amazing things start to happen on the board. Check out this amazing game from the Chennai Grand Masters 2024 between Aronian and Maghsoodloo.
Video: ChessBase India
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Levon Aronian is 42 years old and the way he still plays at this age fascinates me. One of the most OG people of the chess game!!
He’s one of the best ever
Can someone explain how age matters in chess??! Being older is advantage right; since they played more chess so more experience!!
@@SILENTOCEAN65 but with age, memory and brain power does come down slightly, so does speed. These are some unavoidable limitations of the human body. So it is both and advantage and disadvantage.
@@Janani_Kannan Thanks for ur explanation!!
Parham actually late but Levon waiting for him and refused to start clock first to bleed his opponent clocks, even when Arbiter were asked him to do.
When arrived, Parham apologize for the delay and thanks Levon for keeping the clocks.
Both are gentleman.
The way Aronian strangles his opponent's position reminds me of Petrosian.
Very patient chess by levon 😮
Levon in his prime can take down even the gods of chess .
Levon neutralized the Sicilian w Bb5+ and closing the center😮
00:18 Balraj behaviour by Levon
sagar bhaiya beat box kabse karne lag gaye at 10:50........
im sure black felt like he is suffocated and its very hard to play a long game like this and even worse to lose like this
Levon behaves gentle man
I like this type of chess game where pieces are not traded much early in the game
This tournament we r seeing more winning performances
Levon is a gentleman
That did not look like it was any fun at all for Maghsoodloo. He mostly just shuffled his pieces around and then got severely attacked.
Please share levon's shirts buying link😅
The proof that the late gambit can only be played by Magnus Carsen
where can I get a shirt like Aronian's in India??
Ask hikaru
Great game
most passive game i ever watch
You don't see too many "hack" attacks like this at the grandmaster level.
I was Watched in live 😗😗😅
What were you performing?😅
Why is Anand not playing in Chennai Grandmasters?
If Levon can participate then why not Anand?
By reading the video title, it appeared to me that the game would be a thriller. But it is not at all exciting or surprising.
Sachin is now resorting to cheap tactics to get views😢
that dress black guy is FatSamayRaina LOOK ALIKE 😅😂🤣
First to comment tho
Sagar can only play chess with to everyone