R.E.P.O Might Be Game of The Year

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • My second time playing R.E.P.O and it was just as chaotic as the first time on ‪@SMii7Yplus‬
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Комментарии • 1,9 тыс.

  • @searra
    @searra 3 дня назад +1994

    Seeing Sp00n with everyone makes me so happy. I used to love seeing him in the CS videos, he’s one of my childhood fav RUclipsrs

    • @m_6866
      @m_6866 3 дня назад +85

      Sp00n playing with Nanners and Gassy and that crew was some of the best classic gaming RUclips. The TTT animated video on Seananner's channel is one of my favorite RUclips videos ever.

    • @radlegowaffle
      @radlegowaffle 3 дня назад +36

      its so crazy seeing him outside of uberhaxornova videos (idk the last time they did a video together im very in and out of his content), i thought it was just someone named "spoon" before i noticed the "o"s were "0"s, it was a nice surprise!

    • @YourAnimatorSavageAreLOL
      @YourAnimatorSavageAreLOL 3 дня назад +23

      Idk who he is and I never seen him before but bro seems genuinely like a fun guy to be around with. And especially him just screaming at the top of his lungs *"DON'T LEAVEEEE MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"*

    • @radlegowaffle
      @radlegowaffle 3 дня назад +9

      @ i personally remember him from The Creatures era, along with uberhaxornova. the two of them played man of medan and that was a ton of fun to watch/listen to. sp00n is a super neat dude, so happy to see him still doing stuff

    • @Mango_mydude
      @Mango_mydude 3 дня назад +1

      Yeah he also played repo with captainsparklez. I was like damn bro is everywhere

  • @Corbeane
    @Corbeane 3 дня назад +665

    29:35 was my favorite part in this entire thing. I don't know why I just love it so much

  • @Envy1359
    @Envy1359 3 дня назад +2594

    I’m glad SMii7Y was recording some of his POVs when I was watching Puffer’s POVs in his channel in this game. Cause why not?

  • @goudacheese7491
    @goudacheese7491 3 дня назад +456

    5:05, his eyes glowing red as he screamed sent me

  • @dewberrystar
    @dewberrystar 3 дня назад +673

    12:40 was like straight out of a horror movie lmao, dude ran screaming his lil tin head off 😂😂😂

    • @flowahpawah
      @flowahpawah 3 дня назад +12

      That scream sounded like Eric Cartman when Kyle or whoever slaps him and he screams for his mom

    • @dewberrystar
      @dewberrystar 3 дня назад +5

      @@flowahpawah haha yes, exactly

  • @aidcrazysol3207
    @aidcrazysol3207 3 дня назад +140

    One thing I love about R.E.P.O. is you play in almost the reversed way as to lethal Company. In lethal company. Usually what happens is you start as a group and pair off to get items and then slowly die alone repo. It feels like you're together as one pairing off rarely and staying by the cart. When there is danger is when you get separated and slowly get killed 1 by 1 within the group, which, to a degree, adds to the horror. It plays more like an action-adventure type experience with horror as a sight taste, while lethal company seems horror first adventure-action second.

    • @markkelly3356
      @markkelly3356 2 дня назад +24

      Are you ready to accept punctuation into your heart?

    • @itskierini
      @itskierini 2 дня назад +6

      i contracted a stroke while reading

    • @Michaelroni-n-cheese
      @Michaelroni-n-cheese День назад +4

      My friend this comment is gibberish

  • @imbadatgamin
    @imbadatgamin 3 дня назад +195

    8:55 the fact that he's basically looking down the barrel of a shotgun makes this whole thing so much funnier

  • @geo73042
    @geo73042 3 дня назад +149

    (25:47) droid saying Hispanics Nein able to make anything fit and work with the process is accurate

    • @crystal203465
      @crystal203465 2 дня назад +2

      I laughed so hard when Droid said that rofl 😂

  • @almaniac05
    @almaniac05 3 дня назад +667

    1:08 “hey Lois, qua- *unholy scream*

      @AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA305 3 дня назад +17

      she said what not that

    • @rushrushw
      @rushrushw 3 дня назад +21

      Peter griffin trying to tell Lois that quagmire was responsible for the murder of Chris except he has a bomb collar that goes off any time he says quagmire:

    • @taksentinel
      @taksentinel 3 дня назад +7

      Well actually it’s “Hey Lois, wha- (loud train noises).”

    • @tpc_0248
      @tpc_0248 3 дня назад +2

      Your comment prepared me for it 😂

  • @Zub56o1
    @Zub56o1 3 дня назад +196

    That MEGATRON Voice is so good. You guys make amazing content :D. Just Brilliant and extremly funny :D

  • @superspider64
    @superspider64 3 дня назад +323

    15:53 Ah yes the scariest monster of all, Demonotization

    • @hoganstark
      @hoganstark 3 дня назад +5


    • @Kneoz
      @Kneoz 2 дня назад +2

      Nah ​@@hoganstark

  • @Sandpan
    @Sandpan 3 дня назад +56


  • @catenotfound__
    @catenotfound__ 3 дня назад +243

    i was just visiting your channel to watch previous uploads to ease my stress, yet here is another new and fresh upload! Thanks smii7yyyyyyyy

  • @aozanelskywalker2517
    @aozanelskywalker2517 3 дня назад +63

    11:39 famous last words, of regrert saying it
    18:26 toshiba laptop
    21:36 HE'S NOT GONE dead
    22:12 do a flip
    23:16 (comment what the heck is this)
    24:45 nice guitar
    29:52 megatron joins the autobots
    30:14 megatron died for the autobots + smii7y slowly joins him
    30:45 megatron returns
    31:15 dead again (R.I.P)
    31:54 he's back + wildcat becomes a shooting star
    32:33 work smart not hard
    33:40 doofenshmirtz: a platypus? (five seconds later) PERRY THE PLATYPUS??? followed by a manly scream and dead
    33:58 wildcat rapping/discoverd a new language
    34:55 pov: you're inside the death star... witch is about to blow up due to the rebels
    35:53 scary movie 6 plot be like
    38:27 bye

  • @NaydraC_AV
    @NaydraC_AV 3 дня назад +127

    17:04 That "gulp" from Droid was hilarious lmao

  • @itstreestand
    @itstreestand 3 дня назад +116

    29:53 GIVE ME THE CUBE BOYY! -Megatron

    • @OttoMatson
      @OttoMatson 2 дня назад +7

      You've failed me yet again, Starscream. GET THEM!

  • @JonesyVR
    @JonesyVR 3 дня назад +383

    This is prob my favorite channel to watch on road trips

  • @CyrusLastiwka
    @CyrusLastiwka 3 дня назад +26

    31:07 "i wish i could have seen the skies of baal, one, last, time"

  • @BlueyFlames15
    @BlueyFlames15 3 дня назад +107

    I loved watching people play this game

    • @Clayton9510
      @Clayton9510 3 дня назад +7

      Past tense? Is it done now, no more??

    • @AsherKastleKrasher
      @AsherKastleKrasher 3 дня назад +3

      @@Clayton9510he says it in past tense because he finished watching videos.

    • @Clayton9510
      @Clayton9510 3 дня назад +2

      @ yeah but… if any new ones come out will they not be loved 😥

  • @sticcthevicc
    @sticcthevicc 3 дня назад +106

    29:53 “Gregory. I found the cube Gregory.”

    • @enginezholtz9260
      @enginezholtz9260 3 дня назад +7

      I thought I was the only one that thought this. I was hoping someone would have said Gregory lol.

  • @SPS_Sheep
    @SPS_Sheep 3 дня назад +53


  • @frostyjdog7645
    @frostyjdog7645 3 дня назад +22

    2:48 Matt scream was prefect after getting shot by Smithy lol

    • @-waffles--
      @-waffles-- 3 дня назад +3

      Shot by who now? 😂

  • @gillianbravepie
    @gillianbravepie 3 дня назад +104


    • @TheLowridazTM
      @TheLowridazTM 3 дня назад +14

      Soundwave: Nuh-uh.

    • @OttoMatson
      @OttoMatson День назад +1

      Galvatron: Leader of the Decepticons? This is bad comedy.

  • @Lulu-qp1xg
    @Lulu-qp1xg 14 часов назад +1

    13:43 🤣🤣 I swear these characters are effortlessly hilarious

  • @raynespiritvrchat2845
    @raynespiritvrchat2845 3 дня назад +86

    just the intro alone had me CACKLING that’s so funny omg

  • @Deegrate
    @Deegrate 3 дня назад +7

    Tip for monkey's📌📌🧷📍
    • loot it empty and buy stuff while it's still cheap
    • Use drones (specifically the feather and indestructible drone)
    • You can distribute the health
    (Must have 100+ health to survive most insta deaths)
    • You can attack monster with medium items
    • can lift monster and bang to ground (monster orb fragile)
    • crystal for energy (the yellow box when a item, drone, or weapon is held)
    •you can hold a medium item above your head while crouching so you can be unnoticed (the character will be in the most little mode.. note: touch = death)
    Monster weakness
    Animal can be moved when 9 strength
    Don't look at the robe and run
    Huntsman don't make noise
    Ducky kill it with toilets human grenade (by putting it in it's back while holding the grenade doesn't damage u)
    Spitter knock it with medium items
    Orbs are fragile as glass

  • @Imbadatr6seige
    @Imbadatr6seige 3 дня назад +10

    Always a good day when smii7y posts a video

  • @ShawnLatimer-uj8ml
    @ShawnLatimer-uj8ml 2 часа назад +1

    As a transformers fan I had a blast watching this

  • @Ayd3nS-k8i
    @Ayd3nS-k8i 3 дня назад +15

    ( eyes turn red )

  • @Iodizedhooman
    @Iodizedhooman 3 дня назад +3

    10:54 runs them over to break line of sight, 11:03 his walk as he pushes the cart, the way SMii gets back up as if he was an actual person getting up from the ground, then he proceeds to be run over still. I lost it😂.

  • @elitely6748
    @elitely6748 3 дня назад +17

    I knew this game would finally show up on the main channel after smii7y+. I'm about to lose oxygen laughing at this hilarious game lol!

  • @Skeletunes-sv2uh
    @Skeletunes-sv2uh 3 дня назад +12

    33:11 "I MUST GO. DUTY CALLS"

  • @Plurmple_
    @Plurmple_ 3 дня назад +22

    8:07 "it's eternity in there"

    • @Zim_the_librarian
      @Zim_the_librarian 3 дня назад +6

      Its longer than you think.

      @BANANERMANER 3 дня назад +5

      “If they ever hit you with something, you hit back twice as hard, you hear”

    • @Zim_the_librarian
      @Zim_the_librarian 3 дня назад +3

      @BANANERMANER "I know you want me to do it but you can't make me. *YOU CANT MAKE ME!*"

    • @Zim_the_librarian
      @Zim_the_librarian 3 дня назад +4

      @BANANERMANER also, did you know, when he shot himself playing Russian Roulette because *SPY* forced him to do it, it was once, when be came out of the coffin in the last bit, he shot *SPY* twice. He followed Jeremy's advice.

      @BANANERMANER 3 дня назад +3

      @Zim_the_librarian I did in fact know that, I love that small detail

  • @ThunderSquadronGamingYT
    @ThunderSquadronGamingYT 3 дня назад +12

    39:00 "AHHHHHHHH" LMAO

  • @gatorman5547
    @gatorman5547 2 дня назад +3

    29:36 you gotta love the road to El Dorado reference here😂

  • @Robp787
    @Robp787 3 дня назад +5

    30:45 lol what an entrance😂

  • @seafoamtaide
    @seafoamtaide 3 дня назад +14

    33:10 this clip is delightful the editing combined with his choice of words is incredibly funny. Good heavens

  • @hyperally_
    @hyperally_ 3 дня назад +24


  • @KingKamuiiTobi
    @KingKamuiiTobi 3 дня назад +10

    2:02 Droid: Wait this game is easy
    Those were the last words before a whole laser beam cleaves through them 💀

  • @serenestateofbeing1062
    @serenestateofbeing1062 3 дня назад +8

    20:35 i feel like smiitys editor covers for him when he steps outta line 😂

  • @royaaal093
    @royaaal093 3 дня назад +6

    9:05 They’ve been saying “I don’t wanna warn you” for a longgg time and I think they mean to say “I don’t want to alarm you”. Blarg is the first one to ever call it out and Smii7y says it a LOT😂

  • @dudeDustinguy
    @dudeDustinguy День назад +2

    37:52 that second attack on the loot LOOKED AT YOU BEFORE THE ATTACK XD HA HA HA HA HA

  • @jackpaxton9391
    @jackpaxton9391 3 дня назад +31

    5:05 Oh hell nah. There is no way his eyes turned red and his soul left his body as he screamed like that.

  • @jasonprice6124
    @jasonprice6124 3 дня назад +2

    12:38 best one right here! 🤣

  • @DaSquareful
    @DaSquareful 3 дня назад +6

    20:00 I realized that on stair maps the blind gunsman will probably eventually self terminate by falling down the stairs if you wait long enough.

  • @Тони-н6р
    @Тони-н6р 10 часов назад

    Honestly whenever im dealing with depression this and a few other chanels helps me a lot to lighten up my mood Thank you.

  • @Yllerob
    @Yllerob 3 дня назад +4

    36:05 ay lmao

  • @williambraun3769
    @williambraun3769 2 дня назад +1

    12:47 the fact that it closed the door! 😂

  • @gleisten
    @gleisten 3 дня назад +5

    5:13 "gogo gaga" lol

  • @bozotheclown_1993
    @bozotheclown_1993 13 часов назад

    *Matt falls into pool of acid and dies.*
    "My name is Optimus Prime. I am an autobot from the planet, Cybertron."

  • @bloodyleader2609
    @bloodyleader2609 3 дня назад +17

    26:09 Oh my gosh 😂, Smii7y needs to be stopped. First Kryoz on the Smii7y Plus video and now Wildcat

    • @My_name_Jeff_
      @My_name_Jeff_ 2 дня назад +2

      That’s what I was going to to say 😂

  • @CassandraWatson-s8k
    @CassandraWatson-s8k День назад

    Bro is definitely Got cursed by the devil!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 5:06

  • @Mark_b4lls
    @Mark_b4lls 3 дня назад +6

    30:19 he sounded like an enderman taking damage

  • @CherryBloosomProduction
    @CherryBloosomProduction 3 дня назад +1

    I was waiting so long for a repo upload that I had to watch funny moments to wait! So happy to finally see this

  • @ILuvBeansOnToast
    @ILuvBeansOnToast 3 дня назад +40

    33:10 Me stealing that one bro to give him the most DEVIOUS buckshots the world has ever seen

  • @Ash_404_He-They
    @Ash_404_He-They День назад +1

    30:01 “My name is Edwin” ahh voice😭🙏

  • @sitiaisah571
    @sitiaisah571 3 дня назад +5

    6:24 "Im gonna touch you"

  • @cardamomthyme4022
    @cardamomthyme4022 21 час назад

    4:18 not the screaming in terror in the background😂😂

  • @silasyt7014
    @silasyt7014 3 дня назад +8

    Game of the year ong

  • @smtoonentertainment
    @smtoonentertainment 2 дня назад +1

    his eyes glowing red as he screamed sent me

  • @Mr.sunshine89
    @Mr.sunshine89 3 дня назад +7

    33:58 “now go, ok, no you’re-, yeah you’re good, keep-, no, to your-, yep yep yep, to your, yep!” 😂

  • @doctormann6033
    @doctormann6033 2 дня назад

    38:59 The way his scream fades off, and the perfect bump on the edge of the platform. XP

  • @IDG_Down
    @IDG_Down 3 дня назад +6

    From 37:03 till the end, what is the music that plays in the background cause this sound cool as hell?

    @LTTL_LMN_BY 3 дня назад +2

    23:28 absolutely lost it at smitty high “WHYISITCOMINGFORME” 😂

  • @Cozy_Burrito0666
    @Cozy_Burrito0666 3 дня назад +4


  • @jackthedripper777
    @jackthedripper777 16 часов назад +1

    You should do some more modded freeroam

  • @Doug-56g357
    @Doug-56g357 3 дня назад +3

    Sign from god gets immediately obliterated 29:32

  • @AstraSelene
    @AstraSelene 2 дня назад

    15:52 I can genuinely hear the fear in his voice, also the i love how the character mouth open wide when he said no lmao

  • @NorthernLaw_
    @NorthernLaw_ 3 дня назад +3

    "Are you ladiesman217??" 29:52

  • @Orionprime298
    @Orionprime298 3 дня назад +1

    29:51 Megatron 😂

  • @aidcrazysol3207
    @aidcrazysol3207 3 дня назад +3

    25:37 Rock & Stone?

  • @thomaswanderer6022
    @thomaswanderer6022 2 дня назад

    36:41 this part KILLED ME!!🤣😂it was glorious

  • @de3floppers795
    @de3floppers795 3 дня назад +4

    Stopping the REPO bots

  • @cloutgrabber
    @cloutgrabber 3 дня назад +2

    29:53 FOR THE EMEPEROR!!!!!

  • @HouseofDimoculus
    @HouseofDimoculus 3 дня назад +13

    I literally just made my own video over REPO and now smitty posts. Amazing

  • @g.babyxo99
    @g.babyxo99 3 дня назад +1

    26:01 the same instance he was mentioning to daukey 😂

  • @Gory-fp4wb
    @Gory-fp4wb 3 дня назад +29

    You inspire me so much, keep going.

  • @rprintz10
    @rprintz10 3 дня назад

    Yall are the best I love seeing your videos. Keep at it with the good work.

  • @TessaDiaz-x9z
    @TessaDiaz-x9z 3 дня назад +41

    Haha, this stuff got me cracking, too good to scroll past.

  • @EL_M0SC0
    @EL_M0SC0 2 дня назад +1

    30:08 I almost choked watching this moment

  • @alcha93
    @alcha93 3 дня назад +4

    yall need to say "why have you summoned me? tell me your wish now!" with that shenron voice at 6:50

  • @dapperfox9917
    @dapperfox9917 2 дня назад +1

    24:46 he let the canadian out lol

  • @AstraDorincus
    @AstraDorincus 3 дня назад +3

    4:38 tf is that sound...

  • @maryquipanes2248
    @maryquipanes2248 2 дня назад

    29:53 BROOOO 😭😭😭 "I need help I found the cube "

  • @onairaMo
    @onairaMo 3 дня назад +5


    • @RedHC69
      @RedHC69 3 дня назад +3

      At least your not a bot

    • @Got_Dayng
      @Got_Dayng 3 дня назад

      Stopping THE BOTS?!!*

  • @LeackyBee
    @LeackyBee 3 дня назад

    16:11 that frog was POSTED UP 😂

  • @Mr.sunshine89
    @Mr.sunshine89 3 дня назад +13

    00:29 we got touching clowns before gta 6

    • @srdjan112
      @srdjan112 3 дня назад +1

      GTA 6 has already been released wdym before

  • @TR1GGUR
    @TR1GGUR 3 дня назад +2

    watching S7 and the gang play as south park canadians was NOT something i had in mind for today

  • @JenRut-kz9vx
    @JenRut-kz9vx 3 дня назад +55

    Love your vibe, keep staying you.

  • @N0TRAC1ST
    @N0TRAC1ST 7 часов назад +1


  • @Buzleebird
    @Buzleebird 3 дня назад +4


  • @cosmogcrusader5546
    @cosmogcrusader5546 3 дня назад +2

    Droid trying so hard to lift the flamethrower onto the cart is the kind of determination I wish I had.

  • @LINALANA-d5l
    @LINALANA-d5l 3 дня назад +10048

    Stopping THE BOTS!!

  • @S63jah
    @S63jah День назад

    12:40 sounds like that goat meme 😂😂😂

  • @Dozzing_Dozer
    @Dozzing_Dozer 3 дня назад +15

    Smii7y and his gay friends.

  • @MrT_Rex
    @MrT_Rex 2 дня назад +1

    Maybe the funniest video of the year on this channel (for the moment)
    20:30 no way he did it

  • @zerpgreen391
    @zerpgreen391 3 дня назад +1

    ever since i saw this game for the first time, i was waiting for you to play it ^^

  • @floams
    @floams 3 дня назад

    been waiting for this i love you smity

  • @GirayOzz
    @GirayOzz День назад

    You're a Harry Wizard😭💀💀 8:52

  • @Mommymxars
    @Mommymxars 2 дня назад

    I LOOOOOOOOOVE the repo content keep it up!