Skype gay slaves group

Young Asian Master, looking for a skype slave(s) to play and have fun with. Age and race is a non-factor! Just be marginally fit and willing to try new things and we're golden.

My Skype is, Jetm1234, and as a sign of mutual trust (because trust and consent are the two most important things in any relationship), if you're willing to show you're face, I'll show you mine. But if not, fun all the same. ;)
My apologies everyone. I must respectfully decline any more potential playmates. I already have enough boys on my plate now as it is and do notnhave the time for anymor.

The response over the last few days over these ads have been wonderfully overwhelming, but I can only play with so many boys in the limited time that I have. I hope you all can understand.

Have a wonderful evening all, and stay slutty.