Puff...Pump Pump....Squeeeaak..Squrrrk... Big...Bigger. Bigger still~
Gotta be a big n proper pooltoy....One more Pump...One more...then another~
Gotta be big and taught and full and happy @w@
Come on in the water's fine~
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Reido Lucario ©
Category Artwork (Digital) / Inflation
Species Pokemon
Gender Male
Size 1000 x 952px
File Size 448.3 kB
I think you got the bird's-eye view pretty well. I also really dig the expression, almost like it can't show any other emotion because it's a pool toy, almost like it's hypnotised with the deisire to grow bigger and bigger. Your art never fails to impress me, and I must say your new redesigned lucario form is stunning