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May 11, 2014 7:26 PM

Mar 2010
Wait is that bull a human or a bull?
May 11, 2014 8:17 PM

Jan 2014
SergejLov said:
RedRoseFring said:

Well there's your problem then. If it bothers you so much, either don't read the manga or only read the manga. Your enjoyment is going to be greatly reduced either way.

Yeah, that is my problem, but you don't get the point.
I just think the producers of the anime should try to better, harder, because this is not what OP is fully capable of, it can get much better - and if you are reading the manga, you would see how its superior than anime right now. Believe me, I love both anime and manga, but most of the manga readers and anime watchers agree on the thing that anime is not in its best shape.

I never suggested that the anime is perfect, but it is still better than the manga imo. It offers much more in comparison to just faster pacing in manga.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
May 11, 2014 8:39 PM

May 2009
The punch at the end made the episode worth it for me.
"The weak get washed away by the tides of fate...The strong drink it up."-Godot
May 11, 2014 9:58 PM
Jul 2018
Spoiler tags people.
May 12, 2014 3:09 AM

Jul 2012
Yep that ending punch made the episode really good with the epic OST :)
Tom's Hardware graphics veteran++ (Legacy)
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May 12, 2014 4:16 AM

Jul 2012
1 Punch doesn't make up for a crappy slow episode, Seriously barely anything happened in this episode to progress the story, And Lucy vs Giant ? Kinda weird to name the whole episode on something that lasted less than 2 minutes.
May 12, 2014 6:56 AM

Nov 2008
Ranoom said:
Wait is that bull a human or a bull?

Semi-sentient animal, most likely. (In other situations, Luffy probably would have killed, cooked and eaten the bull... LOL)
May 12, 2014 7:17 AM
Apr 2012
Pacing with Jora was good, colosseum not so much. The arty devil fruit leads to some bizarrely brilliant designs, Brook was hilarious as always, Bad Taste fruit ha. Poor brutal bull and taking out the giant was like in the manga underwhelming.
May 12, 2014 1:02 PM

Oct 2011

EPIC Punch Lucy !!!
May 12, 2014 9:19 PM

Jul 2013
Why do people still get impressed whenever Luffy one-hit KO's a fodder character? He does it like every five episodes, yet it's still enough to make people lose their shit.
MinagatachiMay 12, 2014 9:24 PM
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May 13, 2014 3:13 AM

Mar 2014
Right at the moment when I was thinking, the animation's already worse, they're joking about themselves with messing it up even more. Liked it. Hm. So I was asking myself, if there was an anime who messed up their own animation stile like that.

Wait! What if... This could be a good chance to get just a bit better body proportions. Good joke, good joke. xD This arc's definitely going to be interesting.

There are some really good scenes in this episode, hidden connections to others and to themselves, a giant who wants to eat a logia fruit, Lucy having a lot fun with riding the bull and get rid of it (in an authentic way) and last but not least Lucy's going to be serious. Good job producers!
FlueckliMay 13, 2014 3:16 AM
May 13, 2014 4:40 AM

Mar 2010
dbaranyi said:
Ranoom said:
Wait is that bull a human or a bull?

Semi-sentient animal, most likely. (In other situations, Luffy probably would have killed, cooked and eaten the bull... LOL)

Well that explains things . lol thanks
May 13, 2014 12:28 PM

Apr 2009
I'm quite curious about Bartolomeo~ What does he want with LuCy??
Also I'm interested Gladiator Ricky... He looks cool :3
And of course... the LUCY vs Giant was very good at the end *-*
May 13, 2014 9:11 PM

Nov 2013
omg this part
So fucking epic
May 14, 2014 9:19 AM
Apr 2014
tib said:
I'm quite curious about Bartolomeo~ What does he want with LuCy??
Also I'm interested Gladiator Ricky... He looks cool :3
And of course... the LUCY vs Giant was very good at the end *-*

Slight spoiler I guess, but it's not such a big deal (referring to Bartolomeo)
May 14, 2014 10:01 PM

Apr 2009
Minagatachi said:
Why do people still get impressed whenever Luffy one-hit KO's a fodder character? He does it like every five episodes, yet it's still enough to make people lose their shit.

Well, to be fair this is the first time he one-hit KO'd a giant without using Gear Third. So I lost my shit.
May 15, 2014 6:38 AM

Jan 2013
Ferolex said:
It kinda seems like Ricky is Rebecca's father to me.

Not like that's obvious with all the flashbacks ...
Also RIP Nami's Chest :/
PrOxAntoMay 16, 2014 11:44 AM
May 15, 2014 5:26 PM

Mar 2012
Stupid old hag from Donquixote family reduced Nami's boobs??? NOW I HATE HER!!! ÒmÓ
May 17, 2014 11:01 AM

May 2013
I found myself really enjoying this episode shockingly which is kind of rare for me with One Piece for the anime these days.

I loved the ending, they did a good job in animating it and I enjoyed it better in the anime than I did in the manga. Luffy was so badass, that just shows that you can't mess with Luffy's nakama and get away with it. Luffy was so badass in that ending, I loved it. The ending went well with the "Luffy Moukou" OST, it was very well done I loved it. Great episode, I hope One Piece continues with the roll it's on from this point on because this arc is really amazing and I hope it gets animated very well. It was entertaining episode.

May 24, 2014 5:07 PM

Mar 2010
Poor killer bull.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
May 31, 2014 11:34 PM

Jan 2014
If you watch this in HD, you will see Oda's ideas running dry.
Filler episode.

But Bart trying to take meat was funny.
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Jul 27, 2014 9:38 PM

May 2012
jimbob1141 said:
Dat punch, one piece has the best single punches ever. And that soundtrack at the end, i think it's my favorite soundtrack in all of anime.

Better than One Punch-Man? I think not.
Jul 29, 2014 9:14 AM

Oct 2009
FINALLY! I've been waiting forever for a awesome Luffy moment! :D
Oct 19, 2014 9:03 PM

Apr 2009
For flattening his bovine friend (LOL), Luffy K.O.'ed the giant with one punch! We've all seen him do it on mooks and other red-shirts every time but it's always awesome. XD
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Oct 31, 2014 3:45 PM

Jun 2013
Well this episode was close to shit. New character is annoying on the same level as Ceasar. Ugly character design. Just kill it already.

Animation was shit, as usual.

Everything was shit actually, except for ONE moment. Epic Luffy at the end. More of that stuff please. Less of this other generic bullshit.
Nov 5, 2014 12:00 PM

Aug 2011
AnimeSweden said:
Everything was shit actually, except for ONE moment. Epic Luffy at the end. More of that stuff please. Less of this other generic bullshit.

Kinda funny that your favorite moment was the most generic in the entire episode.
Nov 6, 2014 4:10 AM

Jun 2013
Tiago97 said:
AnimeSweden said:
Everything was shit actually, except for ONE moment. Epic Luffy at the end. More of that stuff please. Less of this other generic bullshit.

Kinda funny that your favorite moment was the most generic in the entire episode.
Still the most enjoyable moment. That should tell you how shit One Piece has gotten.
Dec 28, 2014 9:14 PM

Mar 2012
It really bothers me how luffy had all this space to fight the bull in the arena last episode yet there was no sign of a giant just chilling in a corner.

AnimeSweden said:
Tiago97 said:

Kinda funny that your favorite moment was the most generic in the entire episode.
Still the most enjoyable moment. That should tell you how shit One Piece has gotten.

That really was the only thing good about this episode lol
Feb 27, 2015 4:40 PM
Jan 2015
damn right don't mess with luffy's friends
Oct 16, 2015 9:13 PM
May 2013
They used the same fucking cheering crowd for the 100th fuckin time, seriously.
Dec 22, 2015 7:20 AM

Jun 2015
DAYUM!!! Luffy badass as always.
Jan 24, 2016 1:57 PM

Mar 2015
I like the new Bellamy, I wonder how what he'll do.

I love seeing Luffy face off against weaker opponents (esp. after him being completely helpless at marineford) because I sometimes forgot how ridiculously overpowered he is.

Love the Haki / gear second combo
Jul 24, 2016 4:05 PM

Feb 2014
Hell yeah Luffy Lucy!!!
If you don't like me, acquire some taste
Aug 5, 2016 6:32 PM

Mar 2015
Woooo that was one hell of a punch, Lucy!!

Not interested in that ugly artsy Ms. Merry Christmas copy
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
May 10, 2018 2:32 PM

Mar 2017
uh oh don't mess with Usy
you made Lucy mad.

dat soundtrack at the end tho

猫はかわいいです。 (ꈍ ‸ ꈍ)

Dec 8, 2019 4:12 AM

Jun 2016
The abstract Sunny Security crew reaction in the opening was absolutely literal. I was wrong about Kanjuro being on the ship, it was Giolla of the Trebol army. With her being one of Trebol’s, Violet being under him too, it makes him the most pronounced executive with Diamante as the second most, this may suggest Trebol will be the first executive to be majorly focused on. Giolla has the power to turn everything into abstract art using her mind and she was characterized thus far as being eccentric and pretentious, thinking that only she understands the beauty of her creations and having the ideas overflow through her mind turning reality into something beautiful. The fact that she revealed herself by changing the Sunny before confronting them may imply her inclination for artistry can get in the way of her missions. Anyways, she turned the crew into painting people and it created a frantic situation. The Sunny Security team ended up escaping in a cool fashion, Nami blocking the second attack, Chopper splitting up to open the doors then jumping down onto the submarine with Brook as Nami and Momo took the waver. This quick thinking to refuse fighting on the ship and harming it and the execution of the plan partly proved Franky’s words about their strength but the plan didn’t work. Giolla stayed true to her missions, limiting the Straw Hats escape by hijacking the Sunny and kidnapping Momo. The latter is interesting and it continues to add to the Doflamingo-Wano lads connection and Momo’s fear of him, as does it not care for anyone but Momo. A part of me wants Franky to get a fight with her to get some ship ruining payback, and as for how they can fix the ship I had three ideas. The first is that if she is like Decken then maybe knocking her out or killing her would eliminate the mental connection between her and her art. The second would be forcing her into reverting the changes herself which could be fun. And the third could be as simple as washing off with water but if that was the case I think we’d see the Sunny smudging as the waves hit it.

Ricky refused to get treatment as he didn’t want the others to see his face and he showed disdain for the practice of the colosseum, something Cavendish and possibly Baratolomeo did as well. Ricky criticized the hypocrisy of them forcing their fighters into treatment while letting them die for entertainment. Cavendish earlier criticized the audience as bestial. And Bartolomeo called them all disgusting and harassed them, he notably didn’t want them to like him. It seemed implicit that it was for the same reason that the others find this practice, hosts and audience included, distasteful. After that he internally apologized to Rebecca and had a flashback akin to the toy soldiers, he appeared to be a father figure to her which only strengthens this Rebecca/Soldier/Ricky/Kyros link that has been seen throughout this arc. Say if Rebecca is Kyros’ daughter which goes to show her connection to him, and Ricky is Kyros in disguise then maybe he was forced to disappear due to Doflamingo which would explain his anger towards him and his apology for leaving his daughter behind. If Rebecca was in the single digits back then and now she’s in her twenties then the gap of Kyros disappearing could match up. Perhaps the toy soldier took over for Kyros in raising her when he was gone. The only hole in this theory I can think of is if Kyros is Ricky and Ricky doesn’t like the colosseum then why would he participate within it for so long to become the ultimate champion. And further, if Doflamingo did exile him or something then why would a statue of him be up?

The Don Quixote waiting room did what I suppose is the next step. As Bellamy failed his dream he was out of the story so the way to keep him in is for Diamante to give Doflamingo’s order to Bellamy. The order that if he assassinates Luffy after this round then he will be able to achieve his dream. He has a second chance! I was anticipating that Diamante would play dirty to eliminate Luffy but I didn’t anticipate this as much as it makes narrative sense! It marked something pretty human in Bellamy too, despite his dream being reborn, he’s not eager to kill someone who just cheered him on. He’s definitely not eager to kill someone that I think he admitted his respect towards, saying that where Bellamy has failed to change and grow; Luffy has. Even if he is a rotten person, he has limits and this may be one of them. I’m sure he may still go through with it because it’s really his last chance this time. But, I can’t imagine he’ll do it eagerly. And, I just wanted to say, Bellamy is a testament to One Piece storytelling. He was around back in Jaya and he’s back now, but like Buggy or Crocodile, it isn’t at all contrived. He was working for Doflamingo back then, he’s changed and grown but he’s still under Doflamingo and because of that it makes total sense for Luffy to run into him. Even though hundreds of episodes have passed, Bellamy’s place in the world feels true and he continues to be explored today. That’s like, righteous! I admire Oda’s writing so much.

After those, there are two small moments to touch on. The first is Bartolomeo confronting Cavendish. They are so adorable together, they are polar opposites in a way, the crass punk who wants everyone to hate him and the elegant prettyboy who wants everyone to love him. It makes them just conversing with each other enough to put a smile on my face. But more than that and the cute fork threatening, we had Bartolomeo say that he wants to kill Luffy creating another Chinjao-Cavendish situation. But unlike Cavendish who has a shallow reasoning, Bartolomeo stated their connection runs deep only enhancing our curiosity for just who Bartolomeo is working for. The other thing to mention is that Luffy has become a total fan favorite, tearing through the ring with his friend brutal bull! I would almost say that the people could be swayed by Luffy’s popularity for benefit against Doflamingo but with how everyone looked at Franky for discussing hurting Doflamingo and their love for him, I somewhat doubt that. Regardless, I have to criticize what came from Luffy and brutal bull a little. The giant Hajrudin made an intriguing comment about a giant eating a logia but he was just fodder for the predictable. Whereas One Piece normally makes me care for animals as much as the humans, brutal bull was just an angry bull that was swayed by Luffy. There isn’t a connection there which made for the makeshift funeral and angry punch to feel emotionally dissonant and so predictable that, while fun, it felt stale. Almost like we were just going through the motions.
Apr 28, 2020 12:50 AM
Apr 2020
Luffy's anger epicness!! Don't mess with him and things he likes!!! Yikes!!
Mar 19, 2021 6:20 AM

May 2016
I wonder if that hag and her Gaudy Gaudy Fruit powers can actually endanger anyone aside from making the whole place an eyesore.

Poor Brutal Bull...

Aug 1, 2021 10:49 AM

Jun 2019
No... Nami can't be flat. Also, that was one great punch from Lucy.
Aug 26, 2021 2:07 AM

Aug 2021
aaah the final punch!!!!!!

Nami and others got cartooned~
Apr 24, 2022 7:54 PM

Dec 2012
Rest easy, Ucy. The Grand Champion will take it from here.

I couldn't help but think of Luf...of Lucy's first match with a giant at Little Garden. I'm just continually reminded of how far Luffy & the others have come.
Feb 6, 2023 3:42 PM
Aug 2021
Feb 12, 2023 8:02 AM
Aug 2021
The title of this episode was so misleading😂😂 You would think the fight we last the whole episode but it was literally the final 2 minutes😂😂
Feb 25, 2023 11:39 PM
Sep 2017
Aug 17, 2023 7:31 PM
Oct 2019
NOOOOO Nami Booba gone 😭

Chopper become Minecraft character.

Lucy just one shot the Giant 🔥
Oct 6, 2023 8:04 PM
Feb 2022
Aunque Bellamy quisiera matar a Luffy no podría. Habilidad interesante el arte de Giolla. Adiós pechos de Nami. Esto no quedara así Ucy. Lucy vengara tu derrota.
Jul 5, 2024 2:25 PM

Dec 2022
love all that color in Giolla's art
Lucy & Ucy the dream team ^_^
Mar 2, 4:46 PM

Aug 2024
Well this old lady that changes people into paintings is the worst character in whole show. You ruin the sunny and take away Nami boobs. Absolutely unforgivable. Though at least Brock looked like that famous painting lol.

I knew the minute bill got hurt it was over for the giant. Mess with Luffy friends and instant KO.

I am enjoying the Collesume fight but that old guy I thought would have attacked Luffy by now. Guess Luffy got to beat them all one by one.

And Bellamy will turn against flamingo and his crime family. I don’t think he want to fight Luffy. And 0% he could.
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