DLsite suspends payment using Visa and Mastercard

Have you purchased from DLsite before?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
Yes, I just used "For Books", works like a charm, you only need to wait for 5-10 minutes to receive the digital code through the email.


Oct 4, 2023
anyone here able to find alternate options to get toracoin?

as so far from what i can see here and have tried so far , the dlsite points from forbooks works , so only missing toracoin at this time since otaku mode toracoin option is now gone it seems


Sep 17, 2019
I found this information on Guilty Hells ci-en dev site. You can purchase DLpoints from for books. I have not tried this yet but others have said it works.
Unfortunately they send the codes via email and sometimes it takes a while.

EDIT: Just noticed others have mentioned this above but the link is directly to the DL points cards


Nov 13, 2017
I found this information on Guilty Hells ci-en dev site. You can purchase DLpoints from for books. I have not tried this yet but others have said it works.
Unfortunately they send the codes via email and sometimes it takes a while.

EDIT: Just noticed others have mentioned this above but the link is directly to the DL points cards
Garbage option, im not giving them my phone number just to register so i can purchase. There is no option to purchase without registration. DLSITE officially dead, time to pirate only.
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Sep 15, 2024
might anyone here happen to have a amazon account?

as there is a option to buy points from a website called point market
according to dlsite it is one of its 3rd party providers who according to it is an international one as it is a option that appears on dlsite when you have the language setting set to english when logged into a dlsite account ( )

i dont own or use a amazon account so i dont know for sure if this is possible but maybe using this it could be possible to buy dlsite points using either amazon balance of giftcard or by using the credit/debit card that is attached to the amazon account.

would anybody here happen to know methods to get toracoin to use on fantia/toranoana?

asking since a website that offered toracoin called otakumode doesnt have em anymore as the page for toracoin has 404 error page just like the dlsite points page.
this all happening a little under 2 weeks after the otakumode site disabled and removed the option to pay for dlsite point/toracoin using credit or debit cards.

there is this other website that supposedly had dlsite points as a product on its site but it is always sold out
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New Member
Sep 15, 2024
would anybody here be aware of and or can find out other means to get the dlsite point and toracoin?
heard this otak u mode had em both but now is gone and that a place called d l pay as of around 3 day ago is down for unknown amount of time , reducing number of ways to get points by a large margin.

from what i came across and are aware of there is the for book and the point market websites for the dl site point.
the point market uses this option called amazon pay.

if any users here has amazon account and uses amazon , could they test and see if it is a option to get point for dlsite by pay through their amazon with their balance on their amazon and or by use their card attached to their account?

could someone here list the currently usable options for get dlsite point and toracoin that still work?

i try look around on searchengines for mean to buy point and toracoin but countnt find any.

maybe there is some japanese platforms similar to the for book and the pointmarke t that enable to get toracoin from a website that isnt toranoana itself that japanese users might be aware of?

as while i share identical feeling thatshineek has about dlsite status i also feel that the info that i seek about here would be useful for those who dont/cant wait for pirated version of content especially for those things that are really old or might be removed from sale "like what happened to that splush game about princess connect characters from around a year ago"

just like there is poeple who dont want to have to sign up for another account on some other site just to buy point, there is people who would be willing to do so in order to get niche content that has low chance of being pirated/leeked online , especially like cg sets , ai art cg set/game , not well known doujin circle content.

not all games on dlsite/fanza are likely to get lek ed online and not all out there is banking on it getting leaked online before it is removed from dlsite/fanza.
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Sep 14, 2021
Ahh shit seems DLPay.com is gone completely and forbooks seems to sell points but as i said earlier this year VISA is just playing whack a mole at this point so only god knows how long it will last. SEAGM still seems to work for me but it 23% more expensive to do so

Kami no tou

Dec 9, 2021
might anyone here happen to have a amazon account?

as there is a option to buy points from a website called point market
according to dlsite it is one of its 3rd party providers who according to it is an international one as it is a option that appears on dlsite when you have the language setting set to english when logged into a dlsite account ( )

i dont own or use a amazon account so i dont know for sure if this is possible but maybe using this it could be possible to buy dlsite points using either amazon balance of giftcard or by using the credit/debit card that is attached to the amazon account.

would anybody here happen to know methods to get toracoin to use on fantia/toranoana?

asking since a website that offered toracoin called otakumode doesnt have em anymore as the page for toracoin has 404 error page just like the dlsite points page.
this all happening a little under 2 weeks after the otakumode site disabled and removed the option to pay for dlsite point/toracoin using credit or debit cards.

there is this other website that supposedly had dlsite points as a product on its site but it is always sold out
Guess this is my que to give my input. Yes you can make an Amazon account but do not expect your English account to work. You have to make up a Japanese account going through a bunch of crazy Japanese base questions. Then you have to come up with a real Japanese address and phone # that can somehow receive the verification code (this gave me the hardest time throughout the process, good thing I have multiple phones). Then you will have A Japanese Amazon account. Just don't make the same mistake I did buying an American Amazon card from the store and trying to add it to the Japanese account. It won't accept the code since American Amazon cards are considered region locked under Visa. If you want to add Amazon pay money to the Japanese account you have to buy a Japanese Yen Amazon card from websites like playasia.

Good luck ^_^
It is not easy or simple!
Sep 15, 2024
Ahh shit seems DLPay.com is gone completely and forbooks seems to sell points but as i said earlier this year VISA is just playing whack a mole at this point so only god knows how long it will last. SEAGM still seems to work for me but it 23% more expensive to do so
seagm cant view it for me , i cant enter the site , did you have to use vpn or something to be able to access the site in order to buy points? or is your region or internet protocoll address not blocked by the seagm servers?

how expensive is dlsite points on sea gm? does it cost more than 20$ to buy 2000 points?
do you need to use bitcash to buy there?
or can visa and mastercard be used on the seagm?

i am curious to know as i cant even get on the site myself
Sep 15, 2024
Guess this is my que to give my input. Yes you can make an Amazon account but do not expect your English account to work. You have to make up a Japanese account going through a bunch of crazy Japanese base questions. Then you have to come up with a real Japanese address and phone # that can somehow receive the verification code (this gave me the hardest time throughout the process, good thing I have multiple phones). Then you will have A Japanese Amazon account. Just don't make the same mistake I did buying an American Amazon card from the store and trying to add it to the Japanese account. It won't accept the code since American Amazon cards are considered region locked under Visa. If you want to add Amazon pay money to the Japanese account you have to buy a Japanese Yen Amazon card from websites like playasia.

Good luck ^_^
It is not easy or simple!
thank you for your input and info.

i see i cant use this option as i dont have japan phone number or any of the other stuff.

so it is impossible to pay using american amazon account using a credit or debit card applied to the account?

or does it need to be japanese amazon account and japanese credit or debit card , since the amazon points are region locked?

just curious to know for reference , even though the amazon pay route is unusable for me.
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Sep 15, 2024
Playasia only has 20,000 yen bitcash cards available now, if you're in the same boat as me.
is playasia compatible with overseas cards?
like can the bitcash cards be bought using overseas cards like for example the prepaid/reloadable visa/mastercards that can be bouth from various stores in usa?


Nov 6, 2018

Well as the name says , SEAGM (SEA it self mean South East Asia) or PlayASIA
This site works for Me as i am from SEA
If you are blocked , just use VPN

I know the cc visa shit tragedy , it makes us which want to buy DL Site / Fantia take a roundabout way like Jojo

From my experience , yes you can buy bitcash using MC/Visa
But you need to make bitcash account , so when you pay and get the code
You entered those code into Fantia-Bitcash page , it will top up almost immediately

Sry bad Engrish~
  • Haha
Reactions: loliluka
Sep 15, 2024

Well as the name says , SEAGM (SEA it self mean South East Asia) or PlayASIA
This site works for Me as i am from SEA
If you are blocked , just use VPN

I know the cc visa shit tragedy , it makes us which want to buy DL Site / Fantia take a roundabout way like Jojo

From my experience , yes you can buy bitcash using MC/Visa
But you need to make bitcash account , so when you pay and get the code
You entered those code into Fantia-Bitcash page , it will top up almost immediately

Sry bad Engrish~
no problem , thank you for the info.

i agree this bad situation and make people want to find more methods and bruteforce find alternitive ways by asking around.

im new overall to this so i am not well versed in bitcash and using site like playasia.

was wondering is playasia only place that can buy the bitcash?

can you show link of fantia page where bitcash is used to buy toracoin and or pay for thing like product,support tier , etc?

as even if i were to buy the bitcash , i dont know where to go on the websites to use it in order to get the toracoin or dlsite points.

is there a page where the bitcash is used to buy dlsite points?

i would also like to ask is there cheaper options for bitcash?
like 1000/$10/1000 yen value bitcash options for example?
or is the only option the 20,000 yen option?
as i dont see myself having 200+ $/yen on me to spend all at once , but i could imagine having maybe 10 or 20$ to spare or getting such small amounts as gift for thing like holiday or christmas or birthday from family/friends , so if i could slowly buy my way up to 3000 or more bitcash to buy 3000 or more toracoin/dlsite points by buying 1000 bitcash at a time multiple times then it would be more realistic to be able to get bitcash to buy dlsite point and toracoin.


Jul 4, 2017
Anyone used For Books to buy points?
I bought a gift card there 12 hours ago and only got an email confirming my order.

Kami no tou

Dec 9, 2021
thank you for your input and info.

i see i cant use this option as i dont have japan phone number or any of the other stuff.

so it is impossible to pay using american amazon account using a credit or debit card applied to the account?

or does it need to be japanese amazon account and japanese credit or debit card , since the amazon points are region locked?

just curious to know for reference , even though the amazon pay route is unusable for me.
Nope, it will say you cannot use this account if you have an American account.


Nov 6, 2018

Don't do it , don't buy the 20.000Yen BitCash

There is 180 day expiring period

Whether you use it or not

Best to buy 3000 - 5000 Tora Coin with 6 month it should be the best


Just use VPN , buy from SEAGM ofc register and such
Buy the BitCash , then You will get HIragana /Codes

Use it on Your Fantia page or here , change the XX



Here is how it looks on SEAGM

I think for foreigner You could use MC/Visa
Or Razer Gold

And that's how shit it is to just buy ToraCoin nowadays . meh
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