
Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2018
Poser_Voyeur Alley_Cat Notretsam

I feel like you three are all on the same page and are arriving at conclusions that are all interrelated. I think it's all equally true that Sophia has an easier time flirting with people outside of her social circle (and especially outside of her immediate family), that her corruption is gaining speed and that will change how she interacts with people from Day 1 to Day 30, and that the women have had an easier time than the men due to all the reasons Alley_Cat mentioned.

I'm coming around to the idea that Dylan won't have sex with Sophia until late in the game for a few reasons:

  1. It's the ultimate final hurdle. Think of it like the old show Moonlighting, the "will they/won't they?" tension is what drives this game. From a purely business perspective, once Sophia and Dylan hook up, a critical tension will be released and it can never be replaced. Release it too soon and people will begin to drift away from the game.
  2. Dylan has a lot of things working against him, so he needs the most time to get Sophia in bed. He needs to get his shit together, win her trust, and figure out how to seduce a woman. And even if he does all of that he still needs the next thing:
  3. Sophia needs to completely fall from grace. Sophia's corruption needs to be so complete, her relationship with Liam so broken, and her moral compass so compromised, that she'll be susceptible to Dylan. Only then will all of Dylan's hard work have a chance at success.
So from a business and narrative sense, Dylan may need to be the final person she sleeps with.

There's a very good chance that if Sophia ever does sleep with Dylan, it actually results in a very sad ending to the game.
On the contrary, Sophia sleeping with Dylan will result in the very best ending to the game where they both live happily ever after.


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
We may not have signatures but we exist...waiting until Dylan has his day (y)
You completely missed my point. Of course there are people that would consider themselves Team Dylan. Same as there are people that would consider themselves Team Sam, or Team Aiden, or Team Mr Murray.

But it appears at the moment that none of them are willing to outright say it with their signature.


Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
You completely missed my point. Of course there are people that would consider themselves Team Dylan. Same as there are people that would consider themselves Team Sam, or Team Aiden, or Team Mr Murray.

But it appears at the moment that none of them are willing to outright say it with their signature.
ok, gotta ask, what's a signature, and how you make one?


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
ok, gotta ask, what's a signature, and how you make one?
The bit underneath posts. The part in my post with the pictures saying Team Ellie and Team Tenika.

To make one, go to your profile, and select "Signature", then add whatever you want. There are specific rules for them though (as outlined in the Forum Rules), like you can only have at most 2 pictures, that have a maximum size. And you can only use imgur or the Signature thread to store them.

In terms of the pictures, anyone with Photoshop can make one. And there are plenty of templates floating around like the ones I use, you just need to choose a render, and what it says.

I've made a couple, so if you need to know anything else, feel free to PM me.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2018
You completely missed my point. Of course there are people that would consider themselves Team Dylan. Same as there are people that would consider themselves Team Sam, or Team Aiden, or Team Mr Murray.

But it appears at the moment that none of them are willing to outright say it with their signature.
I like the signatures but since I'm following 4 games at the moment there are way too many for me to put on my page or to choose from. So I'll keep it a mystery for now.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
I like the signatures but since I'm following 4 games at the moment there are way too many for me to put on my page or to choose from. So I'll keep it a mystery for now.
If I were you, I'd consider choosing the two games from the smallest developers. They could use the promotion.
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Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
I like the signatures but since I'm following 4 games at the moment there are way too many for me to put on my page or to choose from. So I'll keep it a mystery for now.
I'm following 4 games too. And show which team I'm on for all of them. But my favourites I have pictures for.

If I were you, I'd consider choosing the two games from the smallest developers. They could use the promotion.
Well, one of them. Leave one for AWAM. Like I'm doing for Inertia.


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
Poser_Voyeur Alley_Cat Notretsam

I feel like you three are all on the same page and are arriving at conclusions that are all interrelated. I think it's all equally true that Sophia has an easier time flirting with people outside of her social circle (and especially outside of her immediate family), that her corruption is gaining speed and that will change how she interacts with people from Day 1 to Day 30, and that the women have had an easier time than the men due to all the reasons Alley_Cat mentioned.

I'm coming around to the idea that Dylan won't have sex with Sophia until late in the game for a few reasons:

  1. It's the ultimate final hurdle. Think of it like the old show Moonlighting, the "will they/won't they?" tension is what drives this game. From a purely business perspective, once Sophia and Dylan hook up, a critical tension will be released and it can never be replaced. Release it too soon and people will begin to drift away from the game.
  2. Dylan has a lot of things working against him, so he needs the most time to get Sophia in bed. He needs to get his shit together, win her trust, and figure out how to seduce a woman. And even if he does all of that he still needs the next thing:
  3. Sophia needs to completely fall from grace. Sophia's corruption needs to be so complete, her relationship with Liam so broken, and her moral compass so compromised, that she'll be susceptible to Dylan. Only then will all of Dylan's hard work have a chance at success.
So from a business and narrative sense, Dylan may need to be the final person she sleeps with.

There's a very good chance that if Sophia ever does sleep with Dylan, it actually results in a very sad ending to the game.
And at various times I've argued all three of those points. On point 2, it's also not just that Dylan has things working against him, but also that others have things working for them. Sam has an advantage in that Sophia has already admitted that she has a weakness for musicians. And he is a musician with a car. Not only does this play on her weakness, but will also take her back to a time when she was young.

I'm curious how point 3 will work with the prison event. There appears to be a contradiction in that only the thing that Sophia can do to save the house and her marriage requires that she not care about her marriage and she's fantasising about sex with another man. But the GW path for that event likely leaves Larry the least happy and for Don Morello to take the house.

And again I'll point out that this has nothing to do with limiting Dylan's chances of getting laid. For all we know there are plenty of opportunities with Emma and/or Marie by the end of the playable day 15. With Sophia out of the house, who knows what he could get up to.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
And at various times I've argued all three of those points. On point 2, it's also not just that Dylan has things working against him, but also that others have things working for them. Sam has an advantage in that Sophia has already admitted that she has a weakness for musicians. And he is a musician with a car. Not only does this play on her weakness, but will also take her back to a time when she was young.

I'm curious how point 3 will work with the prison event. There appears to be a contradiction in that only the thing that Sophia can do to save the house and her marriage requires that she not care about her marriage and she's fantasising about sex with another man. But the GW path for that event likely leaves Larry the least happy and for Don Morello to take the house.

And again I'll point out that this has nothing to do with limiting Dylan's chances of getting laid. For all we know there are plenty of opportunities with Emma and/or Marie by the end of the playable day 15. With Sophia out of the house, who knows what he could get up to.
I think it's all but guaranteed that Sam will get a shot at Sophia before Dylan. In fact I can see a scenario where Sophia sleeping with Sam is essential for her to sleep with Dylan later. Sleeping with a young guy like that will knock down one of the final hurdles for Dylan.

Thinking it through, I wonder if Patricia ends up doing some sort of 180 turn. Right now she's a corrupting force in Sophia's life, but I'm not sure she understands just how complete Sophia's corruption could be. Patricia may come across like she's all about sex and living free, but she's actually operating within the rules that she and her husband have established. She's actually respecting her marriage even if she's disrespecting Sophia. But deeper than that, she's Sophia's sister and she loves her. Fooling around with Sophia and maybe even Ellie is one thing, but I wonder if things will eventually get to a point where Patricia stands up and tries to reverse course. If Sophia really falls apart, the only person who may see the whole picture could be Patricia. Liam would be too much of a victim to see the whole picture, but Patricia will have the vantage point of being one of the primary corrupters in Sophia's life, while also being her closest companion. I envision a moment where Patricia looks around, sees that Sophia is about to go down the fuckslut route and tries to get Sophia to stop and reconsider. Dylan could be that breaking point.


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
I think it's all but guaranteed that Sam will get a shot at Sophia before Dylan. In fact I can see a scenario where Sophia sleeping with Sam is essential for her to sleep with Dylan later. Sleeping with a young guy like that will knock down one of the final hurdles for Dylan.

Thinking it through, I wonder if Patricia ends up doing some sort of 180 turn. Right now she's a corrupting force in Sophia's life, but I'm not sure she understands just how complete Sophia's corruption could be. Patricia may come across like she's all about sex and living free, but she's actually operating within the rules that she and her husband have established. She's actually respecting her marriage even if she's disrespecting Sophia. But deeper than that, she's Sophia's sister and she loves her. Fooling around with Sophia and maybe even Ellie is one thing, but I wonder if things will eventually get to a point where Patricia stands up and tries to reverse course. If Sophia really falls apart, the only person who may see the whole picture could be Patricia. Liam would be too much of a victim to see the whole picture, but Patricia will have the vantage point of being one of the primary corrupters in Sophia's life, while also being her closest companion. I envision a moment where Patricia looks around, sees that Sophia is about to go down the fuckslut route and tries to get Sophia to stop and reconsider. Dylan could be that breaking point.
If we're right about Dylan being the last to have their chance with Sophia, then I'm not sure there'll be time within the game for Patricia to do anything about it, besides perhaps give Sophia a place to stay. Unless there's an AWAM 2.

But I completely agree with the idea of what you're saying. If anything, I think Patricia is the one with Sophia's best interest at heart on the Filthy route, which is why I incorporate her into my walkthrough even if it's focused on the Ellie route. Patricia is encouraging Sophia to go out and have fun, but not to cheat. Patricia and Carl have established rules, which allow her to fool around with boys like Jason and Haru, and Carl doesn't need to know or care, and as long as no dick but his enters Patricia's pussy, he doesn't consider it cheating. He's safe knowing adultery isn't going on.

Which is entirely different from the relationship Sophia has with Liam. I still think (while I don't really have the evidence to support it) that the reason Liam has a gambling addiction is the fear that Sophia will leave him for a richer man like Carl. Or one of the Morellos. The reason he neglects her and works long hours is to earn the money so she wont leave him. Which ironically might be the reason she leaves him.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
If we're right about Dylan being the last to have their chance with Sophia, then I'm not sure there'll be time within the game for Patricia to do anything about it, besides perhaps give Sophia a place to stay. Unless there's an AWAM 2.

But I completely agree with the idea of what you're saying. If anything, I think Patricia is the one with Sophia's best interest at heart on the Filthy route, which is why I incorporate her into my walkthrough even if it's focused on the Ellie route. Patricia is encouraging Sophia to go out and have fun, but not to cheat. Patricia and Carl have established rules, which allow her to fool around with boys like Jason and Haru, and Carl doesn't need to know or care, and as long as no dick but his enters Patricia's pussy, he doesn't consider it cheating. He's safe knowing adultery isn't going on.

Which is entirely different from the relationship Sophia has with Liam. I still think (while I don't really have the evidence to support it) that the reason Liam has a gambling addiction is the fear that Sophia will leave him for a richer man like Carl. Or one of the Morellos. The reason he neglects her and works long hours is to earn the money so she wont leave him. Which ironically might be the reason she leaves him.
As I envision it, Sophia sleeping with Dylan wouldn't literally be the last thing in the game, but it would be the climax (no pun intended), and in stories the climax actually comes sometime around the penultimate episode. Other things can happen after the climax of the narrative, so there does need to be some time to wrap the story up. Sophia may have sex with other characters in this time, and that may include additional encounters with Dylan. As I see it, that first time having full intercourse with Dylan will happen sometime between playable day 24 and 27. But the build up will really begin to gather momentum sometime after day 17 (or thereabouts), so maybe the first blowjob is on day 19. Once they do have full intercourse, there needs to be time afterwards for the ramifications to sink in, and for Sophia to make a decision on how she wants to move forward with this new relationship.

So with that in mind, any attempted course correction from Patricia would need to be structure around this. It could be one of those things where it's an ongoing, deepening, worry for Patricia. Maybe something like Patricia begins to get worried starting around playable day 17. Then, by playable day 20 she's deeply worried, and her first attempts at course correction take place. By day 23, she see's that things are really spinning out of control and makes an urgent appeal to Sophia to stop. By this point maybe Patricia has ceased any affair she's having with Sophia. I can see one final attempt from Patricia post Sophia/Dylan's first time having sex, where she gives Sophia an ultimatum to either stop and salvage something of her life, or Patricia and Carl have to cut her out of their lives.

Captain Bipto

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2019
You completely missed my point. Of course there are people that would consider themselves Team Dylan. Same as there are people that would consider themselves Team Sam, or Team Aiden, or Team Mr Murray.

But it appears at the moment that none of them are willing to outright say it with their signature.
:p I see no support for your teams other than a couple of your sigs. Where is your so called Team Sam, Team Aiden and Bill Murray support, all I see is TEAM DYLAN, 30 strong and in the lead
The whole purpose of this game, from day 1 in the car, is a lead up to Sophia having sex with Dylan. Argue all you want. But it's in the title and teased from day 1. And, it's what most of the players are waiting for.
View attachment 992364

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
As I envision it, Sophia sleeping with Dylan wouldn't literally be the last thing in the game, but it would be the climax (no pun intended), and in stories the climax actually comes sometime around the penultimate episode. Other things can happen after the climax of the narrative, so there does need to be some time to wrap the story up. Sophia may have sex with other characters in this time, and that may include additional encounters with Dylan. As I see it, that first time having full intercourse with Dylan will happen sometime between playable day 24 and 27. But the build up will really begin to gather momentum sometime after day 17 (or thereabouts), so maybe the first blowjob is on day 19. Once they do have full intercourse, there needs to be time afterwards for the ramifications to sink in, and for Sophia to make a decision on how she wants to move forward with this new relationship.

So with that in mind, any attempted course correction from Patricia would need to be structure around this. It could be one of those things where it's an ongoing, deepening, worry for Patricia. Maybe something like Patricia begins to get worried starting around playable day 17. Then, by playable day 20 she's deeply worried, and her first attempts at course correction take place. By day 23, she see's that things are really spinning out of control and makes an urgent appeal to Sophia to stop. By this point maybe Patricia has ceased any affair she's having with Sophia. I can see one final attempt from Patricia post Sophia/Dylan's first time having sex, where she gives Sophia an ultimatum to either stop and salvage something of her life, or Patricia and Carl have to cut her out of their lives.
Quite a real development of events.
The game is interesting precisely because there are several routes.
And each route can be exciting and interesting if L&P builds up and writes an intriguing story for each route.
I agree, the climax of the game is Dylan and Sophia and this will most likely happen towards the end of the game.
Hopefully before that we will see many more interesting things.
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Active Member
Apr 17, 2020
On the contrary, Sophia sleeping with Dylan will result in the very best ending to the game where they both live happily ever after.
IDK, Sophia, Dylan and Sam in the same bed without any jealously on the young men's part would be fine also. Sophia getting hubby's debts repaid by reenacting "The Proposal" with Don Morello could be next in Don's timeline. If I had to pick a team, I guess I'd be for the Sophia Slut team.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
Poser_Voyeur Alley_Cat Notretsam

I feel like you three are all on the same page and are arriving at conclusions that are all interrelated. I think it's all equally true that Sophia has an easier time flirting with people outside of her social circle (and especially outside of her immediate family), that her corruption is gaining speed and that will change how she interacts with people from Day 1 to Day 30, and that the women have had an easier time than the men due to all the reasons Alley_Cat mentioned.

I'm coming around to the idea that Dylan won't have sex with Sophia until late in the game for a few reasons:

  1. It's the ultimate final hurdle. Think of it like the old show Moonlighting, the "will they/won't they?" tension is what drives this game. From a purely business perspective, once Sophia and Dylan hook up, a critical tension will be released and it can never be replaced. Release it too soon and people will begin to drift away from the game.
  2. Dylan has a lot of things working against him, so he needs the most time to get Sophia in bed. He needs to get his shit together, win her trust, and figure out how to seduce a woman. And even if he does all of that he still needs the next thing:
  3. Sophia needs to completely fall from grace. Sophia's corruption needs to be so complete, her relationship with Liam so broken, and her moral compass so compromised, that she'll be susceptible to Dylan. Only then will all of Dylan's hard work have a chance at success.
So from a business and narrative sense, Dylan may need to be the final person she sleeps with.

There's a very good chance that if Sophia ever does sleep with Dylan, it actually results in a very sad ending to the game.
I've thought this for some time, which is why I came up with an ending that could be done in an (almost) logical & loving way, a few weeks ago & put it in one of my posts. I would hate this story to have a completely unhappy ending. Whatever happens I'm hoping L&P will provide alternatives, because I will take my leave before Dylan does his nasty thing & Sophia becomes, shall we say, unsophisticated. Even the thought is cringeworthy IMO but at the rate we're going it's not worth too much consideration. I'm hoping for a re-adjustment & strengthening of the non-incest routes at some point but at present it's wishful thinking.
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Captain Bipto

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2019
I've thought this for some time, which is why I came up with an ending that could be done in an (almost) logical & loving way, a few weeks ago & put it in one of my posts. I would hate this story to have a completely unhappy ending. Whatever happens I'm hoping L&P will provide alternatives, because I will take my leave before Dylan does his nasty thing & Sophia becomes, shall we say, unsophisticated. Even the thought is cringeworthy IMO but at the rate we're going it's not worth too much consideration. I'm hoping for a re-adjustment & strengthening of the non-incest routes at some point but at present it's wishful thinking.
unsophisticated...? this game has nothing to do with sophistication, it's fap material... she's already flashed her snatch at a classroom full of students, along with a few other questionable sexual acts with underage teens. and, if was to judge the game by the title alone, I'd say in the end, she's going to marry Dylan, to fulfill Wife and Mother title of the game
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