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Jan 9, 2017 11:30 AM

Mar 2016
fatebleach said:
06. Watch an anime that is related to something you've previously watched: does it have to be something I watch this year? Or can it be a Second season or something I watched a few years ago.

Also can I get a reccomendation preferably not focused on Romamce or Comedy, length doesn't matter just not over 100 episodes
it can be from anything that you have seen previously, it does not require that you have used the prequel in the challenge. only use anime listed as Sequel, Alternative Setting, Alternative Version, Side Story, Summary and/or Spin-Off

i recommend
Jan 9, 2017 11:30 AM

Mar 2010
Nanashi said:

Can I use anime I watched between 01.01.2017 and the day I signed up for the challenge?

You can use any anime that you watched since the start date of the challenge (January 1st).

EDIT: There are few anime that I've been on 1st ep for several years so I will need to rewatch the 1st ep anyway. Is it possible to count them for this challenge?
Jan 9, 2017 11:30 AM
Apr 2014
Sojin said:
Yes you can use any anime that was started this year regardless of sigh-up date.

thanks. guess I have to look which points would be the best to get off the list early then.
Jan 9, 2017 11:33 AM

Mar 2016
SuiNoByakko said:

EDIT: There are few anime that I've been on 1st ep for several years so I will need to rewatch the 1st ep anyway. Is it possible to count them for this challenge?
yea you can use them just make sure to start from episode 1
Jan 9, 2017 11:37 AM
Apr 2014
fatebleach said:
Also can I get a reccomendation preferably not focused on Romamce or Comedy, length doesn't matter just not over 100 episodes

maybe this? never quite understood why it was scored so badly. Personally I thought it was entertaining and the second half especially(although some things might have been a bit predictable I guess).
Jan 9, 2017 11:40 AM

Mar 2010
Sojin said:
yea you can use them just make sure to start from episode 1

Awesome! That will finally motivate me to finish them. I will definitely start on ep 1 since I don't even remember what happened there. :D Some of those anime have been on my list for like 5 years.
Jan 9, 2017 11:43 AM
Mar 2014
I'm finding it hard to find an anime for challenge 62, an anime which hasn't been reviewed?
Jan 9, 2017 11:44 AM

Jan 2017
EmperorBlitz said:
AWC_mod said:
Please keep the numbered list [ list=1 ]

Do you mean like this?

I meant
  1. Something
  2. like
  3. this

But yeah, it can be done manually (be sure that you don't skip a number =D)
also @Lil-Bird

CodingSession said:
#11 Watch one of the 5 lowest scored anime from your favorite studio <- Can I narrow the search to TV, OVAs and movies only?

If you are using the TV type restriction, yes only TV
If you aren't using that restriction then you have to use any listed with the lowest score, regardless of the type. The only ones you can exclude are those that require of you to have watched something previously (related anime) UNLESS you have watched that anime already.

sytemet said:
Regarding #73: Only anime in my drop list are One Piece and Naruto Shippuuden. Neither will likely finish this year and even if they do I still have hunderds of episodes to watch. On Hold is also empty.
I started watching 3-gatsu when it started in Fall 2016 but immediately decided I would binge it instead so I still have it as watching 1/22. Is it fine if I watch it and link to this post?

Yes, 3-gatsu would count as on-hold (if you don't re-watch and keep the original start date)

Voduu said:
11. Watch one of the 5 lowest scored anime from your favorite studio
If I'm using the TV Types Only restriction, is this one excluded from that restriction, or would it be one of the 5 lowest scored TV Type anime from my favorite studio?

It isn't excluded. If you do complete the challenge with that restriction, then count only the lowest TV types

@ovsjan the answer above similar to your question

Astia said:
Fixed ! Sorry, I had filled all the items before look at my bingo card in order to not being influenced. :(

No worries (^_^)/ think of it as a reminder

Nicholaevich said:
Kajo_Senpai69 said:
is it okay to put in hentai as an entry?

I don't see why not, hell someone should do the entire thing with hentai.

Hey come on man, don't do that to us -_-
@Kajo_Senpai69 if it's clear they are adults then yeah, you are free to use them. As for the on hold you can either use the one that you can complete and have been watching the longest or you can start a new one, watch about 3 episodes, leave it there and finish it about 3 months later. That would count as on-hold.

@PrOxAnto (again) thanks for answering but please don't double post =)
same for @Conde_Mohr @TheElevenTails

@Kuzugu please don't double post, just edit your last reply

GCosta08 said:
On the case of challenge #43 which says "Watch an anime with a main character that is a professional in his field", does one punch man meet the requirements for the challenge since he is a professional super hero, or do I need to find another anime that meets the requirements?

Given that's a profession in that particular anime, yes

sourpatchthekid said:
If some of an anime was watched 1 year+ ago but not completed is it still banned from the challenge?

The anime used has to be watched during this year 2017, so yes, not valid

Conde_Mohr said:
PrOxAnto said:
Could be so it would be easier to keep checking the lists as AWC_mod already did before by requesting all the changes for all these different persons, including you.
Says a lot about AWC_mod's dedication.

I know about AWC_mod's dedication, and it's not as if I'm not trying to help with the challenge myself. The thing is: if I have my own design, AWC_mod can check it if it's ordered enough, even if he can't see the arbitrary number from 1 to 49 that is written on the left. In fact, most people have not ordered their challenges numerically in the first place.

You are right by thinking that the numbered list is needed when you turn-in. But let me try to explain a few reasons of why the mentions
1. it was already in the format, so there was no need for it to be removed
2. took my time to check the thread for post that shouldn't be there and, while on it, the sign ups
3. if I saw that was wrong, instead of waiting for their turn-ins, it's better to tell everyone early so we have less to fix by the end
4. some might not have had the intention to include them in the first place, others have a high chance of forgetting
5. the numbered list makes it easier for us when checking the forms. Remember we will have many to check, count, try to figure out the patterns and all at. The format is to make the process faster/easier

Foobanana said:
Secondly, for item 65, "Choose an anime from the predictive search using your username", since the choice is so small there aren't any anime that fit my restrictions. I was wondering if I would be able to use anime in the page reached when one clicks the "view all results for <username>" at the bottom of the predictave search prompt.

and @PrOxAnto
if you are doing the TV type restrictions and there aren't any TV type when you search with your username in there (remember to change in the drop-down from "All" to "Anime") you have to include a screenshot of that and a note that says why you went for the "view all results".
As for Foobanana, when searched, you can watch Nana, Bananya and Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV)... if you have watched those three then do as told above.

@SlayerTau look above since the answer to your question is similar to it

Modo942000 said:
second question is, you stated that i can only work with anime that i started in the challenge period unless it was on hold. i started many anime from fall but i ended up pausing all of them after 1 or 2 episodes (didn't add them on hold until a few days ago). do they count as entries?
third question is, do rewatches count as entries?

I'm not sure you got the right answers for this so
The only anime you can continue watching (previously started) is the one used for the on-hold/dropped item. If there's is something you already started, watched an episode or two, and left it there but you want to use for another item then you have to watch them from episode one again (and fix the start date). That would be a re-watch. Now, re-watching is not encouraged for the challenge since the idea of this is to start new anime, but for something like that (as long as you do it right) there shouldn't be any problems.

Akai_Shuichi said:
Though I still think it could've been written up better

Next year I will try tell you earlier for the proof reader thing (if I remember) xD

oh almost forgot @DeathProxy thanks for the badges! Will add them
AWC_modJan 9, 2017 11:48 AM
Jan 9, 2017 11:53 AM

Mar 2016
@AWC_Mod yo while you are here think you can answer this?
Can you explain challenge 67. Watch an anime that starts with the same second letter as your username. Would i have to watch Owarimonogatari or Koyomimonogatari. These are just examples since this question has been coming up alot and there is a fissure in the answers from the forum. I dont have this challenge, but i would just like to know so i can answer the question correctly in the future.
Jan 9, 2017 11:58 AM

Jan 2017
#67 Watch an anime that starts with the same second letter as your username

Means that you have to watch an anime which title starts with the same second letter your username has.

In your case Owarimonogatari
Jan 9, 2017 11:59 AM

Mar 2016
AWC_mod said:
#67 Watch an anime that starts with the same second letter as your username

Means that you have to watch an anime which title starts with the same second letter your username has.

In your case Owarimonogatari
Cool, im glad that i was correct when i was informing other users about this challenge.
Jan 9, 2017 12:12 PM

Jan 2016
Korrailli said:
Foobanana said:
I've got a couple questions that I think some people might be able to answer. I'm trying to complete the challenge with the restriction that I'm only watching TV types as well as those that are only in the sci-fi genre, so it is tough to find anime which fit this description.

First, I was wondering if anyone knew the ages of the characters in Youjo Senki and Mirai Shounen Conan; I think that these characters are both under or of age 12, but I'm not too sure. This is in an attempt to complete item 40 for me.

Try Dennou Coil. It's Scifi and the main cast are all under 12. Not sure if your picks would work, Youjo Senki is a salary man reincarnated as a little girl, it's also not tagged Sci Fi. I don't know much about Mirai Shounen Conan, so can't help there.

Someone else said Mirai Shounen Conan had the main character with age 11, so that one's good. I can't believe I didn't notice that Youjo Senki wasn't sci-fi!! :P
100 Push-Ups, 100 Sit-Ups, 100 Squats, and a 10K Run, EVERY SINGLE DAY!!
Jan 9, 2017 12:15 PM

Mar 2012
Any anime for the #59 of the challenge pls ? :)
Jan 9, 2017 12:17 PM

Apr 2014
Hey guys, anyone got a fav anime they wanna rub on my face and recommend it to me?

i kinda prefer anything in this decade.
My Candies

Jan 9, 2017 12:18 PM

Dec 2013
quirkista said:
I'm finding it hard to find an anime for challenge 62, an anime which hasn't been reviewed?

If it counts, Shan Shui Qing hasn't been reviewed.
Jan 9, 2017 12:34 PM

Jan 2016
Hi everyone, I need help finding an anime for challenge number 35. Watch an anime with less than 5,000 completed members. I found something interesting to me, but it's not available where I am.

If anyone has any recommendations, that would be nice. Here is my list so you can get a feel for the stuff I like. I also have my 2017 challenge shows tagged.
Jan 9, 2017 12:37 PM

Mar 2016
Salayur said:
Initial Post Number: <####>

🎮 Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2017
🎧 Challenge Finish Date: <date>
🍙 Link to your list:
📡 Completed Anime (at sign-up): <0>

🍡 Bingo Card #:]
🍡 Difficulty: Major
🍡 Pattern: over half full

🌠 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch

🌠 Challenge list:

Do not delete this post! If you want to withdraw, please delete the contents and put "Withdrawn".
Please do not format your form with a small/huge font size. Keep it readable.
I think you posted this in the wrong area, unless im just not seeing the question. The correct place to post this is here:
Jan 9, 2017 12:46 PM

Dec 2013
mr-mooster said:
Hi everyone, I need help finding an anime for challenge number 35. Watch an anime with less than 5,000 completed members. I found something interesting to me, but it's not available where I am.

If anyone has any recommendations, that would be nice. Here is my list so you can get a feel for the stuff I like. I also have my 2017 challenge shows tagged.

The old Genji Monogatari. It's still on YT
Jan 9, 2017 12:55 PM

Jul 2014
Hello. Im just wondering if Little Witch Academia (TV) which will air this Winter is eligable for 46. Watch a Gourmet, Superhero or Magical Girl themed anime?

In the reference list it doesn't show up, but the movies do - so I am not sure.
Forum signature
Jan 9, 2017 12:59 PM

Mar 2016
Brati said:
Hello. Im just wondering if Little Witch Academia (TV) which will air this Winter is eligable for 46. Watch a Gourmet, Superhero or Magical Girl themed anime?

In the reference list it doesn't show up, but the movies do - so I am not sure.
yea i would say that counts. its for sure a magical girl anime.
Jan 9, 2017 1:06 PM

Nov 2016
I have a question about item 62-Watch an anime that hasn't been reviewed.
Do I have to finish the show, while it hasn't been reviewed ?
FMmatronJan 9, 2017 1:14 PM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 9, 2017 1:19 PM

Jul 2014
Sorry another question popped up.

So there ist the challenge 11. Watch one of the 5 lowest scored anime from your favorite studio. Which would be Kyoto Animation for me.

I am doing the TV type only thingy, so my question is if i can choose between the 5 lowest rated TV-types of KyoAni? Or is this an exception and I *have* to use a OVA/Special/etc?
Forum signature
Jan 9, 2017 1:19 PM

Jul 2016
Can someone recommend me something for item 59 - Watch an anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread, pls ^^
Jan 9, 2017 1:35 PM

Mar 2012
Vizioz said:
Can someone recommend me something for item 59 - Watch an anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread, pls ^^

Jan 9, 2017 1:47 PM

Jan 2013
AWC_mod said:
@PrOxAnto (again) thanks for answering but please don't double post =)
same for @Conde_Mohr @TheElevenTails

What is considered double posting?
Me responding to someone who thanks me for answering something?

People dont check new posts for edits after a little while.
If they did we might aswell only create 1 post period and keep editing that ^^

sakamoto-kun said:
I have a question about item 62-Watch an anime that hasn't been reviewed.
Do I have to finish the show, while it hasn't been reviewed ?

As long as you started the anime and it hasnt been reviewed yet, you should be fine.
You can't help if it gets reviewed while halfway through the show after all.

So no, you don't have to worry about it having a review after you've finished it.

For currently airing anime ... I don't know, seems kinda cheaty since many people wouldn't have seen enough episodes to maka a review anyway.
PrOxAntoJan 9, 2017 2:03 PM
Jan 9, 2017 1:57 PM

May 2009
PrOxAnto said:
AWC_mod said:
@PrOxAnto (again) thanks for answering but please don't double post =)
same for @Conde_Mohr @TheElevenTails

What is considered double posting?
Me responding to someone who thanks me for answering something?

People dont check new posts for edits after a little while.
If they did we might aswell only create 1 post period and keep editing that ^^

posting two times in a row like you just did......
Jan 9, 2017 1:58 PM

Oct 2014
Can anyone recommend me an anime, at most 24 episodes? Thanks.

Jan 9, 2017 1:58 PM

Nov 2015
Could someone give me a recomendation for #59 and #36 please.
Jan 9, 2017 2:03 PM

Jan 2013
protoplasm said:
PrOxAnto said:

What is considered double posting?
Me responding to someone who thanks me for answering something?

People dont check new posts for edits after a little while.
If they did we might aswell only create 1 post period and keep editing that ^^

posting two times in a row like you just did......

Oh lmao, you're right, my bad.
I get it now ^^
Jan 9, 2017 2:04 PM

Jan 2016
Gymkata said:
mr-mooster said:
Hi everyone, I need help finding an anime for challenge number 35. Watch an anime with less than 5,000 completed members. I found something interesting to me, but it's not available where I am.

If anyone has any recommendations, that would be nice. Here is my list so you can get a feel for the stuff I like. I also have my 2017 challenge shows tagged.

The old Genji Monogatari. It's still on YT

Thank you very much! I'll add this to my challenge.
Jan 9, 2017 2:15 PM

Jan 2012
Hello everyone!

Could you recommend me something for the challenge #59?
Jan 9, 2017 2:25 PM

Mar 2010
Magnord said:
Hello everyone!

Could you recommend me something for the challenge #59?

Shigatsu wa kimi no uso (emotional drama)
Kimi no na wa (awesomesauce but a film so a no go if you're doing TV anime challenge)
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (how did you not watch this yet?)
Yuru Yuri (cute girls doing cute kinky things)
Sabagebu! (cute girls playing airsoft and one of the best anime comedies out there, imo)
Jan 9, 2017 2:31 PM

Jan 2012
jho0on_ said:
Can anyone recommend me an anime, at most 24 episodes? Thanks.

Afro Samurai
Gunslinger Girl
Pale Cocoon
Girls und Panzer
or Minami-ke

the choice is yours

lavocat said:
Could someone give me a recomendation for #59 and #36 please.

for the 59 I suggest

Kurenai no Buta
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
Hotarubi no Mori e
and Doujin Work

choose well

SuiNoByakko said:
Magnord said:
Hello everyone!

Could you recommend me something for the challenge #59?

Shigatsu wa kimi no uso (emotional drama)
Kimi no na wa (awesomesauce but a film so a no go if you're doing TV anime challenge)
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (how did you not watch this yet?)
Yuru Yuri (cute girls doing cute kinky things)
Sabagebu! (cute girls playing airsoft and one of the best anime comedies out there, imo)

Thank you for your recommandation
I began shigatsu and fma b already but didn't finish them yet because i was a bit spoiled for the first one and I read the manga for the second one
MagnordJan 9, 2017 2:44 PM
Jan 9, 2017 2:47 PM

Sep 2016
AWC_mod said:
EmperorBlitz said:

Do you mean like this?

I meant
  1. Something
  2. like
  3. this

But yeah, it can be done manually (be sure that you don't skip a number =D)

Fixed. Thanks. And done it manually XD haha.
One more thing, is it alright to add the original challenge number?
EmperorBlitzJan 9, 2017 2:55 PM
Jan 9, 2017 2:50 PM

Jul 2013
jho0on_ said:
Can anyone recommend me an anime, at most 24 episodes? Thanks.

You can also watch Scrapped Princess, which is a long and forgotten anime, but a solid series overall. Also, you can check out the Ah! My Goddess! OVA series from 1993. There's also the Toward The Terra TV anime that you can watch, 24 episodes max and an improvement of the old movie.
Jan 9, 2017 3:01 PM

Sep 2016
mr-mooster said:
Hi everyone, I need help finding an anime for challenge number 35. Watch an anime with less than 5,000 completed members. I found something interesting to me, but it's not available where I am.

If anyone has any recommendations, that would be nice. Here is my list so you can get a feel for the stuff I like. I also have my 2017 challenge shows tagged.

Jan 9, 2017 3:02 PM

Mar 2008
fuyuki said:
Aria said:
Can somebody recommend me some anime for #59? i'm looking for a show with 1 or 2 cour, any genre, any year.
my completed anime list:

From your PTW lits I definitely recommend Ookiku Furikabutte. Gin no Saji and Shiki are also good. From outside your PTW list I recommend Berserk.

Thanks bro ;)
i think i'll pick gin no saji, i was planning to watch it soon after all...
Jan 9, 2017 3:42 PM

Aug 2016
Keep your initial post number and the numbered list
@Abiibi @DarkAnimeAngel

I'm confused. What do you mean?
Heya, I'm Mystic, the NSFW voice actress & anime girl streamer!
Jan 9, 2017 3:43 PM

Jul 2014
since some guys liked my badges from last year, here I am again
Badges donations @AWC_mod
virtual_coreJan 9, 2017 3:46 PM
Jan 9, 2017 3:52 PM

Jun 2014
Does anyone have any anime recommendations for #59?
Jan 9, 2017 3:57 PM

Dec 2013
Hey! Can someone recommend me an anime for the 59? Thanks! :3

Jan 9, 2017 4:07 PM

Aug 2016
I fixed the initial post number, but what about the numbered list?
Heya, I'm Mystic, the NSFW voice actress & anime girl streamer!
Jan 9, 2017 4:16 PM
Mar 2014
Anyone recommend an anime for challenge 36, an anime with more users in Plan to Watch than Completed? Thank you in advance, I've been trying (and failing) to find one!
Jan 9, 2017 4:22 PM
Oct 2014
Number 59 Bring it on
no restrictions I will watch anything posed love watching new things

Jan 9, 2017 4:23 PM
Apr 2016
Can someone recommend me some anime for challenge #59 please?
Jan 9, 2017 4:27 PM
Oct 2014
quirkista said:
Anyone recommend an anime for challenge 36, an anime with more users in Plan to Watch than Completed? Thank you in advance, I've been trying (and failing) to find one!

Legend of the Galactic Heroes its a bit long like 110 episodes I got that one too

Jan 9, 2017 4:32 PM
Oct 2014
kuuhaku11 said:
Can someone recommend me some anime for challenge #59 please?

I took one from you PTW assassination classroom season 2

Jan 9, 2017 4:36 PM

Jan 2017
Brati said:
Hello. Im just wondering if Little Witch Academia (TV) which will air this Winter is eligable for 46. Watch a Gourmet, Superhero or Magical Girl themed anime?
In the reference list it doesn't show up, but the movies do - so I am not sure.

It has to be listed there. If it hasn't been added already you can try asking in their club if it will be added

Brati said:
Sorry another question popped up.
So there ist the challenge 11. Watch one of the 5 lowest scored anime from your favorite studio. Which would be Kyoto Animation for me.
I am doing the TV type only thingy, so my question is if i can choose between the 5 lowest rated TV-types of KyoAni? Or is this an exception and I *have* to use a OVA/Special/etc?

If you complete the challenge with that type restriction, then yes. Use the lowest scored TV

EmperorBlitz said:
Fixed. Thanks. And done it manually XD haha.
One more thing, is it alright to add the original challenge number?

Yes, that has to be there too

DarkAnimeAngel said:
I fixed the initial post number, but what about the numbered list?

You have to keep the numbered list, as it was in the sign up form code. Someone already answered this so I'll quote them
PrOxAnto said:
Kazzers said:

Could someone please explain what I need to do with my sign up to fix this? ^^ Does this simply mean I need not only the challenge numbers but also to number mine from 1-49?

at the start of the challenge list and having
before every challenge automatically makes so it's numbered. - Unless you want to number them all by yourself, up to you.

ScarletSentry said:
For no. 6 can I watch 2 parts of a series within the period and use the 2nd part? Probably not going to have to anyway but curious.

You can do it like that, as long as the one you will use is a Sequel, Alternative Setting, Alternative Version, Side Story, Summary and/or Spin-Off it will count

@virtual_core many thanks!! Will add the badges~
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